Darkblood Academy: Book Four: Prophecies

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Darkblood Academy: Book Four: Prophecies Page 14

by G. K. DeRosa

  “Thanks, Ryder. I hear I owe you a thanks for saving me from falling out of the sky.”

  “No problem. That’s what I’m here for.”

  “Luna was just leaving.” Drake leaned back against the pillow and yawned. “I’m still pretty drained.”

  I shot him an appreciative smile and squeezed his hand. “Get some rest, and I’ll be back to visit soon.”

  I trailed Ryder out the door, his heavy footsteps trudging beside me saying whatever he wasn’t ready to utter out loud. When we finally reached my dorm, I turned to him unable to stand the silence a moment longer. “Please don’t tell me you’re jealous.”

  “Me? No, I’m not that insecure.” He winked.

  I opened the door to my room, and he followed me in. “Then what is it?”

  “There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you since the attack, but you’ve been spending most of your time at Drake’s bedside so it’s been weighing on me.”

  “Ask away.”

  He folded down onto the couch, and I settled in beside him. “When you were in Nicodemus’s body, why didn’t you reach out for me? Why Drake? I know I was gone for awhile and he protected you in my absence, but I want to be that person for you.”

  I took his hand, entwining my fingers through his big, calloused ones. “It wasn’t like that. It’s just that Drake had recognized me once before when I was skinwalking and you hadn’t—” I slapped my hand over my mouth when I realized what I was about to say.

  Ryder’s eyes widened and he sat up straighter, releasing my hand. “What are you talking about? I knew it was you when you came to the SIA detention center.”

  I pursed my lips as a mad horde of butterflies took flight in my gut.

  “You skinwalked in front of me before that, without my knowing?”

  I slowly nodded.

  “When and whose body?”

  “I don’t think any of that is really important right now.” I stared down at my chipped nail polish. “It’s in the past.”

  “Luna…” He tipped my chin up with his index finger, forcing my gaze to his.

  Heat spread over my cheeks, and I just couldn’t drag the words out. How could I admit what I’d done? I’d thrown myself at him as Ms. Mikalson. “I can’t… it’s too embarrassing.”

  His pitch irises took on a faraway gaze, and then a smile tipped his lips up. “It was you that night, wasn’t it? When Vena showed up at my door in the middle of the night.” He shook his head as he suppressed a chuckle. “I knew it!”

  “You did?” My eyebrows nearly reached my hairline.

  “Well, not at first, but the more I thought about it after you left, there was something so familiar about the encounter. It wasn’t anything like my past experiences with Vena.”

  I grimaced, an unwanted image of the two of them together flashing across my mind.

  “Like I said past experiences as in I hadn’t slept with her since you arrived at the academy.”

  “You hadn’t?”

  He shook his head, a slight flush tingeing his sculpted cheekbones. “What can I say, Luna? Once I met you, you ruined me.”

  My heart just about tripled in size as its erratic beats kicked up into high gear. “Why didn’t you ever say anything?”

  “I didn’t know for sure, and I didn’t want to embarrass you. Things weren’t exactly great between us back then.” He leaned in closer and swept his thumb across my cheek. “Not like now.”

  His hand snaked around my neck, and his lips crashed into mine. Heat swirled in my core as his tongue danced with mine, a perfect fit. My hands came around his back and snuck underneath his shirt, my fingers tracing the dips of his sculpted back. He pulled me into his lap, and I clung onto him like a baby koala.

  Releasing my lips, he dropped kisses down my neck and collarbone. I arched back, allowing him full access to my heated skin.

  “Gods, I love you, Luna. I love every inch of you, and I don’t think a lifetime with you would be enough.”

  I tried to form words, but I could barely breathe beneath his touch. I groaned against his lips instead.

  My brain told me to stop, that we shouldn’t let things get out of control, but the feel of Ryder’s fingertips on my body was too much. All rational thoughts vanished, and I allowed him to consume me.

  My insides clenched as his fingers splayed out across my lower back, and he pressed me tighter against his body. I rocked my hips, and I could feel every inch of him against me. I wanted him so bad, I needed him. Every piece of him.

