
Home > Other > Exhumed > Page 23
Exhumed Page 23

by Skyla Dawn Cameron

  “That you did—with swift precision. I appreciate a job well done. I’d like to hire you again.”

  Something told me this guy didn’t understand the whole “you didn’t hire me in the first place” thing. “That’s great but I’m on a leave of absence at the moment.”

  “To be blunt, I understand that the heirs to two previously thought annihilated covens are not only alive and well, but aligned together. This...troubles me as I’ve worked very hard to fill a void in this territory.”

  And three guesses who he meant. “Good news for you: they’re already on my to do list—by which I mean my to kill list—so you don’t need to worry about it.”

  “I don’t think both are necessary and it seems that the girl is the weaker of the two—”

  Clearly Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome Latino didn’t know she was the antichrist’s daughter—and I declined to bring it up.

  “—but I will pay handsomely for O’Connor’s life to be ended.”

  A knot wound around my stomach. Not because I was being offered a contract to kill Nate, not because I was even considering it—if I was going to kill him anyway, why not collect? Hell, I collected on people he and Sean had killed because they weren’t alive to do it.

  But it seemed...unethical. Wrong. Because his death should be a closed affair, intimate and righteous. His murder would be because he hurt me and taking payment for that would...taint it, somehow.

  “If you know Nathan O’Connor is alive, you know I took credit for killing him previously when I hadn’t. I am out to rectify that mistake now and won’t take any more money for it.” The scenery passed by unchanged, Nicolette’s house with the gaping front door going by in the corner of my eye—at least he’d been keeping the promise to go around the block a few times and that’s it. “Keep me in mind for future work, though. Just not any time soon—I’m busy.”

  “Too busy for dinner sometime?”

  I blinked, my usual flirting banter failing me. “You realize I’m a vampire and don’t eat human food?”

  “And you realize I am a business man who is used to getting what he wants?” His gaze roamed over me once and then settled once more on my eyes, lips slightly curving in a half grin.

  Oh boy. I did not need this right now, and yet...it was nice, for a moment, having male attention soothing my bruised ego. Someone I should probably keep the fuck away from until my head was on straight, sure, but he was giving me an appraising look, a knowing smile, and I liked it.

  “See, the trouble is, I’ve got a bunch of people in the house there helping me sort out ways to stop the impending apocalypse. Dinner with handsome men is not yet on my radar.” I was definitely acting like a grownup if I had started putting the world ahead of boys.

  But then maybe it wasn’t “boys” before I was prioritizing. Just one boy.

  Damn him.

  “Hmm, perhaps tentative arrangements can be made if the world doesn’t end?”


  He took another drink of his brandy. “And do you have an estimated time as to when you can eliminate O’Connor? I can provide resources, if need be. My reach is vast and I do have a cache.”

  I had to wonder what resources he was hoarding—if he meant cash, surely he would have just...

  Oh, shit! I couldn’t believe I didn’t think of it before. “Drive back.”

  “Blood raining from the sky already?”

  “Something like that.” My feet were tapping, fingers drumming on the gun, as Vasquez spoke to his driver and directed him back to Nic’s house. I had no reason to be short with an apparently powerful person who could be useful to me at some point, but I really wanted to get the fuck back.

  “In all seriousness,” he said, setting his brandy down as the limo swung around, “you’ve done me a great service by removing my sister from the equation. I am in your debt, truly, and have other opportunities in the future that might be of interest to someone with your obvious talents.” He all but oozed charm and power as he shifted down the seat near me, offering his hand. I took it as the vehicle came to a halt and he pressed his lips to my knuckles. “I don’t like being obligated to others as well,” his breath whispered against my skin and gooseflesh rose fast and hard, “so if I can offer you any assistance, do let me know. I’m at your disposal, Miss Lain.”

  Alrighty then. I snatched my hand away and grabbed my gun. “Great. Will do. Bye.” I pushed my way out of the limo even before the driver got around and raced for the door, expensive heels clacking as I beat back in the house.

