UnScrew Me (Savage Beast MC Book 1)

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UnScrew Me (Savage Beast MC Book 1) Page 4

by Hayley Faiman

  I jump from his tone, nodding. “I am,” I say.

  He lifts his eyes past me to Buster. “She the one who hauled you down for fighting?” he asks.

  Buster sucks in a breath. “She defended me, papá,” he states. “At least she tried to,” he mumbles.

  “Go out and wait in the hall, yeah?”

  Buster gathers his things, I can hear his rustling behind me, but I can’t look. My heart is too busy slamming against my chest, and I’m wondering why I didn’t bring my cell phone closer so that I could call for help. The anger that’s radiating off of him is frightening me.

  Buster walks up to us, standing in the middle between me and his father. “Mr. Baylor and Mr. Reed are dickheads. It wasn’t Miss Gray’s fault,” he announces. I can’t hold back my cringe at this eight-year-old child using the word dickhead, but he isn’t wrong. They are dickheads.

  “Out in the hall, niño,” he rumbles.

  I feel that rumble down in the depth of my belly, and I swear to Jesus my pussy actually clenches. My eyes widen at the sensation. I’ve never felt like this before. I clench my thighs together, pleading with my body to stop, but my pussy is traitorous because she doesn’t want to. She wants the promise of what’s beneath his worn jeans. Probably because I can’t remember the last time I actually had sex.

  “You going to stare at my cock like you can’t wait to taste it, or are we going to talk about why my kid was given detention every day from now until Christmas break, and that piece of shit little brat didn’t get squat?”

  I suck in a breath, my eyes widening and lifting to his. “I didn’t know what happened. He just came back to class, I was going to ask him,” I admit.

  He grunts as if he doesn’t believe me.

  “Don’t judge my kid by the man I am. It ain’t right, it ain’t fair. He’s only eight, give him the fucking benefit of the doubt,” he inhales through his nose while he looks like he’s trying to get ahold of the loose grasp on his control. “He already told me what that kid’s been sayin’ to him, and I’m sure he started more shit today. Buster isn’t going to let some little twerp bully him. I won’t stand for that shit,” he announces.

  “You’re absolutely right,” I state. He blinks, his face a blank mask, obviously surprised by my statement. “I’m not from Eagar. I don’t know anything about it or the people here. What I do know is that a child should never be judged by anyone else, just by his own actions. I haven’t seen anything in Buster that suggests he’s anything but a normal little boy. It’s only been a few weeks, but his school work is top notch, he pays attention in class, he doesn’t cause any problems for me, at all. He’s actually very helpful and from all accounts a sweet boy,” I say.

  By the time I’m finished with my speech, Mr. Hernandez is smiling widely.

  “I’ll just fucking bet he’s extra helpful,” he murmurs, his white teeth sinking into the corner of his full bottom lip.

  I frown at his words, unsure of what he means by them. His eyes glance down to my frown, and then his teeth release his bottom lip and he smiles widely, a small chuckle escaping his throat.

  Chapter Three


  My heart actually fucking squeezes inside of my chest in the middle of her little ranting speech. She’s defending my boy, my kid. None of his teachers have ever thought he was worth a shit, but this curvy little brunette thinks he’s something, that he’s helpful.

  I smirk again at that thought, he’s helpful because she’s a goddamn knockout, is why he’s helpful. My fuckin’ kid is too much like me. Always looking for an in with the bitches.

  “What do you mean?” she asks.

  I almost forget that I spoke aloud. “Nothin’. Just if your pretty young teacher asks for helpers, I bet he’s not the only little boy who’s all hot to help,” I shrug.

  Her blue eyes widen, and her mouth parts slightly in an O shape. “I don’t think. They’re only eight, Mr. Hernandez,” she hisses.

  I smirk, my eyes catching her bright blue ones. Goddamn, brown hair, big bright blue eyes, curves for days, and full lips. She’s my wet dream, let alone a bunch of school boys. “Silver,” I grunt.

  “Excuse me?”

  “My name. My pops was Mr. Hernandez, and even then, he hated that shit. People call me Silver,” I explain.

