Wolves, Witches and Bears...Oh My!

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Wolves, Witches and Bears...Oh My! Page 45

by Nicky Charles

  “Not open for discussion.”

  “But you’d do anything for it.”


  “Anything? What about screwing?” She narrowed her eyes. He seemed attracted to her but was it a part of the game he was playing?

  “If it’s part of a job.”

  “A job? What are you?” She looked him up and down. “A geriatric gigolo?”

  He scowled. “I’m no more geriatric than you are.”

  Her gaze flicked to the hint of silver at his temple and she gave a nasty smile.

  “As for being a gigolo, the answer is also no.”

  “So, what are you?”

  “A man of mystery.”

  “That’s a load of codswallop.” She folded her arms.


  “It means nonsense, and stop trying to change the topic. You know what I do. I own the club. Now spill it.”

  He hesitated before answering. “Information management and retrieval.”

  “Why do I suspect that has nothing to do with fixing a computer?”

  “Because you’re clever?” He gave her a fake smile. “Though I can take a hard drive apart and reassemble it in my sleep.”

  “So where does the screwing fit in? And don’t say putting the cover back on the bloody machine.”

  “You’re assuming screwing means sex.”

  “Doesn’t it?”

  “Not always.”

  “But sometimes.”


  “And what about me? Are you planning to screw me?”

  “For information?” He cocked his head. “Do you know something that’s of importance?”

  “I own a club. I can tell you how to order cases of liquor and schedule the wait staff.”

  “Definitely information I can use.” The corner of his mouth turned up.

  His tone had turned to jesting but an uncomfortable feeling began to crawl up her spine. She kept her face from showing her unease while discreetly gesturing behind the cover of the bar. A small spell caused the phone to ring. “Excuse me.” She stood and pulled her cell phone from her back pocket.

  He glanced at his watch. “I need to be on my way. I’ll talk to you later about the drink of cognac you promised me.”

  “Later.” She lifted the phone to her ear while watching him exit the club. His footsteps echoed through the empty space followed by the swoosh of the door shutting behind him. Pressing a button on the phone, she ended the fake call but kept the device in her hand.

  Could Dante be trusted? On some level, he was telling the truth but not the whole truth. He admitted he messed with people to gain information. He basically told her not to trust him. Yet at the same time he was giving all the indications of being attracted to her.

  The man was a mind fuck and she didn’t like it. Not one bit. Especially since she was finding herself increasingly drawn to him. Damned dog.

  Scowling, she scrolled through the contacts on her phone until she came to Sam Harper, the Alpha of the local pack. Asking the Alpha for help wasn’t a step she took lightly, even if the woman did have a trace of witch in her blood. However, if she wanted information on Dante, the local pack was the logical place to start. Protocol dictated that Dante should have checked in with the pack when he entered the territory. And if he hadn’t, then his butt would be in a sling. The idea put a smile on her face as she listened to the ringing of the phone. Seeing Dante chewed out by the little powerhouse of an Alpha would be delightful to watch.

  Chapter 10

  Sam Harper set down her phone and tapped her pen thoughtfully on her desk.

  “What’s up, Sugar?” Damien entered the pack office and stopped behind her chair, bending to kiss the nape of her neck.

  She squirmed under the ticklish gesture. “Gwyneth called me.”

  “Hmmm…” He continued to nuzzle her neck. “Something about Tina?”

  “No.” She tilted her head to give him better access.

  “Well, if it isn’t an emergency, I came home with a definite need for my mate.” His arms snaked around her to caress the slight swell of her belly.

  They’d been in bed when he’d first learned she was pregnant and he hadn’t reacted well. Fear and memories of the baby he’d lost had torn him up inside.


  “Everything will be fine, Damien.”

  “You can’t know that.” He’d stared at the ceiling, his hand tightly clenching hers. “Beth—”

  “Was murdered—”

  “And the baby.” His voice had thickened. “I never even knew if it was a girl or boy.”

  She’d raised herself up on her elbow so she could see his face better. “This time will be different. There are no Purists chasing us. We’re simply a normal, obscure Lycan pack.”

  “I don’t know if I can stand to take the chance.” He’d turned his head, his gaze locking with hers. The pain and fear she’d seen there had stabbed at her own heart.


  “It hurt so much to lose them, Sam.” His voice cracked.

  “I know.” She’d stroked his dark hair from his forehead. There’d been a time when she’d been jealous of the love he’d had for the mate he’d lost. His grief had consumed him for years, taking him down a dark path, leaving him raw and afraid to love again. But it had also helped form him into the man she loved. They’d worked through his issues…and hers. This was just a new blip that they’d overcome together.

  “Damien, you won’t lose us. I promise.” Leaning down, she’d kissed him tenderly. “The doctor said the baby is fine. I’m strong and healthy.” She’d flexed her arm, showing off her muscles and the hint of a smile had shown on his lips. Tracing his features with her fingertip, she’d continued. “I want to have your pup growing inside me. I want to see our children filling this house. I want us to teach them the ways of our people, to watch them grow to be Alphas or Enforcers or whatever they choose.”

