Intimate Negotiations--A workplace surprise pregnancy romance

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Intimate Negotiations--A workplace surprise pregnancy romance Page 5

by Nicki Night

  The gentleman welcomed the conference attendees, thanked the sponsors and delivered a brief state-of-the-industry address. After his speech, he announced that everyone should head to their breakout sessions.

  Zoe’s schedule included two full days of sessions, meetings, lunches, a dinner and a highly anticipated closing reception at the end of the second day. She wondered if she would be able to ride with Ethan again the next day since their team hadn’t bothered booking a room at the host hotel. She wouldn’t have time to take care of her bent rim and flat tire until after the conference. Missing any part of the conference was the last thing she wanted; this was the first time in her career that she’d been in a position high enough to participate in these kinds of events.

  Zoe followed the rest of her team out of the ballroom to her first session, which was led by a Robert Richford, the CEO of a company providing similar services as Blackwell.

  Zoe headed toward the door as the session came to a close. She wanted to compliment the presenter for how much she’d learned but by the time she got to the front of the room, he’d been flanked by people waiting to speak with him. She waited, assuming he’d be a great person to connect with and follow.

  When she reached the front of the line, she held out her hand to Robert. “Zoe Baldwin,” she said.

  “You’re part of the Blackwell team, right?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said, smiling.

  “I thought so. I saw you with them earlier. I hear they’re expanding,” Robert continued, friendly and interested.

  “Yes. I manage one of the Long Island branches.”

  “Oh really? That’s great. Who’s your regional director?”

  “Ethan Blackwell.”

  “Right. Yes. Well, here’s my card.” Robert handed Zoe a card from a designer case. “Perhaps we should have coffee sometime soon. Talk shop. Do some good old-fashioned networking. I promise I won’t try to steal you from Blackwell.” He chuckled.

  “That would be amazing,” she said enthusiastically. “I know you must be a busy man. Let me know your schedule and I’ll work mine around it.”

  “Will do.” He smiled, nodded and addressed the next person in line.

  There was something oddly familiar about Robert, now that she’d spoken with him up close. Zoe wondered what had made him suggest coffee with her specifically, yet she was happy that he had. Willena had always told her that networking was important. Zoe needed to do it more often.

  She continued to the next session where Blackwell was slated for a presentation on managing change. The panel was led by the senior Mr. Blackwell, along with Carter, Dillon and Ethan.

  Zoe and her team watched intently as the three of them shared their knowledge of market trends and the best ways to navigate the ever-changing environment of the industry. She was especially impressed with Ethan’s savvy style of communication. Both he and Carter were witty and elicited a few chuckles from the audience, but Ethan had a certain charm that really pulled people in. As she listened to all of them, her chest swelled with pride for simply being part of the Blackwell team, but she did have one burning question.

  Zoe raised her hand. Ethan looked her way. She could have sworn she saw him attempting to hide a smile. She locked eyes with him briefly.

  “My question is with regards to diversity, specifically when it comes to women. While I truly believe each and every one of you are brilliant and appreciate the knowledge you have shared, looking at your all-male panel does raise the concern about how our industry looks when it comes to opportunities for women at the top. Can you tell me what changes you see with the roles of women in this industry?”

  Several women in the audience applauded her question.

  Zoe looked directly at Ethan, and that smile he’d seemed to be hiding eased across his lips.

  “I’d love to answer that.” Bill raised his index finger.

  “Thank you, Mr. Blackwell.”

  Bill went on to answer Zoe’s question in the most favorable way, first speaking to the fact that despite what the presentation of the panelists may suggest, Blackwell’s ratio of men to women was just about fifty percent. He further explained some of the major changes across the industry to ensure that they were operating in the most equitable fashion and spoke of the value and expertise that the women on his team brought to the firm.

  “Speaking of which, Ms. Baldwin, I think you should join us up here the next time we lead a panel. We can truly show the value that the women and men of Blackwell bring.”

