Wolves, Witches and Bears...Oh My!

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Wolves, Witches and Bears...Oh My! Page 87

by Nicky Charles

  “This Damien, he stayed at the Broken Antler last winter?”

  “Right. He’s in Chicago. If you need help, he’s your go-to man. However, Reno would prefer we didn’t bring anyone else in at this point. If the codes were leaked by a Lycan Link employee, we don’t want the rumour mill getting hold of it and tipping him or her off.”

  “Makes sense.”

  “What we need you to do is work with Lucy and retrace her steps to try to pinpoint when the USB came into her possession and who might have owned it. Once you find out anything at all, report back to me and I’ll pass it along.”

  “It’s a shifter we are looking for?”

  “That’s a logical assumption but it could be a human, I suppose.”

  He narrowed his eyes considering that point. “It’s stolen information so it’s possible it fell into human hands if one was being used as a live drop.”

  “True. As a link in the chain that moves illegal items along, they might not even realize they’re sitting on a powder keg.”

  “Or one of the humans who knows of shifter existence has violated our trust.”

  Ryne responded with a growl. “I hope the hell not. I’ve been through a situation involving the Keeping before and I sure as fuck don’t want to do it again.”

  They were both silent, considering the ramifications.

  Eventually, Armand cleared his throat. “Is there any particular cover story? I can’t tell Lucy and her friend what was really on the USB.”

  “What if you say it’s plans for some new gadget, industrial espionage, that kind of thing?”

  “It might work.”

  “Play it by ear and I can always call in a DC to help clean things up if necessary.”

  “DC?” He wandered down the hall to check if Lucy was still sleeping.

  “Disaster Control agent.”

  “Right. I’ve heard mention of them though the bear community has nothing similar. We tend to be more circumspect than Lycans and don’t get into trouble the way your species does.” He couldn’t resist teasing his friend.

  “I won’t confirm or deny that statement.” Ryne chuckled. “So, are you good with what we need you to do?”

  “Yes, but I’ll warn you, if Lucy is in danger I’ll protect her even if it means we don’t find the owner of the USB drive.” He observed her sleeping form through the partially opened door. She looked so peaceful, a half-smile curving her lips. “Her safety is my first priority.”

  Lucy woke to the sound of Armand talking quietly on the phone. She couldn’t make out what he was saying but, it was comforting knowing he was near. The events of the past few days were beginning to take their toll on her. Armand might think she was brave and strong, but she wasn’t sure how much more of this she could take.

  At least this time, she wasn’t alone. She had Armand and Roxi and Jimmy and even Jeff the chef and Kathy. Gin, she wasn’t so sure about. In a pinch, the woman might come through…or not. Hopefully, there’d be no need to test that theory!

  “You’re awake?” Armand slid into bed beside her and she inched over to give him more room. He was a king-sized mattress kind of guy.

  “I just woke up. Who were you talking to?”

  “Ryne. He wants us to retrace your steps the day you brought that box home and see if we can find out how you came to be in possession of the USB.”

  “Was there something important on it?”

  “Sort of. It seems you’ve become part of a case of…industrial espionage.”

  “You mean like stealing company secrets and such?” She pushed herself up on her elbow and stared at him. “That’s crazy! If it was Roxi, it would make sense, but me?”

  He shrugged. “That’s what Ryne said based on Daniel’s findings.”

  “Shouldn’t we tell the police?”

  “No. Ryne said we don’t want to draw attention to you and your new identity.”

  “Oh crap.” She gave a heavy sigh and sank back down on her pillow to stare at the ceiling. “I’ve turned into a human magnet for cloak and dagger stuff. Life in Stump River wasn’t exciting, but this is more than I bargained for.”

  “Then maybe you need to return.” He rolled on his side, reached out and stroked her hair from her face, tenderly tracing the scar he called her badge of courage. “Come back home where you belong, Lucy.”

  She felt herself stiffening. It was the question she’d been waiting for and yet dreading, the one she didn’t know how to answer.

  He lay there, silently looking at her with that steady gaze of his. His question hung between them, seeming to squeeze the air from her lungs, making her throat tight.

  Instead of replying, she switched topics, checking the alarm clock then injecting a perky tone into her voice to counteract the uncomfortable feeling that had begun to permeate the room.

  “Oh my goodness, look at the time! I’m doing the late afternoon shift today—traded as a favour to one of the others—but I have things I need to get done before then.” She began to draw back the covers. He placed his hand over hers.

  “You’re avoiding the subject.”

  She stilled at the gentle touch of his hand, pressing her lips together, not pleased that he wasn’t following her lead. “And what if I am? You certainly avoided things in Stump River.”

  “No, I was waiting for you. I told you that.”

  So patient, so reasonable. So…so...irritating!

  “You’re putting the blame on me? I think you just didn’t want to take a chance.” She pushed his hand away and sat up, swinging her legs out of bed and presenting him with her back.

  “A chance on what?”

  “On us.” She found her robe and put it on. “I think you were afraid things between us wouldn’t last so you just didn’t bother trying.”


  “It’s called trusting the other person, Armand.”

  “It isn’t always that easy.” A muscle was starting to twitch in his jaw.

