Wolves, Witches and Bears...Oh My!

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Wolves, Witches and Bears...Oh My! Page 108

by Nicky Charles

He shook his head, lowering his paw, unsure what to do. She was a human and he couldn’t shift forms in front of her…

  In the shadows he sensed Ryne’s presence. He was hanging back, not revealing himself but ready to act.

  “Armand, let me explain.” Jenna spoke, her voice shaky.

  Armand? She knew who he was even in bear form? He backed away eyeing her warily as she stood up and brushed dirt and greenery from her black clothing.

  “I work with Lycan Link, Armand. I know all about you and the other shifters in the area. Feel free to change form if you wish. It will be easier to talk that way, don’t you think?” She looked him square in the eye, one brow cocked.

  He slid a look towards Ryne who gave a brief nod before stepping back further into the shadows. Jenna hadn’t mentioned the Lycan by name so proceeding with caution seemed advisable.

  “I can see you are still not convinced. I understand. Shifters need to be careful and honour The Keeping.” She gave a soft laugh. “That was drummed into my head as a child even though I was a human. The pack didn’t treat me any differently than the rest of the pups.”

  The pack? She knew of the Keeping? He tilted his head.

  “Yes, I was raised in a pack. And now I work for Lycan Link when they need me.”

  As she explained her role, he began to relax. Not that he liked the idea of Lycan Link checking up on him, but it assured him she was legitimate. He gave a grunt and shifted form.

  “That is so cool. Even though I’ve seen it done a million times, it still takes my breath away.” She shook her head and gave a lop-sided smile. “Anyway, I do apologize for spying on you.”

  “Apologize? You violated my trust and that of the whole town!” He growled the words, his usual calm still buried under adrenaline and his fear for Lucy and Caleb’s safety.

  She took a step back, her smile wavering. “I realize I wasn’t completely honest—”

  “Honest? Maudite merde! You weren’t honest at all! I can’t…” He took a deep breath, his hands clenching at his side.

  “And you’ve trespassed on my land.” Ryne stepped out of the shadows, glaring and using his most pissed-off Alpha tone.

  “Mr. Taylor!” Her gaze darted between them before she set her shoulders and lifted her chin. “I was just explaining to—”

  “I don’t give a flying fuck about your explanations.” Ryne took her by the arm and began to march her towards the house. “You’re on my land. You broke into my house. You likely terrified my child.”


  “I want to know exactly who sent you because, believe me, heads will roll over this.”


  Ryne gave her no chance to explain.

  Armand followed behind, making no comment. He couldn’t believe he’d allowed himself to be deceived in such a way and that his bear hadn’t noticed either. Jenna must be very skilled at deception. Or he’d been so caught up in his own turmoil over Lucy he’d ignored the signs. Or perhaps it was a bit of both.

  The house came into view, the security spotlights making it easy to see. Melody was standing in the front yard and so was Lucy…with the baby in her arms!

  His heart gave a lurch and he almost tripped at the sight.

  Our mate and our cub. His bear’s attention was riveted on them, its nose twitching, taking in their scent, urging him to move faster and gather them close in his arms.

  This was not the reunion he’d planned, with an audience watching and after a harrowing day when everyone was overtired. However, he’d not let this opportunity slip away.

  He stepped forward. “Lucy…”

  The sound of a helicopter approaching had him pausing to look up. It was flying low, getting closer and…it was landing on Ryne’s lawn! Dust and leaves were stirred up into the air, the breeze buffeting the group and causing them to squint. Several persons exited and approached.

  One who seemed to be the leader, spoke. “I’m looking for Ryne Taylor.”

  “That’s me.” Ryne stepped forward. “Who are you and what’s this about?”

  “Scott Baker, Enforcer second class. I’m here to inform you that we have an arrest warrant for one of your pack members, a Daniel Scott Phillips-Rhodes.”

  “Daniel?” Ryne frowned. “What’s he done?”

  “He’s under suspicion of aiding a subversive group known as the Federation for Shifter Equality by passing along security codes.”

