UnScrew Me (Savage Beast MC Book 1)

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UnScrew Me (Savage Beast MC Book 1) Page 8

by Hayley Faiman

  A few hours away from McKinney, we find a hotel and decide to bunk for the night. Pulling into the cheap motel’s parking lot, we amble off of our bikes. “One room or two?” Wolfe asks, taking a cigarette out of his pocket.

  The bitch looks from him to me, then to the row of rooms. “I’m tired as fuck, one room is fine, but I’m in my bed alone,” I announce. He walks away to get the room and I’m left alone with the woman.

  “Silver,” she whispers, taking a step toward me. I look down at her, crossing my arms over my chest and wait for her to continue. “I thought it might have been like, just a warning to my parents, you really mean that I’ll be with all the others?”

  She’s sweet, at least right now, she won’t be for long. Her dad fucked her over, and she fucked herself. “Got someone that I’m interested in, babe. Not looking elsewhere right now,” I mutter. “I meant what I said. You bartering yourself, that was to be a clubwhore, to be available to whoever. Tonight it’s Wolfe, tomorrow, who knows,” I shrug.

  She bites on the corner of her lip and lifts her gaze to me. “Okay.”

  “You gotta be cool with that, babe. Those guys don’t want someone they feel like they’re rapin’. They want active participation,” I murmur.

  She gives me a small smile and lifts her chin, almost proudly. “I’m not a prude. Who knows, maybe I’ll have some fun.” She winks in an attempt to cover up her insecurity, or fear.

  “No doubt, babe. No fuckin’ doubt,” I chuckle.

  Wolfe walks back, a key in his hand and lifts his chin toward the room right in front of us. Together the three of us walk in. I head to the shower first. I’m fuckin’ spent. All I want to do is pass the fuck out, wake up early, and head back on the road. I miss my boy, and I miss that little brunette in her tight fucking skirts.

  Chapter Eight


  I stand in front of my mirror waiting for Esther to come over. She’s picking me up, and driving us to New Mexico. At first, I thought that this wasn’t the best idea. Not only because I just don’t know Esther that well, but also because I didn’t want to make Silver mad. He seems like a guy who wouldn’t want someone he was sleeping with to flirt with other men, even if he was out doing whatever he wanted.

  Then I decided, I didn’t care anymore. After days of hearing absolutely nothing from him, then seeing his whatever she is, bouncing in and out of my classroom to pick up Buster every day. I decided this morning, my decision firm, that I am done.

  My adventure will be whatever I find with Esther. Hopefully, I survive it. I have a feeling Esther can be trouble. What my adventure will not be, is a man in his forties, who is the sexiest man I’ve ever seen. It can’t be him, because he’s flat out disappeared, after screwing me twice.


  I’m done with his ass.

  My doorbell rings, and I wipe my damp palms on my tight blue jeans. I don’t know if I’ll be able to get out of these later, or if a button will pop with the first bite of food I consume, but they look good at the moment. The forest green satin spaghetti strap top feels heavenly against my skin, and I’m hoping it will keep me cool enough in the hot as sin desert air.

  My nude high heels click on my linoleum flooring as I make my way toward the front door. Peeking through the peephole, I see Esther standing on the other side, her head turned as she looks down my street.

  “Hey,” I smile as I open the door.

  Leaning over slightly, I look to the right to see what she’s staring at. There’s a dark figure at the end of the street, but no matter how much I squint my eyes, I can’t make anything out. “He’s got one of his guys on you,” she mutters, turning her head to look at me, a little smirk on her lips.

  Stepping out of the house, I take my key out and lock the door. “Who, what and why?” I ask, attempting to play dumb.

  “Silver, you know who. He’s claiming you, sweets, and he’s one of those controlling type assholes,” she smirks. “You won’t go down without a fight though, will you? You seem scrappy.”

  I snort. “I haven’t even heard from him in a week. He’s places unknown, with his whoever she is, flouncing into my classroom. There’s nothing to fight,” I shrug.

  We walk toward her car and Esther stops, hitching her thumb behind her toward the dark street, and the darker figure that’s sitting at the end. “Oh, there’s going to be a fight, sweets. It’s going to be good too. Every woman in town has been panting over that man and most of his club members. You tie him up in knots, make him work, oh yeah it’s going to be epic,” she grins.

