Famished (The Broken Series)

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Famished (The Broken Series) Page 4

by Ellie Messe

  I’m about to yell at him to get his shit together when Motorhead, King of Kings blares down the hall.

  I feel my brow pull down as Parker pushes past me muttering something about Josh, so I follow.

  Laying on the top of her kitchen table is her phone, Parker grabs it and pulls it to his ear, “Hey... she’s gone.” He pauses as he listens to whatever Josh is saying, “I told her I was in love with her and she snuck out of my apartment, I was at the front door, and she jumped out of the window. Got in some car with Kaylan and took off.” He nods along before pulling the phone away from his ear. He turns it on speaker and places it back on the table. “Drew’s here; you’re on speaker.”

  “What do we do?” I ask before Josh can say anything.

  “I don’t know,” Josh responds, and I have the urge to put my fist through the wall. “Parker, you know her best, where would she go?”

  Parker scoffs, “Yeah right, Drew knows her best.” He looks at me and I feel that all too familiar guilt settle in my stomach. “Where would she go?”

  “Greyhound station like last time?” I answer, trying to pretend like I’m unfazed by his remark.

  “She’d know we’d look there first. How long ago did she take off?”

  “Right after she texted us, I knew she’d have to get out of the apartment, and with me out front, her only option was the bedroom, when I got there she was already getting in the car.”

  “We should still check the bus station.” I say when they fail to come up with anything helpful.

  “Why?” Parker turns to me, “She’s got a car, Drew.”

  “Because she’s Haley. She doesn’t trust people, especially not Kaylan or some unknown driver. She’s going to go on her own the second she can.”

  “I’ll call the station and see what departures they have.” Josh says, through the phone, “If we’re there waiting she’ll run, we need to show up before she gets on the bus to catch her. She had to contact Kaylan somehow, seeing as you have her phone I assume you have his phone number now too. Try to get in contact with him.”

  “On it.” I say as Parker continues to pace.

  “Let me know what you find out.”

  “Will do.”

  “Love you both.”

  Parker and I say our goodbyes before hanging up, Parker starts scrolling through her phone.

  “I feel gross looking through her stuff.” He sighs, opening her messages.

  “Get over it, we need to find her,” I tell him looking over his shoulder. “That’s twice he’s said he was only five minutes away.”

  Parker looks at me and seems to have the same thought as I do. Putting her phone down he opens his own and starts looking at everything in a five-minute proximity.

  “I’m going to see if that car is at any of the apartments nearby. Kaylan is a runner; he wouldn’t be able to hold a lease on a house, so it has to be one of these.” He points to the four surrounding complexes.

  “Keep me updated. I’m gonna hold onto her phone and try to get in touch with Kaylan.”

  He nods once before turning to the door.

  Parker may feel bad for going through her phone, but I sure as hell don’t.

  I pull up Kaylan’s number and dial. It rings twice before going to voicemail. Cute. I pull up the messages.

  ME: I need to talk to Haley. Answer the phone.

  Realizing he’s programmed in her phone as Big Brother my petty side takes over and I quickly renamed him before calling him again.

  And again.

  And again.

  And again.

  ME: Answer the fucking phone before I remove every limb from your body and feed them to my brother. That's my best friend, dick sauce, and I'm not gonna stop until I know she's okay. My brother may come off as a nice guy and shit, but if he finds you, he's gonna make you his very own fist puppet. Now for the last fucking time, answer the goddamn phone.

  I glare down at the little white device trying to pull my anger together when three dots appear. Fucking finally!

  SHITSTAIN: She's safe, bro. Let me get her out of here and I'll see if she wants to talk to you after we get where we're going.

  Bro? Bro? I’m gonna bro my foot up his ass if doesn’t get her on the phone.

  ME: Fuck that. You can't be trusted to take care of her, BRO. Now answer the fucking phone, so I can talk to Haley.

  I throw a text to Parker and let him know I finally got a message from Kaylan before holding the phone to my ear but just like before, he ignores the fucking call. Before I can redial, her phone vibrates.

