Vixen Claws (The Twelve Mates Of Christmas Book 4)

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Vixen Claws (The Twelve Mates Of Christmas Book 4) Page 1

by Sable Sylvan

  Vixen Claws

  The Twelve Mates Of Christmas, Book 4

  Sable Sylvan

  Copyright © 2018 by Heather Davies/Sable Sylvan

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  Vixen Claws


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11


  The Twelve Mates of Christmas — A Sable Sylvan Christmas Spectacular

  Sneak Peek: Comet Claws

  About the Author

  Vixen Claws

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  His candy cane won't lick itself...

  Romance novel model Cain Pellichero has been on the cover of countless books with happily-ever-after endings. But, the werebear hasn't even started writing his own love story.

  Cain Pellichero's rock-hard abs might look Nice, but they just landed him on The Naughty List.

  If he wants to get his shift back, he's going to have to claim his fated mate.

  If he wants to get his mate mark back, he's going to have to get off of The Naughty List.

  Oh -- and he has to pull Santa Claus' sleigh on Christmas Eve.

  How hard could it be? Well, Cain's about to find out that when Fate and Christmas magic combine, anything can happen. Luckily, he's got an ally -- the one and only Vixen, one of Santa's flying reindeer.

  Don't judge a romance novel model by his covers...

  Curvy Candy Cassis knows a few things.

  Number one. Cain Pellichero is a romance novel model. So, why is he working as a lumberjack on The Wreath, a rural area of Montana, far away from white sand tropical beaches?

  Number two. His mate mark says 'Naughty,' which makes him a bad boy.

  Number three. He's just her type.

  The only problem is, Candy may act sassy, but she's really shy. Will she find a way to open up to Cain before Christmas?

  The Wreath during Christmas is wilder than Florida during spring break!

  When Cain meets Candy, she goes straight to the top of his Christmas list. The only thing the werebear wants is to unwrap her underneath his big, thick, uncut...Christmas tree.

  All he has to do is claim his beauty to earn back his beast.

  The only problem is, he has no idea how to fill her in on his secret.

  When Avery uncovers some secrets about Candy, will Candy and Cain get closer than they ever imagine? And will Candy and Cane go together like red and white stripes on a candy cane? There's only one way to find out -- by reading 'Vixen Claws.'

  This story, featuring a bad boy werebear and a BBW baker, is loosely based on Beauty and the Beast.


  Thanksgiving, 2010

  Cain Pellichero appreciated two things about his car. First off, it was red. Red stood for two things close to his heart: power, and romance. Not love, but romance. Secondly, it was fast. That meant he could go to the lodge of Clan Marron, make an appearance, and get out fast. He had gigs around the country he had to get to. The Christmas season was one of his biggest seasons, and last-minute covers for that season were being shot in November. That’s what was on his mind as he broke the speed limits on his way to the lodge.

  Cain passed through the reddening trees of his hometown of Nuthusk, Washington. The trees changed, but one thing didn’t. The passenger seat of his sportscar didn’t hold his fated mate. It just held a sad looking pie.

  Cain parked in the Clan Marron lodge’s parking lot. He’d seen the Clan gossip, Emily Hu, engaged in conversation with some curvy woman when he’d parked. He knew he had a limited time to get past Emily, get inside, make his appearances, and leave, and he intended to use that window wisely.

  He hadn’t stepped five feet past his car, a single sad looking cherry pie in one hand and a half-empty bottle of whipped cream in the other, before Emily accosted him.

  “Cain! Long time no see,” said Emily. “I was just talking to one of your fans. She couldn’t believe that Cain Pellichero of all people was a member of Clan Marron and had made it to Clan Marron’s annual feast.”

  “Emily,” said Cain curtly, putting his sunglasses back on, even though the sky was overcast and gray.

  “Let me take that for you,” said Emily, grabbing the pie and whipped cream can from Cain before frowning. “Huh. That’s weird. Did you get a receipt for this? It’s half empty.”

  “Nope,” said Cain, surreptitiously licking around his mouth to make sure he didn’t have a streak of whipped cream on his upper lip.

  “It’s in your hair,” said Emily

  Cain didn’t acknowledge Emily had said it and just kept walking into the lodge.

  “You find a fated mate this year?” asked Emily bluntly.

  Cain didn’t answer.

  “Your silence speaks volumes. You know, for a romance novel model, you don’t exactly have a charming personality,” said Emily.

  Cain turned suddenly, putting an arm on the wall and trapping Emily between his body and the wall.

  “Then it’s a good thing I don’t get paid for how I talk,” Cain whispered in Emily’s ear.

  “I don’t know why you bother coming every year if you don’t want to be a part of this Clan,” said Emily, pushing Cain back and staring deep into his amber eyes.

  “Don’t presume to know why I do things,” said Cain. “You wouldn’t understand.”

  “I’m sure the dark and brooding persona makes you look great when you’re wearing a kilt for some highlander romance, but it’s not a cute look otherwise,” said Emily. “Let me guess. You just want to make appearances and get out of here?”

  “That’s the first somewhat smart thing you’ve said all day,” said Cain.