  His eyes met mine, and a flash of yellow swirled below the dark surface.

  “Ryder…” I mumbled and froze.

  “I know.” He let out a frustrated sigh. Slowly, he peeled himself away, brushing his lips against mine one last time.

  I put some much-needed distance between our heated bodies, sweeping my hair back over my shoulder. “This sucks,” I huffed, my heart still pounding.

  With a chuckle, he tugged at his shirt straightening the messed up collar. “So maybe now is not the time to tell you I decided you were right?”

  “You did?” I swiveled toward him. “Wait, right about what?”

  “About binding my demon.” He paused and exhaled another long breath. “I’ve been giving it a lot of thought since the attack. I can’t deny that having my demon is useful in situations like that. I want to be able to protect you, and I wouldn’t be able to without him. So, until we get this Luxora thing resolved, I’m tabling the demon-binding discussion.”

  A mix of relief and disappointment swirled in my chest. I was thrilled he wasn’t going to do something stupid, but I couldn’t deny the frustration of knowing we couldn’t really be together—in the biblical sense.

  “But…” he raised a finger. “I am willing to test the boundaries of my control a little more.” A crooked smile revealed his devastating dimple.

  “What does that mean, exactly?”

  He inched closer, his minty breath mingling with mine. “This.” His soft lips pressed against mine. “I think last time we jumped into things too quickly. It was like an explosion of feelings and sensations that my demon hadn’t been used to. Maybe if we work up to making love, it won’t be such a shock and I’ll be able to maintain control.”

  “I like the way you’re thinking.” I trailed a lingering kiss down his cheek and across his jawline.

  He sucked in a sharp breath. “Besides, I’m happy now and madly in love, and I haven’t had any murderous urges.”

  “Thank the gods.” I threw him a big smile and dropped a quick kiss on his delicious lips. “Now I need you to get out of here or else I’m never going to get any studying done.”

  “Fine, fine.” He pushed himself off the couch, his gaze never leaving mine. “Dinner later?”

  “Of course.”

  He turned to leave, but the buzz of his cell stopped him. Mine went off a second later. We both scanned our screens at the same time.

  My eyes nearly popped out of my head.

  Garrix: Meeting with Lucifer tomorrow. We’re all invited to the Underworld.

  Chapter 20

  “I still don’t like this.” Ryder bristled beside me as we walked down the dimly lit corridor. Was brimstone an actual stone? Because I was fairly certain that’s what Lucifer’s castle was made of. Since we’d stepped foot into his rocky fortress, the scent of sulfur and ash had been a constant presence.

  “Relax, nephew. Everything will be fine.” Cillian’s mighty wings nearly spanned the length of the hallway, providing the brightest source of light in the dark dwelling.

  We were meeting Garrix and Lucifer to discuss the Luxora situation. According to my father, it was essential I be here for some reason, which of course meant my two bodyguards came along as well.

  “I don’t understand why it was necessary for Luna to attend this meeting, in the Underworld of all places?” Ryder’s hand tightened around mine, and for once I didn’t mind his overprotectiveness. The devil’s lair made my skin crawl.r />
  “It’s just up ahead,” said Cillian, glancing at me before turning down another winding corridor.

  “So if this is hell, where are all the tortured souls?” The question had been bothering me since our first journey into the Underworld when we went to Luxora’s castle.

  Cillian smirked over his shoulder. “Hell and the Underworld aren’t synonymous, though they are frequently used interchangeably in error. The Underworld is simply another realm within Azar. Hell is much further below the Earth’s surface, one level down from Purgatory. Contrary to popular myth, demons don’t live in hell, only evil souls do.”

  Hmm… So I wouldn’t be seeing evil humans roasting in fiery pits as I’d envisioned. Good.

  Cillian stopped in front of a pure white door. It seemed completely out of place beside the rough-hewn stones and gloomy medieval architecture of the rest of the lair. Before the angel lifted his knuckle to knock, the door swung open.

