Famished (The Broken Series)

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Famished (The Broken Series) Page 2

by Ellie Messe

  "Soooo, what? You’re just moving in then?"

  He laughs, scrubbing at his beard. "I guess you could say that. Where you go- I go, at least for the foreseeable future."

  "And whose payroll do you fall under, cause I can't name a single person with enough decency to hire a bunch of biker thugs."

  "We're not thugs, Princess. We’re motorcycle enthusiasts, and we protect what's ours, plain and simple."

  "Well, news flash, buckshot- I'm not yours."


  "Don't care."

  "You will, Princess."

  I scoff, "Stop calling me that, you're old enough to be my dad."

  "You're royalty now. Better get used to it."

  "Two things; One, what are you still doing in my house? And two, what the fuck does that even mean?"

  A smile crosses his face before he runs his hand down his beard, "It means your old man is the President and he's on his way."

  “My dad died twenty years ago.” I give him a smug smile, “Proving you’re in the wrong place.” I give him a little salute, pointing to the door, “There’s the door, Biker Bill, all the best in your future endeavors.”

  “Emma Nicole Jameson. Your mama is Nicole Chase, but we always called her Nikki. She was with your old man through high school, had you and then-“ He claps his thick hands together, making my heart skip a beat, “Left while we were on the run, right off the map she went. Your old man died when he lost you,” A smile comes back to his face, “but he ain’t dead, Princess.”

  Chapter Three


  Moose was annoyingly true to his word. Told him I needed tampons cause it was like a crime scene in my pants, tried to make it as nasty and graphic as I could, but he simply nodded me to the door and then followed me the entire fucking time. There was no shaking this guy; he was like a fucking stalking genius. I tried everything. For example, I would walk calmly then turn abruptly and run my ass off, zigzagging up and down streets and that asshole would still fucking appear out of the woodwork. It’s fucking annoying, so annoying I actually gave up, me of all people- gave up. It was ridiculous, so ridiculous I’m literally shaking my head at the memory.

  “You gotta twitch there, Princess?” Moose asks from my couch.

  I calm myself and glare at him, “Got a staring problem there, Sven?”

  The smirk leaves his face replaced with a confused crease on his brooding forehead, “Sven? That’s a new one.”

  “The reindeer from Frozen.”

  “Now a reindeer makes sense. It’s Moose, by the way.”

  “Don’t care.” I remind him, moving around the kitchen island towards my room.

  “Where you going?”

  “None of your damn business.”

  “You’re my business, so let’s try this again, where you going?”

  I ignore him and enter the hall, I hear his heavy footsteps behind me, and I growl.

  “Fucking seriously?” I turn on him. “We’re on the third floor. Where the hell do you think there is to go?”

  “No matter. I go where you go.”

  “You wanna watch me piss?” His posture straightens, I assume it’s meant to be intimidating but let’s face it- Biker Bill is nothing compared to the dudes I’ve been around. Oh, fuck! That’s it! “Didn’t think so,” I tell him and calmly walk through my room and into my bathroom before closing and locking the door behind me.

  Throwing the lid to the toilet down, I pull my phone out and sit down. Scrolling through my contacts, I find the corner dealer I get blow from occasionally and open the text screen.

  ME: Tell T-Bo that Em’s got heat at the place he left her. Get it through the grapevine.

  Hopefully, the dipshit’s sober enough to know how to get the message to T-Bo. Biker Bill doesn’t stand a snowball's chance in hell against him. Now, all I have to do is wait.

  Biker Bill knocked on the door every five fucking minutes making my plan to stay in the bathroom unbearable, so I’ve moved to my bedroom. This way he can just poke his fat head through the door to make sure I’m still here rather than thinking I climbed out of the bathroom window and fell to my death. I mean, seriously? What did he think I was doing? Growing wings? A knock at the front door interrupts my thoughts, thank God, T-Bo!

  Rolling off the bed, I run down the hall and into the kitchen just as Moose opens the door, only it’s not T-Bo who steps in. Nope, it’s another biker, thinner than Moose but just as tall. His dark hair is peppered with gray, including the handlebars on his mustache.

  His green eyes lock on mine, “Emma?”

