The Honor of Duty

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The Honor of Duty Page 11

by A. R. Rend

  “You think it was your mother?” asked Phillip.

  “I have no doubt of that at all. I could easily see my mother giving her pointers, advice, and maybe even helping her to figure out what to say to you,” Lenore admitted with a slightly sour look to her face. “Mother is far more… aware… of keeping a man than Alice ever could be. Father is completely in love with Mother and hangs on her every word.”

  “I… okay. So… it wasn’t really Alice talking,” said Phillip, slowly lowering his eyes to his lap.

  “I mean, I wasn’t there for it, but was it completely out of character for her?” prodded Lenore, still holding to his hand.

  “Yeah. It was.”

  “Mm. Moving on… Sophia,” Lenore said with a short quick breath. “Yes, she definitely has a competitive streak with our family. Alice tolerates it and doesn’t really think much of it more often than not. I can’t honestly say if she’s going after you in competition or not but… it wouldn’t be that hard to believe of her either.”

  Phillip didn’t want to hear that, but he couldn’t disagree it was a very likely situation. Alice had said it, but with Lenore’s confirmation, he felt a lot more sure about it being a possibility.

  “And it definitely needs to be said. Sophia and Alice both… either in response to the other or just to initiate it,” Lenore said. “They did indeed in the past have had a tendency to go after each other’s things in one way or another. As to Jay… or James… he was Sophia’s fiancé first, that’s quite true. I don’t think they were very keen on one another, but they were civil and polite as far as I knew or heard.”

  For some reason, Phillip was glad to hear that Mim hadn’t had a close relationship with her fiancé.

  “Mother bought the contract and assigned it to Alice. I know I was briefly considered as the holder. In the end she felt Alice would be better served by him as a husband,” Lenore said with a shrug of her shoulders. “I’m personally glad for it myself as I’m still blessedly free of all attachments. I know Sophia was quite happy after she was freed as well.”

  “And then me?” Phillip asked.

  “And then you. Mother jumped at the opportunity you presented and latched onto it. From what I heard your mother had quite a number of suitors for you,” said Lenore with a chuckle. “I think Mother only got it because she and your mother are friends from their school years. I was considered briefly of course, but you were given to Alice instead.”

  Lenore instead of Alice?

  “If only,” Phillip said with a soft chuckle. “Pretty sure I would’ve picked you if given the option.”

  Lenore slowly turned a faint red and then shook her head with a grin.

  “Alas, I wasn’t chosen. You’re my sister’s husband,” said Lenore, squeezing his hand. “Nor am I the head of the household. Even if I did pursue you, to buy you away, I doubt I’d ever talk her into it without being at the top of the next generation. You simply bring too much political power behind your name. And let’s be honest, as soon as Alice is with child, your ability to have your contract purchased will be considerably lessened.”

  “Well hurry and move up in the family already. Being treated like a chair is quite humiliating, you know,” Phillip said with a grunt, then he reached up with his free hand and ran it through his hair. Brushing it back and away from his brow. His other hand held onto Lenore’s quite tightly.

  Lenore’s brows slid down over her eyes. Her mouth was partly open, her top teeth resting on her bottom lip.

  Then she clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes.

  “Come on. Let’s get out of here. Sophia is probably searching the house for you. She’ll eventually check here simply because she knows she can get away with it. Mom thinks she’s funny and a challenge for Alice,” mumbled Lenore. “Let’s go get your guards, and then go to the city. Wander around a bit and maybe poke through some shops. See if there’s anything going on in the markets.”

  “That sounds great. Thank you… Lenore,” Phillip said with genuine thanks.


  Walking into his favorite family study, Phillip paused.

  The fact that Mim and Alice were both here, sitting at one of the only two tables in the room, gave him pause.

  He’d seen neither woman since yesterday and had avoided any chance to run into them. Lenore had kept him busy almost the entire day until they had to part. It would have been indecent if he’d stayed with her any longer than they already had given that it’d been late evening.

