Intimate Negotiations--A workplace surprise pregnancy romance

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Intimate Negotiations--A workplace surprise pregnancy romance Page 21

by Nicki Night

  He knew people looked at him and figured he was just another guy who’d grown up with a silver spoon in his mouth. Well, not literally. They didn’t look at him and think that. He looked like a cowboy. But the fact was, he had grown up in a family that was well-off. At least, for most of his life. He was still old enough to remember when they had struggled.

  He knew his younger brother didn’t remember much of that time, and their youngest sister, Honey, didn’t remember it at all. But Jackson did. He also knew Cricket had never known a moment of financial struggle in all her life. It wasn’t that he thought she was stupid. She wasn’t. She was bright and sharp, and a bit fierce.

  He had always found her fascinating, especially in contrast with the rest of her family. Even before it had turned out her father was a criminal and a sexual predator, Jackson had always found the Maxfields to be a strange and fascinating family. So different from his own. There had always been tension between James Maxfield and his wife. Wren and Emerson had always seemed like perfect Stepford children from an extremely warped, upper-class neighborhood, cookies from the same cutter.

  But not Cricket.

  She had never been at the forefront of any of the events they had put on at the winery. And though Maxfield Vineyards and Cowboy Wines might have been rivals, they often attended each other’s events. Professional courtesy, and all of that. And scoping out the competition. So he’d seen Cricket many times over the years. Usually skulking in the background, but then, when she got older, not there at all. One time, three years ago or so—she must’ve been eighteen—she’d been out on a swing in the yard, wearing a white dress he was almost certain she didn’t want to be wearing. It had been dark out there, and inside, the Maxfield event room had been all lit up.

  She was just lit up by the moon.

  She had looked completely separate. Alone. And he’d felt some kind of sympathy for her. It was strange, and a foreign feeling for him. Because he wasn’t an overly sympathetic kind of guy. But the girl was a square peg, no denying it. And in his opinion—particularly at the time—it wasn’t round holes she needed to fit into. Just a family of assholes.

  Now, he had changed his opinion on Wren and Emerson in the time since.

  But his general opinion of Cricket’s family, of her father, had certainly been correct. And just because he now thought Wren and Emerson were decent people...they were still so different from their sister. So different—it was the strangest thing.

  But Cricket wasn’t so different from her family that she would simply be able to step into ranching life. And he’d be right on hand to show her just how much work it was. He wouldn’t have to do anything. Wouldn’t have to sabotage her in any way.

  She just needed a dose of reality.

  And then she’d be willing to sell him that property.

  He’d bought his own ranch and transitioned from working the one at Cowboy Wines after his mother died. And yes, he had people who helped him, so they would cover the slack of him not being there.

  And that was the thing. Ranching never took time off. That was something he understood, and well.

  “Report for work first thing on Monday,” Cricket said. “And bring a sleeping bag. I don’t have any extra and the bunkhouse gets cold.”

  She did not shake his hand. Instead, she clamped down on that unlit cigar, scrunched up her nose, grabbed the brim of the black cowboy hat and tipped it.

  And right then, he vowed that no matter that Cricket had won the pot, he was going to win the whole damn thing.

  Whatever that looked like.

  * * *

  “You what?”

  Cricket looked at Emerson, keeping her expression as sanguine as possible. She wasn’t going to get into the details of any of this with her sisters. Not now. Not just yet.

  “Well, you would have known if you would have gone.”

  “I’m a whale,” Emerson said, gesturing to her nine-months-pregnant stomach. “And my ankles were so swollen, I couldn’t get my shoes on. So I didn’t go.”

  “And I didn’t tell her,” Wren said, grinning. “Because I wanted her to hear it directly from Cricket’s mouth.”

  “I won him in a poker game,” Cricket said. “I won him fair and square, and now he has to come work on my ranch.”

  Triumph surged through her again. Her plan was working out perfectly, and she had a handle on it. All of it.

  “Your ranch.”

  “And I won a pony,” Cricket said, grinning with glee. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Because,” Emerson said. “Jackson Cooper is a tool.”

  “So is Creed Cooper, but Wren married him.” Cricket’s teeth ground together as she said that. The whole thing with Wren and Creed had come as a shock, and like with all things Cooper-related, Cricket had kept that shock completely to herself, but she was still struggling with it a bit. “Come to that, your husband is kind of a tool,” Cricket said to Emerson. “Just not to you. Also, I’m not marrying Jackson, I’m just having him work for me. For free.”

  She was practiced at pretending she didn’t think much of Jackson. But this conversation pushed her thoughts in strange directions. Directions she’d been actively avoiding for months now.

  “All right, I have to hand it to you, it’s a little bit brilliant.”

  “I’m just happy to see you’re doing something,” Wren said. “Unfortunate double entendres aside. We’ve been worried about you.”

  “I know you have. For more than a year now. But you are both too afraid to say anything to me.”

  They didn’t know how to talk to her. That was the truth. They might never admit it, but Cricket knew it. Fair enough, she often didn’t know how to talk to them either.

  “We never know what’s going to make you run further and faster,” Emerson said. “I’m sorry. But you know... You’re not a little kid anymore. But I think it’s easy for us to think of you that way. There’s no reason for that.”

  “Glad to know that I’m finally getting a little respect.”

  “I did question your sanity when you asked to take on the ranch.”

  “It’s paid for. I mean, there’s definitely a lot of work to be done on it, but there was no reason to just let it sit there going to seed. And this is something I’ve always wanted. My own place. Wine isn’t my thing and it never has been. I know you’re shocked to hear that.”

  “Yeah, not so much,” Emerson said.