  “Jessica Alba.”

  The corners of his mouth lift, “Jesus, look at you, you’re gorgeous.”

  “Gross, Grandpa.” I look to Moose, “Tell your perv buddy to get the fuck out of my house, feel free to join him.”

  Grandpa laughs and smoothes his beard, “You’ve got fight.” He nods, “I like that.”

  “Look, dude. You’re not welcome here, get your biker buddies, get on your little toys, and fuck off.”

  He shakes his head gently, still smiling. “Not without you, Princess. Go pack a bag; it’s time to go.”

  “Fuck you, no.”

  “Emma.” His eyes say he’s anything but kidding. Man, fuck this guy.

  “Biker Dude,” I tell him in the same warning tone.

  “Pack a bag or I’ll pack one for you, simple as that.”

  “Again- fuck you and no.”


  Moose acts immediately, stepping forward he reaches for me. Fight-or-flight kicks in and apparently, it chooses flight because I shriek and jump back. Twisting on my heels, I run into my bedroom and enter the bathroom, slamming and locking the door behind me.

  “GO AWAY!” I scream through the wood.

  “Emma, we’re not here to hurt you, open the door.”

  “NO! This is kidnapping!”

  I hear a heavy sigh through the door. “Taker?” His loud voice booms.

  Oh my God, did he just say ‘take her’? I climb into the tub and press my back against the wall. Oh, my God, I’m going to be fucking kidnapped, again. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I dial dealer dude’s number and press it against my ear.


  “Did you reach out to T-Bo?” My voice shakes as I speak.

  “Who is this?”

  “Did you fucking reach out or not?”



  “Who is this?”

  “Jesus, dude! WHEN?”

  “After I got a text from this number, who is this?”

  “Did you get a reply?”

  “I’m not answering your questions lady, unless you tell me who this is.”

  “It’s Emma Chase, Nicole’s daughter.”

  “He said he was on it.”


  “No, my contact.”

  “I need you to tell your contact to hurry the hell up, or Ricky’s favorite hostage is going to be M.I.A.”

  “Whoa, what?”

  “Just fucking do it!”

  I hang up and press my back further into the wall. Why the fuck, have I never gotten T-Bo’s number before? Cause he’s your babysitter when you’re being held against your will. Fuuuuuck. Please hurry, please, please, please hurry.

  I try to tune out the banging, but it’s syncing perfectly with my racing heart.

  “Use this.” I hear through the door.

  “You want me to take the door off the hinges?”

  “If it gets her out, before trouble arrives, yes.”

  Oh, no. No, no, no, no. “GO AWAY!” I scream.

  “Who the fuck are you?”


  “T-BO!” I yell back, climbing out of the bathtub.

  “You alright?”

  My shaking fingers unlock the handle before I can grab the knob, it twists and opens, almost hitting me in the face. T-Bo pushes through; my arms wrap around his middle before he’s even in the room.

/>   “Fuck.” He grunts. I hear the door close then thick arms wrap around me. Who the hell would have thought my captor would become my protector.

  “They’re trying to take me.”

  “It’s alright.” He squeezes me tighter before pulling away; he keeps his hands on my shoulders as he looks me over, “They hurt you?”

  I shake my head and his face morphs from anger to remorse, “This was me?”

  His thumb brushes across my bruised skin. “It’s okay.” I tell him, “You didn’t have a choice.”

  “Yes, I did.” He mumbles, his thumb still tracing the lines against my skin, “I always have a choice.”

  “It’s fine. Just- please, don’t let them take me.”

  “Do you know them?”

  “No.” The panic starts to ebb the longer he rubs my face, this is an odd comfort, but I’m not looking a gift horse in the mouth right now.

  He leans forward and color me shocked when his lips gently brush against my skin, “I’m sorry, Em.” He kisses the bruise against my jaw, “I wish I was the hero.”

  Before I can respond, T-Bo does the unthinkable- his mouth swoops down and takes mine hostage and what do I do? I’m glad you asked. I fucking kiss him back like a crazy person.