  SHITSTAIN: Look, I'm sorry but I have to do this for her. I don't know what you do and don't know about her past, but this place isn't safe for her anymore. It doesn't matter how good your intentions are; you can’t fight what’s coming, you can’t stop it. This is her choice and I'm not going to try and talk her out of it. I've already fucked up my relationship with her, I won't be making that mistake again. When she wants to reach out, you'll be the first to know, but until then just trust that I'll keep her safe.

  ME: Parker told Hales he loved her then she split and called you to come pick her up. She's not in danger, bro. She's in love.

  SHITSTAIN: I have no doubt she loves him, but you don't know the whole story and it's not my place to tell you. He found her and she needs to leave if she wants any chance. I'll keep you updated, I promise. Let her be for a while; she's a big girl. She'll reach out when she's ready.

  ME: Kaylan- I'm being real fucking cool with you right now, but you are sincerely pushing your fucking luck. I want to talk to Haley.

  Anger and panic are seeping out of my pores as I stare at the phone willing it to answer when the front door opens. Biting back the urge to ask Parker if he had any luck, I focus on trying to get her on the phone.

  ME: Parker just walked in. Let her talk to Parker.

  SHITSTAIN: She's asleep. It's late; she's scared, she's heartbroken, let her be.

  “Any luck?”

  I shake my head, “Nah, he’s being a fucking prick.”

  ME: Wake her ass up or I swear to God I'll start sending nudes of your baby sister.

  SHITSTAIN: Let her be. She's safe.

  ME: FUCK THAT. I do NOT trust you! Especially when it comes to her!

  SHITSTAIN: Goodnight, Drew. Tell Parker his girl's okay.

  Biting my fist, I remind myself I can’t throw her phone.

  Josh and Maria push through the front door pulling me away from images of going full Rambo on Kaylan.

  “Anything?” Maria asks hugging Parker.

  Parker seems to be filling them in, so I go back to the asshole who’s holding Haley hostage.

  ME: Calvary's out now. Better stay indoors, your ass is ours when we find you. Parker knows you're only a couple of minutes away, only a matter of time before we find you.

  “Told him the calvary was out.”

  “No, you didn’t,” Parker groans, reaching for the phone. I give it over as he mumbles to himself as his thumbs speeding over the keys.

  “We need him on our side, Drew.” He tells me still staring at the phone, “If you piss him off he won’t be any help.”

  “Not like he’s helping right now.”

  “We’ll see.” He’s too engrossed in the phone to elaborate more so I turn and accept a hug from Maria and exchange a worried look with Josh.

  “There’s only one departure tonight and it isn’t scheduled to leave for another forty-five minutes.”

  I nod. "Good.”

  For the love of God, let her be at that damn bus station.

  “I’m not gonna ask you to put her on because I know you won’t.” Parker starts, all of us turn to look at him. He has the phone pushed against his ear as he paces the length of her kitchen, “She’s got her reasons for needing to leave and that’s fine, but listen to me.” He pauses for a second before going on, ignoring whatever it was that Kaylan had said, “Take her to Dallas or Savannah. I’ll be in Texas next week and Georgia the week after. She can
get away and if she wants, I can meet up with you there.” He glances up at us but looks back at the floor, “I’m only going to say this once so listen closely, my entire fucking world is literally in your hands. You do anything to hurt her and I will break every bone in your body, you abandon her and I’ll hand you over to your father myself, are we clear?” Parker being so calm in his tone makes his words more dangerous, too bad Kaylan’s not here- this would be ten times better if Parker was breathing down his neck. “I’m not kidding, not even a little. Protect her like your life depends on it, ‘cause Kaylan? Yours does.”

  Hanging up, he lets his arms go lax while his head tips back. A rush of air leaves his body before he looks at us.

  “Think he’ll do it?” Josh asks.

  Parker shrugs, “We’ll see.”

  “In case this ever so trusting individual doesn’t do that,” I start, moving towards the door, “I’m going to the bus station in case she shows.”

  “She’ll see the truck.” Maria starts, holding her hand out to Josh who gives her a set of keys, “Take my car. I don’t think she’ll recognize it.”