  She presses her lips together and nods. “Okay, Mr. Silver,” she rasps.

  “Just Silver, babe,” I murmur, taking a step closer to her. I hear the sweet hitch of her breath when I do. Lifting my hand, I cup her cheek, the pad of my thumb running across her bottom lip. “Fuck,” I breathe.

  “Silver,” she exhales.

  I shake my head, taking a step back. Keeping my hand against her cheek I look down at her. “Won’t fight the school on this shit, you take care of my boy in class and in detention,” I mutter.

  “I will,” she agrees. “His homework will be completed before he leaves.”

  Leaning forward, I brush my lips across hers. My eyes close, and I moan from just the light touch. She’s the sweetest fuckin’ thing I’ve ever tasted. She should slap me across the face for even touching her, let alone kissing her, but she doesn’t. Lifting my head from hers, her eyes are closed and she’s leaning toward me. Goddamn if my kid weren’t right outside this door, I’d tug her skirt up and fuck her against her desk.

  Her eyes slowly open, and I watch as she lifts her fingers to her lips. My hand falls from her face as she does. “Silver,” she whispers.

  “Be good to my boy, yeah,” I grin.

  “Presley,” she calls out, giving me what I assume is her name.

  Turning away from her, I walk out of the classroom. I have to leave, if I don’t, then I’m afraid of what I’ll do. My cock fucking aches, I want her so fucking bad. I can’t remember the last time that’s happened, the last time just looking at some bitch has made me feel that way.

  Yes, I can.

  I can remember exactly the last time it happened. It was over twenty years ago, the first time I laid eyes on Savanna. Except this feels different. It already feels more intense—more, it feels like fucking more.

  “Great,” Buster mutters as he falls into line next to me.

  “What?” I snort as we make our way outside.

  He stops once we’re outside of the school and tips his head back. “You’re going to hook up with her, then she’ll hate me when you dump her,” he announces.

  My eyes widen, and I look down at him in surprise. “What?”

  “It’s okay Dad, but can you wait until right before Christmas break or the end of the school year? I like her a lot, and it would suck if she hated me because you hooked up with her and ditched her,” he huffs.

  “Buster,” I grunt. He tilts his head to the side and waits for me, impatiently so until I continue. “Won’t do anything to fuck up what you got with her, okay?”

  He presses his lips together, obviously not believing his old man. “You gotta trust that I got you, kid,” I murmur, stretching out my hand.

  He sighs, taking my hand in his. “I’ll try, but she’s hot. I know you saw it. Everyone watches her, even the other teachers,” he informs me.

  Something ugly curls in my belly at the thought of the other male teachers looking at her, watching her, or even thinking about her. Something I’ve never fucking felt before. Mierda. Fuckin’ shit. I hope I can keep my promise to my boy.

  “Trust me, niño,” I wink, totally full of shit.

  We walk over to my bike and I straddle it as he puts on his helmet. Something catches my eye, and I turn to see her walking over to a shitty oxidized Honda. I shake my head. A hot bitch like that needs a hot ride, not some run down piece of shit.

  Buster climbs on behind me, and I rev my engine. She looks up, her car door open as she holds on. Her eyes look directly at me and I give her a grin before I take off.

  Yeah, I’m going to fuck up this promise to Buster.



  His black eyes stare at m
e, his white teeth sparkle in the dark room, then without warning his mouth is on mine. His tongue traces my lips and I suck in a gasp. Sitting up, I blink a few times. Looking around my room, I find myself alone—as usual.

  A dream.

  It was a dream.


  My breathing takes a few moments to calm, to even out, my heart rate is the same. Glancing to the empty side of my bed, I sigh. I really need to find a man. Lusting after my student’s father is not what I should be doing. No matter how he made my body feel just by looking at him. No matter how hot he is, or built, or how he fills out a pair of faded blue jeans. I can still feel his lips on mine, the way they made me tingle all over.

  Double damn.

  Deciding to forego sleep, I grab some yoga pants and fire up YouTube. Maybe a little yoga session will help or maybe nothing but getting laid will. I don’t know. I do know that I can’t go on like this much longer. And I can never see Silver again, not ever. His lips can never touch mine again, nope. He just needs to stay far, far away.