  “We’re just different,” Cricket said.

  Honestly, she and her sisters couldn’t be any more different if they tried. Emerson was curvy—though sporting an extra curve right now—and absolutely beautiful, like a bombshell. Wren was sleek and sophisticated. Cricket had always felt extremely out of place at Maxfield events. It was like her sisters just knew something. Innately. Like being beautiful was part of their intrinsic makeup in a way it would never be for Cricket. And she had never really cared about being beautiful, which was another thing that had made her feel like the cuckoo in the nest.

  So she just hadn’t tried. Emerson and Wren had. They’d tried so hard to earn Jameson Maxfield’s approval. Cricket had hidden instead. Had flown under the radar straight into obscurity.

  She could remember, far too clearly, asking her father about college four years ago.

  “You didn’t particularly apply yourself in school, did you?”


  “What would you want to do?”

  She’d been stumped by that. “I don’t know. I need to go so that I can figure it out...”

  “Emerson and Wren contributed to the winery with their degrees. Is that what you plan to do?”

  There had been no college for Cricket.

  She knew her dad could afford it. It wasn’t about the expense. It was about her value.

  Both of her parents had always been so distant to her. And it
wasn’t until later that she’d started to understand why.

  Started to suspect she was not James Maxfield’s daughter...

  Well, the suspicion had made her feel like she made some sense. That her differences made sense. There were things that hurt about the idea, and badly. But she’d put those things in their place.

  She’d had no choice.

  “I appreciate it. I do.”

  “And whatever you think about our husbands,” Emerson said, “they’re both cowboys, and they would be happy to help you with the ranch.”

  “I know that. And when I’ve exhausted my free Cooper labor, I may take them up on it. But for now, I’ll solve my own problem.”

  “Well done, Cricket,” Emerson said, sounding slightly defeated. “I can’t even see my toes.”

  “You’re not supposed to,” Wren said.

  Wren’s baby was three months old now, and of course, her slim figure had already gone right back into place. But even slightly built Wren had been distressed about the size of her stomach at this stage in her pregnancy.

  It was weird to see her sisters so settled in domesticity. Having babies and all of that. They had never seemed particularly domesticated to Cricket, but they had fallen in love, and that had changed them both. Not in a bad way. In fact, they both seemed happier. Steadier and more sure of themselves. But that didn’t make any of that racket seem appealing to Cricket.

  Who just be free.

  To not feel any of the overwhelming pressure to fit into anything other than the life she chose for herself.

  Maybe she’d wanted something else when she’d been young and silly and hadn’t understood herself or her life.

  She was the awkward sister. The ugly sister, really. She didn’t mind at all about her looks. She was tall, and she was thin, and her curves weren’t anything to write home about. But while that seemed elegant and refined on Wren, with her somewhat bony shoulders and knees, Cricket had always just thought her thinness seemed unfortunate on her. Her cheekbones were sharp, and she had freckles. Her top lip was just a little bit more full than the bottom one, and even though she’d had braces to solve the buck teeth situation, the gap between her two front teeth hadn’t closed entirely, and it remained.

  Her features were... Well, they were strong. And like everything else about her, kind of a love or hate situation.

  Cricket didn’t much care how she looked. She cared about what she could do. She was good at riding horses. She could run fast; she was strong. Her hair was a little bit wild, but she didn’t much mind. No, she didn’t mind at all. Because it made her look like she was moving. Made her look like she was busy. And that was what she liked.

  That was the thing. As much as the Coopers were supposed to be rivals of her family, in some ways, she could identify a little bit more closely with them than she did with the Maxfields. They had country roots and sensibilities. That was what she understood.

  It was what she connected with.

  Country strong was hard to break. And that was what Cricket wanted to be.

  It was what she was.

  “I plan on making good use of Mr. Jackson Cooper,” Cricket said triumphantly, immediately picturing the man, his broad shoulders and large hands.

  Good for work.

  And a good place to start when it came to figuring out how to broach the topic of what she thought might be true between them.

  “Yes indeed,” she said to herself.

  Her sisters exchanged a glance. “Just be careful.”


  “The Coopers are a whole thing,” Wren said.

  Cricket blinked. “I don’t understand what you mean.”

  “You start talking about making full use of Cooper men, and I’ll tell you, it gives me ideas,” Wren said.

  Cricket still didn’t get it.

  “Sex, Cricket,” Wren said. “Some people might think you mean sex.”

  Cricket was suddenly made of heat and horror. “No! No. Not at all. Never. How could you... Look, Wren, I’m not you. When I finally do decide to take on a man, and I’m going to need to get my actual life in order a whole hell of a lot better before I do, it is not going to be... He’s old.”

  Among other things.

  Wren laughed. “Right. So old. Like two whole years older than my husband.”

  Cricket sniffed. “And I’m several years younger than you.”

  Wren seem to take that as a square insult, her lips snapping shut.

  Fine. Cricket wasn’t old enough to take age commentary as that deep of a wound yet.

  “This is strictly a business arrangement,” she said. A fluttering grew and expanded in her chest. Evidence of her dishonesty. “He’s going to help me with my ranch. And that’s it.”

  “If you say so.”

  “I absolutely do.”

  “The one thing I know about you, Cricket. When you set your mind to something, you do see it done.”

  And what she had her mind set to, was finding out for sure if she wasn’t a Maxfield at all...

  And hiring Jackson Cooper was the best way to do that.

  Copyright © 2021 by Maisey Yates

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  ISBN-13: 9781488070389

  Intimate Negotiations

  Copyright © 2021 by Renee Daniel Flagler

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This is a wortk of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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