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Bandages Page 3

by S. L. Kassidy

  “Hey, honey,” Nicole called out. Seconds later, a cuddly ball of white fur was at her feet. She bent down to pet and hug the pup. “Hey, Haydn! Have you been behaving for Danny? Have you?” she prattled, scratching his ears.

  “He’s been a very good boy today. Took him to the park and actually let him off the leash. He was good. He came when I called and stayed away from any unfriendly dogs. We met a few new people and dogs, and he got to play around with his new friends. We had a good time.” Dane stepped completely out of the kitchen.

  Nicole placed her briefcase securely on top of the end table that was near the stairs. Another lesson they had learned the hard way was that Haydn thought Nicole’s briefcase was a plaything whenever it was within his reach. He knew better than to try that with Dane’s guitar, though.

  Nicole and Dane walked to each other and embraced. As they wrapped themselves in each other’s lips and arms, Haydn bounced around their feet. They pulled away, and Nicole turned her attention to the phone. The blinking light undoubtedly caught her attention.

  “Baby, how often has your mom called here?” The light meant they had voicemail, and she had gone through this enough to know why Dane hadn’t answered the phone. Nicole picked up the phone and went through the call log. Shaking her head, she sucked her teeth. “Dozens. I should’ve known.”

  “Uh…” Dane tried to think of some response to all of those calls. Nothing came to mind.

  “Sweetheart, if you’re not going to talk to her, at least do something about the voicemail. Someone else might call and need to leave a message.” Nicole gave her a teasing smile.

  Dane nodded, scratching the top of her head. “You’re right. Should I listen to them, or should I just erase them?”

  “That’s up to you, love.” Nicole smiled and ran her hand through Dane’s hair because she knew Dane was about to do it.

  Dane pouted. “Not fair,” she pretended to whine.

  “That’s life.” Nicole placed a small kiss to Dane’s moue. “Besides, you know what I’d say, but I’m done interfering in this part of your life. I’ll only step in when you ask me to.”

  Dane snorted. “I’m asking you right now.”

  “When you ask me and it’s something you truly cannot do without me.”

  “Damn you and your fancy lawyer tricks.” Dane huffed and pushed the button to play the messages.

  The first message played. “Uh…hello, this is Christine…I’m calling for Dane. I was just wondering how you’re doing. That’s all.”

  The second message was nearly the same. “Hello, it’s Christine again. I’m calling for Dane. Perhaps you would call me back.”

  Dane groaned and massaged her temples, as the messages droned on and on. “Why the hell can’t she take the hint? I don’t wanna talk to her!”

  By the tenth one, Dane rested her forehead against Nicole’s and prayed for the messages to end. After the fifteenth, she just erased the rest. Sighing, she turned her attention to Nicole.

  “Any advice on what I should do about her?”

  “My first piece of advice would be talk to her if you don’t want her calling so much. If you don’t say anything, she’ll just keep calling with the hope that eventually you’ll respond. I’m sure if you even yelled at her a little, it’d give her pause,” Nicole answered.

  Dane scrunched her face up. “But, there’s no way to just get rid of her?”

  Nicole offered a small smile and her emerald eyes sparkled with sympathy. “I doubt it. But, my guess would be to start with seeing what she wants. If you at least give her that, she might back off if she sees that you don’t want it. But, of course, I also think you should talk to her for your own peace of mind.”

  Dane sighed and nodded. “I know, I know. I just can’t talk to her. Every time the phone rings and I see it’s her, my brain comes up with a million things to do to keep me from answering. The only time I talk to her is when you pick up and then hand me the phone because you don’t check caller ID.”

  A light laugh escaped Nicole. “Well, excuse me for assuming my parents might be calling me at home or your nephews might want to talk to you.”

  “You could still check the caller ID. You know she’s always calling. Anyway, you really think I should talk to her? I mean, over the phone is so impersonal and I always hang up, like I can’t stand the sound of her voice. I dunno…” Dane’s hand glided through her short hair, as her face scrunched again.

  Nicole nodded and placed a gentle kiss to Danny’s cheek, which helped settle her. “I think you’re right. The phone is impersonal and I’ve seen how frustrated you get when you’re on the phone with her.”

  “Maybe I should send her an email.”

  Nicole burst out laughing. “You don’t even have an email address, and that’s even more impersonal than the phone. Do you want me to help you?”

  “Uh…haven’t I been saying that all along? So, where are we gonna hide the body?” Dane chuckled as she rubbed her palms together.

  “I wouldn’t give that sort of help with your mother. Now, your father on the other hand…” Nicole tittered.

  Dane laughed. “Okay, fine. So, what’re you going to do?”

  “Well, first, I’m going to take a shower, and then I’m going to eat dinner. Finally, I’m going to cuddle on the couch with you and little Haydn while watching some pup-friendly movies.”

  Dane laughed again and stepped away. She swatted Nicole on the butt, earning a yelp and a smile from the attorney. “Go do all of that, you smartass.”

  “I will, and then I’ll worry about Christine.” Nicole walked away, making sure to sway her hips as she did so.

  “Tease!” Dane called after her. She could hear Nicole giggling all the way to their bedroom.


  “This is your idea of helping?” Dane asked, as she and Nicole walked down the street. Haydn was on his leash, taking in the sights and smells of a totally new area.

  “What? You said the phone was impersonal. I thought a face-to-face would be best for both of you. This way, you can see if she’s sincere or if she’s just trying to torment you further. Seeing you might also help her get to her point sooner.”

  “Her point? Her point’s to keep harassing me now that I don’t need her at all anymore because I’ve got you.” Dane rolled her eyes.