  “I’d like that, Mr. Blackwell. Thank you for answering my question.”

  “I’d like to echo my father’s comments,” Ethan began, “and add that we’ve worked hard to ensure that we’re pulling the best possible talent from the most diverse pool possible. It takes all perspectives to ensure that a company can truly meet the needs of clients and thrive. Diversity shouldn’t be an item on an organization’s list to check off. It should be imbedded in the DNA of the organization because it impacts every area of a successful business, especially the bottom line.”

  A proud smile spread across Zoe’s face this time. Blackwell was so unlike her last company. She glanced around to see if Seth was in the room. He wasn’t, and she actually wished he had been to hear what Ethan had just said. Once again, Ethan scored more points with her. Not that she was counting.

  Once the panel ended, people flooded the front of the room to speak with Dillon and the Blackwell men. The Blackwell men. They must have made Mrs. Blackwell and the rest of their huge family so proud. Based on Zoe’s conversations with Ethan, family seemed to be everything to him. She was sure they had their issues, but on the surface, they appeared to be a perfect bunch.

  She intentionally hadn’t mentioned much at all about her sister and mother during the family-centered parts of their conversation during the car ride to the conference.

  Zoe looked toward the front of the room. Lots of attendees still milled about, speaking to the Blackwell men. She took notice of the posture of some of the women as they addressed Carter, Dillon and especially Ethan. Some of their body language was a bit flirtatious. A twinge of jealousy hit her and she literally shook her head in an attempt to shake it off. She had no reason to be jealous of the attention women lavished on Ethan.

  Zoe pulled out her schedule, checked in with her fellow branch managers and headed off to her next session. As much as she convinced herself how crazy it was to feel jealous, she wasn’t interested in standing around watching women pine over Ethan. She walked out of the room, wondering how many of them suggested “lunch or dinner” with him.

  She acknowledged to herself that she was being ridiculous. Ethan was nothing more than her boss. That was all he would ever be.


  “I heard you boys did a good job on the panel at the conference the other day,” Ethan’s mom, Lydia, said as she sat gracefully at the end of the large dining table. A feast fit for a king’s court was spread before them.

  She had baked a ham and made stuffed fish, basmati rice infused with fresh herbs, and roasted green beans. Since their children had become adults, Bill had been trying to encourage her to allow someone else to cook for them, but she enjoyed it too much to put it in someone else’s hands—especially when it came to cooking for her family.

  Bill sat on the opposite end of the table. Between them, their son Lincoln, his wife, Britney, and their two young children, Ava and Logan, occupied one side while Ethan, Carter and their younger sister, Ivy, sat on the other. Even though Ivy was just two years younger than Ethan, they still emphasized the word little when they spoke of their younger sister.

  Carter had invited his woman of the month—a curvy lawyer named Edison Wells, with honey-colored hair and skin the color of a blanched almond. To everyone else’s surprise, this was the second family dinner that Edison had attended.

  Today was one of their family
Sunday dinners. Once their children had graduated from college and become adults, Bill and Lydia had declared a family day rather than see less of them. Despite their schedules, the entire family came together for dinner on the first Sunday of every month. Until now, Carter had never brought the same “friend” to dinner twice. Everyone around the table was especially tickled.

  “Who mentioned that? Was it Dad?” Carter teased his mother regarding her comment about them doing well at the conference. “I’m glad you told us, Ma. Otherwise we may have never known.” He chuckled. “You know Dad isn’t one to dole out too much praise.”

  Bill was known for being stern and didn’t shell out compliments often, lest his boys become complacent. He was different with his daughter, Ivy. He complimented her and his lovely wife every chance he got.

  “Yeah,” Lincoln added. “Dad can be stingy with the accolades.”

