Famished (The Broken Series)

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Famished (The Broken Series) Page 11

by Ellie Messe

  “I had to listen to you fuck that tart literally all night on Sunday and you’re wearing less clothing than I am so tell me how that’s any different?”

  “The difference is I wouldn’t hesitate to bend you over this island if it wasn’t for the contract you seem so hell-bent on, even though it’s pretty obvious you want to sleep with me.”

  I roll my eyes, “I don’t want to sleep with you.”

  I try to side step him but he pins me against the counter, making the air catch in my throat as he eliminates all space between us.

  His body is like granite, my softness molds around every curve of his.

  “Bullshit.” His eyes blaze into mine. I can totally feel his dick pressing into my hip and it’s very distracting. His hand slides against my thigh sending a shiver to shake my body, the right side of his mouth twitches with satisfaction.

  Biting my lip, I try to ignore the intense reaction I seem to be having with his close proximity when his index finger slides against my heated skin.

  “Wear these again,” he pinches the hem of my shorts, “and I’ll burn that little contract of yours to ash.” His face dips so his breath skirts across my neck, “then I’ll press you against that wall you seem to be so fond of moaning against and make you scream.”

  Unable to respond, I just kind of stand there taking shallow breaths as he glares down at me.

  His mouth curves into a cocky smile as his fingers slide from the outer to inner hem, he’s dangerously close to my crotch and I’m regretting the decision to forgo underwear. “We understand each other, Angel?”

  I think I nod, I’m not completely sure because his fingers are sliding against the center seam, though he’s careful not to touch me and I’m concerned with how hard I have to fight my body not to move into him. “Yes.”

  After what feels like forever he pulls away, heading in the direction of his weight room. I stare after him not completely sure of what just happened. That’s a lie, I know exactly what happened, he absolutely just got the upper hand in this game and I’m not so sure I want to win anymore.

  Chapter Twenty


  I get through maybe two sets before I hear a yelp come from the kitchen. I’m half tempted to ignore her and let her fend for herself until I hear a second female voice.

  Racking the bar I sit up, readjust my dick that’s in desperate need of attention and head out.

  Maria stands next to the island laughing while Emma stares in horror, one hand over her heart.

  “Hi Mama Mia.”

  “Hello my boy. It appears I’ve scared your guest into silence.” She laughs, meeting halfway to kiss my cheek.

  “This is my roommate, Emma. Emma, this is my aunt, Maria.”

  “Oh, I didn’t realize you had already moved in.”

  Liar, she knew she was already here. After I texted her about Emma not having anything she blew up my phone wondering how she liked her room.

  “It’s nice to meet you.” Emma extends her hand. Maria, being Maria, swats it away and goes for the hug. We have little worry about personal boundaries in this family. “Thank you for my bedroom, if you let me know how much it was I can pay you back.”

  Maria scoffs with laugh, “Sweet girl, I did that for you, no need for any of that.”

  If Emma knew how much money Josh makes she’d know her bedroom was peanuts to them.

  “Well it was very kind, I love it.”

  How proper. Where’s the attitude and rude remarks? Not that I want her to use either of those when Maria is involved because I’d have to kill her if she did, but it’s odd to see her almost shy.

  “I’m glad. Where are you from?”

  “Um, California originally.”

  “Really,” That peaks Maria’s interest as well as mine. “What part?”

  “Elk Grove. It’s just outside Sacramento.”

  “What brought you to Arizona?”

  “My dad’s here.”

  “Oh, are y’all close?”

  Emma stammers a moment, “No, I didn’t really know he existed until he showed up at my apartment in California.”

  Well, that’s interesting. Laying my arms across the island counter, I lean into them, “Her dad’s one of the bikers that come into HEAT.”

  Maria’s brow furrows, before she can speak Emma clarifies, “He’s the President of The Bastards MC.”

  “Interesting. Are you also into motorcycles?”