  “Welcome to my humble abode.” Lucifer sat across the way on a gilded throne the likes of which I’d only seen on the Versace mansion episode of MTV Cribs. In fact the entire room was the complete contrast to the dreary dungeon we’d just walked through. Gold bathed nearly every surface, from the elaborate chandelier draped over the center of the massive room, to the fresco painted overhead and all the fancy artwork adorning the silk walls. Besides the gaudy golden hues, splotches of bright colors and animal prints upholstered every piece of furniture that filled the space.

  We walked past a gilded fountain in the center, an enormous angel with spread wings facing up to the painted sky overhead. The sculpture’s features were exquisite—and familiar. I stared at the perfectly sculpted cheekbones and wide jaw, then up at the mercurial man perched on the throne.

  Lucifer’s gaze dropped down to mine, and a smirk graced his chiseled lips. “That was before the fall, of course. I had it commissioned as a reminder of who I was and how far I’ve come.”

  Cillian grunted. “Or fallen,” he muttered.

  Lucifer unfolded his long legs and stood, impeccable as always in an inky black three-piece suit. “So delighted you could join me. Garrix should be along any minute now. Please, have a seat.” He motioned at one of the ornate gold-rimmed couches.

  As I lowered myself onto the leopard print cushion, I couldn’t help but gape at the devil. He was a complete enigma. Just when I thought I understood him, he threw me for a loop. And I thought having Garrix for a dad was hard; I couldn’t imagine what Ryder must have gone through.

  Ryder’s fingers tightened around mine as he sat beside me, and Lucifer’s gaze cast down to our clasped hands.

  “Is it official now?” The fallen angel’s dark brow lifted.

  Ryder seared his father with a glare that had my knees trembling, and I wasn’t even the recipient of its animosity. “Is what official, Father?”

  “You and Luna? Was the oracle right?” A coy grin flashed across his face, and he slapped his hand over his mouth. “Oh my, I’ve said too much, haven’t I?”

  My eyes widened as my breath jammed in my throat. I spun at Ryder, but he looked as confused as I was.

  “What are you talking about?” he growled.

  “All in due time, my son.”

  Cillian sat across from us, his brows furrowed and a dark vein popping from his forehead.

  He knows something.

  I opened my mouth to ask more, but a murky swirl of smoke emerged from the corner of Lucifer’s fancy living room and coalesced into the form of my father. He too wore a fancy suit, only in maroon instead of Lucifer’s onyx, and I suddenly felt severely underdressed in my typical t-shirt and jeans.

  “Sorry, I’m late,” he mumbled. “Things at the White House are progressing more quickly than I’d imagined.”

  “Has the bill on the supernatural ban passed the House?” Cillian asked.

  “Not yet, but it won’t be long now. A few of the representatives are vacationing, but once they return to sign, it’s almost certainly a done deal. Which is exactly why we’re here today.” His brilliant cobalt gaze turned to Lucifer. “I hope that we can come to an agreement to put an end to all of this.”

  Lucifer snorted. “You say that as if it were something as simple as snapping my fingers.”

  Garrix filled in the remaining high-backed chair across from the devil’s throne. “I refuse to believe that you cannot control your realm and its inhabitants, Lucifer.”

  He waved a hand dismissively. “That’s precisely what the six warlords are for. Have you seen the Underworld, Garrix? It’s not somewhere I prefer to spend my time. The human realm is much more inviting—Los Angeles, New York City, London, that is where I’d rather spend my eternal banishment.”

  So that’s why things have gone to hell? Because Lucifer wanted a vacation?

  “You are the only one that can control them, Father,” Ryder hissed. “Things have become far worse than a few demons crossing the borders on occasion.”

  “I know, I know. I watch the news.”

  “The question is: what will you do about it?” Garrix moved to the edge of his seat, his shoulder blades taut.

  Lucifer waggled a finger. “No, my friend, the real question is: what will you offer me to do something about it? How important is this little merging of our worlds?” He shrugged, drumming his fingers against the gilded armrest. “Because you see, nothing much will change for me either way. I can travel between realms as I please.”

  Garrix’s jaw clenched, his hands curling at his sides. “I do have something to offer. A seat on the Etrian Assembly.”