  Security codes? It was the damned USB again. Armand shook his head. Could this day get any more complicated? “No, he wasn’t aiding anyone except me. This is all my fault. I asked Daniel to help with—”

  Baker scowled at him. “And who are you?”

  “Armand St. John and—”

  “You’re also wanted for questioning.” Baker jerked his chin and the two men behind him stepped forward and took hold of Armand’s arms.

  “No!” Jenna jerked her arm free from Ryne’s grasp. “This isn’t supposed to happen! Captain Fielding said—”

  “This has nothing to do with Captain Fielding, Ms. Lewis.” Baker flicked a look at Jenna. “He contracted the chopper for you but when we saw the details, we realized there were outstanding warrants for these men.”

  “Warrants?” Armand shook off the men who were holding him only to still when one of them pulled out a gun. He eyed the weapon and then exhaled loudly trying to contain his irritation. If that gun misfired, it could injure Lucy or his child.

  “From who?” Jenna asked.

  “Our orders came from Director Higgins,” Baker stated.

  Ryne snorted. “Higgins stepped down over two months ago.”

  Baker shrugged. “Regardless, those orders have yet to be rescinded and—”

  “—And this is my territory.” Ryne placed himself between Armand and the chopper.

  Baker’s gaze swept over the group. “In times of crisis, the director of Lycan Link has the power to override an Alpha’s territorial rights if it’s considered for the good of all. Those instructions remain in place until formally withdrawn.”

  “Times of crisis?” Melody stepped closer to Ryne. “What crisis?”

  “What’s going on?” Lucy drew the baby closer to her breast as it started to whimper. “Armand?”

  Baker’s head snapped towards Lucy and then Armand. “Do you know this woman? Is she involved?”

  Armand looked at Lucy. He couldn’t drag her into this. Above all else, he needed to keep her and the baby safe. “No. She’s not involved. She is of no importance at all.”

  Chapter 37

  Lucy stared at Armand, completely stunned. To hear him say she was of ‘no importance’ cut directly into her heart. Mel reached out and squeezed her hand, but she didn’t respond. It was like she was frozen, only able to watch her future crumble before her.

  Everything was going wrong. Who were all these people? Why was Armand being arrested? Why would he deny knowing her? She shouldn’t have returned. The old saying was right; you couldn’t go back.

  Officer Baker was speaking. “Come along peacefully, bear. We don’t want any trouble from you; my men are within their rights to subdue you if you resist.”

  Armand’s jaw tightened as he allowed himself to be led towards the waiting chopper.

  Baker put his hand to his ear piece, appearing to listen to a message. He nodded then spoke to his men. “I’ve just received word they have the accomplice. He was found in town outside a local bar. We’ll drop in there and pick him up.”

  “Ryne, they have Daniel! What are we going to do?” Mel’s eyes widened.

  Ryne shot her a look and there must have been something in it that only the two of them understood for Mel nodded and gave a tight smile.

  “I’m coming with you.” Ryne brushed past Baker and headed towards the chopper.

  “But—” Baker started to protest but a rough, animal-like sound erupted from Ryne’s throat and the officer stepped back. “Very well. I suppose it’s your right to hear the charges against a pack member.�

  “Damned right it is!” Ryne snarled at the man before climbing into the chopper and taking a seat beside Armand.

  Baker and the others climbed in as well and the chopper lifted off leaving Lucy, Mel and the other woman, Ms. Lewis, watching it disappear into the night sky.

  “This is utterly ridiculous!” Mel looked around as if she couldn’t believe what had just happened. “Armand and Daniel haven’t done anything wrong.”

  “That’s what my report was going to say,” Ms. Lewis frowned.

  “Your report?” Mel rounded on her. “What have you been up to? How dare you infiltrate our quiet town, get us to befriend you and then spy on us? Not only spy but break into my home!”

  “I’m sorry.” Ms. Lewis winced in the face of Mel’s wrath. “It was supposed to be a simple undercover job, confirming the information Mr. Taylor had already supplied about Armand and Daniel. No one was supposed to get hurt or arrested. You were never to know about any of this.”