  “I never had a father.” He’d swallowed hard and looked away. “I’ve always wondered…”

  Laying back down, she’d pulled him close. “You’ll be a great father. Too protective of your daughters, of course.”

  He’d given a short huff of laughter and kissed her tenderly. “You’ll make sure they’ll be tough enough to beat up any male that comes sniffing around.”

  “Damned right!”


  He’d since come to terms with her pregnancy, seeming to find it an aphrodisiac, a fact she wasn’t complaining about.

  She sighed knowing she was about to ruin the mood. “Gwyn’s call was about a Lycan.”

  “Tell her to call in a DC.” He sucked on her earlobe.

  “There wasn’t an incident.” She gasped as his hands slid over her body. He knew exactly how to touch her to gain her response.


  “It’s Dante. He’s in town.”

  Damien’s movements stopped, then he slowly withdrew his hands and straightened.

  Damn. She’d known that would happen. Too bad her duty as Alpha had to supersede her libido. She turned her chair around so she could see his face.

  His jaw was clenched. “What is that bastard doing in town?”

  “Bugging Gwyneth it would seem.”

  “He didn’t register with us, did he?” Damien leaned over her to access the computer files.

  “No, he didn’t register.” She stilled his hand on the computer’s mouse. “I would have told you if he had. And, before you ask, I didn’t scent a Lycan when I was on patrols. No one in the pack has reported anything.”

  “He’s using a scent mask, of course.” Damien turned from the computer and began to prowl the room. “That slimeball can’t be trusted. He’s a filthy liar that would stab you in the back the minute you let your guard down.”

  “I know.”

  “I’ve seen him steal from the dead.”


  “Beat up old men. Blackmail—”

  Sam got to her fe
et and took hold of Damien’s arm when he walked past her. “Stop pacing. You’re wearing a path in the carpet.” She tried to lighten the mood with some teasing. “You know we don’t have enough money in the renovation fund to replace it.”

  “Sorry.” He scrubbed his face with his hands. “You know how I feel about him. He’s a piece of shit.”

  “And a scum-sucking dickhead. Yeah, you’ve told me.”

  He gave a short laugh. “Guess I’ve mentioned him more than once.”

  “You’d guess right.”

  “So, what do we do?”

  “Now that you’re done venting?” She sat on the edge of the desk, one booted foot swinging idly. “Gwyneth was looking for information on him.”

  “Did she say why? What he’s been up to?”

  “No. She was being her usual close-mouth bitch-witch.”

  “I have some contacts from back in the day. I can—”

  “No.” She shook her head. “You’ve made a break from them. I don’t want you getting involved again. Your name was cleared, but if you’re seen with the wrong crowd, Lycan Link might start questioning your actions.”

  “I’m not getting involved. Just calling in some old favours.”

  “Damien.” There was a hint of a growl in her voice.

  Rather than growling back, he chuckled. “I love it when you go all Alpha on me.”

  She hit him lightly and he caught her hand, pressing a kiss to it.

  “What do you suggest we do?”

  “You contact Reno and see what you can learn through legitimate channels. In the meantime, I’ll send the pack out looking for Dante. Oh, crap! If he’s using a scent mask that won’t work.” She scowled. “Maybe we can find a picture online.”

  “He’s a master of disguise. A picture won’t be much help.”

  “Well, I’ll post someone outside Gwyneth’s anyway. They might notice a new face hanging around.”

  “But don’t make contact. Not until we know what he’s up to. With any luck, we can catch him red-handed and throw his sorry ass in detention.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” She rose to her feet and gave Damien what was supposed to be a quick kiss. As usual, it turned into more and when they finally parted, she could tell her cheeks were flushed. If anyone in the pack dared make mention of it though, she’d put them in their place!

  Damien watched his mate leave the room. She was a mite of a thing but could match any Lycan who dared take her on. He was damned lucky to have her. There’d been a time he’d never thought he’d find love again. She’d kicked him in the ass when he’d needed it. Come to think of it, she still wasn’t afraid to give him a piece of her mind.

  The phone rang and he answered it absentmindedly, thinking about their parting kiss. He’d planned on a bout of afternoon sex. Of course, Dante had to mess it up.

  “Masterson here.”

  “Hey kid, how are you doing?”

  The sound of Reno’s voice made him grin. “Not bad, old man.”

  “I’m not old.”

  “That’s what you keep telling me but the evidence proves otherwise. I can hear your joints creaking all the way over here.”

  “That’s the chair I’m sitting in and you damned well know it. It always creaks when I lean back in it.”

  “That’s your story.” Damien laughed. It was good to joke with his old friend again. There’d been a time when their friendship had seemed irreparably damaged. It hadn’t been Reno’s fault; it had been his. After his first mate, Beth, had been killed, he’d gone completely rogue, getting mixed up in all kinds of shit, associating with the likes of Dante. Damned asshole, even when they’d been working on the same job, he’d hated the man.

  “Keep it up kid and I’ll have to fly down there and remind you which of us is the senior member of the team.”

  “Senior being the operative term.” Damien couldn’t resist a final dig. “Hey, you know I was going to call you.”

  “What about?”