  I shake my head, opening her door, and sliding into the passenger seat. “There’s nothing to work for. There’s just nothing that’s going to happen,” I announce.

  She laughs as if she doesn’t believe me. She doesn’t know though. She doesn’t realize that he doesn’t really give a shit. I was a booty call, and nothing more. Now, I’m not even that. No matter how badly my body likes the release he gives me, the rest, it’s not worth it.

  We don’t go anywhere fancy for dinner, just a small diner on the outskirts of town, right before we cross over the border into New Mexico. Esther and I eat as we idly chat, but I can’t miss the motorcycle that sits right next to her car. The man on the back is young and staring right at me the entire time. I’m sure his patch would slate him as a prospect, too.

  “You’re awfully concerned with that motorcycle outside,” Esther chuckles.

  My eyes swing back to her and I grimace. “I’m sorry, I’m being a shit dinner partner,” I sigh.

  “No, it’s cool. As long as you’re a good wing woman, I don’t mind it one bit. It’s actually going to be exciting to see it all unfold,” she chuckles.

  “Which one did you date?” I guess, raising a brow.

  She chokes on the water she was drinking, coughing, then wipes the water from her eyes as she catches her breath. “That easy?” she asks.

  I smile, tilting my head to the side and wait.

  “Wolfe, at least that’s what they call him,” she mumbles. “I knew him as Raff. That’s all I’m willing to say about that,” she states firmly.

  I nod, understanding her. She’s still hurting from whatever happened with him, which is why she’s not willing to talk about it, and also, why she frowns on the club and its members. I can honestly say that I don’t blame her one bit, I could go on the rest of my life without seeing Silver’s lying face ever again.

  “Well fuck those Beasts,” I say, lifting my glass of water.

  Esther smiles lifting hers as well. We clink glasses and take a sip. “Yeah fuck ‘em,” she mutters.

  We pay our bill, use the restroom, then walk back out to her car. Both of us effectively ignore the man on the bike. I want to acknowledge him somehow, but I refuse. Sliding into the passenger seat, I buckle my seatbelt and make the mistake of looking over at him. He smirks, his eyes pointed directly at me, then shakes his head once, as if he can’t believe he’s being forced to follow us, or at least that’s what I decide he’s thinking in my own head.

  Esther backs out, points her car toward the long, dark highway and rolls her window down. I watch as she punches the gas, sticking her hand out the window and flips the guy the finger as she soars down the road laughing. My eyes widen at the sight, and a giggle bubbles up through my throat. It feels very Thelma and Louise.

  It feels like an adventure.


  I growl when my phone rings. I’ve just pulled into the clubhouse. I’m tired as fuck, this bitch on the back of Wolfe’s bike is giving me a goddamn headache. All I want to do is shower then sink inside of Presley before promptly passing out.

  “What?” I bark, holding the phone to my ear.

  The man on the other end chuckles. “Brother, they’re headed over the border,” he murmurs.

  “Who?” I demand.

  “Your girl and Wolfe’s old hookup. They’re crossing into Sinister Skull territory. I can’t follow them, I’m alone out here. Not looking to lose my hea
d to those crazy bastards,” Coyote informs.

  Rage fills me from the inside out, I burn goddamn hot just thinking about Presley being anywhere near those fuckers. I haven’t seen Esther in a while, and I don’t know what she’s fucking thinking. I don’t know how they got tight together, but this shit stops. Now.

  “Stay on the Arizona side. I’ll be there with a couple brothers soon,” I grunt, then end the call.

  Dragon is standing at the front door of the clubhouse, his head tilted to the side and his eyes staring down at his feet. “Do I want to know?” he asks

  Lifting my gaze to his, I grimace. “Feel like taking a little trip to New Mexico tonight?”

  “What happened?” he demands.

  I let out a breath, tipping my head back to look at the stars in the sky, wondering how in the fuck I ended up with this difficult woman in my life, and why the fuck do I like it so much? I don’t know Presley well, but aside from her pussy, I like what I do know about her so far. Except this little stunt right now, this shit will not fly.