  Kissing her on the cheek I nod at Josh and Parker before heading out.

  What the fuck, Haley? I haven’t lost enough that you had to go and disappear too? I guess that makes two women I couldn’t protect.

  Chapter Seven


  Waking up in the terminal, my heart is in my stomach making me want to puke. Haley never showed.

  Rubbing the sleep away from my eyes, I go to check my phone, but the damn thing’s dead. Hope fills me like a balloon for a fleeting moment thinking maybe she came back home or that maybe they found her, but it deflates when I realize someone would have come and told me if I didn’t answer the phone.

  Standing up, I stretch and flinch at the soreness. Where the fuck are you, Haley? I give the terminal one final look before grabbing my jacket and walking out to Maria’s car.

  Plugging my phone into the charger, I wait while it juices enough to turn on.

  PARKER: No news.

  JOSH: Anything?

  MAMA MIA: We’re turning in. We’ll keep looking in the morning. Don’t worry, we’ll find her. Love you.

  Breathing out a sigh, I open a message to all three,

  ME: She never showed. Headed home. Mama Mia you can come get the car whenever. If I’m not home, the keys will be on the counter.

  Putting the car into drive, I make my way home praying to every star known to man that Hales will show up.

  Arriving, I notice a big ass U-Haul is parked in my driveway. Son of a bitch, I fucking forgot Joseph was leaving for basic. I haven’t had the time to put a listing in the paper yet. I fucking hate the silence.

  Parking against the curb, I pocket her keys and walk in to see Joseph unplugging the PS4.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Like you can’t afford another one.”

  “What are you going to do with it in basic?”

  “Nothing, it’s for after.”

  I shake my head and pass through to the kitchen letting him take it. He’s right; I can afford another one if I wanted, in the meantime, I can use the one in my bedroom if needed.

  Dropping the keys on the counter, I open the fridge grabbing a container of leftovers.

  “When do you leave?” I ask, shoveling food into my mouth with my fingers.

  “An hour or so.”

  “Since when are you driving? I thought you were flying to your mom’s.”

  “I was, but it’s cheaper just to drive.”

  “I could have shipped you your shit man.”

  “I know, but it’s only like ten hours. I’ll be there tonight.” He says, unplugging my lamp from the wall.

  “What the hell are you doing taking my lamp, dude?”

  “I need light don’t I?”

  I laugh. “How much of my shit are you taking?”

  “Not a lot.”

  “Do I still have dishes?” Leaning back, I open the cabinet; all my plates seem to be present.

  “My mom’s got that shit covered.” He says, dismissively while carrying the lamp to the group of boxes waiting to be loaded.

  “But she doesn’t have a lamp,” I say more to myself as I empty the last of the rice into my mouth.

  After helping him load the rest of his shit into the van, we exchange a man hug and off he goes. Reentering the house I take note of everything he took so I can go out and get replacements, He takes the lamp but leaves the bedroom set, weird kid. He was cool though. Two knocks rap on the door before I hear it open.

  “You home?” I hear Maria yell.

  “Yeah,” Closing Joseph’s door, I walk down the hall to greet her, she kisses my cheek and looks to where the lamp once sat. A dust outline sits on the black finish.

  “Joseph ran off with my stuff.” I laugh.

  “That was fast.” She tells me moving to the kitchen. “I thought he wasn't leaving until this weekend."

  I shrug, "Wanted to drive, I guess."

  "Any word from Haley?”

  I shake my head as that pit in my stomach grows. “No. I was really hoping she’d show up at the station.”

  “Me too, sweetheart.”

  Desperate to change the subject, I hop onto the counter, “Hey, can you do me a favor?”

  “Of course.”

  “Can you call the paper and put in an ad for me? I completely forgot to do it.”

  “For the room?” I nod, “Sure.”

  “You’re the best. I’d do it, but I don’t want to.”

  She smiles softly, opening my fridge. This is a ritual of hers. Mama Mia is big into food and always makes sure my fridge is full of food. Ramen noodles and beers aren’t acceptable in her eyes. She takes note of what I have and then at some point will pop by with containers of food that she’s prepared. Never, and I mean never, will I complain. The woman can cook.

