Daddy's Little Secret

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Daddy's Little Secret Page 1

by Rose Marie

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination and/or Are used Factiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2019 by Rose Marie All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  I hated my family’s dinner parties with a passion. My mom would shove her friend’s daughters in my direction as my dad boasted about his wealth. It was nauseating. I hated this life because it denied me the one thing I wanted most; her.

  “So tell us Josh, what are your plans after graduation?” Mom’s friend, Clair, asked. They were all the same. They all wanted to know my plans and if I was going to take over my dad’s company. News fucking flash: I had no choice!

  I cleared my throat. “Well I plan to follow my father’s footsteps and attend Yale for business. Then, I plan to intern at the company until the day I can succeed my father as CEO.” This answer seemed to please her. She looked over in the direction of her daughter Amber who, right on cue, placed her hand on my arm.

  “Wow Josh, I'll be attending Yale too! I hope you and I can get to know each other better while we’re there.” Groaning, I roll my eyes inwardly. I knew what she meant by getting to know me better, and I could tell you now it wasn't going to happen.

  “Yea sure Amber, that sounds great.” Everyone at the table beamed with happiness, especially my mom and Clair. My dad downed his champagne and set his glass down on the table with a loud thud.


  “Oh, I apologize my dear.” I’d noticed lately that my dad had been drinking more and more. We had never been extremely close, but he was always there for me. Due to my family’s views on race, I was never able to grow too close, but watching him fall to alcoholism like this was hard. “Waiter, I have a sweet tooth. Where is that chocolate cake I asked to be made?”

  My mom’s mouth dropped open and she glared at my dad. Turning to Clair, she smiled in embarrassment. “Dear, you know in this household no one eats chocolate. It’s devil’s food so instead, I had the caterers make us angel’s food cake.” My dad snorted, grabbing another drink from the waiter and downing it before he started laughing.

  “Devil’s food huh? Nothing wrong with being a little bad, right?” My mom’s silverware clattered to the table and I thought for a second my mom would blow a gasket, but instead she dawned a labored smile.

  “I’m sorry. John has been under a lot of pressure at work lately, you know, with the company finally hitting a billion dollars. He’s been working extremely hard. Please forgive this, and I’d appreciate if this conduct of his didn’t make it out to the public.” Turning I see Clair’s eyes flash with dollar signs.

  “Why of course Sandy. I’d never tell a soul.”

  “Thank you, Clair. How about we head to the sitting room and relax there?” They nodded and my mom turned back to my dad. “Johnathan dear, why don’t you have a sip of water then join us in the sitting room? You know, after you’ve had a slice of that angel food cake you wanted so badly.” Staring at the wall in defeat, he turned his eyes on me and I could swear for a second I saw a flash of hate. Then just as quickly it was gone, and resolve was the only thing that was left.

  “Of course. I have no idea what had gotten into me. Josh, why don't you and Amber sit in here while we adults go elsewhere?” With a sigh of relief, my mom handed my dad a glass of water. Not long after the waiter brought out the cake. “Oh no thanks, I’ve had enough dessert.” He then stands and excuses himself.

  My family had so much wrong with it, yet we constantly put on airs in these gatherings. Like my dad wasn’t turning into an alcoholic, and my mom wasn’t trying to cope with the fact that her perfect image was falling apart. Instead of dwelling on this present fact, she was planning my future. I didn't understand why parents felt the need to plan their children's lives. It was annoying to hear my mom and Clair talking about finally becoming family when they thought no one was listening. She needed to focus on her own declining marriage.

  Not long after my dad joined the women, Amber’s father, Bill shows up to kiss my dad’s ass. When they excused themselves into my dad’s office, my mom and Clair came in to check on Amber and I after suggesting we go for a walk in the garden. Since I had no choice, I do precisely as suggested, though I cringe when her hand goes into mine. We stroll through our massive garden with her talking nonstop.

  “So, are you excited about graduation?” Poor her, she was trying her best to relate to me, but there was no way she could. She and I were alike on the outside, but on the inside I was someone my whole family wouldn't recognize.