  “Wolfe’s old whatever she is, Esther, is now friends with Presley. They’re headed to New Mexico, no doubt to cause trouble. Coyote has been her detail, he just called me,” I explain.

  Dragon runs his fingers through his hair, his eyes finding mine. “Fuck, we got this other new bitch to deal with too,” he grumbles.

  Wolfe and the new whore walk up to where we’re discussing his old whateverthefuck she was. He looks between us, noticing something is obviously wrong, and frowns.

  “Set her up with the others. We have business to handle. Get Jag, Mountain, and Taz. We’re going on a little ride,” Dragon announces.

  Wolfe’s frown deepens, but he doesn’t ask any questions, at least not with the bitch in tow. “You explained her on the phone, but she’s lookin’ at you with puppy dog eyes, like you’re going to save her life, brother,” Dragon says.

  Lifting my hand, I wrap my fingers around the back of my neck and squeeze to relieve the tension building. “Fucked her last time I was in Dallas. She bartered herself for her father’s life. Gave herself as a whore, she thought I would save her, keep her as my own. Maybe she still thinks that, not sure why she would. Wolfe fucked her half the night in the bed next to mine.”

  “Cold,” Dragon chuckles. “How’s the pussy?”

  “Good, so’s her mouth. Brothers will like the new talent, trust me on that.”

  He nods, looking back at the clubhouse as the doors open. Jaguar, Mountain, Taz, and Wolfe walk out the doors in a single file line. “New Mexico?” Jag asks.

  I smirk, shaking my head. “Bitches,” I grunt.

  “Trista?” Taz asks.

  Lifting a brow at his question, I shake my head. “She’s home with Buster,” I explain. “My new bitch.”

  “The one in the tight as fuck skirt and heels?” Jag asks.

  I grunt, not willing to answer his question, he clearly saw her, and that pisses me off. “Sexier than Sav, that’s for damn sure, and she doesn’t have that constant pissed off look on her face either. I say bag and claim the bitch,” he laughs.

  “Thanks for the fuckin’ advice,” I bark, flipping him off as I walk over to my bike and straddle the seat.

  Jag shrugs, obviously not the least bit affected by my annoyance with his observations. The other men make their way over to their bikes as well. All of the men on this ride are ranking members of the club.

  Dragon, the president. Mountain, the vice president. Taz, our sergeant-at-arms. I’m the treasurer. Wolfe is the road captain. Then, Jag is the secretary. The six of us make an intimidating group as we ride down the highway two-by-two.

  Our colors are flying, our cuts boasting proudly of our status as members of the Savage Beast MC. Our insignia of a roaring lion, our name surrounding it, all embroidered in white detailing, it screams loud and clear who we are. Do not fuck with us. We will fuck back.

  Our founding members were vets who decided to say fuck the man, live off the grid, and live their lives to the fullest. Now, the founding members are all either dead or living cushy somewhere in the desert, still completely off the grid. They sold dope, sold pussy, and traded arms with whoever was buying and paying cash.

  We still do that same shit, except we’ve expanded our business to levels, in order to stay off of the radar, we ship with high-end mattresses. Our warehouse is next to the clubhouse, the mattresses come in, and they go out with hidden merch throughout the trucks, headed toward their delivery destinations. It’s been a steady incline of business throughout the years.

  This year shit has gone a little wild, our demand is doubling in a short amount of time, which makes me think something big is about to go down in this country. Which is one of the reasons I had to make a visit to Carlton Smith and get on his ass about the mattress shipments, our buyers don’t give a single fuck if our merch doesn’t show, they want their shit when they want it. If they don’t get it, heads will literally roll.

  It doesn’t take long for us to ride up to the border, where Coyote is waiting for us. He lifts his chin forward, without us even stopping he takes off in front of us, guiding us toward the two women. Wolfe doesn’t even know Esther is the mastermind behind this fucking stupid as shit idea. I don’t know if he’d care, but he’s been in that pussy of hers more than once so I assume he wouldn’t want any of the Sinister Skulls anywhere near it.

  The little bar on the edge of Quemado, New Mexico appears and there are about ten bikes, and only one actual car in the gravel parking lot.