  Yoga doesn’t calm me, in fact, it makes me breathless, and then I continue to think about other ways to be breathless. Silver pops into my head a few more times and I curse myself for it.

  I make a bowl of oatmeal, sprinkle brown sugar and cut up a few strawberries to place on top. I should forego the brown sugar, my clothes would probably fit better if I did, but I have a seriously bad sweet tooth, which always shifts weight to my ass.

  Once I’ve finished eating, I rinse my bowl and place it in the dishwasher, then head back toward my bedroom to shower and dress for the day. This week isn’t even halfway over yet, and I’m already far too ready for the weekend.

  In actuality, I’m dreading walking into the faculty room this morning. I don’t want to see Benjamin Reed or Mr. Baylor. I do, however, want to see Buster and make sure he’s okay. I also don’t know the exact depths of his punishment, yet.

  As I drive to the school I think about the events of yesterday. I’m interested to see what Parker’s punishments were. The politics of small town life, in the third grade, seem to be beyond anything I’ve ever witnessed before and I’m so curious about it all.

  Shifting my car into park, I angle out. Standing, I smooth down my dress, cursing myself for forgetting the appointment with my mechanic yesterday. I was in such a fog after my kiss with Silver that I completely forgot about my car’s air conditioning. I dig my phone out of my purse and find the number of the shop.

  “Marty’s auto shop,” a raspy voice coughs into the phone.

  “I’m so sorry, I forgot to bring my car in last night. I was caught up late with work,” I semi-lie. “Is there any way I can bring it by this afternoon?” I plead.

  He clears his throat. “Sorry sugar, last night was all I had. Bring it by in about three weeks, I should have some availability then,” he murmurs.

  “Three weeks? It’s September, in Arizona. I can’t go three weeks without air conditioning, I’ll roast to death,” I cry.

  I hear his voice, but my phone is taken out of my grasp. I can’t understand what he’s saying, as his voice fades. Turning around, I open my mouth to shout at whoever took my cell. However, I’m unable to speak actual words. That is, because the man I dreamt about all night, is standing in front of me with my phone held to his ear.

  “Marty, It’s Silver. Don’t jerk her chain, man. Fine. You wanna play like that, we’ll play,” he grunts, ending the call. “Marty thinks because he’s the only decent mechanic in town he can fuck you, and everyone else around. I’ll give you my address, bring your car over, I’ll fix your air,” he announces.

  My brows furrow as I look up to him. “You’ll fix my air?” I ask.

  He holds out his hand, my phone dangling from his fingers. I take it from him, shoving it back in my purse. “I’ll fix your air, cariña,” he murmurs taking a step closer toward me.

  I hear some shuffling, and look over to see Buster making his way toward the school. “You really don’t have to do that,” I exhale, shifting my gaze back to him.

  His eyes smile, but his mouth is set firm, his jaw clenched. He reaches up, cupping my cheek with his large, warm hand. I try not to lean into his touch, but I fail. “Silver,” I breathe.

  He smirks. “Come by my place, I’ll fix you up, cariña.”

  He takes a step back, and I watch as he digs something out of his pocket, he snaps his fingers toward me and I jump. “Pen,” he barks.

  Reaching into my purse, I pull out my pen. He scribbles something down on a piece of paper, then shoves the paper and pen toward me. “Come here after work. I’ll get you fixed up,” he mutters.

  “Oh, okay,” I breathe.

  He doesn’t hear me, he’s already turned around and walked off. I watch his ass as he moves toward his motorcycle.

  “So you’re that kind of woman,” Benjamin sneers from behind me.

  I don’t whip around like I have the initial urge to. Instead, I slowly turn to face him and tilt my head to the side, waiting for him to continue. I can tell he’s chomping at the bit to do so. Lifting my brow, I wait for him and he doesn’t disappoint.

  “You like the bad boys, the men who will fuck you and leave you. Not a good guy like me, no way right? I’m not dangerous enough. I ask you out and you turn your nose up at me, this asshole grunts and you’re spreading wide.”

  I gasp, taking a step back. “Did you just say that to me?”