  The rest of the night, till he fell asleep, he’d spent chatting with Milly.

  “Good afternoon, husband,” Alice said with some force to her words, especially the title.

  “Phil!” Mim said, bouncing up and out of her seat.

  Before he could think of moving out of the way, she’d caught him and brought him straight into an embrace. Pressing his face into her neck.

  Holding onto him, she began to slowly rock back and forth.

  “Don’t worry, my oven will remain nice and toasty for you. Only you. Just needs a bun. Your bun. Preferably before you put a bun in someone else’s oven, please,” she whispered in his ear, before kissing his cheek. “Though I guess I could handle it if someone else got a bun first.”

  Finally releasing him, Mim stuck her arm through his, walked over to the only love-seat in the room, and sat down, pulling Phillip down into the seat next to her.

  Then she casually put an arm around his shoulders, and drew him up into her side.

  “Anyways,” Mim said as if this was an expected and normal outcome. “And that’s why I think you should just sell me the contract. It’d spare everyone and it’d be that much simpler.”

  Oh my goodness, are they talking about me?

  “I’m not-” Alice paused, her face pinched in an angry grimace as she glared at Mim. “I’m not selling you Phillip’s marriage contract. We’re quite happy, thank you. There’s no need for you to continue to harass me about it.”

  “Really? Are you so sure?” Mim asked, her arm tightening around Phillip, pulling his shoulder up into the side of her breast. “Because I’m willing to pay a significant sum for him. Certainly more than his dowry is worth. Double, at least.

  “I’ve already told my mother of my intention and she’s more than willing to pay you everything upfront on my behalf. Apparently the idea of me going to the straight and narrow is something she’s willing to invest in.”

  Phillip felt his mouth go dry as Alice closed her eyes and sat still in her chair.

  The very idea that someone would pay that much for his hand in marriage was mind-boggling.

  “Mim!” Phillip said in a whisper. “My dowry is-”

  “Inconsequential,” Mim whispered back to him. She glanced over at Alice, then turned her head and kissed him for a second before turning back to Alice.

  Sitting there, shocked to the core, Phillip had no idea how to act or behave given Mim’s actions just now. Or what she was proposing.

  Looking to his wife, he needn’t have worried about her noticing what’d happened.

  Alice still had her eyes closed, one hand pressed to her brow.

  To him, she looked as if she were actually considering the offer now.

  Which was equal parts hurtful and hopeful.

  The very fact that she hadn’t dismissed such a thing right out of hand hurt him to the core. That their marriage actually had a price tag on it.

  And she was actively considering selling him.

  That all fed into his feeling of hope that she’d actually turn him over to Mim.

  Even if he was a piece to be fought over, at this point, he’d be more than willing to try things with Mim.

  I mean… at this point… is it even salvageable with Alice?

  It hasn’t been that long, but my motivation certainly isn’t where it was when I first got here.

  But… but I can keep going.

  I’m not defeated! I’m not-

  “No, of course not,” Alice said, opening he
r eyes and waving her hand to one side. “He’s my husband. I couldn’t just… sell him. Such a thing doesn’t occur lightly or very often, either.

  “You’re being obnoxious. And get away from him.”

  “I’m not being obnoxious, and I don’t have to get away from him. I’m not doing anything wrong at all,” Mim said, completely disregarding the fact that she’d kissed him. “It’s no different when Lenny is with him, is it?”

  Alice’s face twitched at that comment, before she rolled her eyes and shook her head once more. Then she leaned to one side in her chair and made a dismissive hand gesture.

  “I suppose that’s fair enough. I know I can certainly trust in Phillip to be loyal to me,” Alice said with confidence. “He’s beyond reproach.”

  “Uh huh, says the woman who spent most of yesterday with her ex-fiancé,” Mim said, her hand coming up to rest against Phillip’s head. “And your husband all alone during it.