  Not my most tactful exit, but I had shit to do.

  The others hadn’t moved from their spot in the living room and all looked up as I ran inside. “The business card—where is it?”

  “Uh...” Peri glanced around the desk, cheeks flashing red as Nic stiffened at the mention of it. “Here.” She tossed the card on the coffee table.

  I lifted it, turning the glossy cardstock over and studying the organization’s seal. The card contained nothing else, just Adrian’s name and number and that seal, which was a dip like a V with other lines and dots, almost a sigil. Next I glanced over the notebooks. “How many other references to The Valley were there?”

  Each scanned their legal pad of notes. “Quite a few,” Ryann said. “A lot of payments to the church.”

  “This whole fucking time,” I threw my hands up as I paced, “we’ve only heard the name referenced. A fucking homonym tripped me up—it’s not V-E-I-L. It’s the Court of the Black Vale—V-A-L-E. Valley. We first heard Father Matthew talk about it and he kept saying ‘The Vale’—that’s just what the church references it as.”

  “So...” Peri started, as always the last one to catch up.

  “So I’m thinking that’s not just a random name—it’s in reference to a place.” I snapped my fingers, looking to Ellie. “That show you were watching. Valleys throughout the world where the earth looks scorched—”

  “Right!” Ellie slapped his thigh roughly, probably still too drunk to tone it down. “Alien landing pads. Or also maybe a shadow government.”

  “There’s gotta be a valley somewhere near this city where their base of operations is, and I think it’s time I drop over with a fruit basket.”

  Or maybe a rocket launcher.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  I changed yet again while Nic was doing a rundown of potential valleys. I heard mention of Google Earth before I disappeared to slip into something a little less Do Me Now.

  At least I had something to do. And a hot, dangerous guy looking at me like I was dinner. I slipped on black jeans, a blank tank, and pulled out a bright red vinyl bolero with several zippered pockets for stowing magazines when eventually we went out. The night was still young, only about midnight which meant plenty of time to track down the Court.

  I had a few more choice words for Adrian. They didn’t involve the aforementioned fruit basket.

  Beyond that, though, I needed a proper plan. We needed to see the paintings and figure out exactly what the hell to expect. Peri and Mishka had technically been in the same room a few hours ago, though only briefly. Did that mean something had already started? Was there more to it beyond them being in the same town or the same room even—some other prerequisite to meet? Despite my cockiness with Maximilian, I didn’t have a fucking clue how I was going to take on Mishka Thiering without catching her unaware—and she’d be pretty goddamn aware after that last one. No more sneak attacks.

  I needed resources to kill Mishka. All the aces in my deck. I needed power and a plan was developing to get it.

  And she had to go first, regardless of what Maximilian suggested. They were still married, I was pretty sure he still loved her—the mere thought made my stomach turn, but there it was—and I was still a demon. If I took his life, she’d get a big ol’ boost of power, which would fuck me pretty hard and fast, and not in the pleasant way. I’d beaten Peri last year and she was dosed pretty high, sure, but I’d taken her d
own. She’d be dead if not for Nicolette—not just because Nic drove right up to save her, but because I didn’t put a bullet in her head in the first place because I knew Nic liked her. And Nic wouldn’t have blamed me, sure, but crushing those burgeoning feelings would depress her and be bad for me in the long run.

  Which actually drew me back to Mishka again. She probably still wanted Nate dead—still wanted her power unlocked. Who was there left who loved her that much? Nate and her kid—assuming the kid did love his mom. So she dragged my lover into this, dragged the kid along, knew that if I was pushed far enough, I’d off Nate and more power for her.

  She might’ve even known I was there last night, watching.

  Still, I gave myself a mental shake and a kick in the ass—it didn’t matter. He wasn’t off the hook. I just had to kill her first, like my original plan. And by the time I’d offed her, destroyed everything he loved, then I’d be ready to take care of him. I’d be numb enough, distanced. A thorough monster. My fingers would no longer tremble and nothing would stay my hand.