  “I’ve always liked them, but I don’t ride or anything.”

  “They’re not for me personally. I barely like cars.” Maria laughs, though I can hear the slight ring of pain laced through it. Her sister, my mom, died in a car accident when I was a kid. “Do you work?”

  “No, not yet. I’m still learning my way around.”

  “Well if you’re interested in bartending, HEAT is always hiring. Wait, are you nineteen?”


  “Oh, good.” Maria laughs, looking over at me. I’m sure she’s remembering how they hired Hales when she was only seventeen thinking she was twenty-one. “If you have an interest, pop by the club.” She offers her a kind smile while Emma nods noncommittally, “Have you heard from your brother?” She turns to me.

  “No, not today, but he’s with Hales so they’re probably still naked.”

  “Andrew!” She swats my arm playfully, “I swear.”

  I wag my eyebrows at her and laugh, “You want me to call him?”

  “No, that’s okay. I don’t want to interrupt them.”

  I understand that, as much as I want to hog up her time, I know Parker has a better chance getting her home if it’s just the two of them.

  “Who’s Hales?” Emma asks in a tone that suggests it may not have been meant to be spoken out loud.

  “Our daughter.” Maria answers and I enjoy the look of ill-disguised disgust cross Emma’s face. Maria and I both start laughing. “I don’t think I’ll ever not find that funny.”

  “Me neither.” I chuckle alongside her for a moment before deciding to clarify, “Hales is my best friend who started bumping uglies with my brother. My uncle adopted her, it’s a long story.”

  “Oh.” Is all she says and Maria and I laugh a little harder.

  “This was fun.” Maria says wiping her eyes, “I should get going. I’m running to the store, do you guys need anything?” I shake my head, “Emma?”

  “Me? No, I’m good. Thank you though.”

  Maria kisses my cheek and waves to Emma before leaving. Sneaky woman just came over here to meet the new roommate, though I did learn quite a bit about the blonde pain in my ass.

  “So California, huh?” I ask once the front door closes.

  “Yeah, what about it?”

  I shrug, “Nothing. I don’t think I’ve seen you get along with a single biker.”

  “I get along with Moose just fine.”

  “Is that your dad?”

  “What? No. If Moose was my dad I would have said my dad. Moose is my uncle, he’s a cranky old bastard but that’s why I like him.”

  “Who were you yelling at when I dropped you off that night?”

  “The first guy was Moose the second was my dad.”

  “Is your mom still in California?”

  She sighs with annoyance “Probably.”.


  “Yeah, probably. What’s with the sudden interest in me?”

  I shrug once again, “Just making conversation.”

  “So, ask me my favorite color don’t jump into my personal life.”

  “Alright, what’s your favorite color?” She bites her lip, pinning me with a glare. Little does she know that move right there has me wanting to pin her against that counter again, only this time I won’t slide my finger across that material, no, this time I’ll rip those flimsy little things right through the middle and have myself an early lunch. I lean against the counter to hide the very obvious hard on I just gave myself with that thought, “What?”

you actually care or is this just a lead in to make me uncomfortable again?”

  “I care, but now I’m more interested in what I did to make you uncomfortable.”

  “Seriously? You had me up against the counter like half an hour ago.”

  Oh baby, if that were true your ankles would still be around my waist. Shifting again, I clear my throat. “Did it make you uncomfortable or frustrated?”



  She scoffs loudly, grabbing the remaining orange off the counter and throws it in the trash as she enters the hallway.

  “Is that a yes then?” Her response is to slam her bedroom door making me laugh. “I’m taking that as a yes! Ya know, if your batteries run out of juice, I’m more than happy to fill in!”

  If she resurfaced at all the rest of the day, she was sneaky about it. Maybe I should piss her off more often, it’s almost three in the morning and she’s had no visitors, which is a total win for me because I’ve got a hot piece of ass from the bar bouncing up and down on my dick at the moment and all I can think is, sweet, sweet revenge.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Emma wouldn’t make eye contact with me this morning and once again stayed hidden in her room.