  Lucifer’s brow perked up ever so slightly before it resumed its neutral position. “A seat on the Assembly?” He rubbed his smooth chin, his skin like fine porcelain. “And what exactly would I have to do?”

  “Stop Luxora and her demons!” The words spilled from my mouth without my control.

  Lucifer’s gaze fixed on me, and I immediately regretted my little outburst. Its laser intensity left a line of scorching heat in its wake as it moved over me. “It’s not quite so easy, little half-blood. Luxora is my daughter, much like you are Garrix’s. I assure you he would not be so willing to hand you over for slaughter.”

  Ryder grunted. “Like you really care about your offspring.”

  A hint of a smile played on the devil’s lips. “Maybe not all of them, son, but you forget, Luxora was my first.” He paused, and his expression grew serious. “A father tends to hold a special place in his heart for his first born, especially if that child was conceived out of love. You’ll see one day.”

  Ryder repositioned himself beside me, sitting up straighter and I couldn’t help but squirm. Most of Lucifer’s words had a sarcastic edge to them, but not this.

  “Brother,” Cillian interjected, “with you at our side, you can see to it that no harm comes to Luxora.”

  He chuckled, a deep belly laugh that reached the dark fathomless pits of his eyes. “You are gravely mistaken if you believe my daughter will come willingly because of my presence. On the contrary, she may try to kill me herself.”

  “Wouldn’t that be a sight,” Ryder muttered under his breath.

  “There must be a way,” said Garrix. “Is there something that she wants? Something you could offer her as a truce?”

  Lucifer’s eyes locked onto mine once more, and a chill spilled through my veins.

  “No. Absolutely not,” Ryder snarled. “Luna will not take any part in your deal.”

  Garrix raised his hand and turned back to Lucifer. “What exactly are you asking for?”

  A growl rumbled in Ryder’s chest, and brilliant yellow streaked across his irises. I ran my free hand over his thigh, trying to calm the beast from breaking free.

  “Luxora wants to rule the Underworld. She wants me out, which I’d happily oblige, but she cannot have what she wants if what the oracle saw regarding the half-blood comes to pass.” Lucifer’s dark gaze settled on our intertwined hands once more. “Short of killing Luna, there is one other way to e
nsure she doesn’t cause problems for my daughter.”

  “And what is that, pray tell?”

  “Luna joins Luxora here in the Underworld. The first female warlock would make a wonderful addition to the family. She and Ryder could even live here, in my home, together.”

  “And allow Luxora to wreak havoc on the human world? Are you nuts?” I spat out.

  Ryder held me back as I inched to the edge of the couch. My power surged just below the surface, itching to burst free.

  “No, of course not,” he replied calmly. “That would be a condition of the deal. Luxora would be given free reign of the Underworld, I would get a seat on the Etrian Assembly, and Luna would remain here as our permanent guest.”

  “More like prisoner,” Ryder snarled. “Absolutely not.”

  “Your terms are unreasonable, brother.” Cillian’s wings snapped out, bathing the already golden-hued room in a more vibrant glow.

  Garrix still hadn’t spoken. I glanced over in his direction as a twinge of panic unfurled in my gut. Would my own father turn me over to prevent the collapse of his dream?

  “What do you say, Luna?” Garrix’s intense eyes pierced mine.


  “It’s not a question,” Ryder snapped, leaping to his feet. Cillian joined him a split second later.

  If I only knew exactly what the oracle had seen… Would turning myself over prevent more death and destruction for both our kinds? Maybe I should consider it.

  Ryder’s sharp glare lanced into me. “Don’t even think about it, Luna. We’ll find another way to defeat Luxora, without his help.”

  “You’ll never overthrow her, son. I’m the only one that can give her what she wants”—he splayed his hands out— “my throne.”

  “So give it to her and leave Luna out of it.”

  He loosed a breath and steepled his hands over his chest. “I will consider your request.”

  “That’s it?” I squeaked.

  “That’s the best I can promise for now.”

  The four of us trudged out of Lucifer’s luxurious living room and back into the damp, dingy corridors. No one spoke for a long moment.


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