Rock Gods: Baden

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Rock Gods: Baden Page 7

by Brandy Munroe

  “Does it matter?” He accepted the bottle, and I turned my back to him.

  “You’re not curious, not afraid of what you might catch?” I teased.

  “A little late for that, since we’ve already shared bodily fluids,” he whispered close to my ear to be sure no one else could hear.

  I fucking giggled like a teenager. Being close to Baden had me as flustered as a schoolgirl. I was so past that stage.

  Then he put his hands on me. He was slowly lathering my shoulders and arms with sunscreen. His palms gently caressed me as he smoothed the lotion out evenly. I shivered at the memory of his touch.

  I took a deep breath to calm myself. It wasn’t like I could do anything about it with the girls ten feet away. They had been too busy playing and teasing each other to be paying any attention to what was happening in the cabana. That surprised me.

  The way Sapphire had been flirting with Baden all week, I thought she wouldn’t take her eyes off him. Hence the reason for her barely-there attire. Not that I blamed her. She was no more shy about her sexuality than I was.

  The only thing she hadn’t done was come straight out and asked him to fuck her. Unlike myself.

  “Why do you wear blue contacts in your public performances?” It was a question that had bothered me the first day I saw him at the tattoo parlor. In all his pictures and posters, his eyes were the same shade of blue like his brother’s. Maddox’s eyes were always blue, but Baden’s had been grey since he had been working with us.

  “It started with our first poster. The publisher Photoshopped my eyes blue like Maddox because they thought it gave us more appeal. When we signed with our old label, they insisted that I keep up that ruse.” His hands stilled as he relayed his confession.

  “Does Theo expect you to keep that up as well?” I was curious as to what value Theo put on his friendship with his former bandmates. Would he expect Baden to keep up the appearance for the sake of a few sales or fear of losing fans?

  Baden laughed. “No, Theo tried to get me to not go along with any of it in the first place, and he insisted that I discontinue.”

  I turned to face him. “Good. I like your intense grey eyes.” I decided to confide one of my insecurities. “Sometimes, I wear blue contacts.” It was barely a whisper. “I was hired to sing at a kid’s birthday party, and the parent asked me if I could do something about my eyes. She didn’t want me to scare the kids.”

  “I have found in what little experience I have that kids are very resilient,” he told me. “I’m sorry you had to experience that from an ignorant parent.”

  I wanted to crush my mouth to his. “You say the sweetest things. Keep that up, and I may be tempted to kiss you.” Why did we have to be out here in front of everyone?

  “I thought you only kissed your boyfriend?” Of course, he would remember that.

  “For you, I could make an exception.” I was enjoying his flirtatiousness.

  I lifted my leg and propped my foot on his chair between his thighs. I pointed to the bottle of sunscreen in his hands. “Please?” I needed his hands on me, and this was the only way I could think of without alerting the girls of my intentions.

  He ran his large masculine hands up my calf, stopped above my knee and smoothly ran his hands back down. He added another glob of sunscreen to his palms and rubbed them together and repeated his action on my other leg.

  “I think you missed a spot,” I grazed the inside of my thighs with my long, manicured fingernails.

  “Oh, I didn’t miss anything.” He lifted me to my feet and flung me over his shoulder in a fireman carry. “Girls, help yourselves to anything in the kitchen,” he announced as we passed the pool. “We might be a while. Have Kitt or Maddox order pizza when you get hungry.”

  I slapped his perfect hard butt in retaliation. “Put me down, you caveman,” I lightly protested over the whistles and catcalls coming from the pool.

  “Not a chance, sweetheart. I have done nothing but think about when I was going to get the chance to taste you again. I don’t care who knows what we’re going to be doing.” He carried me through the house and up to a set of stairs before tossing me on the giant king-size bed I assumed was his.

  “The safe word is red,” he growled. “Red if you want me to stop, yellow if you’re not comfortable and want to slow things down.” He reached into the nightstand and produced a black silk tie and laid it on the bed beside my head.