  “All alone to work on pastries, read books, write letters, and forlornly wander the house. Like a ghost or a spirit looking for a place to rest.”

  Phillip felt his entire body stiffen.

  He hadn’t known Alice had been with Jay at all.

  Alice grimaced and finally looked angry.

  “Jay is just a friend, there was no need for a chaperon. There’s nothing there, and was nothing there, it was just a contract. Now he’s set up for someone quite nice,” Alice said. “Now unhand my husband already. This has gone too far.”

  Mim reluctantly released Phillip, who didn’t get up, or move away from Mim.

  “You were with Jay last night?” he asked in a tight voice.

  “I was just checking in on him as a friend. There was-”

  “You didn’t even tell him?” Mim hissed, her voice now actually sounding angry. Her teasing tone was gone in a flash and what remained in its place was something Phillip had never heard. “You didn’t tell your husband you were out with another man? Alone? One who had been your fiancé? Allie, what the hell?”

  Allie? Is that a nickname between them?

  Looking rather embarrassed and somewhat mortified, Alice at least had the good graces to look somewhat ashamed.

  “I’m so sorry, Phillip, I had no idea,” Mim said, turning toward Phillip and holding her hands up. “I wouldn’t have brought it up like that if I’d known. I swear it.

  “And Allie is an incompetent fool and an idiot who doesn’t deserve you, or your loyalty, but I promise you she’s just as loyal to you. That’s not something you have to worry about.”

  “Phillip, I-”

  “I swear, Phil, I-”

  Standing up, Phillip held one hand up in front of himself. Both women fell silent, then stood up as well.

  At least they’re practicing proper decorum.

  Even if it’s obvious they have their own games they’re playing.

  “I bid you both a good afternoon,” Phillip said in a tight voice. He really didn’t want to be here right now. He was quite liable of saying something he’d more than likely regret later.

  Regardless of him trusting Alice, which he actually did, or not was irrelevant. The fact of the matter was he was so far removed from her day, or her life really, that he hadn’t known. Hadn’t known that his wife was going to be alone with a man.

  Having gotten up to mischief and trouble with his fiancé at one time, Phillip knew the dangers of being alone with a woman as a man.

  Not to mention what would happen if the rumor-mill got a hold of it.

  I can’t even imagine. It’d spread so fast I wouldn’t even know where I could show my face.

  ‘Did you hear? That Alice Rias already has a lover. Apparently her husband just isn’t enough.’

  Ugh, the very thought of it.

  Shaking his head distastefully, Phillip left the study quickly and back into the hallway he’d come from.

  Walking halfway down it, he stopped at the midpoint and then leaned up against the wall.

  Letting out a shuddering breath, he closed his eyes and pressed a hand to his forehead.

  Damnit. Damnit all.

  This… wasn’t supposed to be how married life went.

  “The hell is wrong with you, Allie!?” said Mim after a handful of seconds passed.

  Apparently they’d assumed he’d left.

  “I… didn’t even think about it. I just-”

  “Just fucked up again. Do you even know what you’re doing to him? Do you? You have a wonderful husband and you’re squandering it!” growled Mim. “What’s next? Are you-”

  Not wanting to eavesdrop, Phillip hurried down the hall while trying to limit the noise he was making.

  Getting back out into the main areas of the house, he was thankful the moment Milly and his other guards gathered up around him.

  “Ah, good afternoon,” Mildred said, meeting his eyes levelly. “Was there somewhere or something you wanted to do today?”

  “I… yes. Yes,” Phillip said, nodding his head. “I’m going to go into the city. Let’s go have lunch. The five of us. And before you start arguing, you four can pick the location. That way you feel satisfied that we won’t be bothered while we eat. My treat of course.

  “Just… please make your choice quickly. I’d very much like to be away from this house with as much celerity as we can muster.”

  Mildred watched him for several seconds longer before she nodded her head.

