Intimate Negotiations--A workplace surprise pregnancy romance

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Intimate Negotiations--A workplace surprise pregnancy romance Page 18

by Nicki Night

The family all laughed, knowing about the brothers’ bet of a golf cart and a new set of premium clubs.

  “It’s on its way, bro,” Carter said good-naturedly.

  “No, really,” Ethan said, a little more serious. “I want to say thank you to Carter for giving me a run for my money. You’re a great businessman. Mom and Dad, thanks for teaching me all you know about building a business. You’re the best mentors on and off the job. Zoe, thank you for bringing home the win. If it weren’t for your great ideas, Carter’s region might have kicked our butts! We couldn’t have done it without you.”

  “Damn right! That position in my office is still open, Zoe,” Carter joked.

  “I’m good, Carter. Thanks,” Zoe teased.

  “I do have other announcements I’d like to make.” Ethan looked at Zoe sitting by his side, and corrected himself. “That we’d like to make.” He took her hand and pulled her closer.

  “Dad, this will make you happy. In light of my promotion, Zoe has agreed to return to Blackwell and take on the position of vice president for the Long Island territory.”

  “That’s my girl!” Bill raised a glass. “Welcome back. You sure are a tough negotiator and I like it!”

  Zoe laughed. Lydia shook her head at her husband.

  “You all may know,” Ethan said, getting everyone’s attention again. “Zoe and I have been seeing each other for quite some time. Well before anyone ever knew. We fell hard and fast for one another and built our relationship at the same time we built the Long Island offices. I’m happy to say that both our relationship and the company are thriving. We had some ups and downs and learned some valuable lessons in the process.”

  Ethan looked over at his mother and father. With smiles plastered on their faces, they nodded in agreement. “We realized that we’re not perfect,” he went on, “but we’re perfect for each other.”

  Zoe rubbed his arm. “Perfectly imperfect,” she said.

  “Aww, how sweet,” Ivy said. “Who is this guy and what did he do with my obnoxious brother?”

  More laughter rang out around the table.

  “It was important for us to have both our families here with us today to meet each other and hear our other special announcement,” Zoe chimed in.

  She zeroed in on her mother’s face, ready to see her expression when they announced her pregnancy. Everyone else quieted and listened closely.

  “Mom,” Ethan said, nodding at her.

  Lydia got up. She grinned and winked at Zoe and disappeared from the room.

  Zoe was confused. They were supposed to announce the baby. What was Ethan up to?

  Lydia returned with a large Tiffany box wrapped in their signature white ribbon. She placed it in front of Ethan. Zoe wondered what was in it. It clearly wasn’t a ring box.

  He handed the box to Zoe. She looked at it and back at him.

  “Open it,” he encouraged.

  She opened the box and found a sterling silver rattle. She chuckled.

  “We’re...” Ethan started.

  “...having a baby,” Zoe finished with him.

  Laura’s eyes lit up. Lydia smiled hard, despite the fact that she obviously already knew.

  Bill looked from Lydia to Ethan to Zoe before clapping. “A brand new Blackwell in the family! Congratulations.” He beamed.

  Laura and Shena got up to hug Zoe. Excited chatter buzzed around the table.

  “One more thing,” Ethan added. He got down on one knee next to Zoe and said, “Hopefully that will be two new Blackwells in the family.” He picked up the box that the rattle was in and pulled out the most beautiful, radiant diamond ring Zoe had ever laid eyes on.

  Her eyes watered. One hand flew to her mouth. “Ethan.” Her voice was a tearful whisper.

  “Zoe Baldwin. Please say that you’ll be my wife.”

  “Oh, my goodness, Ethan. Yes. Yes. I will be your wife!” She wrapped her arms around Ethan and then kissed him all over his face.

  They were in a room full of family members, but at that moment, the only two people in the world were Zoe and the man she was about to spend the rest of her life with.

  * * *

  Keep reading for an excerpt from No Holding Back by Lori Foster.