  “Repeat what I told you,” he insisted.

  “Red, stop, yellow, slow down.” It wasn’t complicated. I had read about Doms and Subs.

  “We’ll start slow.” He ran his hand down my face. “I’m going to blindfold you.” He reached for the tie. “I want you to feel what I am doing to you. This is about your pleasure, Crystal.” He leaned in and whispered, “watching you come undone will be my pleasure.”

  He took the tie and made eye contact, waiting for my approval. I wasn’t a frigid virgin, and I had allowed a past lover to tie me up. Once.

  I looked into his lust-filled grey eyes. His lips were turned up into a wicked smile. His body was tense. He looked like he wanted to ravish me. Good god, how badly did I want him to do that?

  If I did this, he would have all the power, all the control. Did I trust him enough to give him that?

  Chapter 11


  She lay on the bed in her swimsuit. It was modest in comparison to the itsy bitsy bikinis the others had worn. With the research I’d done on albinism, I understood the effects too much sun would have on her delicate skin.

  It didn’t stop her from looking sexy as fucking hell.

  A pause of uncertainty flashed across her beautiful face. I wrapped the black silk tie around my knuckles. I caressed her cheek, then her shoulder, running my hand down her arm, stopping at her wrist.

  “Do you trust me, Crystal?” I asked as her pupils widened. She wet her plump, pillowy bottom lips with her pretty pink tongue.

  She pushed herself up on her elbows. “Now, that would depend on what you want me to trust you with.” She bit her bottom lip, and my cock jumped to attention.

  I sat back on my haunches and gave her one of my smoldering glares and panty-melting grins. No woman had ever questioned me before. It was always a definite yes.

  “Do you trust me with le petit mort?” I referred to what the French call an orgasm, hoping to impress her.

  She laughed as she fell back onto the bed. “I don’t know if I can trust any man who can only give me a little of anything,” she smiled seductively.

  I pounced on her, causing a surprised squeal to pierce the air.

  “Nothing I do is small, sweetheart.” I crashed my lips to hers.

  She might reserve kissing for her so-called boyfriend, but not me. I used kissing as a form of foreplay. I started slow. Light butterfly kisses on her lips, cheek, and eyelids.

  I gradually made my way back to her lips, applying more pressure. I ran my tongue along the seam of her mouth in a plea for entry. The moment she gave in and a sigh escaped, I made my move.

  I sought her tongue and began a lover’s duel. I plundered, teased, sucked, and nipped—taking my time to ravish her mouth thoroughly until she was breathless.

  “Wow,” she panted when I finally released her mouth. “The things you could do if that thing were pierced.”

  “You want something pierced in your mouth, sweetheart?” I untied my board shorts with an exaggerated flare.

  “I thought this was all about me?” she purred.

  She pushed me back and sat up on her knees. She began unwrapping the black silk tie I had around my hand. Once it was unraveled, she stretched it out in her palms. Coyly, she raised the tie to my face and proceeded to cover my eyes.

  I let her.

  “The safe word is red,” she enticed in a deep lust-filled voice. “Red if you want me to stop, yellow if you’re not comfortable and want to slow things down.” She finished with the tie before she seized my cheeks with the palms of her hand. “R
epeat what I told you,” she commanded.

  “Red, stop, yellow, slow down.” She had used my words against me. Not that I minded. She was correct when I told her this was all about her. If this was what she wanted, I would give it to her.

  She finished with the ties on my shorts and lowered them down my legs. I waited for her to take action. I didn’t have to wait long. Her tongue swirled around the head of my aching, engorged cock. I let out a hiss as I fisted the comforter.

  “I suppose we should give your hands something to do to keep you occupied.” There was the silliness I enjoyed. She straddled me and lifted my hands so she could place them on her bare breasts. She removed her bathing suit at some point while I was blindfolded.

