Bred by the Bully

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Bred by the Bully Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “Like what?” she asked.

  “Like you want to eat my cock.”

  Mira didn’t know where she got the courage from, but the words spilled from her lips in the next second. “What if I do?”

  Sucking his cock wasn’t exactly what she had in mind, and she clearly startled Drake as he stopped touching his erection. “Come here,” he said. “I want you to crawl to me.”

  She sank to the floor on her knees and slowly crawled toward him, not caring about her naked state. Drake had a kinky side, and she wouldn’t admit it, but it turned her on.

  Her pussy was so wet. All she wanted was him. Licking her lips, she stared up at him, waiting.

  “Fuck! You have no idea how hot that looked.”

  Mira went to her knees, looking up at him. “What can I do for you?” She licked her lips again, hoping she appeared seductive and not scary.

  “Suck me,” he said.

  She wrapped her fingers around his length. “I’m not very good at this, sir. You’re going to have to teach me.”

  He groaned, his hand sinking into her hair.

  They’d gotten closer since the Katherine incidence. Drake never let her out of his sight, and Mira liked it. She knew she should be begging for her independence and freedom, but she enjoyed being around Drake. He was everything. She couldn’t even think of the right words to describe what he did to her.

  He ran his thumb across her lips. “Lick it. Taste it. Tell me that you enjoy it.”

  With her gaze on his, she slid her tongue across his cock, licking the tip. Salty pre-cum soaked her tongue, and she closed her eyes, sucking him in deeper. She couldn’t get enough of him and was so hungry for more.

  Down the length of him, she went, coating him with her saliva, glancing up as curses spilled from his lips. He didn’t look in any kind of pain as she worked his dick.

  Finally, when she couldn’t take it anymore, she covered the head of him and took him to the back of her throat. The moment he hit the back, she pulled back, moaning. Bobbing her head, she paced the movements, driving him crazier.

  His cock seemed to get harder as he held her head, keeping her in place. She loved the way he took control.

  “Such a pretty mouth. Fuck. I don’t know if I want to come in your mouth or your pussy.”

  She tightened her cheeks for him and that settled it. He released into her mouth with a sudden growl. The sound echoed around the room and she loved to watch him. His cum took her by surprise as he filled her mouth. She swallowed it all down on instinct.

  Drake pulled away first, but he wasn’t done. He went to his knees, pushing her back on the ground.

  She didn’t have a choice as he spread her legs wide and went savage on her clit. He wasn’t gentle but she didn’t need gentle. Two fingers plunged inside her and she rocked up against his mouth, thrusting her pussy on his face.

  She was so close.

  He ate her out as if she were a fine meal, and when she came, he didn’t let up until he’d milked her of every last part of her orgasm. He still had most of his clothes on. His face glistened with her cum.

  “That was amazing,” she said.

  “Do you need a big wedding?” Drake asked.

  She frowned. “No.”

  “Then how do you feel about the prospect of me booking us a room and we take the trip to Vegas? Be married by the end of this weekend?”

  This was news to her. Where had this come from? It must have been on his mind for a while for it to just spill from his lips moments after eating her pussy.

  She’d slowly started to get used to the engagement ring on her finger. Marriage by the end of the week would make this permanent. Did she really want that?

  In the back of her mind, she thought he only used it as a tool to get what he wanted from her. If he brought their wedding forward, there was no backing out.

  “You want to get married to me? No doubts?”

  “I don’t have any.” He reached out and tucked some hair behind her ear. “Do you?”

  She shook her head. “No. I don’t think so.”


  “I … if that’s what you want.”

  “Mira, baby, I’m not getting the excitement a woman should feel at the prospect of getting married.”

  She licked her lips and glanced at his chest. “I am, I just, what if you realize after, you don’t want me? I’m not perfect, Drake.”

  “I’m not in the market for perfect. I never have been.” He placed a hand on top of her stomach. “I’m in the market for you, me, and our babies. I want loads of them with you. I want us to start now. I don’t want to wear a condom when I’m inside you. There is no other woman for me.”

  “But the debt my brother owes…”

  “It’s all wiped clean.”

  “I’ll be marrying you because I want to,” she said. “I hope you know that. It’s not about anything else.”

  He gripped her neck. “I’ll marry you because I want to.” He slammed his lips down on hers.

  With the hold he had on her neck, he pressed her down to the ground as he crawled between her thighs. She released a moan as he slid between them, his cock already hardening up. After aiming the tip of him at her entrance, he plunged inside her and gasped.

  Drake broke the kiss, his gaze on hers as he slowed down. Each inch of his cock driving inside her was slow, steady, and sure. She nibbled on her lip, knowing this was it for her. Drake, the bully from her childhood. He’d broken down her defenses and there was no fighting this feeling he evoked within her. She didn’t want to fight.

  He pulled all the way out, only to drive back inside her, going as deep as he could, and she begged him for more.

  “Yes, Drake, yes, I’ll marry you this weekend. I’ll do anything.”

  They were words she never thought she’d say to this man.