  Read on for a sneak peek of No Holding Back, book one in New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster’s exciting new contemporary romance series, The McKenzies of Ridge Trail.

  Available February 2021 from HQN Books!

  No Holding Back

  by Lori Foster

  SHIVERS WRACKED HER body as she watched him drink. Curled in the corner, waiting, dreading the inevitable—even breathing was difficult with so much fear crowding in around her. She wanted to cry but knew it wouldn’t help. She wanted to let in the hysteria, but she hadn’t quite accepted her fate...not yet.

  She couldn’t.

  Outside the room, two other men stood guard. They’d told her she’d be forced to do this up to ten times a night, and she wasn’t sure she’d even survive this first time.

  She wanted to go home.

  She wanted to curl up and die.

  Mostly she wanted to fight—but how?

  Amused by her fear, the man watched her while tossing back another shot. He enjoyed her terror—and that amplified everything she felt.

  What to do, what to do, what to do?

  Her gaze frantically searched the second-story room. One small window, opened to let in a breeze, led to a sheer drop onto a gravel lot. Would she survive going out that window? At the moment, did it really matter?

  The man stood near the door. He’d slid a metal bar into place, locking her in, ensuring she couldn’t get past him. But also ensuring no one else could get in. Not until he’d finished.

  He’d paid for two hours but now didn’t seem in any rush to get started.

  To the right of the door, a tiny table held a bottle of whiskey and a single glass. To the left, an empty wooden coat tree stood as a place for him to hang his clothes.

  A bare mattress on a small bed occupied a wall.

  Nothing else.

  Only her fear, the reality, the terror, her hatred, the cruelty...her will to survive.

  When his loose lips stretched into a smug grin, she braced herself—and noticed that he stumbled a little as he stepped toward her.

  Her heart punched painfully. Slowly, she slid up the wall to her feet. An invisible fist squeezed her throat, but she sidled sideways, toward that barred door.

  Toward the little table.

  From the hallway, loud music played. Whatever happened in this room, they didn’t want to be bothered with it.

  She kept her gaze locked on his, her hands clammy with sweat, so afraid that her limbs felt sluggish.

  “Thinking to run?” he asked, his grin widening with anticipation.

  “I... I was hoping I could have a drink, too?”

  “You want to numb yourself? No, I don’t think so.”

  He wanted her afraid. He wanted her to feel every awful second of this degradation. With a lot of effort, she tamped down the need to vomit and managed to ask, “Then...should I pour you another?”

  Snorting, he propped a shoulder to the wall. “Want to get me drunk, huh? Sure, go ahead and try it, but you’ll see, I know how to hold my liquor.” Tipping his head, he narrowed his eyes and the grin turned into a sneer. “Alcohol makes me mean.”

  Refusing to dwell on that possibility, she forced a nod, reaching for the bottle anyway, letting him see how badly she trembled. She filled the small glass, then lifted it...while keeping the bottle in her other hand.

  The obnoxious brute paid no attention; he focused on watching her quake as she came to him, the glass held out as a feeble offering.

  Instead of taking it, he caught her wrist in a painful grip, jerking her
toward him, laughing as she cried out.

  She swung the bottle with all her might.

  * * *

  STERLING JERKED AWAKE with a start, her heart racing and her throat aching with the need to scream.

  She didn’t. She never did—no matter what. Silence kept her safer than a scream ever could.

  In just seconds, she absorbed the low light of the bar, the ancient rock and roll playing on the jukebox, the clamor of a few dozen voices talking low to one another.

  God. She swallowed heavily, looking around at the familiar sights. Her gaze landed on the bartender.

  He watched her. Always.

  Nothing got by that man.

  He could pretend to be an average guy, he could wear the trappings of a simple bar owner, but she knew better. He hid something, maybe something as monumental as her own secrets, but she wouldn’t ask. The Tipsy Wolverine bar was her haven from the road. She could sleep in her truck, and sometimes did, but she didn’t truly rest.