  Each sibling laughed except Ethan. He simply placed a forkful of his mother’s delicious salmon in his mouth. Bill’s lack of acknowledgment was something for his brothers to tease their dad about on a regular basis. It touched Ethan differently. For him, the subject wasn’t so light. Ethan wanted his dad’s approval. He wasn’t needy at all, but his father’s affirmation was extremely important to him.

  “Okay, okay.” Bill wiped his mouth with a cloth napkin. “Let’s not make this Tease Bill Sunday. You’re all doing a wonderful job. Okay. Is that better?”

  “Bill!” Lydia admonished. She turned to her sons with a smile. “You know your father means well. He’s just set in his ways and wants you to continue to reach high. Right, Bill?”

  Bill playfully lifted a brow. “Could be.”

  Lincoln and Carter teased their father a bit more, and he dismissively waved his hand at their banter. Light laughter flitted around the table. Ethan still hadn’t joined in any of the jokes.

  “Yeah, but it would be nice to hear something affirming from you every now and then.” Ethan’s expression was stoic. His tone even.

  The laughter subsided. Lydia sighed. Bill cleared his throat and the other siblings said nothing.

  “Dad. It’s just good to know when we have the big man’s approval,” Lincoln added in what appeared to be an attempt to break the thickening silence.

  “I see.” Bill’s tone was flat.

  “Okay, family. It’s time for dessert. I made a pecan pie,” Lydia announced. She stood and clasped her hands together.

  “Yes! I guess I’ll have to run that extra mile tomorrow morning,” Ivy said. “I’m having a piece of this pie.”

  “I get the first slice. I’m the oldest.” Lincoln raised his hand.

  “I’m the youngest,” Ivy challenged.

  “No!” Logan, Lincoln’s son, wagged his little finger. “Ava’s the youngest.” He pointed to his four-year-old sister and then jabbed his own chest. “And then me!” he said and giggled.

  Laughter rose around the table again.

  “He has a point,” Britney said. “And since I’m their mom and I have to feed them, I should get my piece first along with them.”

  “Yeah, right!” Carter called out.

  “Ha! Nice try, Brit,” Ivy said.

  “Didn’t work, huh?” Britney shrugged and grinned.

  Ethan laughed that time but was still a bit affected by the jokes around Bill withholding praise from his boys. He understood his father, but his way never sat well with Ethan. Then again, his situation with his father was different.

  “Dessert is served,” Lydia announced, placing the pie on the table.

  “You only made one!” Ivy frowned. “What’re the rest of them going to have?”

  “Girl! I don’t know where you put all this food.” Lydia plopped back into her seat and sniffed. “Metabolism must be on one thousand.”

  “Yeah. She burns a lot of calories running—” Carter paused for effect “—her mouth!” He looked at his niece and nephew with a cheesy smile, then threw his head back and howled. The two children snickered.

  Ivy tossed a napkin at him. “If that’s the case, you should be the smallest person in the room but then again—” she turned to the kids “—how would his body hold up that huge head of his?”

  Ava and Logan covered their mouths with their little hands and giggled harder.

  Ivy winked at them and blew an air kiss to her brother. Carter acted as if he caught it. “Which one of you want this kiss from auntie?” he asked.

  “Meeee!” both kids yelled, raising their hands.

  “Ivy, we need another one,” Carter said.

  She kissed her hand and together she and Carter tossed the imaginary kisses at the kids, who pretended to catch them and slap them on their cheeks. The sweet moment elicited more than a few awws.

  Together, the family dug into the pecan pie. Moans of pleasure rolled around the table as they ate. Once dessert was finished, everyone helped clear the table. The women took to the sitting room and the men headed toward the sliding doors to go onto the deck for their usual after-dinner boy talk.

  Bill slowed, gently tugging Ethan’s arm. Ethan turned and looked into his father’s face. Bill looked pensive.

  “What’s up, Pop?”

  Bill looked around Ethan to make sure his other sons had made it out onto the deck. “I’ve been meaning to speak to you about something. Come.”