  Drake growled as he grabbed her hands, holding her in place as he rode her hard. “Consider it already done.”


  Patience didn’t come easy to Drake.

  There were times he was able to have it without any problem. A business deal that required the right amount of time. Working with men who tried to turn him in, rat on him. There was always a reason to display patience.

  Women were never a good enough reason to him. He’d always seen these men on Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, Christmas, all the special occasions, bending over backward for a girlfriend or spouse, and he believed them to be weak fucking pussies. No woman was worth losing your fucking manhood over. There were plenty of women around to have fun with. All he used to do was play.

  Of course, he never thought of Mira when he had those feelings.

  Lying in his hotel room with Mira, naked, and a wedding band on her finger, he understood impatience and the needs of all those men before him. Never had he experienced this incessant need to claim a woman. To mark every inch of her for the world to see she belonged to him.

  Yet, here he lay.



  Bound to this very woman until death did them part.

  He placed a hand on her back, trailing his fingers up to move her hair out of the way so he could kiss her neck. He’d married her yesterday in a very small ceremony. Her brother hadn’t been invited.

  After Mira had agreed to marry him in Vegas, he’d taken a trip to see Nigel. They would never get along. Drake had made it clear to her brother that unless he got his act together, he would sever all ties between brother and sister. Nigel would never have the power to use his sister or hurt her again.

  The very thought of another loan shark dealing with Mira was enough to drive Drake crazy. Others wouldn’t have been as nice as he was, and Nigel knew it. Broken legs were a blessing to him. Nigel was a class act, not seeming to care about his sister. There was no warning for him to treat her right. Just to leave her the fuck alone.

  He’d wanted to break the bastard’s legs again.

  Instead, he left.

She groaned. “How are you still awake?”

  “I’m insatiable for you.” He trailed his lips down her arm, going to her back, keeping her on her front, even though he wanted to suck her tits—he wasn’t greedy.

  Reaching between her thighs, he cupped her pussy. She was still slick from their last fuck. Their combined releases coated her pussy, and he slid a finger inside her, growing more aroused at how wet she was for him.

  He pushed two fingers inside, and she started to rock against him.

  Drake had a mission in mind. Knock her up. Breeding her as soon as possible.

  The scene that played out with Katherine and the subsequent space Mira had put between them had fucking scared him.

  There was no way he wanted Mira to walk away from him. He wasn’t going to take the chance, and all he saw were ways of binding her to him. Through marriage, making it impossible for her to divorce him, and then through children. If he kept her knocked up with lots of babies, there was no chance of her leaving him.

  It was a horrible plan, taking the decision away from her, but he was more than happy to play it out.

  His cock already rock hard for more. She moaned his name, pressing back against him.

  After withdrawing his fingers from her tight heat, he pushed a pillow beneath her hips, getting her to the right angle. He aligned the tip of his cock to her entrance and plunged in deep.

  He held her hips and pounded inside her. Mira thrust back, her tight cunt squeezing him.

  Sliding a hand beneath her, he continued to play with her pussy. Slowing his thrusts down so she enjoyed each stroke.

  Drake wanted to feel her coming all over his cock, soaking him with her cream. She was so sensitive, and he had to take his time, drawing her to the edge of orgasm. This time, he didn’t allow her to linger or take too much time. He threw her over the edge of bliss, took hold of her hips, and fucked her hard.

  Unable to deny himself the simple pleasure of watching her, he took her hard, fast, relishing every tight squeeze as she worked him. “Yeah, fuck, that’s it, take my dick.”

  He was so close as he slammed in to the hilt as wave upon wave of his orgasm filled her pussy. His cum flooded her womb. Soon, it would stick. It had to.

  Kissing her shoulder, her neck, he held his weight off her, and Mira tilted her head back to look at him.

  “Wow,” she said.

  “I can’t get enough of you.”

  He eased out of her, settling in close as she spun around. He pushed some of her hair off her face and cupped her cheek. “Where do you want to go on a honeymoon?”

  “Drake, this is moving really fast,” she said.

  “I know. There’s nothing wrong with riding it though. I’ve got you, Mira. Nothing bad is going to happen.”

  She licked her lips. “I know. I believe you when you say you want me. I’m more worried about us. Have you, maybe, blown me up in your mind to be something more than what I am?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I guess, think of the one gift you wanted as a kid but never got. You think everything would be better if you’d only had this one toy.”

  “What kind of toy?”

  She laughed. “I don’t know. A frisbee.”

  “Really? A frisbee?”

  “I’m being serious here, Drake. Please, try to take me seriously.”

  “I am. First of all, a frisbee is a horrible toy to compare yourself to, but I get it. You’re worried I’ve built you up in my head and in a few weeks or months’ time, I won’t want you.”

  She shrugged. “I’m not trying to sound sad or lame, or whatever. I’m trying to shed some reality on our situation.” She held up her hand. “We’re still married. We barely know each other.”

  “We’ve known each other for years.”

  “Yeah, but people say that about serial killers all the time. He was nice, and I didn’t know he had a weekend hobby of gutting people.” She wrinkled her nose. “I don’t even know if there is a serial killer out there that does that. You get my point.”