  Here, in the little Podunk bar in the small mountain town of Ridge Trail, Colorado, she knew no one would bother her.

  Because of him.

  Again her eyes sought him out. She guessed him at six feet five. Really big, but solid head to toes. Posture erect. Awareness keen. He wore his glossy dark hair neatly trimmed, precisely styled...but it was those piercing blue eyes that really caught and held her attention.

  His gaze had veered away from her, but that didn’t make him unaware. Sterling pegged him as ex-military, or maybe something deadlier. He was too damn physically fit to be anyone ordinary.

  Her nostrils flared a little as she looked him over. In the seedy area of town where locals slumped in their seats and laughed too loudly, he was always...mannered. Contained. Professional but not in the way of a suited businessman.

  More like a guy who knew he could handle himself in any situation. A guy who easily kicked ass, took names and did so without a scratch. Those thick shoulders... Studying his body left a funny warmth in Sterling’s stomach, sending her interested gaze to his pronounced biceps, watching the fluid bunch and flex of them with the smallest movement. His pullover shirt fit his wide chest perfectly, showing sculpted pecs and, letting her attention drift downward, a flat, firm middle.

  Lord, the man was put together fine. Add in a lean jaw, a strong but straight nose, and those cool blue eyes fringed by dark lashes, and she assumed he broke hearts on a daily basis.

  Not her heart. She wasn’t susceptible to that kind of stuff. She could take in the exceptional view and stay detached. She could.

  Only...this time she had to really concentrate to make it true.

  His gaze locked to hers, catching her perusal, and his firm lips quirked in a small “you’re not immune” smile.

  It made her mouth go dry.

  He couldn’t know that, could he? Yet he looked as if he’d just read her every admiring thought.

  Feeling oddly exposed, she held up her glass, realized it was still full and hastily mouthed, “Coffee?”

  With a nod, he moved away to a service counter behind the bar. Less than half a minute later, he strode over in his casual yet confident way with a steaming cup.

  He knew how she took it, with one sugar and a splash of creamer. He knew because he missed nothing. Ever.

  Setting it before her, he asked, “Done with this?” indicating the shot she’d ordered—and hadn’t touched.

  Usually, to justify her lengthy naps, she bought a couple of drinks. This time, exhausted to the bone, she hadn’t lasted long enough.

  “Thanks.” Sterling sipped her coffee.

  That he didn’t move away set her heart tripping. Defiant, she glanced up and caught a slight frown carved from what appeared to be concern. She was good at reading people—except for him. Most of the time she didn’t know what he was thinking, and she didn’t like that.

  Suspicion prickled. “What?”

  Heavy lashes lowering, he thought a moment before meeting her gaze again. “I’m worried that anything I say might put you off.”

  Sterling stiffened with accusation. “What do you have to say?”

  “Such a lethal tone,” he teased—as if they knew each other well. “You don’t have to order drinks just to be in here. You want a place to kick up your feet—”

  Abruptly, she dropped her feet from the seat of the chair across from her. She unconsciously braced herself—to act, to react, to protect herself if necessary.

  “Or to rest without being disturbed,” he continued, ignoring her tension. “You’re always welcome.” As if he knew her innate worry, as if he could see her automatic response to his nearness, he took a step back. “No questions asked, and no drink order necessary.”

  Before she could come up with a reply, he walked away.

  For twenty minutes, Sterling remained, but he didn’t look at her again.

  Not until she walked out. He watched her then. Hell yeah, he did. She felt his gaze burning over her like a physical touch. Like interest. It left her with heightened awareness.

  Of him.

  Damn, damn, damn.

  * * *

  CADE WANTED TO kick his own ass.

  She’d been coming into the bar for months now. She hadn’t yet given her name, but he knew it all the same. He made a point of knowing everyone in the bar, whether they were important to his operation or not.

  Sterling Parson. Star for short.

  Privately, he called her Trouble.

  At a few inches shy of six feet, her body toned, she walked with a self-possessed air that he recognized as more attitude than ability. She wore that swagger like a warning that all but shouted Back off.

