Daddy's Little Secret

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Daddy's Little Secret Page 6

by Rose Marie

  “Hey Princess, wake up It’s time to eat.” She groaned and sat up, looking tired.

  “Thanks Daddy, what’d you get?” I flush at hearing her sexily call me Daddy again and hold out the food proudly. Her eyes went sat up even straighter. “You brought Ms. D’s! Oh my God it’s like the best place to eat in all of California. Whoa! And you were able to get a piece of Carman’s Chocolate cake? Hell, you were lucky! It’s always sold out whenever my mom and I come up here.” She said taking bite out of the burger I’d just handed to her. She ate hungrily and all I could think about was how happy I am that she’s happy.

  After we were done eating, I get her address so I could take her home. I wanted to spend more time with her but as that diner lady stated, the weather was picking up and more than anything I wanted to make sure my Princess was okay. The drive wasn’t long and I knew this wasn’t the best of neighborhoods around, but to say I was surprised when I pulled up to her nearly run down building was an understatement. Even though I had a lot on my mind about the events that took place today and even her living situation, I kept it bottled up. I pull to a stop and grab my umbrella from the back, handing it to her along with a pair of my designer flip-flops.

  “Here you don’t have on any shoes and I don't want you getting wet again.” She looked at me and burst out laughing.

  “That's definitely not what she said.” She laughed again. Scrunching up my face I frowned then thought it over. Catching on, I laughed along with her. “Don't worry Princess I, could get you plenty wet.” She bit her lip turn then raised a brow. “Seriously take the umbrella Princess and the shoes.” Nodding she takes them from me.

  “How do I get your things back to you?”

  “I don't need any of that back. You can keep it.”

  “But what about your jacket? Don’t you need that?” She went to take it off, but I stopped her.

  “I said I don't need it. Keep it.” I tell her seriously.

  “Ok.” She sat there quiet for a second then reached for the bag on the floor and the car door. Now is my chance.

  “Before you go, can I have your number?” She looked down and shook her head and my heart dropped. That is until she pulled the glitching phone from her pocket holding it up to my face.

  “It got wet while I was waiting at the bus. My dad was the last person I was able to call before it went out. I’m sure my mom is upstairs waiting on me, and I seriously doubt with my disobeying her like this that I’ll get a new one anytime soon.” I nod showing my understanding and she goes to get out again, but I stop her one last time. This time I pull her arm gently until she met me in the middle of the console. When I press my lips to hers she gasps, but soon relaxes into the kiss. For a full minute I made her lips mine, not wanting to let go, but that plan was thwarted by her pulling away. “I take that back. My mom can’t be upstairs because if she were you and I both would have a foot up our ass.” Ouch. “Thanks again for today Daddy. I have to go before my mom gets home though.”

  “I understand. I don’t want you to get in trouble but… can you meet me at that diner next weekend? I really want to see you again.” Her eyes lit up and she nodded her head once before putting on the shoes and running out without the umbrella. I watched her enter the building, still not wanting to leave until I see the car that Layla drove that day at the restaurant pulled up on the side of me. A beautiful woman who was the exact image of my Princess stepped out and frowned at my car. I grimaced, put the car in reverse, and drove off. When I looked back, she was still watching my car with a frown. I’m sorry Princess. I hope she didn’t see us making out.

  At home, I see my mom in the kitchen doing paperwork with my father, who is sitting next to her stiffly. They looked to have been arguing, but as usual they turn all smiles when they see me.

  “Hey honey did you have fun with Aaron? You didn’t get caught in the weather huh?” My mom got up to give me a hug and a kiss and I returned them.

  “It was fun mom… uhm dad can I talk with you for a second?” My dad jumped up, happy to be away from table, and followed me.

  “What’s up son?” I shuffled my feet, scared to ask him at first, but then squared my shoulders and put my fears behind me.

  “Dad do you think you can get me my own cell phone plan?” He looked confused, probably not expecting me to ask that of all things.