  Ethan followed his father into the study.

  “I noticed how you touched Zoe’s back at the conference the other day,” Bill began. “The gesture seemed rather...familiar.”

  Ethan shifted on his feet. He’d only thought about the possible implications of placing his hand on Zoe’s back after it was done. His intention had just been to rescue Zoe from a guy who was making her uncomfortable. He cleared his throat and continued to listen.

  “You’re not involved with this woman, are you?” Bill’s eyes narrowed.

  “No!” Ethan said quickly. “No, Dad.”

  Bill sighed. “I don’t have to remind you about the situation we dealt with before.”

  “No, Dad, I wouldn’t put our company in jeopardy.”

  Bill looked disappointed. That bothered Ethan.

  “It took a long time for us to overcome that situation. We have to continue to do the right thing by our employees.” Bill raised his hands. “If you’re involved with her in any way, it needs to stop immediately. If you’re not, you have to be careful that your familiarity with this woman isn’t misconstrued as any kind of inappropriate behavior.”

  Ethan felt a heavy sigh coming. He held his breath, not wanting to appear exasperated. He understood Bill’s concern, and Ethan’s feelings for Zoe made all of this much more complicated.

  That sexual harassment claim had almost ruined Blackwell’s reputation. Five years before, one of the male managers made a joke in poor judgment and a number of inappropriate comments that made several female team members uncomfortable. One brave woman filed a claim. The management at Blackwell responded immediately, launching an investigation, holding forums and ensuring that employees understood the company’s strong stance against harassment. In the end the man apologized to all the women at the firm and was let go. However, due to the media exposure, the incident still caused a stain on the financial giant. It took a few years to clear their name.

  “We’re in the middle of a very critical expansion,” Bill continued. “A problem like this could ruin everything. There’s too much at stake here, our growth, our reputation, the culture we’ve worked so hard to rebuild.” He placed a hand on Ethan’s shoulder. “And possibly your chances at a promotion, son.”

  That last comment felt like a punch to Ethan’s gut.

  “I trust that you’re capable of making good decisions. I can trust you in this, right?” Bill looked directly into Ethan’s eyes.

  Ethan swallowed. Of course he didn’t intend to cause any problems. “Yes, Dad
. Of course you can trust me.”

  Bill patted Ethan’s shoulder and nodded. “Good.” The two men stood facing one another for several moments. Finally, Bill sighed and nodded. “Good,” he said, as if he had more to say but had settled on repeating himself. “Let’s go outside.”

  Ethan followed him through the sliding doors onto the deck for their usual conversation, cigars and scotch. Bill sparked the stone firepit to take the slight autumn chill out of the air.

  It took a while for Ethan’s tight disposition from their conversation to dissipate. After a while, he loosened up enough to enjoy sitting with his dad and brothers, talking about everything and nothing all the same. Sharp opinions on who would make it to the bowl game clashed. Ethan and Carter talked about how well their office expansions were doing and teased each other about what they would ask for when the other brother lost their personal bet.

  When the sun had fully descended with a spectacular show of colors, Bill headed inside to watch TV with the ladies. Lincoln said his goodbyes, noting the need for him and Britney to get the kids home and into bed, leaving Ethan and Carter out on the porch, alone.

  “You okay, bro?”

  Carter’s question caught Ethan off guard. “Me? Yeah. I’m fine.”

  Silence settled between them as they sipped from their glasses and puffed their cigars.

  “If I tell you something,” Carter said at last, “you have to promise to keep it to yourself.”

  Ethan looked at his brother with concern. “Of course. What’s up?”

  Carter took in a deep breath. “I don’t know if I want to stay with the company.”

  Ethan’s eyes widened. “I’m assuming you haven’t said anything to Dad about this.”

  “Nope! You saw how unhappy he was when Lincoln decided to leave to do his own thing.”

  “Yes. He dreams of having his sons take over the business. What is it that you want to do instead?”


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