  “And our not knowing makes it okay?” Mel planted her hands on her hips. “How would you feel if the tables were turned?”

  “I…” She looked away and then shrugged. “Probably the way you’re feeling right now.”

  “Damned right.” Mel glared at the woman, her lips tight, her eyes shooting daggers.

  Lucy cleared her throat as she clutched Caleb to her chest. She’d brought him outside with her in anticipation of introducing him to his father, but instead they’d ended up in the middle of…well…she had absolutely no idea what! “Um…can someone…anyone…tell me what’s going on here?”

  “Oh Lucy, I’m sorry.” Mel turned to her and gave her a one-armed hug. “I was so upset I didn’t think how lost you’d be.”

  Ms. Lewis looked at her, head tilted. “So you’re the one Armand is head-over-heels for? I’m Jenna, by the way.”

  “I…” Lucy looked at her, having no idea what to say. Half an hour ago, she’d have agreed but now she wasn’t so sure.

  Mel rolled her eyes. “Of course, she’s the one! That baby is Armand’s and he’s besotted with Lucy.” She took Lucy by the arm and led her towards the house. “I know you’re upset about what Armand said but he was just trying to protect you. I’m sure of it.”

  “I am, too,” Jenna added as she followed them into the house. “Armand wouldn’t want the woman he loved to be involved in anything dangerous.”

  Lucy glanced back at Jenna. Why did the woman have an inside track on what Armand would and wouldn’t do? Switching the now awake Caleb to her other arm, she bounced him soothingly while acknowledging she was feeling jealous of the woman. This Jenna person had obviously been hanging around Armand enough to feel she knew him well. But was ‘hanging around’ all that had been going on? Armand’s messages had given no indication there was another woman in his life. Taking a deep breath, she focused on her son who was beginning to fuss.

  Mel noticed as well and started to organize them. “Lucy, you go take care of Caleb and peek in on Grace, too, please.” She flicked a glance at the baby-monitor she was holding. “These things are great but not the same as really looking, right? Once you’re done, head back down here and we’ll discuss what happened. Jenna, you and I will…make some coffee.”

  From the look Mel gave the other woman, Lucy was pretty sure Mel had reservations about Jenna Lewis as well and more than coffee making was going to happen.


  At this point she was so confused she didn’t really care. Armand had been arrested, wild animals were roaming around, someone had broken into Ryne’s house… She headed upstairs only too willing to let someone else be in charge.

  As soon as Lucy was out of sight, Melody grabbed Jenna by the arm and dragged her into the kitchen, well out of earshot.

  “Now what the hell is going on? Who are you really, why are you here and how do you know about us?”

  “One question at a time, please.” Jenna leaned against the kitchen counter, arms folded and answered the questions in succinct terms. “I’ve no idea what’s going on. I work for Lycan Link, I’m actually a pack-raised human. Tonight, I was supposed to be doing my last check on Daniel before submitting my final report. Captain Fielding had arranged for a chopper to drop me off on the widow’s walk—”

  “A chopper landed on my roof?” She was momentarily distracted by the news.

  “No, not on the roof. It hovered low and I fast-roped down.”


  “Fast-roping is a cross between rappelling and a fireman’s pole. You need leather gloves with—”

  “Never mind, it’s not important.” Mel shook her head. “Do you have any idea what’s going to happen to Armand and Daniel?”

  Jenna pulled out her phone. “I’ll contact my handler and see if he can shed some light on what’s happening.”

  Mel made coffee and searched the freezer for cookies left over from the bake-off, while shamelessly eavesdropping on Jenna’s conversation. From the sound of it, Fielding was going to investigate and report back, but the name Higgins had been spoken rather loudly and was accompanied by cursing.

  When Jenna ended the call, she looked at Mel, one brow cocked. “Did you hear all that?”

  “Yes, thank you.” Mel didn’t even attempt to apologize, since she wasn’t in the least bit sorry.

  “Excellent. It saves me explaining all over again.” Jenna took a cup out of the cupboard, making herself at home.