  He snorts, dipping his chin. “He’s going to fuck you and leave you. Good news is, I don’t mind fucking his sloppy seconds, and I’d get to keep you forever so it would be cool with me. Go have fun, I’ll be right here,” he winks.

  Without another word, he turns and walks away from me. I press my lips together, my eyes narrowed slits as I watch him walk away. The asshole. Even if I slept with Silver. Even if he ditched me afterward, I would never, not ever, be with Benjamin. He’s vile.

  Marching toward the building I see Miss Reynolds, one of the other single teachers at our small campus. “I saw you talking to Silver, and Benjamin,” she smiles.

  I pause, looking over at her. I can’t read her, I haven’t been able to at all. She’s friendly one minute, and cold the next. I wait for her to continue, but she doesn’t immediately.

  “I did talk to both of them, yes,” I admit, stating the obvious, hoping she has a point to her observation.

  “Benji is a nice guy, but he can be a dick,” she shrugs. “I’ve known him since high school. Silver and his group are bad news. The worst kind, Presley. Stay away from them, they would chew you up and spit you out. Pretty little girl like you would not last a second with that bunch,” she announces.

  “And you know this, because?”

  Her lips turn up into a cat-ate-the-mouse smile. “That’s a story for another day.” She turns away from me and saunters into the building.

  “So many secrets for such a small town,” I mutter.

  Shaking off the weird morning, I make my way into the building and I begin my day. I have third graders’ minds to blow, to expand, to mold and teach. Then I have a specific little third grader that I have to attempt to reach, that is if I can keep from thinking of his father for the next eight hours.

  Chapter Four


  I look down at the piece of paper, then up at the gate in front of me. The building that the gate leads me to doesn’t really look like it needs to be secure. In fact, it looks like it needs to be put out of its misery about two decades ago, maybe three.

  My eyes shift over to a run-down, brick building, a gigantic metal warehouse. I watch as a truck backs into one of the open doors and my frown deepens. This doesn’t look like any mechanic shop I’ve ever seen.

  There’s a knock on my window and I jump. A man with a short beard and bright blue eyes is peering into the window at me. He’s got a smirk on his lips and as my eyes travel down, I notice his vest matches the one that Silver wears, but instead of treasurer on his chest, it says prospect.

  Cranking down my window, I suck in a breath, holding it and look over to him. “You lost, sweetheart?” he winks. I’d rolled up the windows as soon as my GPS took me on this dusty dirty road.

  I bite the corner of my bottom lip, and look at the paper, then back to him. “I don’t know. Silver gave me this address, said to drop my car off here that he’d help me with the broken air.”

  The man chuckles. “You’re here for Silver? Fuckin’ figures,” he mutters. His hand slaps the roof of my car. “Drive straight toward that brick building. Don’t get out of your car, he’ll come to you.”

  The gate slowly opens, and my shaking hands shift into drive. I guide my car toward a spot and then park it. My eyes stay glued to the door of the brick building and I let out a trembling breath as it swings open. Silver’s tall body consumes the doorway and his eyes point directly toward me.

  My fingers grip my steering wheel as I think about shifting into reverse and getting the hell out of here. I don’t. His eyes hold me captive and the way he’s stalking toward me, he reminds me of a large predator. I feel shaky, like I am his prey. My body doesn’t recoil from that thought either, in fact, it’s excited.

  He doesn’t speak when he approaches my car, just tugs on the handle and opens the door for me. I shift in the driver’s seat and slowly stand, attempting to be as ladylike as possible in my dress. His eyes take in my body, slowly. His gaze feels like an actual caress as he drags it up my hips, waist, chest, neck then finally settles on my face.

  “I’ll take you inside, get you set up with a beer or something. I should be able to get a look at it, hopefully fix you up without much of an issue,” he rumbles.

  I nod. “I’ll just get some papers to grade,” I breathe.

  I don’t know why I’m so damn breathless around him. I feel like he’s so big, he’s so commanding that he sucks all of the air out of my space. I turn around, opening the back door and bend over, grabbing ahold of my briefcase. I freeze when I feel hands span my hips. They’re warm, strong, and huge.


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