  The man literally beat the crap out of me last night and I’m holed up in a bathroom sucking his face off. His thumb presses into my cheekbone a little too hard, he mistakes my groan for ‘more’ rather than ‘ouch.’ Shoving me against the wall, his tongue pushes past my lips and tangles with mine. Holy Stockholm syndrome, he’s a good kisser.

  Next thing I know, his hand is popping the button on my jeans while his other untangles his belt. Sooooo, this is happening… and what I am I doing? Again, I’m glad you asked- losing my God-given mind, that’s what.

  I’m not stopping him, why? Not a fucking clue. This is a mistake; this is wrong, this is fucking absurd- that would be his hand that just pushed down my pants. Whoa there captain, not my clit, but alright.

  I’m still kissing him, why am I still kissing him!? His hand withdrawals from my jeans before he pulls the denim and my panties down. Then his dick magically appears in his hand and disappears between my legs.

  My head tips back as he pushes into me. Oy, it’s been a hot minute since anyone’s been down there, glad to know nothing grew back.

  He starts ramming into me and I’m going to be completely honest with you, cause I feel like we’re friends, you and I, so I’ll tell you this- not so great. None of this is all that hot. He’s going to town on me, and sure it feels... alright, but the sounds I’m producing are more for his benefit than mine if you know what I mean. The towel rack that’s jamming into my shoulder with every thrust is making more of an impact on me than his dick is; I know it’s been a while, but it hasn’t been long enough that I’ve forgotten what a dick is supposed to feel like.

  I’ve never had the toe-curling, multiple orgasm, romance novel sex, but I’ve at least been fucked well enough to get off. Yeah, I’m not even close. In fact, I’m kinda hoping he hurries up because the leg he’s holding against his hip is starting to charley horse.

  “Fuck, Em!” He groans before his body thrusts one last time and stills- OH FUCK, HE JUST CAME IN ME.

  My shop hasn’t exactly been in service lately, so I haven’t bothered with birth control and I highly doubt he arrived pre-wrapped and ready to go.

  Pulling out of me, I see that he’s in fact, bare as the day he was born. Motherfucker, this is bad.

  “Did you cum?” He asks, tucking himself back into his pants.

  “Mhm.” I lie, zipping up my jeans.

  Not only did I just fuck my captor, but I also did it without any form of protection whatsoever. Good for me, way to go, Em.

  “I’m going to protect you.” His thumb tilts my chin up before he kisses me gently, “I promise.”

  He must have misread my face; I had actually forgotten about the biker gang that has the sole intent of kidnapping me in the misdirected attempt to protect me, because Jailbird here just frosted my cervix like a fucking cake.

  Chapter Four


  T-Bo pulls the bathroom door open and guides me through the room, past Moose- who looks horrified by the way, and down the hall to a now, room full of bikers- and my mom.

  “Mom?” I don’t let go of T-Bo’s hand, but I do move forward. The biker gang no longer feels threatening now that T-Bo’s here, but I do fear for her safety. T-Bo won’t hurt her, but he won’t be doing anything to save her either. Un-fucking-fortunately, she’s high as a kite at the moment.

  “Emma, baby! Your face!” She moves forward, but dude with the peppered hair stops her from approaching me.

  “Because of you.” He tells her, before throwing that hard glare my way, “Because of your addiction.”

  “I never thought he’d hurt her.” She sounds almost chastised, but it’s my mom we're talking about- she’s never scolded or apologetic.

  “You let a drug lord take our daughter, Nikki!” He booms.

  ‘Our’ daughter. Our.


  “So, you’re daddy dearest then?” I ask.

  I feel brave with T-Bo by my side, even if he is trying to light my mom on fire with his eyes.

  He nods, “Your mom sent word out for me to come bail her out. I paid her debt in exchange for you.”

  I scoff, “I’m not fucking property, asshole. You can’t purchase me.”

  “No, but I can protect you.”

  “I don’t need your protection.”

  “Hate to break it to you, Princess, but you do and you’ll get it.”

  “Well, I hate to break it to you, but I’ve already got protection.” T-Bo’s hand tightens around mine in a reassuring squeeze.

  “This guy?” He scoffs in T-Bo’s direction, “He’s mixed up with the same people who did that to your face, kid. You’re coming with me.” He offers me a shrug, “No way around it.”