  “Then come on,” said Emily, taking Cain by the arm. “The Alpha is down the hall, cleaning up the council chambers for the kids to watch a movie in while we get the meal together.”

  “Fine,” said Cain, pulling his arm away from Emily roughly before following her down the hall towards the council chambers. “I know where they are. You don’t have to escort me.”

  “It’s fine,” said Emily. “I just really enjoy these conversations we have, don’t you?”

  “At least you admit you’re trying to annoy me on purpose,” said Cain.

  Once they reached the council chambers, Cain opened the doors and walked in, slamming it behind him and scanning the room for the Clan Alpha, but, when he saw that the Council of Clan Elders was gathered there instead, he turned to leave.

  “Sorry,” said Cain gruffly.

  Cain tried the door, but it was locked from the outside.

  “Emily?” called Cain. “Emily! This isn’t funny!”

  “This isn’t a prank,” said a voice coolly.

  Cain turned. Among the Council of Clan Elders was Ethan McLean, billionaire bad boy, who had somehow managed to trick a respectable girl into becoming his fated mate. He’d heard through the Clan gossip grapevine, which found its roots in Emily.

  “Can I
help you, rich boy?” asked Cain.

  “Please, take a seat,” said a booming voice coming from the Clan Alpha, Jasper Jackson.

  Cain walked over to the chair slowly and sat down, locking eyes with Jasper Jackson through his sunglasses.

  “Do you know why we’ve called you here today?” asked an older man on the council.

  Cain shrugged and looked away

  “You must have some clue,” said the man.

  Cain only stared at him.

  “Such a pretty face, such a bad attitude,” clucked one of the older women on the council. “Cain Pellichero, you’re here because another year has passed without you finding a fated mate.”

  “Okay,” said Cain.

  “Oh, we got a word out of you, how cute,” said the older woman. “What a shame. You’re a handsome boy, but you have no desire of settling down. You’re seen with a different woman every weekend.”

  “Guess it proves you can’t judge a book by its cover…even a romance novel, or a romance novel model,” quipped another woman on the council.

  Cain said nothing.

  “Alright, cool,” said Ethan. “I know this ploy. You think everyone will just get tired of your silent treatment and leave. Well, Cain, I was in that very chair last year.”

  “And?” asked Cain.

  “And, what ended up happening to me is what will happen to you,” said Ethan.

  “So do whatever it is you have to do,” said Cain with a smirk. “If frikkin’ Ethan could handle it, so can I.”

  “You’ll do exactly what Ethan did last year, to stay in Clan Marron?” asked Jasper.

  “How hard could it be if some soft-handed billionaire could do it?” asked Cain. “I’m in. What is it you want me to do? Visit some sick ladies in the hospital and sign autographs?”

  “You’re going to have to change your ways,” said Ethan. “You’re a playboy. I know the type. I was never one, but as a billionaire, I’m surrounded by them. You don’t intend on settling down. You’re going to have to learn to find a mate using more than just your looks. On the outside, you’re handsome, but on the inside, you’re all beast – prone to mate madness, because that beast is in need of a mate. If you want to find a beauty, you’re going to need to get whipped into shape…up North, at Camp Kringle.”

  “Camp Kringle?” scoffed Cain. “As in ‘Chris Kringle’? Come on. How much of an idiot do you think I am, Ethan? I don’t believe in Santa Claus or any other fairy tales.”

  “Then you’re in for quite the surprise,” said a deep voice.

  Cain turned. Out of the shadows appeared a man in a tailored suit, with dark tousled hair that went down to his shoulders, eldritch green eyes that looked like they glowed with unholy energy, and, around his neck, a chain, thick and made of worn metal.

  Cain watched as the man approached him. He took a glance at the man’s hands and saw that the man had strange marks on his hands. The stranger had to be a shifter, but Cain couldn’t place the marks on his hands, which formed a cloven print. Was this man an elk shifter? Or a buck? Maybe he was a bull. Cain wasn’t quite sure.

  “Don’t have much to say, do you?” asked the man, approaching Cain, who hadn’t moved from his chair, and who averted his eyes from the stranger’s gaze. “No matter. You’ve already sealed the deal.”

  “What deal?” growled Cain.

  Cain’s bear told him to leave, to leave the council chambers and never come back, but Cain stood his ground.

  “You agreed to do exactly what my friend Ethan did last year, in order to stay in Clan Marron. Your Clan’s made a deal with me. I’m taking your mark and your shift because you can’t be trusted with them. You’re falling into mate madness…when you should be falling in love. You can make a deal with me – to get your mark and shift back” said the stranger. “That means you’ll be coming with me.”

  “I’d like to see you try to force me to go with you,” said Cain. “That’s not a fight you want to start.”

  “Hold still,” said the stranger, stripping off his suit jacket and tossing it aside before rolling up his sleeves. “This’ll hurt.”

  The stranger reached his hand out to touch Cain’s chest. Cain moved backward, away from the weird man, and the chair tipped back. Before Cain could escape, the man ripped the thick chain off his own neck and tossed it. The chain magically bound Cain to the chair and brought the chair back into an upright position.

  “What did you just do?” shouted Cain. “What is this?”