  I slipped on tall black boots, zipped them up, and then gathered some of my gear to cart to the living room. I didn’t have another shotgun, was down one Desert Eagle, and sure as fuck didn’t want to use one of Peri’s guns. I had more at home, but that was quite a trek. Maybe I should’ve told Maximilian to take back some of his money and give me guns—I bet he had some.

  Regardless, I padded back out to the living room as the fucking phone was ringing again. “If it’s Maximilian, ask him if—”

  Nic met my gaze, blue eyes wide and complexion paling; dread plummeted in my gut without her even saying anything.


  “It’s him.”

  I pressed my lips together tight, dropped my jacket and gear onto the couch with a thump, and crossed my arms at my midsection. “Speakerphone.”

  She did so, though warily. There was no point, however, to fucking around and giving in to playing nice. Everyone in the room was welcome to hear whatever he had to say because I didn’t expect it to go well and be a nice intimate conversation anyway.

  Nic set the phone down on the long black coffee table and I was grateful at least that it didn’t involve a video conference.

  “Hello there, dear. We’re kinda busy trying to avert the apocalypse here—what the fuck do you want?” My voice quaked but it sounded more tired than angry or upset, which pleased me just fine—I’d rather him think I was simply exhausted and not broken in two. He didn’t deserve to know how damaged I was.

  “Same thing you do—”

  His voice was a knife slicing just below my breastbone, so I cut him off. “I highly doubt that as my wants involve the heads of my enemies on pikes.” I really needed a new joke but I was out of it and too goddamn tired. “And guess who’s on the top of that list?”

  “He told me about his brother’s end of the world crap,” Mishka spoke up, and fresh ice settled in my veins. Great, so he was on speakerphone too. Which bugged the hell out of me because if I had gone into the other room with the phone, she would’ve heard everything and—

  And stop thinking about him. Put on your big girl panties and fucking deal. Sadly, I’d left my Dentelle Anna Maria low-cut briefs at home, and the thong I wore didn’t seem near big girl enough to give me any confidence. Still.

  “Your point?” I said, cocking a brow though she sadly couldn’t see the death stare I was giving the phone.

  “My point is that I have a child to provide for—”

  I rolled my eyes so hard they damn near popped out of my head.

  “—and take care of, and whatever is going to happen, I’d rather it didn’t.”

  “I’m calling a temporary truce,” Nate cut in. “Guns and magic away until we figure the out what the fuck to do.”

  I bit back a rant about him having the balls to use “we” and force an alliance. Balancing on a knife’s edge still, I was close—too close—to tipping off and losing it on the lot of them. “Assurances you mean that?”

  “You’re the one who broke in and attacked me—” Mishka’s voice went high-pitched, rising to a shout, and then Nate muttered something I couldn’t make out, phone muffled.

  Heavy steps thumped on the floor in the background and Nate returned to the phone. “You have my word.”

  I let out a bitter laugh that thankfully didn’t tip into cackle territory. “That means less than nothing to me, actually.”


  “No, you do not get to—”

  “Maybe we all should.” Nic stepped in, gaze darting to my dangerous glare. Her hands were splayed, chair creaked, and Peri shifted at her side as if she sensed I might get violent. “Call a truce, that is. It might be best to have multiple people on this given...what we’re up against.”

  Which was true. Maybe. Plus having Mishka where we planned to go might be of benefit to me.

  “What are we up against?” Nate asked.

  Each word, the very sound of his voice, was another stab into my chest. I fucking ached and I hated him for it. “The Vale has the entire prophecy.” He didn’t need details, of course, and I wouldn’t give them to him—not yet. “And it’s entirely possible we know where they are.”

  Nic nodded—okay definitely knew.

  “So you’re going there?” He had that troubled sound to his voice and I could all but picture him frowning, brows pulled down deep, almost tipping into brooding—and he was such a sexy brooder.


  “Yep,” I said, clipped.