  No doubt she was pushing his buttons, but she didn’t care. She’d thrown herself at him time and time again and he’d never responded. Now he waltzed back into her life and expected her to jump at his suggestion. But what would she be going back to? More of the same except there’d be sex with him on the side? Well, he hadn’t made any noises about a real commitment and she wasn’t settling for less. Not anymore. He had to make the first move now.

  She folded her arms and stared down at him. “You know, my mother didn’t always make the best choices in life, but she taught me to be positive. She’d say ‘sometimes you just have to hope things will work out and try anyway. Otherwise you’ll spend your whole life waiting.’ You might want to think about that!”

  Grabbing her glasses from the nightstand, she stomped off to the bathroom to take a shower.

  Standing under the warm spray, she wondered what had gotten into her.

  Why pick a fight with Armand now? Her inner voice scolded. For years this was what we’d been wanting!

  Right. What was wrong with her? Why were all those nasty accusations spilling from her?

  Stress from recent events? Latent anger and hurt from all the years he’d rebuffed us?

  Whatever the case, she’d have to apologize to him.

  Definitely. He’s been nothing but kind. He could have headed home when this whole memory thingy started to unfold.

  But he hadn’t. Armand wasn’t the kind to walk away when things were tough. Once he said he’d do something, he stuck with it.

  And wasn’t that the kind of man we’d always dreamed of?

  It was but… She sighed at her own confused emotions. Exiting the shower, she towelled off and headed to her bedroom, ready to ask forgiveness for her foul mood and hoping she could explain her feelings. Unfortunately, he wasn’t there.

  “Armand?” She called his name as she padded to the kitchen.

  “He left,” Roxi mumbled as she put water in the kettle.

  “He’s gone?” A cold wave washed over her at the knowl
edge she’d driven him away with her acerbic tongue.

  “Yeah. Said he needed clean clothes.”

  “But, he’s coming back, right?” She clutched her robe tightly, her hand pressed over her heart.

  “I guess. He said something about making a list of possible suspects.” Roxi yawned widely. “What’s that all about?”

  “Believe it or not, Armand’s friend said that thumb drive has something to do with industrial spying. We need to figure out who owns it.”

  “Really?” The sleepiness in Roxi’s eyes was swiftly replaced by the calculating look she often had. “That’s interesting.” She appeared lost in thought for a moment before giving herself a little shake. “You done in the bathroom?”

  “Yep,” she nodded not giving Roxi’s reaction too much thought. She was just relieved her outburst hadn’t chased Armand away.

  “Great. If he gets back before I’m done, don’t start brainstorming that list without me. I don’t want to miss out on the excitement.”

  “It’s only exciting because you aren’t the one that’s been the target.”

  “True.” Roxi walked past and gave her a playful punch in the arm. “Thanks for taking one for the team.”

  She watched Roxi leave and shook her head. Sometimes it was hard to remember she was a friend.

  Chapter 14

  Armand stood outside Lucy’s apartment, his hand raised to knock, only to lower it. He’d been angry when he’d left earlier, glad to have the excuse of needing clean clothes to put some distance between them. Having decided to act, it was difficult to witness her hesitation.

  He supposed he was getting a taste of his own medicine. After all, he’d done the same thing to her for years. Of course, he’d had his reasons. Having a human as a mate was complicated. The decision he made could have an impact throughout their world. Once she knew his secret, she became part of an elite group of humans who were aware that shifters existed. The trust placed in them was immeasurable. If a union between a human and a shifter failed, if there was bitterness over the break-up and the human shared the secret, it could be disastrous.

  Yes, her willingness to return home was key, a sign she was committed to their relationship. He just needed to convince her.

  Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door. Regardless of the state of their relationship, they had to work together. If Lycan Link’s codes were being shared, they were all potentially in danger.

  Lucy opened the door, stepping aside to allow him to enter.



  She looked down at the floor and then back up at him. “I’m sorry for sniping at you this morning. I had no right. You’ve been very helpful and kind and…well…it was wrong of me.”

  He never had been able to stay upset with her. Reaching out, he took her hands in his. “You’ve been stressed.”

  “That’s still not a licence to take it out on those I care about.”

  “And do you? Care?” He stroked his thumbs over her knuckles. Her hands were so small and delicate in his. All he wanted to do was care for her and protect her for the rest of her life.

  “Do I care?” Her eyes widened. “Of course, I do! You’ve been the one stable person in my life. No matter what, you’ve always been there.” She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly.

  And yet, she’d run from him, left Stump River without a backwards glance. He didn’t voice the words, instead wrapping his arms around her and absorbing the feel of her pressed close to him. It filled him and his bear with contentment and if he could, he would hold her like that all day. Unfortunately, real life demanded they move.

  He gently pushed her away and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Come on, let’s get to work making a list of anyone who could possibly own that USB drive.”

  “Right.” She gave him a smile. “There’s hot water for your tea and I’ve a pot of coffee for myself. Let’s get to work.”

  Roxi soon joined them and it didn’t take long to compose the list which ranged from Jeff the chef to the mugger.