  “Whoa, son. That’s a lot of responsibility for a kid who just turned seventeen. What brought this on?” I almost lied to him but decided the best course of action was the semi-truth.

  “Because I don’t want mom knowing everything that I do.” His eyes flashed in understanding and he hummed, rubbing the back of his neck.

  “I-I…” he cleared his throat and coughed a bit, “I can’t give you your own plan because your credit could be affected if you skip a payment, but I can ask a buddy of mine that I trust to possibly put you on his plan. How about that?” He’s talking about his best friend. My ‘Uncle’ Henry, who my mom hated, I’m sure. He was the coolest person ever and always had my dad’s back. I knew if I asked him there was no way he’d be opposed to me adding two phone lines instead of one. I knew as well that he’d never tell my dad either.

  “Okay, thank you.” He only rubbed his neck that had grown red in embarrassment and nodded.

  “I’ll have him call you tonight.“ True to his word, my uncle Henry called me and helped me order two new iPhones for next day delivery. Laying down in bed, I smile up at the ceiling as I think about the kiss Layla & I shared earlier, and how surprised she’d be when she saw my gift. Does this make us boyfriend and girlfriend now? No wait, does this makes us Daddy and Princess? What the hell does that even mean?

  This time I sit up in bed and grab my laptop, searching what Daddy and Princess mean. The results where shocking to say the least. Dominate and Submissive, Daddy Dom/ Little Girl, Bondage Discipline Sadism and Masochism? Why the hell is my heart pounding? I didn’t know what any of this meant, but I did know I wanted whatever this was with Layla.

  I click on my private screen and search videos depicting every relationship and my world was completely altered. After masturbating to a couple of them I turn off my laptop, beside myself with lust. So a Daddy Dom huh? I think I like that sound of that.

  Loving on the Princess

  “Joshua, honey, which do you prefer? Pink and white, purple and white, or blue and white?” Amber walks up to me showing me the tenth wedding magazine of the day.

  “Hmmm, definitely not purple and white.” I tell her. “One of the other two.” That makes her frown.

  “Awww, I was hoping you'd like that one best.” She pouts and removes that one from the list. I do like that one. I love it actually. When Layla and I were together, we would sometimes have conversations about what we wanted our dream wedding to be. More than me, she’d go on and on about the colors and how she’d make sure she had everything matching for me. I bite my lip, thinking about some of those nights. They always ended up with her face down, ass up, and all talks of a wedding was gone from mind. That was ten years ago, but I still I couldn't picture a wedding with those colors with anyone other than her. So that was a no go.

  “Ok then, how about blue and white? It's the next best thing.” She held up the magazine and I felt bad for my of lack of care involving the wedding. But wasn’t Amber and our mothers supposed to be planning this? Why did I have to be involved? Shrugging, I nod to show some interest.

  “Sure.” She sighed, dropping the book. She walks over and sits on the sofa next to me, placing her head on my shoulder.

  “Josh, if you weren't ready to get married, why did you ask?”

  “Who said I wasn't ready to get married?” I pause the show I was watching and look at her.

  “You don't have to tell me, I can feel it. You are so iffy about everything dealing with this wedding. You won't even work with me on setting a date. What’s changed in a month?”

  “I'm sorry, Amber. Nothing has changed. I just expected us to enjoy the engage
ment stage a bit longer. I didn't think you'd want to be married by the end of the year.” I tell her seriously.

  “That's ridiculous and you know it. We've been together three and a half years, and I’ve been trying to date you for ten years. Why in the world would I want to wait? You either want to marry me or you don’t. We are happy, we have sex if you can call it that we practically live together, and we do everything a married couple does; why not just tie the knot? Why do we have to wait Joshua? Help me understand?”

  She has a good point, but I still couldn't shake the feeling that I want to wait. I didn't want to tie myself down quite yet. I love Amber, but marriage was just so official. Some of the best advice my dad gave me when I told him that I wanted to marry Amber is to never get married until you’re done being single. Am I done being single?