  “We know at least one of their members can control Rakshasas.”

  “Uh huh, I was there, lover boy—I know.”

  “And Lachlan—”

  “Lachlan isn’t expecting me to show up with the cavalry and I’m getting some motherfucking answers or I’ll blow their fucking organization to the ground. End of story.”

  “Then we all need to go,” he said.

  Right. Him and Mishka and me. Oh yeah, that would be fun times.

  “We can’t leave him,” Mish spoke up in the background and I saw her stupid kid again, all frightened and innocent.

  My heart hardened with considerable effort and a cold smile met my lips. “I could babysit.”

  Mishka cursed and Nic shook her head, hand coming up to rub her temples. She’d love to step in and smooth things over, I was sure, but no way could she do it before I steamrolled over her burgeoning efforts.

  “There’s no way we should split up,” Nate said. “I remember Lachlan—I think there’s safety in numbers.”

  Oh, I bet you do.

  “You could leave the child here,” Nic offered.

  She had a point. And at least that was insurance Mishka wasn’t going to fuck with me while we were gone. “He’d be safe,” I grudgingly added. “Vampire”—they didn’t need to know how useless Nic was—“who is a pacifist and won’t eat him, psychic, and a Demon Hunter.”

  Ryann perked up at this. “Hey—”

  But my hand shot out to stop her—I’d let her rant at me later. “Ask Nate. They’d be safe to leave him with.” Until I get back. “The pair of you meet me and your sister. Then we all go in and see what’s what.”

  “Where is this, exactly?” Nate asked.

  “I’ll tell you when we’re on the road.”


  “You can no longer do backstrokes in the shallow waters of my patience. You will not be making any motherfucking demands in this negotiation. I don’t play democracy, boys and girls—I have the information, I dictate the rules. Is this an issue?”

  Silence and perhaps they’d muted the phone to talk it over, but eventually Nate said, “Fine.”

  Well then. “You obviously know where Nicolette lives. Meet us here in half an hour, leave the kid, and we’ll all head off in separate cars.” Of course, there was the issue of not having a second car, but I’d deal with that when the time came up. “Any questions?”

  “Yes—” Nate started but then I’d meant that a
s a rhetorical, so I ended the call.

  “Oh this seems like a very, very bad idea,” Nic mumbled and Peri reached over to rub her shoulder.

  “I can come,” Ryann jumped in before I could tell Nic to shut up. “I’m not useless—”

  I sighed. I wanted to use her—I did. Her potential was why I kept her around. But she wasn’t ready. For now, she’d stay in my prospective resources list, and if I survived, she might come in handy during the next crisis. “You’re not useless physically, but you’re soft. I can’t use soft people on this.”


  I met Ellie’s gaze next. “Would she hesitate to make a killing blow?”

  His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed, gaze darting between us. “Um...yeah. Sorry, sweetie.”

  Ryann flopped back on the couch, lips parting as if to curse though she said nothing, not even under her breath that I could hear.

  “Next time I promise you can come and probably get killed with the rest of us. Tonight you’ll stay. Watch the Hell Spawn.”

  For now. Nate could probably vouch for the others, though he didn’t know them—agree that they wouldn’t hurt little Nathan Jr. And I was nothing if not honest in this. The kid wouldn’t be harmed. Yet. And I wouldn’t turn on Nate and Mishka until I was sure the odds were in my favour. My taste in men notwithstanding, I’ve never been a particularly stupid person.

  Next I looked at Abel. “You can be in on this or you can leave. Your choice. You show up and they let the padre know, well, you might not be welcomed back.”

  Abel seemed to chew on this and I’d give him props for that. “It might be better for you if I’m there. The Vale funds the church and I’m high enough in the organization that it might be bad for relations if I was harmed.”

  “How high is high?”

  His lips parted a moment, hesitating before saying. “As in, another ten years and I am a likely candidate to take Father Matthew’s job.”

  Well, shit. “I have to do long term planning—I might need you there in ten years.”


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