  There was a pause. “Any particular reason?”

  “Gwyneth O’Donohue. Do you remember her? She’s the owner of Club Mystique.” Damien eased down on the edge of the desk.

  “The witch who hates Lycans, right?”

  “That’s her. She called Sam today asking about Dante. Apparently, he’s been hanging around. Sam and I were wondering if you could do some snooping, see if there are any new rumours about him.”


  He sat up straighter. “You know something.” It was a statement not a question. He and Reno had been one of the best teams Lycan Link had ever produced. At times, the connection they’d had clicked again.

  “Yeah. I know something but not everything.”


  “I’ve been assigned to babysit Dante. Check on where he is. Make sure he’s keeping his nose clean.”

  “You knew he was in Chicago?” Damien got to his feet.

  “Yeah. The captain told me. Said to keep an eye on him. I was calling to see if he’d checked in with you or not.”

  “He hasn’t.”

  “Based on what he said, I figured as much.”

  “You were talking to Dante?” He frowned.


  “But you’ve no idea why he’s here or why he’s hanging around Gwyneth?”

  “No. But if he’s there, something big is going on.”

  “I wonder who the bugger is working for now?”

  Reno was silent and Damien began pacing, his senses on high alert. His old partner had information that was either bad, classified or both.

  “What do you know?”

  “I think he’s working for Lycan Link again.”

  “Again?” Damien stopped in his tracks.

  “In the past, he’s been hired to work undercover. Black ops. Double agent. Fuck, maybe even triple agent.”

  “That last one wouldn’t surprise me. The man is more twisted than a pit full of snakes.”

  “Yeah. I can’t figure him out. Remember the mess Stone and Tina ended up in last year? Dante managed to infiltrate the organ harvesting cartel, feeding information to the authorities and eventually helping to bring down the whole gang.”

  “What? You’ve got to be kidding.”

  “That was my reaction when I was told to vouch for him if he ever called.”

  “Vouch for him?” Damien could hear the disgust in Reno’s voice.

  “Yeah, I damn near gagged doing it.”

  “There had to be something in it for him.” Damien sat down in the desk chair and began to idly write Dante’s name on a scrap of paper with a series of question marks after it.

  “Lycan Link probably paid him well.”

  “Dante would sell his soul for money.”

  “That seems to be the general impression.”

  “And what makes you think he’s working for Lycan Link now?” He scratched out Dante’s name. Fucking bastard.

  “Something he said about Lycan Link keeping its hands officially clean.”

  “Some kind of black op then. Someone or something associated with Gwyneth, but what?”

  “That’s what I was hoping you could answer. There’s nothing big going on in the Chicago area?”

  “Not that Sam or I have caught wind of.”

  “Given that he’s hanging around Gwyneth, it must involve witches.”

  “Have you asked Captain Fielding? He usually knows what’s going on.”

  “He’s pretty tight-lipped about Dante. Last time he told me to do my job and not ask questions.”

  Damien chuckled. “I bet that went over well.”

  “I was on another case at the time so I let it slide.”

  “And this time?”

  “I’m doing some digging. You’re one of my first stops.”

  “I was on a few missions with Dante when we both worked for Deirdre. He never spoke of family or friends. Never shared his past. If he talked to you, you knew he was trying to pump y
ou for information.”

  “A regular man of mystery then.”

  “His past doesn’t matter though. It’s what he’s up to now that’s important. Since it involves witches, could Brandi help? Didn’t you say she’s been helping with liaison work, trying to set up a sort of United Nations for the Others?”

  “That’s exactly what I was thinking. She’s made a few contacts. Might as well put them to use.”

  “Speaking of putting things to use…”

  “You need something?”

  Damien rubbed the back of his neck, feeling inexplicably awkward asking a favour that would be so personal. “I…er…I was wondering if you could access Lycan Link’s lineage database and see if you can find anything out about my background.”

  “You mean who your parents were?”

  “Yeah. I’m having my own kid and it would be nice to be able to tell him or her something about myself.”

  “Have you looked before?”

  “Nah. It never seemed important. I figured if my parents dumped me then I didn’t need them. Now, I’m curious.”

  “Makes sense.”

  “There’s not much to go on. My birth date was a guess.”

  “I can check the records for all males born within three months of either side of your supposed birthday. Even the old ledgers are being transferred to digital.”

  “I think I was born south of the border. I have that recurring dream of being carried through a jungle before I was left at the orphanage.” He frowned at the memory.

  “Right. I remember you mentioning that.”

  “Sorry. I know it’s not much.”

  “Not a lot of Lycan packs in that area. I’ll use it to help narrow the search.”

  “Thanks. There’s no rush on this.”

  “As long as it’s before you officially become a daddy, right?”

  “Yeah.” Damien felt a grin appearing on his face. “Before I’m a dad.”

  Lycan Link Headquarters…

  Reno stared thoughtfully at the folder in front of him. Damien hadn’t been able to add anything to what he already knew about Dante. His initial search had revealed basic information from Lycan Link’s data base. It was nothing spectacular but at least it was a start. Now it was time to see if he could wheedle anything out of Captain Fielding.


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