  The less I see of her the less the urge to bend her over the kitchen counter is and I am more than okay with this.

  Parker’s layover in Dallas was longer than expected, he doesn’t come out of the terminal until almost midnight.

  “Hey, Brother.” I greet him, looking over his shoulder for Haley, “Hales?”

  Parker’s eyes burn into mine and heat races up my throat, something’s wrong.

  He shakes his head, walking over to a counter. I stand there staring at him while he collects the bag, he had delivered early and walk silently behind until we reach the truck. He throws his bag into the backseat taking shotgun.

  “Seriously, dude, what’s up?”

  He shakes his head again, “Go,” he nods forward, “I just want to go home.”

  “What happened with Haley? You guys were in your own little bubble of paradise and now she’s not here and you’re not talking.”

  “Drive, Drew.”

  I shake my head in frustration as I start the truck, knowing Parker the way I do, I know he’s not gonna talk until he’s damn good and ready to. Swallowing the urge to ring his neck until he spills, I pull out from the parking spot and head out into traffic.

  “Are you going to tell me what happened?” My question is met with silence, anger, and frustration pound in my head. Slamming my palm against the steering wheel my anger gets the best of me, “What the fuck, Parker?”

  His tongue slides between his bottom teeth and lip, a sure sign of anger with him, “Green light.” Is all he says.

  We drive the rest of the way in silence, pulling into guest parking, I kill the engine and face him.

  “You’ve seriously got to give me something because my head is forming every worst-case scenario there is.”

  He leaves the door open while he collects his stuff from the back seat.

  He reappears and shakes his head, his fist opening and closing. My heart hammers in my chest at a violent speed while he stares at the ground, “Haley’s gone.” He takes a deep breath, meeting my eyes, “and she’s not coming back.”

  He shuts the door, walking across the street to the walkway. I stare after him unable to process what he said. She’s not gone, no way in hell she’s gone for good.

  Pulling my phone out of my pocket I dial her number; an automated voice answers claiming the phone has been disconnected.

  Panic and hurt sink it’s claws deep into my chest as I stare at the screen.

  She’s not gone. I did not lose them both in Savannah.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Parker came home late Sunday night, Monday morning and most of the afternoon was spent prying information out of him at Josh and Maria’s, apparently Haley ended things and said some serious shit, heavy enough to make Parker give up. She hasn’t answered a single text, responded to any of my calls, it’s been fucking silence. Worst part? Kaylan went silent too, he was our middle man. Parker was able to find out how Haley was through him and that prick won’t answer either. Her old phone is still on and I’ve been blowing it up nonstop.

  Since nailing anything with two legs and a pussy to numb the fear and frustration over this week hasn’t accomplished shit, I will be taking a new approach; getting blind drunk.

  Coming into the kitchen, Emma sits on the island eating a bagel. I don’t think I’ve said two things to her since that day with Maria. She can’t be too mad seeing as we’ve basically been competing to see who can be louder, her or my company, every morning she comes out looking happy and content. Well good for fucking Emma with her uncomplicated life.

  “What’s wrong?” She asks as I set the paper bag down on the counter.

  “Nothing.” I tell her, pulling a bottle of tequila out, I pop the top and drink straight from the bottle.

  “Looks like you’re trying to forget.”

  I tip the bottle in her direction before taking another gulp.

  “Okay,” She reaches out, grabbing the bottle from my hand. I glare as she holds it in her lap, “Why are you getting day drunk?”

  “Not technically day anymore, give it back.” I reach for the bottle, but she hides it behind her back, “Not cute.”

  “I’m not trying to be cute. Spill.”


  “Fine, but you’re not drinking alone.” Taking the bottle, she draws it to her lips, taking an impressive swig.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Friends don’t let friends drink alone.” She tells me taking another swig before passing it to me.