  I made use of the gift she was allowing me. I ran my thumbs over her ripe, hard nipples. I was not the only one affected by our foreplay. I yearned to pull her to me so I could suck on those stiff peaks.

  I’d let her take the lead and control the situation. This action was unlike me. I had always been the aggressor. The teacher. The master.

  She rotates her hips, grinding her bare pussy, coating my engorged cock with her arousal.

  “Do you trust me, Baden?” she teased in a low growl, mimicking my voice.

  “Yes,” I answered immediately.

  Her gasps informed me she was not expecting me to be as compliant as I was. The rumors about my dominance in the bedroom were legendary. I’d never hid the fact that when I took a lover, I would have complete control.

  What we were doing wasn’t about me taking a lover. It was about me revisiting what I had turned my back on long ago.

  As a rock star, I’d had groupies throw themselves at me. As a pre-show ritual, my brother Maddox and I had blow jobs as stress releasers before a performance. Sometimes from the same groupie. It started rumors about how we shared women. We never did anything to dispel them. It added to our bad boy rock and roll image. Why would we dispute that?

  I rarely took a groupie as a lover. I carefully vetted the women that would become my lover. On occasion, a less than honest woman would fall through the cracks, like the previous one. Was I getting sloppy, or was I getting bored with the same routine? Crystal had stirred feelings and emotions I had long forgotten.

  “Condom,” she urged.

  “Nightstand, top drawer.” I heard the familiar opening drag of the drawer. It wasn’t long until the sound of the foil wrapper perked my ears and my cock to attention. She expertly rolled the condom on.

  I waited in anticipation of what she was going to do next.

  The slow tormenting glide of her pussy down my cock emanated a growl from somewhere deep in my chest. I agonized over not gripping her hips and exerting myself. I bucked in hopes that she would increase her rhythm.

  She laughed at my efforts to take control.

  My hand remained on her gorgeous tits, where she put them earlier. I took this opportunity to entice her to increase her pace. I pinched, plucked, squeezed and fondled at her nipple, before guiding her to my mouth to suckle.

  Still, she continued the slow, excruciating torture of her pussy expertly and slowly riding my cock.

  “Sweetheart, please.” I was ready to beg for her to put me out of my misery. I wanted to rip the tie off my eyes, flip her onto her back and fuck her into next week.

  And I would have if I were not a master of control. As a dominant, never losing it was the first thing I learned, even when that meant giving the power to someone else.

  My pleas did not go unanswered. Crystal removed the tie from my eyes. It took a few seconds for them to adjust to the light.

  The pleasure on her face and the lust in her eyes as she continued to ride me pushed me over. Fuck control. It was overrated.

  I held tight to her hips and thrust myself at a feverish pace. I pushed inside her over and over watching for the tell-tale signs that she was about to come.

  “Play with your clit,” I demanded. The coarseness of my voice told us both she wasn’t the only one ready to go off.

  She did as I asked, licking her fingers before lowering them to her red, swollen nub.

  The sound of flesh on flesh pounded in my ears. The sweat was pouring off both of us. The needy grunts and whimpers. The smell of sex all culminating into the impending climax that awaited us.

  Her heated core spasmed and pulsed around my depleting cock—both of us coming in unison with a blinding, earth-shattering orgasm.

  I cherished her name while having the best orgasm of my life.

  She cursed mine.

  What was I supposed to read into that?

  “I’m going to get cleaned up before we head back downstairs. Maybe the pizza has arrived.” She gathered her things and headed to the bathroom.

  That was the second time she hurried off after sex. I got the kissing thing, but not cuddling. Aftercare was a big part of what I had done with my lovers. Cuddling was crucial to a woman after an orgasm.

  Was I reading too much into Crystal’s actions?

  With all my experience and knowledge about how to teach women on how to please a man, was I the one who needed schooling?

  Chapter 12


  I locked myself in his bathroom and put my back to the door before slowly siding until my bare butt hit the cold tile floor.

  What in the hell happened in there?

  I swear I passed out for a few seconds from the intensity of the best fucking orgasm of my life.