  “I supposed my reputation doesn’t precede me in this part of the world,” said the stranger. “The name’s Krampus, the Christmas demon. Being a demon gives me certain special…abilities. Let me give you a demonstration.”

  Krampus pressed his hand against Cain’s chest. Cain’s designer white V-neck shirt tore into shreds. Cain was used to wearing shredded shirts for romance novel covers, especially ones about pirates, but right now, it was his body that was being plundered. He felt a burning sensation against his mate mark, and Cain couldn’t help but roar.

  “Now, now,” said Krampus. “You don’t want to miss the show, now, do you?”

  Krampus held his hand out towards Cain’s face. Cain saw his mark on Krampus’s palm. It was impossible. How could his mark have moved onto Krampus’s hand? The mark started to move, not back onto Cain’s body, but down to Krampus’s wrist, and then, around his forearm. Krampus’s arm was covered in a thick garden of symbols, and Cain’s mate mark was only the latest addition to the wild meadow of mate marks. Cain could just watch as his mate mark dipped above marks in odd shapes like dice and pieces of candy, underneath marks like strange words in foreign languages and silhouettes of faces, and finally, disappeared, lost in the thicket of stolen symbols.

  “Give me back my mark!” roared Cain.

  “So that’s what it takes to get a reaction out of you,” said Krampus slyly. “I just had to steal your mark. Well, I left you another.”

  Krampus ran his hand over Cain’s left shoulder. Cain looked. He could barely read the word that was written on his shoulder in blood red: ‘Naughty.’ It was placed near the fading semi-permanent tattoos that had been put on him for his last job.

  Krampus reached into his pants pocket, which looked empty from the outside, and pulled out a snow globe. Cain looked and found himself lost in the scene within the snow globe. He’d never seen a snow globe that seemed so realistic. He could practically feel the flakes of snow hitting his nose. A shiver went down his spine.

  “The deal is simple, Cain,” explained Krampus. “You want to keep your shift and your mate mark? And you’ll do anything to keep them?”

  “Of course,” said Cain.

  “Would you…shake on that?” asked Krampus, offering a hand.

  Without thinking, Cain grabbed Krampus’ hand firmly and shook it.

  “That was either the smartest or stupidest thing you’ve ever done,” said Krampus with a laugh. “Here’s the deal: you’re on The Naughty List because you didn’t take your search for a fated mate seriously. That’s why you can’t be trusted with your mark. But, if you prove you’re worthy of your mate, you’ll get your mark back, and to do that, you’ll need to get off The Naughty List. Get on The Nice List, and you get your mate mark back. Claim your fated mate by Christmas, and you’ll have proven that you deserve your shift. The rules are simple. But, this isn’t free. You have to put in the work – literally. You’ll be training with me, at Camp Kringle, to pull Santana Claus’ sleigh on Christmas Eve…using the power of Vixen, one of his flying reindeer.” Krampus proffered the globe once more.

  Cain found himself drawn to the globe. He reached out, and Krampus put it in his hands. Cain pulled it closer to his face, peering inside and spotting a reindeer, the most realistic model of an animal he’d ever seen, and it took him a few seconds to realize that he had made a terrible mistake.

  Cain felt as something was being pushed into his body, pushing something else out. He could smell fresh snow and taste eggnog on his loung
e. He watched as strings of red and green light wove in and out of his fingers, into his wrist, and into the globe, and as hard as he tried to pull his fingers away from the snow globe and toss it somewhere else, he couldn’t. While his bear compelled him to stop whatever was happening, another force calmed Cain, told him to let the process happen. While Cain sided with his bear, he couldn’t stop touching the snow globe until whatever magic was controlling him let him stop touching the magical decoration.

  “What did you just do to me?” roared Cain.

  “I took your bear,” said Krampus. “Meet your new shift, Vixen. He’s one of Santana Claus’s eight most trusted reindeer. He’ll be your guide this Christmas season, through the world of The Wreath and Christmas magic. You best get on good terms with him, as you’ll have to learn to work with him to pull Santana’s sleigh if you want to have any chance of getting back your mate mark or your shift.”

  Krampus waved his hand, and the chain around Cain untangled and was drawn back into Krampus’s hand in its necklace form. Krampus tossed the necklace in the air, where it turned and swirled, expanding into a circle around ten feet in diameter, floating in midair, filling with an emerald fire that soon turned into a portal to a verdant coniferous forest.

  “So I’m a frikkin’ reindeer now?” asked Cain, staring through the portal. “Clan Marron. You’re letting this happen?”

  “You may be handsome on the outside, Cain, but inside, you’re pure beast. You need to find yourself a woman with beauty, inner beauty, before the beast takes over. There’s only one thing that can stop that, so yes, we’re insisting it happens,” said Jasper. “Whenever we have members in danger of getting mate madness, we send them to Camp Kringle. Santana Claus has a relationship with our Clan and others. It’s an exchange. Our bad boys get turned into respectable shifters, and he gets strong shifters who can help him during the holiday season. For the next month, Krampus will whip your bad boy ass into shape, so you can pull that sleigh. If you earn back your shift and your mate mark and find your fated mate, you can come back to Clan Marron.”


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