  “We can certainly do that, Phil. That isn’t a problem at all,” Mildred murmured. “And I know just the food to get, and the spot to eat it. That way we can all be safe, enjoy a meal, and each other’s company.”

  “Perfect. Please, lead on,” Phillip said, not wanting to dally a second further.


  Phillip had successfully evaded Mim over the last day and a half.

  He knew she was looking for him, and actively seeking him out.

  Lenore and Mildred had both told him so.

  It didn’t take much in the way of imagination to figure out what she wanted to talk to him about. The conversation would likely concern Jay, Alice, Mim, and himself.

  Truth of the matter was he just didn’t want to talk to anyone about it.

  About Jay.

  Not in any way, shape, or form.

  He was already beginning to feel a lot like a stranger in a home that was to be his own. Now he was starting to feel like a worthless stranger without merit in the home.

  Shaking his head at his morose thoughts, Phillip closed his eyes and let his head hang down.

  Get it together. Mount an offense.

  Move straight into her front line and fight.

  Fight to… to get my wife’s attention.

  Because that’s my duty.

  My duty.

  I’m no pushover. I’m the son of general Curis.

  Nodding his head, Phillip once more lifted his head and looked to the bookshelf in front of him.

  He’d asked Lenore if there was a family history he could read over. Hopefully he could find out more about the Rias family, his family now, and their roots. How they conducted and handled themselves.

  With any luck he could perhaps learn some insights into the way Alice’s mind worked.

  “Ah-ha, there you are my tricky little thing,” Phillip said with a grin. Grabbing the binding of the book he wanted, it matching what Lenore described, he pulled it down off the shelf.

  Popping it open, he found it was indeed a family history. Written by Alice’s aunt and updated no less than three years prior.

  “Perfect, perfect.”

  Feeling far better about his situation, Phillip considered where to read it.

  If he remained here, the chances were quite high someone would find him. The family library was a high-traffic area.

  Should he retreat back to the studies he favored, it was almost a guarantee that Mim would find him there. And that was perhaps the last thing he wanted right now.

  We’ll try… oh, the large family study in the south wi
ng of the home. It’s not used very much at all and everyone avoids it.

  Even I have.

  Smiling, Phillip started out, leaving the library.

  Stepping over to where Mildred was, Phillip put his hand to her forearm.

  “Milly, I’m heading over to the south study. I think the closest hallway from there that you can be is the west servants hall. Is that right?” Phillip asked. He’d spent a great deal learning the layout of the home and where his guards could be, and would be.

  If he could help them out by going to them when needed, they’d all be better off.

  Grinning, Mildred nodded her head.

  “That’s right. We’ll be there, waiting for you,” she confirmed.

  “Great, see you later, Milly,” Phillip said, squeezing her forearm before leaving.

  “I’d wait in line to wait for him,” murmured one of his other guards. “You sharing… Milly?”

  Blushing slightly, Phillip pretended he hadn’t heard them. It wasn’t the first time he had overheard his guards talking about bedding him.

  He’d even once heard Mildred make a comment about him. Leaving him with a rather comfortable thought that she was interested in him.

  None of them were trying to be loud about it or obvious, they just had voices that carried. It was part of who they were as soldiers and guards.

  Though… I could always ask Milly if-

  No. No, no. No.

  Firming his resolve, Phillip made his way quickly to the study he wanted.

  Reaching the hallway leading to it, he slowed down.

  He could hear voices coming from within.

  Damn. Did Mim get ahead of me?

  Slowly, cautiously, Phillip crept up around the entry to the study and slowly peeked around the corner.

  It wasn’t Mim at all.

  Sitting on a sofa, facing off to the side and away from him, was Alice.

  Next to her was a man Phillip didn’t know.

  They were side by side, talking in a clearly familiar manner. A manner that made Phillip’s heart grow cold and his skin break out in a sweat.

  That must be Jay.

  They look…


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