  I couldn’t stay there and let him see how much it has affected me. How much he had touched me. It was only sex. That was what Baden Dogger did. He treated sex like a sport. He taught his prey how to be submissive and accommodating.

  Then why had he let me use his tie? Let me take the lead and tease him mercilessly?

  He was confusing and alluring and not at all what I had expected.

  I knew sex with him would be great. But le petit mort? He said there was nothing small about him. He wasn’t exaggerating.

  I pulled myself together and quickly rinsed his smell off me before returning to the back yard. Baden must have used another bathroom because he was already outside with the others when I emerged from the house.

  The pizza had arrived, and we acted like it was the most natural thing in the world for Baden to carry me off earlier.

  It wasn’t until we were in the car headed back to the house that Ashley’s squeals nearly busted my eardrums.

  “Holy hell in a handbasket, tell me you got dick pics while you up there?” Really! That was what she wanted to know?

  “Umm, no.” Why would she think that I had the inclination to do that?

  “But the sex was great, right?” She squealed with excitement.

  I blushed. How much did I want to reveal? We all lived in the same house. I wasn’t going to be able to hide it from them if having sex with Baden became a thing.

  Did I want it to become a thing?

  “I’m sorry I’ve been flirting with him in front of you,” Sapphire apologized. “If I’d known you two had a thing…” She shrugged.

  It was time I set the record straight.

  “We don’t have a thing, exactly,” I sheepishly admitted.

  “Then what exactly do you have?” Jade, who had been silent up until this point, asked. Likely because she was driving and wanted to keep her attention on the road.

  “It’s just sex, and this was only the second time.” I folded my arms defensively.

  “Ooooh, so the sex was great or you would never have gone back for seconds.” Ashley was bouncing on her seat.

  “Or it was bad, and he had to redeem himself,” Sapphire snorted.

  “The sex was great, both times,” I admitted with a wide smile. “It wasn’t like we planned it. The first time was the day we moved in.” I hesitated how forthcoming I should be. It wasn’t like they couldn’t Google and find out about his Prince Albert.

  “I was teasing him about getting his tongue pierced when he hinted that he had something else pierced. I ask
ed him to show me his, and I’d show him mine.” I waited to see if the girls understood what I was getting at.

  The car remained silent for a few seconds before Sapphire started laughing her ass off.

  “Oh fuck, you both got your junk pierced? That’s what you have in common.” The tears were streaming down her face.

  “How does that even work so they don’t get caught together?” Ashley scrunched her nose. “Oh, and next time can you get some dick pics? You know, for proof.” She smiled wickedly.

  I wasn’t entirely sure she wanted the pics for proof of what I had confessed.

  “I’m not taking pictures of his dick. I don’t even know if we will or will not have sex again,” I defended. “As I said, it just happened.”

  “I saw the way he was looking at you this afternoon.” Amber took my hand. “He couldn’t keep his eyes off you. He likes you, Crystal,” she tried to convince me.

  “And as much as you might have thought you were covert, I saw you watching him. You like him as well.” Damn, Amber and her intuition.

  “Even if that were true, I’m not his type.” There, I said it out loud. My world did not come crashing down.

  However, my chest tightened a little.

  “Funny, you seemed like his type this afternoon,” Sapphire snickered, trying to make a point. I let it fall by the wayside.

  “Maybe you weren’t his type,” Ashley tried to console me. “Things change; people change. Maybe he’s changed since he met you. Think about it, Crystal. Six months ago, would any of us have believed if we met Kitt that she and Maddox would be together? Talk about opposites attracting.” She wasn’t wrong about that analogy.

  “That’s what I’m saying, Baden and I are exactly the same. That in itself is a recipe for disaster.” Why couldn’t they understand?

  We pulled into our driveway, and everyone piled out of the car and each headed for their rooms. I guess we had enough togetherness for one day. Lord knew I did. We would be back in the studio tomorrow.


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