  Nicole didn’t argue. The galvanizing force behind Christine Wolfe’s sudden interest in her youngest daughter was because she no longer had any excuses to keep tabs on Dane. Once upon a time, Christine was the only person who could get Dane out of trouble—usually a medical emergency. But, after an incident where Dane had shown up on Nicole’s front lawn looking like death warmed over, that changed.

  Dane was now covered under Nicole’s health insurance—something Nicole still didn’t want to discuss at length—so Dane had no need for help in that area. Besides, Nicole would not only pay for medical problems, but stick around to make sure that Dane healed. Christine couldn’t make that claim.

  Not being needed had turned Christine into a needy pest as far as Dane was concerned. While Dane was recovering from being hit by a car, and Nicole acted as her overprotective nurse, Christine tried to speak with Dane more often than Dane wanted. Well, wanted now, anyway. Christine was too late in trying to be there.

  Nicole did plenty of things that Christine couldn’t lay claim to. It was just that, up until Nicole, Christine had been the only game in town when Dane was in serious trouble, like when Dane was beaten and hospitalized a few years ago. If Nicole had been around then, Dane might’ve even healed properly, because someone would’ve been watching out for her. Now, Dane had no need for anyone beyond Nicole and it seemed to bother her mother.

  “Look, it’s just lunch. We’ll eat and when we’re done we’ll take Haydn to the park. Maybe our young man might make some new friends. What do you say to that?” Nicole gave her a bright smile.

  Dane frowned. “Why do you know exactly how to bribe me?”

  With a shrug, Nic
ole gave her another smile. “I dunno. You sleep next to a person for a few months and you just pick up things about them.” She took Dane’s free hand and gave it a squeeze.

  Dane laughed and shook her head. She was now out of excuses and saw her mother waiting for them at the outside café Nicole had picked. At least we can have Haydn with us. It’s one silver lining.

  “Hello, Dane, Nicole. I’m glad you invited me out.” Christine forced out a smile, but her voice shook slightly. She rubbed her hands together before motioning to the empty chairs, silently inviting them to sit.

  “It was our pleasure,” Nicole replied, which was a lie and they all knew it. Still, the couple sat after Dane pulled Nicole’s chair out for her. They were silent for a moment, before Christine glanced down at Haydn.

  “Luke and Thomas were telling me that you have a dog now. He’s adorable,” Christine said with a small smile.

  Nicole glanced over and Dane knew her lover expected her to just open up since Haydn was the perfect topic to discuss. Dane loved talking about their pup. Her eyes drifted down to Haydn, but Dane didn’t sing his praises like she usually would.

  “I gave him to Danny as a birthday present.”

  “Really? He must be a lot of work,” Christine said.

  “He is, but Danny and I enjoy taking care of him. Danny’s especially enjoying it, and she’s very good at handling him. She’s always wanted a dog.”

  “Oh.” Christine couldn’t hide the surprise in her face. The surprise could’ve been from the idea that Dane actually took care of something or that Dane might’ve always wanted a dog. Dane took it as the former since she couldn’t understand why her mother would think the latter.

  “Yeah, believe it or not, I can actually take care of myself, my girl, and a dog. Who knew?” Dane huffed and rolled her eyes. “This is bullshit,” she added in a grumble, folding her arms across her chest.

  “Baby,” Nicole reprimanded Dane softly and patted her thigh to keep her calm.

  “What? We’ve been sitting here for three seconds and she’s already acting like I’m a fuck-up.” Dane motioned to Christine with one hand.

  “You assumed that. Come on, you said you’d try,” Nicole whispered before leaning over and kissing Dane’s cheek.

  Dane sighed. “Fine.” She turned her attention back to her mother. “So, here we are.”

  “Indeed…” Christine sighed. Her eyes went to the table and it seemed like she searched her brain for something to discuss.

  They were all saved for a moment, as a waiter came over to give them menus and take their drink orders. Of course, all too soon, he was gone again and they were left with awkward silence.

  Christine was the one who broke it. “Adam tells me you’ve been spending more time with his boys. They seem to like you.”

  “Yeah, I know it’s hard to believe.” Dane snorted and glanced away for a second. After all, Luke and Thomas were the only people in her family who seemed to like her.

  “Danny.” Nicole gave her another pat on the thigh.

  Dane growled and threw up her hands. “You know, I can’t do this! I just can’t.” She hopped out of her seat and marched off. “Come on, Haydn. Let’s go to the park and chase some squirrels.” The pup gave a yap of approval.

  Nicole sighed and gave Christine a shrug before chasing after her fleeing lover. “Danny, wait for me!”

  Dane slowed down just enough for Nicole to catch up to her. “Sorry for that,” she said as soon as Nicole was by her side.

  “It’s all right. I know this was difficult for you to begin with.” Nicole took Dane’s free hand.

  “Was a good try with the face-to-face thing. You just forgot that I, unlike most human beings, don’t mind making a scene. I think this would’ve worked out if only I didn’t give a shit about hearing what she had to say.” Maybe I’ll never be emotionally ready to talk to her.

  “Is that it? You don’t have an interest in what she had to say?” Nicole asked, as they rounded the block. They were taking the long way to the car, it seemed.

  Dane ran her hand through her hair and then scratched her head. “Not sure. I mean, I do, but I don’t. I feel like if I can avoid talking to her, then I will. I don’t know what to do about that. I just feel like being spiteful to her. I dunno.” She shrugged.

  Nicole squeezed her hand. “It’s okay, honey. Take it as slowly as you feel you need to.”

  “Yeah?” Dane gave her a sidelong glance.

  “Hey, I told you, I’ll support your decisions when it comes to your family. So, I’ll do whatever you tell me to do in regards to them. