Daddy's Little Secret

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Daddy's Little Secret Page 16

by Rose Marie

  “Sandy, I’m asking you as nicely as I can, please do not speak about my woman like that. If you do so again, I will leave. If you remember correctly, the deal was to stay with you until Josh inherited the company. He’s done that and the only reason I haven’t filed for divorce is because I wanted to let him transition into the position and didn’t want to burden him. But now I’m starting to not give a fuck so watch yourself.” She huffed and turned her head away. This is what it all boiled down to, her wanting me to stay with her and to love her, but her wants are wasted on me. I'd told her hundreds of times, maybe thousands, that I do not love her anymore and my love belonged to Nikita Williams.

  “When was the last time you even saw her? Your son’s now married to the bit-“ she cleared her throat. “He's married to her daughter… are you really going to keep this up?”

  “Josh is grown man now; his actions don’t reflect on me nor do mine, his. I love my son and I’ll support him in any way I can. That’s why I stayed with you isn’t it? Since he and Layla are married now, I’m sure with Nikita’s knowledge since she didn’t send hell and high water their way, I doubt there’s more you, me, or her can do about it. He’s in love I’m not going to be a selfish parent and end his happiness for my own. Nikita said we were done, because like me she puts Layla’s happiness above her own.” I sigh, rubbing my eyes and feeling tired all of a sudden. I want my woman back. “Besides, what Josh and Layla did will not stop my love for Nikita. They aren't related and didn't grow up together, thank God for that, so to answer your question: yes, yes I will keep this up, because I love her Sandy.”

  “It’s sick. Your son is fucking married to-“

  “I’m tired of hearing your voice. Go on vacation or something. I’m sure one of your batshit crazy friends are miserable somewhere just desiring some company. Shoo, fly, don’t bother me.”

  “You never used to talk to me this way John. It’s her fault her and her daughter’s. Why didn't I listen to my friends when they said black women are whores?”

  “I’ve been telling you this for years. I came onto her. She-“

  “SHE SHOULD HAVE STOPPED YOU! Had she been a real friend she would have stopped. No, she would have never stepped in the house. I should have listened to them.” She cried. “I just don’t get it. All those guys in college wanted her for what? She’s black tar, her hair is a rat’s nest, her lips are wide, her nose is too big, not to mention her ass too fat. She’s ugly so why did even you want her?”

  “Wow?” She turned to me raising a brow.


  “Nothing just comparing your thoughts of her to mine. Where you see tar, I see the finest of chocolate. Where you see a rat’s nest, I see a crown. Her nose is cute as a button, and the full lips you described as too wide enticed me with a sensual invitation to pleasure.” I stop and chuckle. “And that fat ass as you put it? Well not to sound vulgar but-“ I licked my lips and she sat up with her hand on her chest. “-let’s just say it’s my favorite meal.”

  “Johnathan! How crass!”

  “See you're mistaken to think I give a damn anymore about your thoughts or opinions. I stayed with you for Joshua’s sake and his alone. I hurt and lost the woman I love not for you, but for MY SON. I don’t regret it because I got to watch him grow up but know this…” I said taking off the constricting wedding ring I’ve been tied to for thirty years. With all my strength, I fling it in the fireplace and smile in freedom for the first time in decades.

  “I am done. I won't let you you blackmail me into a loveless marriage anymore. Nikita is the woman I love. I have never, in the entirety of the thirty years that I’ve been shackled to you, gave up on her. She’s always been my end goal. Strip me of my wealth and my fame and all you’ll see is a man broken by loss that you’ve created. So, have at it Sandy. I'd rather be a laughing stock worth a few millions and happy with the woman I love than be a cold-hearted billionaire businessman who has nothing but bitterness in his heart. This marriage is over. I won’t be back, but you can have everything. You can have the house, the cars, and the money, but you can NOT have my son OR my LOVE. I’m done.”

  “John you don’t mean that!” She cried. My answer was to walk away. Thirty years I've let her control me. No more. Driving to the house that I knew housed my Kitten, I step out not even cutting the engine. Her neighbors stop and watch me with anticipation and suspicion. Walking up to her door I knock, waiting to see her face to face for the first time in ten years, but it’s not her who answers the door.

  "Can I hel- wait Jonathan?"


  "Yeah, man it’s good to see you. What are you doing here?" I look him up and down with narrowed eyes.

  "What are you doing here is the better question." I guess he could feel my animosity because he stood up straighter and puffed out his chest. Paul I will fuck you up. Let’s not okay?

  "I’m visiting my fiancée now you ans-" I push past him and barge into the house.

  "NIKITA!" I hear quick footsteps.

  "What in the world-" she stops at the last step and gasp. "John! W-What are yo-"


  "John, you need to leave."


  "Leave me alone. Please John just go. We’re through."

  "I never have nor will ever agree to that!"

  "John what the hell man.... where's Sandy? What are you doing here and wh-" I turn to him, punching him in the nose for absolutely no reason other than the fact he had HER. He falls, clutching his nose and cursing as he tries to stop the bleeding. I stepped over him and walk up to my Kitten. I grab her around the waist and squeeze, instantly making her tremble. I put my head in the crook of her shoulder, feeling the tears I’d been holding in for ten years. "I’m getting a divorce. You promised you’d wait on me. I’m ready." I shakily breath into her neck.

  She pulled away from me watching me with sadness in her eyes. Slowly she brought her hand up showing me a ring on her ring finger. "It’s too late." I dry my tears and I look down at her ring.

  "A couple things: one, I can do better. Two…" I get down to eye level with her making sure to look her square in the eye as to show her my unwavering resolve. "Over my dead body."

  "Please don’t do this again."

  "It's been done. By the way I know she didn’t tell you, but in two months, after they’re back from their honeymoon, you should make sure you congratulate Layla on marrying Josh." She gasped with her hand over her mouth. "You know what that means right?" I open the door and looked out. "There's no hiding from me Kitten and there’s no reason to stay away, Daddy’s never letting you go again. Oh, and make sure my old friend on the floor knows who the fuck I am to you, because he doesn't stand a chance." I tell her closing the door behind me.

  Back in my car, I look at my phone to see an incoming call from Sandy. Ignoring it, I think about the best way to tell my son about my plans. I pray he accepts my decision but if not… Lord knows I'd do anything for my son happiness. Hell, I'd already paid the ultimate price. This time though, no matter what, I’m not going to give up my Kitten. AGAIN. He’s old enough and have suffered enough to understand now. There was no need to sacrifice my happiness for his anymore. It think it’s time my son found out his dad’s unforgettable little secret.

  The Two Daddy’s Talk

  “Princess, are you feeling okay?” She groaned and buried her head under the cover still not wanting to be bothered. I sigh while looking at my messages. My dad sent me a message telling me he needed to talk to me today and that he’d be here today. I was tired from our honeymoon trip, but I owe him bit time for stepping in and handling my slack while I was off being irresponsible and fucking my wife’s brains out.

  I had reservations about giving my dad our new address. I’d went through great lengths to keep it hidden, but I knew my dad wouldn’t trip too much. My mom on the other hand… she was a another matter. I’m married, I’m happy, and that’s all that matters to me. Screw them an
d their support. There was nothing they could say to make me leave my wife.

  Kissing my Princess’s head, I get annoyed at the fever I feel. If this kept up, we’ll have to have the doctor make a house call. My phone buzzes with a text from my dad letting me know he was here. I pull the cover up on my sick Princess then leave her alone to rest to have a conversation with my dad.

  A couple months ago, I thought he’d come to kick up shit about me wanting to cancel the engagement, but to my surprise he came through with overwhelming support. So I wanted to know what was so important that he had to come by right as we get back from our honeymoon.

  When I open the door, I go to greet my father, but I’m greeted by a completely different man. This was not my custom suit wearing caviar eating dad. No, this was someone I’d never seen before.

