Daddy's Little Secret

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Daddy's Little Secret Page 13

by Rose Marie

  “I don't think you're weak Layla. On the contrary Princess, I see the power you have over me. You completely own me. Without you, I'm just a plain white boy who blends in with the rest; normal, and basic. You gave me something that made me stand out from the rest. You gave me, you. I want that back. I want you back. Please.”

  “You'll hurt me again.” She said.

  “To hurt you is to hurt me Princess. Please.” I made her look at me. My heart was doing funny things. “Just one more chance.” She looked at me with those beautiful eyes of hers and I caught the tear falling with my thumb. “Please, Princess.” She looked at me with so much emotion, I felt my own tears well up.

  “Don't hurt me Daddy.” She broke down and I pulled her to me.

  “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too.” I went on her side of the booth and held her, not wanting to let go.

  “Do you have to be home early tonight?” She shook her head looking up at me.

  “No, my mom is out with her boyfriend for the weekend.” Nodding, I kissed her head.

  “Do you want to spend the night with me?” I asked.

  “Really?” She lifts up. Nodding, I pull her back to me.


  “Then, I'd love to Daddy.”

  That night was the first time we actually slept next to each other, the first time I made love to my Princess, and the first time I realized I'd never love a girl as much as I loved her. She was truly my everything.

  A Talk with Big Daddy

  “Did you get those movers scheduled?” I buzz Grace and ask.

  “Yes sir. They should be there by the end of the week.” Good. I’m ready to move. I'd had it up to my hairline with Amber’s pleading for me not to leave her. I shake my head, just thinking about the head she gave me as I ended our engagement. It was to the point I was ready to sign over the whole damn lease in her name just to be done with her, and that’s what I did. It was the easiest and the cleanest way to break things off. Even though we didn’t live together it was a place I shared with another woman. I didn’t want that for my Princess. No, she deserves something new.

  “Sir your two o'clock is here.” Grace buzzed in and I couldn’t help but groan. My dad heard the news as everyone else did and called me for a meeting. Even though I knew he would be disappointed in me, I still had to do what I had to do and live my own damn life. I’m not a boy anymore playing house and making stupid life altering decisions based on his parents prejudices anymore. No, I have the rare opportunity to make up with the woman I’ve loved for over eleven years. His disappointment is just going to have to gotten over with because my Princess is here to stay. Forever.

  “Send him in.” Might as well get this over with. Seconds later my dad saunters in with all the swag and confidence of a twenty-year-old man. Even though he’s fifty-three anyone who ever saw him said he looked like my older brother. My dad always took care of his appearance. Outside of the time I left for college, he never let himself go. I remember coming back home and seeing him look just as beat up as me. He looked heartbroken and distraught, though at the time I could care less, I was happy when he got himself together. As I sit in front of him now, one would never think he’d had a single problem.

  “So dad, what's going on?” I waste no time in getting down to business because I knew why he was here, and I also didn't care.

  “Nothing much son. Your mom was upset, and I was sent to come talk some sense into you. Something about the wedding and you having an affair.” As I was about to open my mouth to give him the same reply I gave my mom, a knock sounds at my door and Grace enters, placing some coffee on the desk. When she left, I set on doing what I should have done from the jump, defend my love.

  “My love life has nothing to do with either you, mom, or adding to that list, Amber.” I go to get up and show him to the door. “Now, if we are done here?”

  “Where is your cute new PA?” He asked bored, as if I hadn't just dismissed him.

  “Dad! What the hell? I thought you didn't like black people?! And she’s off for the week. Why?”

  “No, that's all your mother. I don't have a problem with them; they’re people too, right? And I asked because I wanted my son to finally be honest about the young woman he’s been seeing since he was seventeen.” He said that so calmly ,as if he didn't just scramble my brain.

  “But- wait…what?”