  “I sure am. I can’t believe I graduate high school tomorrow. Even more I can’t believe I'll be on my own.” I wanted to get out of here. I wanted to make my own friends; friends that didn’t need to be pre-approved by my parents and deemed fit only by being white and coming from old money. I wanted to have my own life, but…

  “Well, you wouldn’t be totally on your own. You’ll have me and think about how exciting everything will be!” She turned to me, her hands on my chest and clear blue eyes glittering in the moonlight. “I do want to get to know you better Josh. It seems even though we have known each other almost all of our lives, we still don’t really know each other.” She smiled up at me and though any guy would think she was extremely beautiful, I could only compare her to a true Princess. When she stood on her tiptoes trying to kiss me, I reluctantly accept.

  Amber was the definition of a lady: poised, great smile with straight white teeth, perfect posture, educated, attractive, and white. I snort in my head, she had all of that going for her, and I still didn't want her. When she stepped back breathless, I smile faintly, wanting this night to be over.

  “I guess you’re right. Starting tomorrow we’ll have plenty of time to do that.” Untangling myself from her arms, I stuff my hand in my pockets, happy when her parents call her to go. Saying my farewells to everyone, I make my way up to my room, locking the door. Changing out of my suit, I sit on my bed thinking about tomorrow. I have to do it. After a few deep breaths, I steel my nerves and reach under my bed. Grabbing a lockbox that only I had a key to, I get up and rummage around the top of my closet grabbing the key.

  Sitting in my massive 2,300 square foot closet, I open it and pull out my phone. Sighing, I do what I’ve been dreading all day and power it on. In no time at all, I’m bombarded with texts. Shit! I’m in trouble. Reading them over I glance at a few, quickly type a response to them, and anxiously wait for a reply.

  Daddy: Hey, Princess, you still up?

  Princess: Yes, I thought you were coming over…

  Daddy: I know… I was, but something came up! I'm sorry, Princess… I'll make it up to you. I miss you.

  Princess: How you expect to make this up to me? This has happened countless times before. I just don't know if I can do this anymore.


  Daddy: Baby don't be that way. I'm sorry. I promise I'll make it up to you. I'll be over later. Leave the window unlocked for me.

  Princess: Fine. You better be glad I love you. I'll see you later Daddy.

  My heart was thumping in my chest and I was physically shaking. I go lie down on my bed, holding the phone to my chest. Turning over on my stomach, I put the phone behind my pillow thinking about how my life was a complete joke. A fucking lie, I hated everything about it but her. She was the only one who knew the real me, and here I was about to hurt her. I’m despicable and don’t deserve her.
  Laying there, I wait until I hear the front door open and close, signaling that my dad had left for his meeting. Like clockwork, I hear my mom come up and check on me. Turning the doorknob, she stops when she notices the door is locked. When I hear her knock, I roll my eyes getting out my bed and open the door.

  “Hey mom. What’s up?” It was apparent she had been crying and I knew why. My dad… there was no way he had a meeting at midnight, but there was no way my prideful mom would call him out on his bullshit. We all know that he’s cheating, but he didn’t care. He seemed to care less and less about my mom’s feelings. I’d even heard when I went to visit his office that he’s been sending money and gifts to some woman. Even with how annoying my mom is, I still can’t respect a man who will cheat on his wife.

  “Nothing, honey. I didn’t want anything. I only wanted to tell you goodnight and…” she put her hand up to her mouth holding back tears, “I’m just so extremely proud of you Joshua, you have no idea.” Pulling her into a hug, I kiss the top of her head. I hated the thought of being a disappointment to her. “Well I’m going to bed. It seems I’ve come down with a migraine. You get some rest, okay? Your father and I will be up bright and early to help you pack the car.” Not having much to add to what she said, I watch her leave. When I hear her shut her bedroom door I spring into action, knowing she won’t come out for the rest of the night.

  Changing into a plain black shirt and hoodie, I throw on some black basketball shorts, then grab my keys and open my bedroom window. This is what I won’t miss the most. What eighteen-year-old wanted to have to sneak out of his own mansion? This is ridiculous. Climbing out onto the roof, I drop my things down in the bushes below me so as not to make any noise. Switching rooms was definitely the best decision I made last year. It awarded me so much more freedom and I got to spend more time with my Princess. Double the reward.