  We pull in on the side of the building, away from the Sinister Skull’s bikes. Once we kill our engines, we stay straddling our machines, staying silent as we stare forward.

  “You want to tell me why Esther’s car is here?” Wolfe barks.

  Nobody says a word. We’re all trying to figure out how to get out of here, with the women, and our necks all intact. Dragon is the first to speak, to answer him. “She dragged Silver’s new piece here. We don’t know why, or what she was thinkin’. Maybe you can figure that shit out, later.”

  “Don’t give a fuck what she does,” he barks.

  I turn my head, looking over at him. He’s staring daggers into her car. He doesn’t look like a man who doesn’t give a fuck, he gives at least one, maybe a handful. “You need to know if she’s feeding them info, brother,” I point out.

  His head snaps over to me, his eyes narrowing. “She don’t know shit.”

  I shrug. “Maybe, maybe not. She does know who is around town, she could see who comes and who goes. She could drive by the warehouse, let them know when a shipment is going out, or not. Who knows what information they would find useful,” I explain.

  Wolfe’s brows snap together, his head swings back to the bar, then over to me. “I don’t think she’d do that,” he mumbles.

  I snort. “Brother, a woman scorned would do shit you couldn’t believe,” Dragon states.

  “Let’s find out then,” he says, swinging off of his bike.

  Dragon, Jag, Taz, and I do the same. “You guys watch the perimeters,” Dragon says, pointing between Mountain and Coyote.

  They both grunt their verbal agreements. The five of us head toward the front door. We aren’t pussies, aren’t about to walk into the back and do some kind of surprise, that ain’t our style. We’re going to barrel right through the fucking front.

  The bar is hazy with smoke when we step inside, but that isn’t what I immediately notice. No, it’s Presley, a man’s arms wrapped around her. He’s tall like me, at least part Latino like me, wearing a Sinister Skull’s cut and his hand is dangerously low on her back, almost touching her sweet round ass.

  As if she senses me, her head turns to face me, her eyes widen slightly before they narrow. She actually looks pissed, at me. Me.

  Fuck that.

  This little puta is getting her ass spanked, as soon as I get us out of here alive.

  Chapter Nine


  The man holding me moves his hand up o
n my waist as he tightens his grip. I feel like someone is watching me, so I turn my head to the side and suck in a gasp. It’s Silver, his black eyes are pointed directly at me, and he looks pissed.

  Esther warned me this could happen, she said if he was around he wouldn’t like me here. Narrowing my gaze on him, I turn my head back to my dancing partner. I don’t know his name, not sure if he even told me, but he’s suddenly become extremely interesting to me.

  “Friends of yours?” he rumbles.

  His voice isn’t nearly as sexy as Silver’s. He isn’t as sexy looking as Silver is either. I thought maybe since he was dark like him that I would get to know him a little and he would grow on me, but the sad fact is, he isn’t Silver.

  “Not really,” I shrug.

  He smirks, though his smile doesn’t reach his eyes, he lowers his head and runs his nose along mine, causing my body to freeze. “You’re a shit liar. Plus, the way he’s staring at me like if I were alone, I’d already be ripped apart by his bare hands is more telling than you are, sweet thing,” he chuckles.

  I shake my head as he straightens his back. “I haven’t even seen him in a week,” I point out. “I don’t know why he’s here,” I rapidly ramble.

  In an instant, the seemingly happy-go-lucky man that I was dancing with disappears. He spins me around, his hand wrapping around my wrist and holding it behind my back. I whimper in pain. “Shut the fuck up,” he growls against my ear. His hard dick presses against my ass as I attempt to struggle against him.

  He’s totally flipped a switch and my heart leaps into my throat as I begin to panic. I stop struggling as he roughly pushes me toward Silver and his friends. I hear rustling behind me, but I’m unable to look anywhere but Silver’s angry gaze.

  “You want to get your hands off of her?” Silver asks, his tone lethal but his body language nonchalant.

  The man’s grip on my arm tightens and he brings it farther up my back. My knees wobble and I struggle with my breath. Silver takes a step forward. “You’re good where you are, Beast,” he growls.


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