  “What? Think I wouldn't notice my minor son sneaking out the house? Or that the gas tanks in his car, truck, and motorcycles were never full? Think I wouldn’t follow you and make sure you were okay? Please! I'm a billionaire and I contrary to what I’d been called by my own father, I’m not THAT much of an idiot Josh. Get your shit together.” He sips his coffee, grimacing at the taste. Yeah I know.

  “But If you didn't believe mom’s racist tirades, why the hell would you let her tell me that crap?!”

  “Because son, your mother’s hate goes beyond just you dating black girls.” I pick up my phone and told Grace to cancel all my meetings and that I would be meeting with my dad for the rest of the day. I also told her to take the rest of the day for herself since I wouldn't need her. No, I needed to talk and clear the air with my ol’ man.

  “Tell me everything. Why does mom hate black people so much? How did you find out? I thought I was careful.”

  My dad took a deep breath and put his coffee down. “Well I can’t tell you everything. It’s still a little too complicated for that, but I’ll tell you what I can. It pretty much started in college. Your mother and I were high school sweethearts and childhood friends pretty much like yourself and Amber. We had it all; we were the “it” couple. Your mom was the sweetest woman I’d ever known. She talked to everyone and made friends with everybody, but it was this one young woman that became her best friend. Nikita was her name. Everyone called her Nikki, but I called her...” He cleared his throat then smiled. That name sounds familiar.

  “She was a beautiful, a breath of fresh air and vibrant. Your mother loved her like a sister but me? Well, I loved her but not like a sister, that’s for sure. The only way I can describe it is love at first sight. I mean seriously son, the moment she knocked on our front door I knew I should have told your mom to send her away, because when she walked through the door-” He swallowed and sat back, leaning against the couch. “I was a fucking goner.”

  “I remember the exact day everything changed, not only for your mother, but for me as well. Your mom had just graduated college and I had just inherited the business. We were ready to take things to the next level, so I had just asked her to marry me. Just like you, at a party surrounded by family and friends, I got on one knee and proposed to the woman I'd already been with for nine years. Everyone was so happy for us. The next morning, your mom came to me with the “why wait” speech, and it made sense. I'd been with her this long so I might as well take the plunge, right?

  The following week we were married in a small but lavish wedding. The way your mom smiled at me with so much love and happiness is still with me to this day. She looked so beautiful. Everyone was there but her best friend. She was working and couldn't take the time off with the wedding being done with such short notice and all. It was a plus for me I thought because my feelings would have been all over the place had she been there. But in retrospect they wouldn’t have been all over the place, because I would have been at peace and happy with the woman I really loved.

  That night after the wedding, your mom wanted to have one last hoorah with her girls since she and I would be off on our honeymoon for an extended period of time. I didn't mind because we'd been together for nine years and her going out on our wedding day without me didn't matter much.

  While your mom was out, Nikita came over, hoping to not have missed the whole wedding but it was over with. She turned to leave but I stopped her, inviting her in instead. I could tell she was uncomfortable given my track record with her. I was always reckless when it came to being alone with her. I shouldn’t hav
e invited her in. Doing that was my ultimate downfall.

  She only wanted to drop off a gift for you mom and I. She was going to leave but…” my dad looked over to me with eyes of a man who’s known loss. “Remember when I told you I was an idiot?”


  “Nikita, you don't have to go, it's pouring down right now. Why don't you stay a bit? At least until the rain calms down. You can take one of the guest rooms.”

  “No, John I should really get going. Thank you for offering and tell Sandy I stopped by.” As she went to put on her coat, I grab her.

  “Please, just take the guest room. It’ll give me peace of mind knowing you're safe. You shouldn't drive in this weather,” I plead. She looked back and smiled thankfully. I want to touch her. I want to… stop! I’m married now! Those things that happened between us in the past can’t happen anymore. I let out a deep sigh and let her hand go. “Come on, follow me. I’ll show you to the guest room.” She laughed and my heart squeezed in my chest.

  “I know where the guest rooms are John thank you. Just…” she looked down at the work spread across the dining table. “Finish your work. Don’t mind me okay?” She walked off, leaving me to watch her from behind, but I shake my head to clear it of her. I need to call my wife and check on her and her friends.