  He tapped one of the names on the list. “A random person on the street is highly unlikely. You were walking and the bag would be moving with each stride. The timing for dropping the drive into the bag would have had to have been perfect. The same for someone in the grocery store.”

  “It would have been easier to drop it in when I was standing in line to check out.”

  Roxi shook her head. “But the potential for the action to be seen was greater if someone was ditching it. And, if they were being followed and trying to hide it, they wouldn’t have been hanging around in the checkout line. As for it being a random act, nope, it doesn’t ring true. People don’t play with those things in the grocery store especially if they hold important information.”

  “Correct.” Armand agreed. “The centre and the diner are more likely.” He took a sip of his tea and tried not to make a face. The water hadn’t been brought to a full boil and it was only regular orange pekoe plus there was no honey to sweeten it. He would need to introduce Lucy to the finer points of tea making…when they were not trying to catch spies, that is. “What about the mugger? He might have taken your purse to cover his actions, dropping the USB in your shopping bag and it randomly fell into the box.”

  “He could have, but he really seemed to want the purse. If it was just meant as a distraction, wouldn’t it have been a more half-hearted attempt?” Lucy pointed out the flaw in that scenario.

  “I still feel we should leave him on the list even though finding him will be difficult. We can concentrate on the other suspects and then return to him if they don’t pan out.” Armand scanned the list again. “What about the group of young men who came to your aid. One of them?”

  “Nah.” Roxi got up and began to rummage in the fridge. “They were fixing a car, right? Seems strange they’d suddenly decide they had to hide a flash drive.” She emerged from behind the fridge door with a bunch of grapes in her hand. “However, I’ll sacrifice myself and check them out, how’s that?”

  Lucy laughed. “You’re just looking for an excuse to talk to them.”

  “Two birds, one stone, right?” She popped a few grapes in her mouth and spoke around them looking rather like a chipmunk with its pouches full. “Listen, I need to get to work. Why don’t you head to the centre and check out that guy, Neil? If I get a chance, I’ll scope out the guys who hang around the corner and then we can compare notes tonight.”

  “That’s an excellent idea.” The mention of the man from the drop-in centre had Armand frowning. “He seemed quite concerned that you missed your shift.”

  “He was concerned for my well-being.” Lucy countered.

  “Or the well-being of his information.” Roxi finished off the grapes and wiped her fingers on her jeans. “And don’t forget the people who use the drop-in centre. They could be suspects, too.”

  Lucy pursed her lips and shook her head. “They’re mostly down on their luck or just need someone to talk to. I’d hate to think it was one of them.”

  “You can’t be sentimental in this business. Friends will turn on you if there’s enough money involved.” Roxi grabbed her purse and headed for the door. “Don’t do anything too exciting while I’m gone.”

  After Roxi left the room, Armand leaned back in his chair. “How well do you know Roxi?”

  “We live together so I’d say I know her pretty well.” Lucy shrugged one shoulder, her eyes focused on the list they’d made.

  “Do you know her family? Her background?”

  “No.” She looked up.

  “Have you ever actually seen her at this job she supposedly has?”

  “Not really. On the other hand, she’s never seen me at work either.”

  “Hmm.” He stroked his neatly trimmed beard missing the wildness of the one he normally sported.

  “What are you getting at?”

  “Roxi’s always joking but there’s a hint of truth in a lot of what she says. Just now
she said, ‘friends will turn on you if there is enough money involved’. Would she turn on you?”

  “No! Of course not!” She shook her head. “How could you even think she’s involved in this?”

  “She is the one who found the USB, correct? You only have her word that it was in the box. What if she put it there to divert attention from herself?”

  “But why? If it’s industrial espionage, she could have sold it or hid it at work or mailed it to herself. There was no need to involve me.”

  “Perhaps not.” He sighed. “There’s something about her that bothers me.”

  “Well, she had the hots for you when she first saw you so maybe it’s her sexual frustration you’re sensing.”

  He raised his brows having never even considered the other woman would find him appealing despite her comment about his abs. She’d been joking… Hadn’t she?

  Lucy laughed at his reaction. “With that new hairstyle and stubbly look, you’re a sex symbol so get used to it.”

  He made a face. “Enough already. We have work to do.”

  She chuckled. “Sure thing…hot stuff.”

  He gave her another scowl. His bear was not nearly as affronted.

  She is attracted to us and soon she will be ours. Pleased with the turn of events, it settled down for a nap.

  As Roxi had suggested, Lucy and Armand headed to the drop-in centre.

  “I’ll tell Neil I’m giving you a tour of the place so he doesn’t wonder why I’m there.”

  Armand shoved his hands in his pockets and nodded. “I’ll watch him for signs of guilt.”

  “I’m sure he’s not guilty. He’s a nice man who has a passing interest in me, that’s all.”

  “Have you ever gone out with him?”

  She knew what he really wanted to know. Had she slept with Neil? “No. Believe it or not, I’ve not gone out with Neil or anyone else since leaving home.”

  “Maybe my kiss ruined you for all others?” The corner of his mouth curled upward into a smirk.

  She ignored the comment. “You said you’re going to look for signs of guilt. When did you become a super-sleuth?”


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