  “I get it.”

  “We … need to take this slowly.”

  Drake thought about all the times he’d come inside her without a condom. It had been a lot. The contract she originally signed stated she was more than happy to be the mother of his children.

  There was no time limit on any of that shit.

  He stared at her now. “What do you want to know?”

  “To know you. To understand you. To love you a little more.”

  This made him pause. “To love me a little more?”

  She rolled her eyes. “You caught that.”

  “It wasn’t like you were being subtle.”

  Mira cupped the back of his neck and kissed him. The softness of her tits pressed against his chest. He held her hip, trailing his other hand down to the base of her back, holding her in place.

  “You’re falling in love with me?” he asked.

  “You’re a hard person to fall in love with, Drake, but I’m feeling it. I know I signed that contract and I do want to have children with you, a whole lot of them, but I want to know you without babies running around.”

  “Babies don’t run around.”

  She tapped him lightly on the shoulder. “Don’t be silly. I’m not joking. This isn’t for fun.”

  “I get what you’re saying. No babies?” he asked.

  “Not yet. We will have babies. Loads of them, in time.” She smiled at him. “Do you mind?”

  What did he say to her? “No, I don’t mind.”

  He would allow Mira to get to know him. He would do anything for her, but this, he was going to get her pregnant. All his life he knew the pain of rejection, of things being taken from him. He hadn’t gotten to where he was today by being nice or kind, or letting bad things happen.

  Mira was his. She didn’t need to know he intended to knock her up. There would be ways around it.

  “Great. Do you mind if I arrange to see the doctor to get on the pill? I mean, I’ll have a pregnancy test first, just in case. If we’re pregnant already, I don’t mind, but if not, I’d like for us to get to know each other properly.”

  Chapter Ten

  She was a married woman.

  It was surreal. They’d nearly reached a month of smooth wedded bliss.

  Mira admired the two rings on her finger. The gorgeous diamond engagement ring and now the matching wedding band.

  Everything had happened so fast, but she wasn’t complaining. When things started out between them, she was just a toy. Now Drake wanted to build a real family with her. It was something she assumed wasn’t in the cards for her. She had settled for spinsterhood before Drake walked into her life.

  She was living the dream and had to stop expecting everything to come crashing down around her.

  Drake had a rough past, which explained a lot, but there was so much about her husband she still needed to learn. If they were going to spend forever together, they had to build on their love and trust. They’d flown past third base from the get-go. Now it was time to slow things down.

  A week after their wedding, she’d made an appointment with the doctor. She was in good health and officially not pregnant. He gave her a prescription for birth control. Mira hoped to stay on it for about a year. That would give them the time they needed to grow closer. The last thing she wanted was to rush into having children and watch her fragile marriage fall apart.

  It was now a sunny Saturday morning after days of rain. Drake had told her to dress comfortable and casual before rushing off. He said he’d be back in twenty minutes. She had no clue where he was taking her, but he looked excited and proud of himself.

  Mira sat outside on the bench near the lobby, waiting for him to return. It didn’t take long.

  She slipped into the passenger seat of the car once he pulled up. “Are you going to tell me what’s going on?”

  “Be patient, Mira,” he said. “You wanted to start over, do things right, so that’s what we’re goin
g to do.” He drove off, away from his upscale neighborhood and onto the highway. It was a long drive, but ever so slowly, things began to look familiar again.

  “Where are we?” she asked absently. “No, wait, why are we here?”

  They were in their old neighborhood, the place where her childhood nightmares took shape. Mira had no interest in reliving a past she wanted to forget. She noted some familiar streets, homes, her old mailbox, and the old oak tree near the school.

  He pulled along the side of the road and cut the engine.

  “What kind of surprise is this, Drake?”

  “This isn’t the surprise, but if you want things to be real between us, then we have to face our demons. Both of us.”

  She took a breath, knowing he was right, but still hating the idea with every fiber of her being. “I said I forgave you.”

  He shook his head. “See over there?”

  Mira turned and looked in the direction he referenced. There was a dilapidated old trailer home. She doubted anyone could live in it. It looked like a stiff wind could demolish it. “What about it?”

  “That’s where I grew up.”

  She internally cringed, a mix of embarrassment for sounding so blasé and sadness for knowing the truth. “I didn’t know.”

  He shrugged. “I have no good memories from that place.”

  “You were tough on me, on everyone back then. Now I understand why.” She’d already heard bits and pieces about the abuse he’d faced at the hands of his so-called parents.

  “It’s no excuse. But I want you to know where I came from. I’m not a monster.”

  She remained quiet, looking at the shell of an old car rusting next to the trailer. When the curtains moved, she realized there was a toddler peeking out. Mira sat up straighter.

  “Do they still—”

  “No,” he said. “I have no idea where they are now.”

  She turned to face him. “Do you ever get curious about what happened to them?”

  “DNA isn’t everything, Mira. I have no desire to trudge back into my past. I’ve moved on, made something of myself, and worked hard at turning off my emotions.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with having feelings.”


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