  Mel watched for a moment and then gave a begrudging smile and took out the milk and sugar. “So, what do you propose we tell Lucy? She already saw Armand shift tonight. I pawned that off as her being overtired, but Baker wasn’t watching his words at all. He called Armand a bear.”

  “And mentioned the word ‘pack’ and ‘Enforcer’. What an idiot.” Jenna shook her head as she fixed herself a cup of coffee. “I might have to add an addendum to my report mentioning his carelessness.”

  “It will serve him right if he gets a reprimand.”

  “And whoever gave him his orders.”

  “Yeah.” Mel gave an emphatic nod as she sat down, cradling her cup of coffee. Jenna did the same, a temporary truce between them as they assumed the role of a DC, brainstorming possible explanations for the night’s events that would keep Lucy in the dark as to the existence of shifters.

  Somewhere not far from Lycan Link headquarters…

  Reno blinked blearily and fumbled for the alarm clock beside his bed. Two in the morning? Too early for the alarm. He’d been in the middle of a dream—a great dream about Brandi and himself—when something had woken him. He rubbed his eyes, his sleep-befuddled mind trying to identify the source of the disturbance.

  The noise sounded again and he groaned. Someone at the door. He rolled out of bed, pulled on a pair of sweats and stumbled down the hall. He’d only been home a few hours having just flown in from Chicago where he’d been attending a wedding and visiting his friend, Damien.

  “Keep your pants on, I’m coming.” He grumbled as he gave his head a shake to clear his vision, then checked the peephole in the door. Fielding? What the hell was he doing here at this time of night?

  He opened the door. “Captain? What’s up?”

  Fielding brushed past him and immediately began talking. “Remember that case with the memory stick and stolen codes?”

  He yawned and scrubbed his hand over his face, trying to get his synapses firing. “Yeah. That was back last summer, wasn’t it?” Damn, he needed coffee. Maybe there was some left in the pot from the previous night. Another yawn escaped him, and he shuffled to the kitchen.

  “That’s the case I’m talking about. They’ve arrested the bear and the hacker that were involved.”

  “Arrested?” He turned, the cold coffee sloshing dangerously near the edge of the pot. “Why?”

  “That’s what I said when I got a call from one of my operatives in Stump River.”

  “Operatives in Stump River?” He quirked a brow, then changed his mind and shook his head.
It was too late—or too early depending on your point of view—to get sidetracked on what was likely a complicated situation. “No, don’t tell me.”

  “I wasn’t going to.” The captain nodded towards the coffee pot. “Is there enough in there for two?”

  Reno eyed the cold sludgy brew. “Yeah.” He nuked two mugs of it while the captain brought him up to speed.

  “Remember how Higgins sent out that bullshit news release saying there’d been a security breach, not serious but ‘in an excess of precaution’ access codes were being changed?”

  Reno nodded.

  “Well, he had a burr up his ass about arresting some of those involved. He wanted to let everyone know we actively pursued that matter and were on top of things.”

  “So? Higgins is gone now. Packed up and left with no warning.” Reno removed the mugs from the microwave. “Good riddance as far as I’m concerned.”

  “Yeah, well he left a mess behind; half finished projects, shady finances, his own personal squad of Enforcers carrying out orders that never should have been issued.” He shook his head. “Apparently one of those orders included bringing in the bear and the hacker.”

  “Why? They weren’t involved except in the most peripheral sense. If anything, they helped by making us aware the codes were stolen in the first place.”

  “Exactly. Higgins was an idiot.” The captain nodded and took a sip from his mug. “This is good coffee by the way.”

  Reno tasted his own coffee and made a face. Even by his standards, it was old and barely drinkable. “How the hell did Higgins ever get to be director anyway? He was totally unqualified for the job.”

  “No idea. He probably put up a good front, made friends with the right people on the Council of Elders, did his best to be seen in the right places.”

  “All of which means nothing. He was a pencil pusher. He never worked in the trenches. He was never an Alpha.”

  “Initially, the director was more of a figurehead, a spokesman. Over time the definition changed and more power was assigned to the position.” Fielding leaned back in his chair.


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