  “Are you calling out tonight?” She asks, her head buried in the freezer.

  “Nah, I figured Josh would be busy trying to find Hales. He’s got a better chance than I do at this point.”

  “We’ll find her, don’t worry too much, okay?”

  I offer her a nod.

  “I gotta stop by the store before I head home, so I’m gonna take off. Any requests?”

  I shake my head, “Nope.”

  "Alright, my boy. I'll see you later."

  With another kiss to my cheek, she leaves. The click of the door was all it took for the silence to choke me. God, I fucking hate the silence.

  Chapter Eight


  Present Day

  “Whatcha looking for?” Moose says, scaring the piss out of me.

  “GAH!” I spin to see him chuckling, as my hand clasps over my heart. “I was looking for the newspaper. Jesus, you gave me a fucking heart attack.”

  He laughs again, nodding down the hall. “Check the bar. I saw your Old Man with it earlier.”

  “Cool, thanks.”

  I give him the stink eye as I pass him on my way to the bar. Finding it, I scoop it up and sit down next to Moose. Searching through the listing ads, I circle affordable apartments in the area.

  “Whatcha doing that for?” He asks, over his mug of beer. Day drinkers, the lot of ‘em.

  “Looking for a place to call my own.” I sing, not bothering to look up.

  “You got a place with your Old Man and you’re welcome to stay here as long as you want, you know that.”

  “As much as I love it here, It’s a little hard to get laid when I’ve got a gang of bikers scaring off my dates.” He inhales like he’s going to speak but I continue, “Don’t start with me. I’m a grown ass adult who can sleep with whoever she wants. I wear the stupid vest when I go out and I’m only circling the ones near here.”

  I’m totally lying ,but whatever.

  After a few months of living in hell and one failed attempt to get back to California, I’ve finally given up the fight. After being stuck wi
th a permanent escort, I finally struck a deal with my father where I can move around freely as long as I wear this stupid vest claiming I’m property of his motorcycle club, The Bastards. If it wasn’t for my unexpected friendship with Moose and his son Lynch, I would have figured out a way back to my mom by now. But I have to admit, I like Phoenix. Sure, it’s hot as balls here but no one knows me. I don’t have to hear whispered remarks about being the daughter of a junkie or hear stories about how she’s whoring herself around for a cheap high. The best part about staying in Phoenix is the fact I don’t have to worry about being picked up by Ricky, I don’t have to look over my shoulder every moment wondering when or how long I’ll be in his dungeon.

  “Don’t know how your Old Man’s gonna take that.” He gripes.

  “I could care less how he takes it. I’m an adult. I’m not leaving the city so he can calm down.”

  Moose hurumphs, swallowing the remaining beer in his glass. “Well I’m gonna go check some of these out,” Before Moose can say anything I shake the vest at him, “Don’t worry, I’ll wear the kutte.”

  Two hours later and a belly full of disappointment I shuffle back into the clubhouse.

  “Find anything?” Moose asks the second I cross the threshold.

  I shuffle out of the vest and lay it on the table he’s currently occupying. “Nah, not really.”

  It totally sucks. They’re affordable for a reason- they’re all shit. I could live with stains and chipped paint but these places spelled tetanus with a capital T.

  Grabbing the paper, I look through it once more hoping I might have missed something when daddy dearest shows up.

  “When’d you get in?” He asks me, handing Lynch and that hot brunette, Bruiser, an envelope.

  “Just now.”


  “What?” I pull my head up to meet his curious gaze.

  “Are you doing the crossword?”

  “Do I look like a crossword kind of gal?”

  He laughs, pulling a chair out from the card table to sit across from me, “I wouldn’t know. The only person you talk to is Moose and occasionally Lynch.”

  I sigh, “I talk to you every Sunday over dinner just like I have the last couple of months.” Another one of his rules. After I refused to move into his house and opted for the clubhouse bedroom I first arrived to, he’s made it so every Sunday evening we eat dinner together, his attempt to bond.


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