  “John? Can you hear me?”

  “Yes I can hear you Sandy. Where are you? Is everything okay?”

  “Yes. Everything is fine. The girls and I are getting a room for the night, this weather is horrid.” I felt both relief and discomfort at the same time. I debate whether I should tell her about Nikita being here or not. Don’t.

  “Okay, you all be careful. Call me in the morning.” When I hung up, I feel a vibration through my body as I hear Nikita running the guest bath. I get up, to fix her something to eat knowing she’d just got off from work, so odds are she’s hungry. When done, I set out the food for us to eat then I go upstairs to grab some clothes for after her shower. Thinking I can just sneak in and set them down I walk in and instantly dropping everything in my hands. Good God I knew she was gorgeous, but this is just unfair. As soon as I open the door, I see Nikita bent over putting lotion on her legs... her long, sexy and dark brown legs. Heart about to leap out my chest, I run from the room like a fire was lit under my ass. When she came out, I was still standing there, reeling from the blessed sight I’d just seen.

  “Oh John! Uh, I’m… I’m s-sorry for not locking the door. I- uhm..” She couldn’t finish her sentence due to embarrassment and I understood

  “No, no it’s all me! I-I should have knocked.“ I stammer avoiding eye contact, yet still picturing the round perfection of her fat bottom bent over in front of me. I was going to say more until I see she’s back in work clothes. “Why are you in… why are you back in your work clothes?”

  “I think it’s best that I go. I’m in the brand-new house with my best friend’s new husband alone without her knowledge or her permission. Let alone that fact he just walked in on me… uhm changing. I need to go.” She shuffled her feet to leave, and I grab her wrist.

  “But… but. FOOD!” She jumped at hearing me yell out of the blue.


  “I mean I made food. Shrimp salad, salmon, and garlic bread. You like that right?”

  “I do actually but-“

  “No buts, just stay… please.” I know it’s bad, but the amount of begging that I was willing to do to keep her in this house with me was on another level. The fact that her eyes went as wide as they did told me that she knew I was desperate. She tried to pull her hand away but I not only tightened my grip, but I pulled her closer to me. “You’ll stay won’t you?” She averted her eyes and tried to pull away one more time but I’m unrelenting. I can’t let her go.

  “Johnathan Gates don’t you think you’re trying a little to hard to keep a single unmarried woman in your home… and on the day you just said your vows? There’s a storm happening outside, and your new wife could be stranded. Shouldn’t you expand this type of energy somewhere else? Like perhaps trying to go find her and bring her home?” My body flushed and I could feel the heat creeping up my neck at what I was going to say next. I knew she’d hate it but per my own selfish want I didn’t give a damn. I want her here with me.

  “Nikita, let me rephrase that. I’m TELLING you that I WANT you to stay with me tonight.” The goosebumps that rose up on her skin told me everything that I wanted to know. It told me she wanted to be with me just as much as I wanted to be with her. So instead of waiting on her answer I held her hand tighter and pulled her through the halls I was supposed to be walking with my wife right now.

  When we get down stairs to the kitchenette, I seat her and uncover the food. I sit next to her and pick up the silverware I laid out. While looking into her eyes I slice a piece of the herb and garlic and bring it to her lips. Her gaze remained on me as her plump lips parted and closed around the utensil. When she pulled away licking her lips a bit of butter from the fish slid down her chin and Lord help me, I lean forward doing the exact opposite of what I should have done… I capture it with my tongue.

  The way she stiffened made me pause for just a second so she could push me away. One was all my body would allow because the next I had her scooped up and laid out on the table with my cock pressed against her center and my lips entwined with hers. Her hands went under my shirt and I go cross-eyed as she brings her nails hard down my back.

  “Fuck me, do it harder.” Of the nine years Sandy and I have been together mixed in with the five we’ve been having sex there were exactly zero of them spent with this much aggressive want and passion. I don’t know why but from the moment I laid eyes upon her it was as if something inside my heart tugged me right in her direction.