  “Dad?” The strange man walked into my house with a swagger that shook me. It was jaw dropping.

  “Joshua, it’s good to see you my boy!” He pulled me in for a hug, one I couldn’t return not because I didn’t want to, but because I was still processing this change.

  “Dad?” I repeated once more as he pulled back. After he takes off his sunglasses, he looks me over with a crooked smirk. My dad has a beard… a mustache…. And his hair is dyed. None of this makes sense. “What am in seeing right now?” I ask stunned.

  He sighed, scratching his head and then fixed his beanie cap. A fucking beanie cap! “You’re looking at a free man son. At a mediocrely happy man, not entirely there, but happier than I’ve been. You’re finally seeing your dad in his element.”

  “Wait what?”

  “Do you want to do this standing by the door, or would you like to have a seat at least before I tell you that I’m divorcing your mother and pursuing the love of my life, Nikita who just so happens to be your wife’s mother?”

  To say my jaw fell open would be an understatement. He started walking and I aimlessly followed him until he reached my backdoor. Sliding the accordion doors open, he steps onto the porch and to my utter shock horror and confusion he pulls out cigarettes. I watch as he effortlessly lights one and puffs it then blow out ring circles. Snatching it I stomp on it like six times hard as if it were a cockroach.

  “There ’s only so much change and shocking news I’m willing to accept. Cigarettes aren’t one of them.” He only chuckled, trashing the cigarettes. “Fair enough son.” He sat down and breathed out. “I’m sorry you had to find out like this, but up until just recently, you’ve been my only concern. So that’s why I have to tell you face to face I love you more than I love myself and I’ll sacrifice anything for you. I have sacrificed everything for you.” He holds up his hand holding onto the cigarette waving me off. “I don’t say this to make of feel bad or to say I regret it, because I don’t. I did what I did out of love for my only kid.

  “I was happy to watch you grow up and be a part of your life. You’ve grown up and become a man I’m proud of and I now feel like I can let you be you and I me. With that being said, your mother can kiss my ass.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Shit, everyone has to have their ideals snatched from them at some point, so here is my truth. Your mom has been extorting me for the past thirty years.”

  “WHAT!!” He only shrugs and fiddles with his lighter.

  “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and I scorned the hell out of her.” He smirked. “On many occasions with multiple women when I couldn’t have the one I wanted.”

  “But… weren’t you both even a little happy being married to one another?” I get out but he holds up his hand.

  “I was miserable as a bag of dog shit lit on fire on a bully’s doorstep. To be honest, I can full on say I hate your mom. She can take a bullet by the Irish mob King and I’d shake that devil’s hand and crip walk on her grave while listening to Bodak Yellow .”

  Did he just…?


  “No buts, I’m telling you the truth. Your mom is evil and batshit crazy. If I were you I’d watch my wife while around her. Now as far as your new mother-in-law, my Kitten…” Wait... is my dad a Daddy? “Hope it’s not too weird seeing us together. I mean she’s engaged to another man and all right now, but it won’t last. Nikita has been mine but due to unfortunate circumstances we had to part. She’s the happiness I gave up for you and though I missed her, everything happens for a reason.” Something inside of me withered.

  “Dad, am I the unfortunate circumstance?” He looked at me as if i’d just slapped him in the face.

  “Joshua, hear me loud and clear. NOTHING and I do mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about you was unfortunate. You alone have been my driving force. I’ve loved you more than anyone in this world from the moment I heard your heartbeat. Your mom wanted to take you from me if I stayed with Nikita. But at the time I was stuck in between a rock and a hard place, because My Kitten and I were expecting twins at the time as well.” He balled up his fist clenching them. “Well everything happens for a reason right. We lost them and your mom being the clever person she is got what she wanted in the end.”

  “But you’re making it seem as if you know Layla… as if you’ve been knowing about her and our relationship.” He raised a brow and smiled.