  “Amber, just give me some time. Weddings are expensive and time consuming, and I'm not ready to jump into that right now.” I try to explain to her.

  “Really, that's your excuse Joshua? You aren't ready to jump into it because it’s expensive? Says the billionaire who just spent twenty thousand on a watch yesterday. This ‘jumping into it’ you are referring to is your marriage to the woman you supposedly love, Joshua.”

  “Come on Amber, it's really not that serious. I do love you I just want to wait. Lots of people have long engagements. I don't see what the big deal is.”

  “Don't see what the big deal is? You know what? Ever since you've taken over as CEO, you've been so distant which is crazy. There is no way a person can change that much in a month.” She folds her arms, shaking her head at me.

  “I'm not changing Amber, I’m just busy. As my father’s replacement, it's my job to do everything and more for this company. I need to make sure this company takes the next step. I thought you understood that.”

  “Gates Tech isn't an entry level company, let alone your only company! I don’t see why you can't just ease up on the workload a bit. You've been spending all your free time at work. I'm starting to feel neglected and unwanted.” Now I felt bad. Sitting up, I grab her and hug her close to me.

  “I'll do my best to ease up on the workload. I promise I don't want you feeling any way other than special. I'll tell you what, once I close this latest deal you and I can talk more about setting a date okay?”

  “Thank you, baby. That's all I ask.” Kissing me, she goes back over to her magazine and starts looking at more wedding stuff. God, I feel like I dodged a bullet. We sit there in silence and for about an hour and my stomach growls. I pause my show looking at the time.

  “What's for dinner?”

  “Uhm, I don't know? You up for takeout? The chef doesn’t come by this week,” she says without looking up, her nose still buried in the book.

  “Can you make something quick? I’m not really in the mood for fast food.”

  “I’m busy love. Just order something.” I sigh and reluctantly get up, pulling out the book with the takeout menus.

  “What are you in the mood for?”

  “I don't know, what about you?”

  I was in the mood for shrimp alfredo pasta with baked salmon and garlic bread. Not just anyone’s though, her’s. She'd brought it for lunch from her leftovers the other day and I just about had an orgasm when I tasted it. Now I can’t stop thinking about it. She was a true artist in the kitchen. I wish I could…wait! I run off to my room and rattle though my briefcase for my work phone. Quickly pressing seven, I wait for her to pick up.

  “Hello Mr. Gates?”

  “Layla! Good you picked up!” I sigh with relief. “What are you cooking tonight?” I ask her seriously. Laughing, she answers just as seriously.

  “I'm making baked mac and cheese, smothered fried pork chops, green beans and homemade sweet honey butter cornbread, why?” My mouth watering, I lick my lips hungrier than I was before.

  “That sounds amazing. Did you make enough to be able to bring me over a plate?”

  “Uhm sure, one or two?”

  “One is fine, it's just for me. I'm running out to grab Amber something from up the street.”

  “Ok. I'll see you in twenty. How’s that sound?”

  “Perfect. See you then.”

  “Hey, I'm going to run out and pick up some sushi. I'll be back okay?” I yell to Amber on my way out. The Chinese buffet up the street is our go to spot because everything is already done so we never have to wait. I grab her meal with fried rice and steamed veggies and hurry home. Placing the food in front of her, she looks up with a frown as she opens it.

  “This is only enough for one of us. Where’s yours?” As if on cue, there's a knock on my door and I giddily skip over to the door, not even answering Amber. I can see the confused look Amber’s face because no one had access to my place aside from family and Aaron and they always called when they arrived. She had no idea I added Layla's name to my visitor list with the front desk downstairs so she can come and go as she pleases. Of course she didn’t know because this is my home and Layla is my PA.

  “There it is!” I open the door, revealing a sexy Layla though she obviously wasn't trying. She had on a baggy off the shoulder t-shirt and tight-fitting black legging with a black scarf tied around her head and some running shoes. Her face was void of any makeup and I could tell she only had on chapstick from the small shine to her lips. She looked like my Layla. My Princess.