  From the uneasy kisses we’d shared to the heated petting we’ve done this was, by far was the most dangerous because this time I couldn’t allow her to stop me. For all the guilt I feel at desiring one of my wife’s best friends, I feel even more gutted at the possibility of her pushing me away. I want her. I want her. I need to have her.

  “John, stop.”

  “No.” I trail kisses down her neck to her chest where her heart is knocking against her ribcage as hard as mine to her tummy that’s soft and slightly rounded with a pudge.

  “We can’t.” I pull her shirt up and her breast spill out like heavy water balloons. Before she can protest any further, I suck one into my mouth and cup the other in my hand. They’re so full and squishy compared to Sandy’s B-cups. I bite the puckered bud, eliciting a moan that had my balls tightening and my cock thumping against my pants for freedom.

  “You want me to let you go when your kitty cat iss purring like this? Huh Nikita? Tell the truth kitten… tell Daddy what you really want.” Her back arched in pleasure at at having her nipple bitten but when she came down from the height of it, I knew she was mine. Her eyes were glossed over, and her skin held a bit of sweat. She was hot all over, but I really wanted to check her core. “Wrap your legs around me kitten. I’m taking you to bed.” Only for a moment did she hesitate before complying.

  After she wrapped those sexy legs around me, I sprint to the master bedroom, food forgotten, stripping her of everything she had on. I didn’t want her over thinking things anymore, so I face plant right into her pussy sucking her very soul from her body. Her loud moans and shaking thighs spurred me on. I wanted what my body and my heart craved.

  Unable to bear not being connected to her anymore I wrench my clothes off uncaring about the thousand-dollar price tag to each item. No, the woman spread before me is much more important. She’s the embodiment of temptation, and I wanted her. As I crawl up her body and spread her legs, I can’t help but capture her lips to hush the protest that I knew would come. Her trembling hands found their place around my neck as I thrust forward into her. That’s when I could hold back no more.

  “Yes!” I can’t help but groan at the feeling of her convulsing around my cock. “Holy shit!” I moan as if
I wasn’t a grown man but instead a teen who’d just discovered what the white stuff was. How can she be this tight? How can she feel this good? Don’t you fucking cum Johnathan Gates don’t you dare fucking cum!

  Telling myself that was easier said than done because with every trust into her she clung to me. If I wasn’t a seasoned veteran at fucking, I’d have blacked out from the pleasure. I grab her big hips and rock into her as hard as I can, grunting like the beast she makes me feel like. I was pounding into her so hard her body was jerking upward and her ass was clapping. Outside of hardcore porn, I’ve never seen a pussy cream up the way hers did, or a woman take cock so greedily. It’s such a turn on. It’s so nasty and fucking sexy to have this extremely desirable woman call my name and beg me to go harder. I feel like a king. I feel like I’m her everything. Fuck she’s driving me crazy. “So fucking wet kitty cat, so fucking tight God you’re going to make me cum.”

  “John more please!”

  “Nu-uh what’s that you called me the other day kitten? Say it again. Call me that one more time and I’ll give you everything your heart desires.” She paused for biting her lip quivering.

  “I want you.” Damn, she’s going to be the death of me.

  “Then tell me what I want to hear.”

  “I want you Daddy.” The way my heart sped up and my breathing quickened just from her calling me one thing was scary, but I loved it.

  “You got it kitty cat. Then take this fat cock!” I pull out thrusting as deep and as hard as I can into her slapping her ass hard enough to leave a print. I grunt and squeeze my eyes closed when I feel her pussy grip me harder. “Fuck yeah Kitten! You like that, don't you?!” I slap her ass harder, losing control of myself. I'd never had sex like this before. Hell, I'd never had sex with a woman other than Sandy. It’s never been something I’ve wanted or desired, I barely desired Sandy, but with my kitty cat not only did I desire her, but sex with her is fucking mind-numbing.


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