  Her long wavy brown hair was usually in a ponytail, occasionally in a braid and sometimes stuffed under a trucker’s cap.

  Despite the loose shirts she wore with straight-legged jeans and mean lace-up black boots in an effort to disguise her body, she’d be hard to miss. For sure no one in his bar had missed her.

  The woman was unique in so many ways. Bold but somehow vulnerable. Composed, yet temperate. Beautiful...but only to a discerning eye, because she did all she could to blend in.

  The big rig she drove had SP Trucking emblazoned on the side, yet she was far from the usual trucker they got as customers.

  The day she’d first walked in, heads had swiveled, eyes had widened and interest had perked—but after Cade swept his gaze around the room, everyone had gotten the message.

  The lady was off-limits.

  Cade hadn’t bothered to explain to anyone. He never did...except occasionally to family. Then only when pressed.

  From the moment he’d first spotted Sterling, he’d sensed the emotional wounds she hid, knew she had secrets galore and understood she needed a place to rest.

  She needed him.

  Star didn’t know that yet, but no problem. In his bar, in this shit neighborhood, he’d look out for her anyway—same as he did for anyone in need.

  Moving to the window, he watched her leave. Her long stride carried her across the well-lit gravel lot, not in haste but with an excess of energy. He couldn’t imagine her meandering. The woman knew one speed: full steam ahead.

  After unlocking the door, she climbed into her rig with practiced ease. Head tipped back, she rested a moment before squaring her shoulders and firing the engine. She idled for a bit, maybe checking her gauges, then eased off the clutch and smoothly rolled out to the road. Cade watched until he couldn’t see her taillights anymore.

  Where she’d go, he didn’t yet know—but he wanted to. He wanted to introduce himself, ask questions, maybe offer assistance.

  Her preferences on that were obvious.

  Except that tonight she’d watched him a little more.

  Actually, she often noticed him, in a cautious, distrustful way. And she always came back.

  Sometimes she’d sleep for an hour, sometimes longer. Tonight, she’d dozed for two hours before jerking awake in alarm.

  A bad dream?

  Or a bad memory?

  If she kept to her usual pattern, she’d be back tomorrow night on her return trip. Maybe, just maybe, he’d find a chink in her armor. He glanced at the little table she always chose.

  Tomorrow, he’d offer her something different.

  * * *

  AFTER TOO MUCH driving, sitting through endless traffic in Colorado’s summer heat and going without enough rest, Sterling returned to the bar. Aching from her eyebrows to her toes, it was a relief to pull in to the lot a littler earlier than usual.

  She’d thought about finding another place to rest. Bars and truck stops riddled this side of the Rockies. Before discovering the Tipsy Wolverine, she’d often crashed in a different location each time, but here... For some reason she was mostly comfortable here. Mostly.

  It was the bartender, she knew. He didn’t say much, didn’t thump his chest like an ape—because he didn’t have to. His commanding presence let everyone know that he was the one in charge.

  She knew it. In that bar, no one could hurt her because he wouldn’t let them.

  Sterling shook her head. It was a crazy conclusion, but she trusted her instincts. So far, they’d served her well.

  Grabbing her discarded jacket, she climbed out of the truck. Higher in the mountains, the chill could seep into her bones, but here in the valley, it had to be in the midnineties. The temperature in Colorado was all about elevation. The higher you went, the colder it got. She’d learned that her button-up shirt would be fine in the valley, but if the road climbed—and it sometimes did—she needed warmer clothes. The air-conditioning in the bar often chilled her, too, especially when she napped.

  Her long sloppy ponytail bounced and her heavy boots crunched on gravel when she strode across the lot. Some strange sensation sizzled inside her.

  She refused to acknowledge it as anticipation.

  The minute she walked through the door, she knew something was different. Two men, regulars that she recognized, sat at her customary table. That hadn’t happened since her third visit months ago. The table was usually saved for her. Without pausing, she continued into the dim room, giving a casual glance around.


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