  “We’re not friends and I don’t want company.”

  I pour more tequila down my throat as she talks, “Everyone wants company, drinking when your lonely only makes you feel lonelier.”

  “You want to fix my loneliness, Angel?” I ask stepping between her smooth tan thighs, “Then get on your knees and fix it.” Am I being an award winning prick right now? Absolutely. Do I care? Not at the moment, the sheer amount of anger I have against the world at the moment has my guilt radar a little fuzzy at the moment. “What’s wrong, Angel?”

  “Nothing.” Her face is set in defiance and it only makes me want her more.

  Moving in closer, I press my face against her neck. “Then do as I say and get on your fucking knees.”

  She takes the bottle from me and takes a long drink before handing it back, “Not the loneliness I was referring to, but thanks for the offer.”

  I scoff a little, pulling away from her, “Don’t offer if you have no intent on following through.”

  “Oh, I have intent.” She sings, jumping from the counter while typing away on her phone, “And I plan on following through.” She shakes her phone in front of me, clearly trying to show me something that I can’t make out. “We’re gonna go get shitfaced.” She smiles, grabbing her hoodie off the back of the couch and pulling it over her head, “You’re buying, by the way.”

  I watch as she walks to the front door, after opening it she waves me out. Taking another pull from the bottle, I wave to her and head down the hall towards my bedroom where I plan to get drunk and passing out. Small fingers grab my forearm, out of amusement I turn around. She takes the bottle and attempts to pull me forward.

  “Come on,” She grunts, I find it endlessly entertaining that her feet are literally sliding against the tile as she tries to pull me forward. “God, you weigh like a gazillion pounds, move your ass.”

  With a smirk, I give in and follow. She sets the bottle on the end table as we pass. Stepping outside I see the uber waiting at the curb and raise my eyebrows at her.

  “I wasn’t kidding about the shitfaced part.” She says by way of explanation.

  We settle into the vehicle as she spouts off directions to a bar I’ve
never heard of.

  Once we arrive she pulls me into this little dive that is obviously the postcard for every country slash biker bar in America. She seems completely at peace when she walks up to the bar ordering us shots. I take a seat next her, looking around my eyes land on the jukebox against the wall. I bet my savings they do that country dance here, what is it called? Line, square, triangle dance? Whatever the hell it’s called, I bet they do that here. Did I already say that? That tequila is hitting me a little hard at this point, perhaps chugging straight from the bottle wasn’t the brightest idea.

  Emma slides me a shot glass and we both tip them back. “You going to tell me what’s wrong?”

  “Nope.” I hold my hand up, signaling to the bartender to send two more.

  “So, you want to drink in silence?”


  “Are you always an asshole?”


  I grab one of the two shots put in front of us and take it. I know I’m heading past the point of no return because I can’t taste what I’m drinking.

  “Catch an STD?” I glare at her until she smiles, “I’m kidding! Jeez, alcohol is supposed to lighten you up not turn you into a bigger pain in the ass.”

  HA! If only she knew that was the nickname, I bestowed upon her. Still, she has a point, it’s not her fault my best friend up and vanished then appeared, broke my brother’s heart and vanished again.

  “Wow.” Emma sighs, “That sucks, I’m sorry.”

  I cock my head at her in confusion, “What is?”

  “That she would do that.”

  “Oh fuck, I said that out loud?”

  She laughs, and I can’t stop myself from admiring her perfect smile, fuck this girl is too gorgeous for words.

  “I guess it could have been worse.” She shrugs, “So we toast.” She hands me a shot glass with one hand, raising hers with the other, “To friendship. And the never ending disappointment and heartache it brings.”

  We clink glasses and throw them back.

  “I need to slow down.” I tell her when she orders two more, “I’m already saying shit I think I’m thinking and no offense, but there’s no way you’re going to be able to lug my ass home.”


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