  “Come in, please. Thank you for coming on such short notice.” I tell her grabbing her hand and helping her over the threshold. When she steps in, she's obviously surprised. Even though she knew of my wealth now, she never saw it because I'd learned to stop flaunting it a bit before we got together.

  “Wow you really are a billionaire huh?” She looks around in awe.

  “Uhm yea, I am. I never got to apologize for lying to you about that.” I say with my face turning red as I rub my neck. She turns those pretty eyes on me, chuckling and shaking her head.

  “I’ve—“ she starts, but is interrupted by Amber who comes up from behind, hugging me.

  “Who do we have here honey?” Layla unfazed just smiles holding out her hand. When Amber doesn’t shake it, she looks down at the food in her hand before holding it out to me.

  “I'm just the Personal Assistant. I came to drop off some dinner for Josh.” She hands me the large container. When I pop it open the smell hits me like a ton of bricks.

  “Damn Princess, this smells amazing.” That makes everyone in the room go still, including me. Damnit.

  “First names, nick names, and home cooked meals? Wow, you must be some sort of super Personal Assistant or something.” Amber says dryly and I can feel the tension in the air making me blanch.

  “No ma’am, I’m simply doing the job I’ve been paid to do. He asks and I deliver. It's as straightforward as that. With that I’ll take my leave I hope you enjoy th-”

  “So you always do as he asks?” Amber says, cutting her off while folding her arms and glaring at Layla.

  “If it’s within reason I don't see why not since it’s a part of my job description.” Okay, this is getting out of hand.

  “And a home cooked meal delivered at his door at ten o'clock at night in your horrid attempt at night attire is reasonable?”

  “Look, I don't know what's going on here, I’m just doing m-” Amber takes the food from my hands and dumps it on the floor.

  “What’s going on is this; I don't allow my fiancé to eat other bitches’ cooking. I'm the wife so I'll fix him something to eat.” All I could do was look at my now empty hands where my delicious food had just been. When I hear Layla let out a squeak I knew she was upset. I look over to her and see she's staring at the food on the floor.

  “You know that was extremely uncalled for. You could have just given it back and I would have taken my leave without making much fuss, but now bitch I gotta read you for the filth. First of all, I can tell that you've never had to go a day without food and kudos to you for never having had to go hungry but check this out: I'm from the hood with a
black mama that had to work hard as hell for our next meal and in our household we didn’t fucking waste food! If your funky ass didn’t want your ‘fiancee’ to eat my food then I could have given that to someone less fortunate. But noooo, you’re over here bitching at me and dumping out perfectly good food, beating your flat ass chest and looking like a muppet baby, and all I did was follow fucking directions. If you had a problem, you should have talked to your man, HE called ME. I came because I was supposed to, but I know now.” Layla turned to me mouth set in a thin line. “Mr. Gates, I apologize, but I will not be able to provide anymore food for you , or any of my other services for that matter, from now on. Since I’ll most likely be fired for this fuckery, I might as well just quit and go back to my old job. Good fucking day.” She turns to walk to the door opening it, but pauses to look back at me one more time. “Oh and one more thing before I go. If these are the type of people you ran around with before, then I'm glad you fucking left.” She exclaimed, slamming my door.

  “Bitch! Good riddance. Ghetto hood-rat trash.” Amber spat. “I want you to make sure she’s fired.” She said to me, but I was still processing what just happened. “Josh did you hear me? I said I-” I spun around on her, my heart racing, ears burning, and mouth dry. She’s leaving me. No! I just got her back.

  “Clean this shit up.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. I said clean. This. Shit. Up!”

  “Joshua how dare y-”

  “I don't want to hear a word from you! You just embarrassed the hell out of me!” I yell, feeling a vein I my forehead throb. “Acting like someone who has no fucking common sense.”


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