  “I know everything about you and Layla’s relationship, and yes I knew Layla from a long time ago but well…” he trailed off and I was getting frustrated. What hell is he a doctor explaining a difficult diagnosis? Just spit it out already!

  “Well what?” Right then my phone pinged. I check it in case it was my Princess, but it wasn’t. My mouth falls open and I just stare at my phone in shock.

  “What’s wrong son?” My dad pries the phone from my hand and whistles. “History is a bitch isn’t she?” He sat my phone down and stood. I had no words… he stumped me, and so did this text. I can’t do this right now. This is just too depressing and sudden.

  “So, on a lighter note. Is this the real you?” He looked from me to his attire, shrugging.

  “Another secret I can tell you. I hate suits.” I couldn’t help but chuckle at his confession, but still with everything that’s happened with our family. And with us being in the spotlight due to our billionaire status, this isn’t going to bode well for business, I’m sure.

  “So what now? How does this work? The press will be all over us soon.”

  “Son take my advice. Fuck the police… Or in this case the press. I’ve lived without a speck of dirt or gossip about me for thirty years. I’m a fifty-three-year-old man who’s had his heart broken and been confined to hell for too long to give a damn.

  We might lose a few investors, but we’ll get back what we lost in due time. Just worry about my daughter-in-law’s happiness, and that text you just received.” He grabbed his jacket putting it on. When did he even take it off? “You didn’t know, but I watched Layla grow up, and I’m the primary reason why her life has been so hard. Nikita is an extremely intelligent woman, and if it weren’t for me, she’d probably be off running her own global business right now. But again your mom, just like me, has friends in high places.” He sighed, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “Layla has suffered so much due to my selfishness and her mother’s unwavering love for me. I know it’s unfair, but can I ask you to give her the happiness that she deserves happiness Joshua? Can I ask you to not make the same mistake I made thirty years ago?”

  “What does that even mean dad? For once can you be clear?” I asked, frustration building up inside my chest.

  “You’re not a child Joshua. Read between the lines son. No better yet, I’ll tell you a story. Your relationship right now is frigid and fragile, like a house built in the winter with a deck of cards. You have to do your best to weather the winter storm AND defeat the big bad wolf to keep your house intact. The storm is bad, but the wolf is worse; it follows you wherever you go. It huffs, and it puffs, but will you let it blow down your house?” He pats my shoulder, giving me a meaningful look. “Don’t wait to tell your wife you’re going to be a father. If Amber g
ets to her first, your marriage will crumble before it begins. I’ll see myself out.”

  Confessing to the Princess

  The visit with my dad was long over, but I still remained in the same place. I hadn’t moved. Not one fucking muscle. Pregnant. Amber is fucking pregnant.




  I can’t lose my wife to this. She already didn’t believe in me, now this? I’m kicking myself now for fucking up so many times before. I’m all out of chances with Layla and this would be her final straw. Is she going to try and keep that promise to take the money and find another Daddy?

  Over my dead body! This marriage is stronger than a boyfriend/girlfriend bond. Our commitment and vows mean more than what I’m giving it credit for. Layla already knew that I was engaged the moment she walked into my office and snatched me up, and still she chose to be with me. If she didn’t have faith that I’d stay with her, she wouldn’t have married me. Layla, from what I’ve seen, is calculating and cunning. She’s not going to allow this to shake her up. No on the contrary, my Princess probably expects this. So fucking cliché, the ex turning up pregnant… really Rose?

  I’m just going to have to give my wife the benefit of the doubt and take care of my responsibility with her by my side. People co-parent all the time; this would be no different. But child support though? I don’t want to come out of pocket too much, but I want to be fair. Liam! I check the time seeing it’s late, but I’ve no doubt he’ll accept my call, so I place the call.

  “Shit… Aerial, wait. Hello? Josh?” Damn am I interrupting?

  “Yeah Liam, I’m sorry to bother you but I kinda got some news that threw me for a loop… as you know I just got married and..” I hear a grunt and moan.


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