  Climbing down the flower vines on the side of the house I drop down and quietly pick up my bag. As I made my way to my favorite motorcycle, I wheel it out of our long driveway. Once I make my way to the street I wave at my accomplice, Tom the security guard. I hopped on my bike, start the engine, and make my way to my Princess.

  It’s about an hour later and I reach my destination on the other side of the tracks, the run-down part of town. Cutting the engine, I hop off with a smile, wheeling it over to the guys standing in front of the apartment complex and giving them dap.

  After coming here for a year and a half, I'd built some solid and what I thought could be lifelong relationships. These guys had become my friends, my homies. They had my back.

  “Sup Trey, Sean, Dro. What’s the word tonight?” They nodded their heads to me in greeting with Dro lighting a cigarette.

  “Wuz crackin cuz? Nothing much on our end. We just chillin, or well Trey and I are. Sean bouta dip out with his ol’ lady.” Turning my attention to Sean, who I was the closest to, I give him a knowing smile.

  “You and Diana make up, huh?” He snorts and throws a smirk my way.

  “Y’all know that’s my baby. I wish Tracy and I could have been a thing but shit man, Diana just got my heart and she pregnant. I ain’t got no choice but to man up. Once Sammy get here I’ma leave all this shit behind for real. I’m getting my act together for my son.” I commend him for stepping up. He and Diana have been together a long time and he knew he was wrong for trying to mess with her best friend. It caused Diana to be insecure because she had nothing on Tracy. In hindsight, she probably was even more jealous because Tracy had what I’d heard Trey and Dro refer to as that “black don’t crack.” Apparently, Tracy’s mom is an older but very young looking black woman. Diana is white, and her mom not very attractive. It seems in the black community, young genes were a thing.

  “Well I’m glad you and Diana are making things work for the baby. Not only that I’m proud of you for stepping up and wanting to the right thing for yourself. Here.“ I pause, handing him a number that was written down on a sticky note. “If you need anything please don’t hesitate to contact this number. It’s not my number, but it’s a way to reach me.” He looked at it with a strange expression then turned his face up to me in shock, but before he could say anything, I change the subject.

  “I’m going to head up to see my Princess now.” I smiled. Trey and Dro start laughing, making fun of me but Sean only looks back down at the sticky note.

  “She mad at yo’ ass white boy! Man, she came down looking fo’ you three times cuz. Went up the stairs stomping and yelling talkin’ ‘bout ‘he can kiss my ass! This the last time!’” Trey laughed. Fuck! I knew she was mad . Shaking my head, I give the guys one last handshake.

  “Well guess I'll do as my Princess says then huh? She does have a pretty ass.” I chuckle in jest as I make my way up the stairwell. At the far side of the building where my baby's window is located, I raise the window and slide through anxiously. My nervousness soon dies away as I see she’s laying on her bed in some boy shorts and a sports bra. God, my Princess is a Goddess. With her dark brown skin glowing, and her big hair in a puff ball at the top of her head, she looks glorious. Just staring at her made me want to lick her slowly from head to toe.

  “So now you finally wanna show up?” Her eyes were still closed, but her face showed annoyance. Uh oh! Stepping up to the bed, I bend down and kiss her neck.

  “I told you I was sorry, Princess. I had something to do today. Forgive me?” When she finally turned to me and opens her sexy hazel eyes, I feel incredibly grateful.

  “Yea well, sometimes sorry ain't good enough Joshua. I'm tired of never knowing where my boyfriend is or when I'll see him next. Everyone talks about me at school saying you're cheating on me. Some of them even say that I’m making up the fact that I have a boyfriend.” She looked so beautiful when she was mad, but I understood where she was coming from. I was never around, and I never allowed her to introduce me to anyone for fear they’d know something about my real life.