  “Mom, let’s go.”

  Salt and Pepper puts his hand on my mom’s stomach to stop her movement. “Nikki, you agreed.”

  “Fuck that.” I seethe. “Get your goddamn hands off her. I’m twenty-one, little late for a custody battle. I’m a grown ass woman, and I make my own decisions.”

  T-Bo lets go of my hand and approaches Salt and Pepper, they stand toe to toe and my heart rate spikes, I really hope no one dies in my apartment today.

  “I got this.” T-Bo says before moving next to my mom. He’s got this? Got what- HOLY MOTHER OF CHRIST HIMSELF! In a lightning fast maneuver, he produces a gun that I didn’t know he had and holds it to my mother’s head.

  I lurch forward just to stop dead in my tracks, “T-Bo, what the hell are you doing?!”

  “I told you I’d protect you, Em.” He says, his eyes cold and distant, “There’s only one way to do that.”

  I look around the room, desperate for anyone to stand up and do something, the man is holding a gun to my mom’s head and they’re all standing around with their dicks in their hands.

  “She’s poison.” T-Bo continues, “Only way to keep you safe is to get you away from her. Either you leave with your dad and get the hell away from here, or you stay, and I put a bullet in her skull.”

  His cum is literally sliding down my leg as he holds a gun to her head, what the fuck is happening.

  “Put the gun down.” I try, but he’s not moving. Meeting the pleading eyes of my mother, I start to beg, “Please, T-Bo. Please, put the gun down.”

  “Make a decision, Em.”

  “I’ll leave! I’ll move away; I’ll go somewhere else, I’ll break all contact, just please put the gun down!”

  “With your dad, right?”

  I glance at Salt and Pepper, “No, but I’ll leave- I swear. You can drive me out yourself, destroy my phone, I don’t care.”

  He shakes his head gently, “That’s not one of your options. You need protection.”

  “I’ll start over; I don’t need protection. T-Bo, please!
Just put it down!”

  I can’t stand the tears that are flooding down my mom’s face- she’s terrified and so am I.

  “Go with your dad.” She sobs.

  “He’s not my dad! I didn’t get out of Ricky’s cell just to be kidnapped by another gang, mom!”

  “He’s going to shoot me, Emma!”

  “Tick, tock,” T-Bo says pushing the barrel firmer into her skull.

  My skin prickles and an unbearable cold sensation takes over my body. “You’re asking me to chose between getting kidnapped and killing my mom!”

  “Good to know you understand your options.”

  “Fucking seriously?!” I shriek, staring at the gun in his hand, “What happens when I’m the one who ends up dead?”

  Salt and Pepper sighs, “Emma, you’re my daughter, I’d never hurt you.”

  “How the fuck do I know you’re my dad?” I grab my hair and pull until I feel pain. This isn’t happening. “At what point did you decide to fuck me,” I look at T-Bo, “Figuratively not literally.”

  “It’s the only way.”

  “Was this planned?”

  He works his jaw a moment before looking at the floor, “Yes.”

  A laugh full of disbelief falls from my lips, “So, you were prepared to put a bullet in her while you fucked me against the bathroom wall?” I don’t miss the tick in Salt and Pepper’s cheek while I glare at T-Bo, “That wasn’t rhetorical, answer me.”

  “Yes.” He bites out.

  “What choice are you hoping I make, T-Bo? Clearly, you fucked me so I would trust you, so tell me- what choice is it that you want me to make?”

  “I want you to choose to protect yourself. If you don’t, I’ll do it for you.”

  “You’re not protecting me! You’re hurting me! That’s my mom!”

  “And she’ll kill you.” He growls.

  I scoff, I’m well aware I should be kind to the man with the gun but fuck him. “She doesn’t have a violent bone in her body, douchebag!”

  “Did you know she’s in debt to a man in Reno?”

  I remember Ricky said she owed to his competition, “So? She’ll pay him, she always does.”

  “This dude isn’t Ricky, Em! This dude has everyone in his pocket! Cops, judges, lawyers, you name it! He doesn’t hold people hostage, he dices them up and leaves them in broad fucking daylight! She doesn’t pay- he comes for you. Don’t you get it?”


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