  “Layla, I don't want to argue. I know I messed up again and I said I'm sorry. Can’t we leave it at that?” She only pouted, turning her head away from me. Damn, I can’t have tonight go like this. Taking off my shoes, I get into bed and pull her to me. “Hey, stop it with that look. Come here, Princess. Daddy missed you.” That brought a smile to her face. Doing as I said she, straddles my lap then bends down to kiss me. Breaking away from her voluptuous lips, I look up into the eyes of the woman who captivated my heart. “Mmm Princess, you taste so damn good,” I tell her, sucking her bottom lip between my teeth and nibbling on it. Grabbing her hips, I make her grind on me slowly, loving the fact that her juices were soaking through her panties and onto my basketball shorts. When she let out a small moan, I slip my tongue into her mouth, moving my hands from her hips to her ass.

  “Ugh Daddy yes! It feels so good!” She pressed down harder on me, shaking with want. “Please, I want more!” I pull away and smack her ass wanting to give her what she wanted.

  “Come on Princess, you know what to do.” With a look of utter want and submissiveness she climbed from me onto the floor and pulled off her clothes. Sitting in between my legs, I feel her small hands pull the string of my shorts and loosen them from my waist. When she reached inside and pulled out my already hard member, I watch starved as she licked her lips. But she knew the rules: my Princess knew not to start without Daddy’s permission. She knew not to take even one small lick or there would be consequences. I sat there a full minute of watching… no waiting for her to be the naughty little bitch I know her to be, but to my surprise she did as she was supposed to. When she started fidgeting, she looks up into my eyes, showing me her want, her desire, her need. God, I love her! After I finally nod, she perks up before getting closer to me and swallowing me down whole. I couldn’t help but throw my head back and bite my lip out of habit to keep quiet, but then I remember that she told me her mom wasn’t going to be here today, so I let loose.

  “Fuck yes! That's it Princess mmmm. Yes!” I threw my head back in! “Let me
feel your throat.” In ecstasy, I reached down and grab her head, pushing her at the pace I wanted her to go, taking from her what I wanted and loving that my Princess has no gag reflex. She could swallow me whole and not even bat an eye… as a matter of fact . I push deep down into her throat so that my balls are hitting her chin shivering with satisfaction and superiority. Shit, I’m going to cum. Pulling her off, I sit up and capture what her mouth couldn’t hold in a kiss. When I pull away, I see her looking at me with adoration as she licked her lips.

  “You know I love you, right, Princess?” I tell her scooping her up and splaying her on the bed. She only nodded in answer and watched as I spread her legs as far as they could go. Salivating, I admire how pretty her pussy is. It is dark brown on the outside and a glossy pink on the inside because of her wetness. Leaning forward I take a whiff, humming before I latch myself onto her like a man starved for his last meal. Hearing her moan had me slurping her overflowing juices down like I was the one getting pleasure from it… and I was. Shaking and whining, she pushed her hands in my hair and pulling me closer to her.

  “Yes Daddy, I know!” She screamed pushing her hips into my mouth enjoying as I flick my tongue over her sensitive bundle of nerves. I was so lost in her, wishing I could spend the rest of my life bathing in her sweetness, I almost missed her tensing up. I suck her clit back into my mouth and feel her shudder uncontrollably letting out a kitten-like moan. “J-Joshhhhh… baby… God, yes!” She went limp as I continued my assault on her, slurping everything that flowed from her center. When I was done, I come from between her legs only to see she’s passed out, though my Princess knew how I rolled. She knew this passing out shit wouldn't work on me. Climbing over her sleeping form, I kissed her plump lips before sucking her nipple into my mouth.

  “Come on Princess… Daddy isn’t done yet.” With her legs still spread I grab her knees lining myself to her center thrusting inside of her. Damn she feels good. I grunt slowly deep stroking into her, glad that her mom wasn’t here. I kiss her neck, nibbling the spot just above her collarbone. When I suck it into my mouth I groan, almost losing control. I had to make sure I didn’t leave a hickey. Layla’s mom is so strict even the slightest notion that Layla is doing something sexual meant trouble. After she told me that, I always made sure not to leave any marks. When I stop nibbling and sucking, I look up just in time to see her face contort in pleasure. When her lips pop open, and she lets out a moan I feel myself start to lose control.


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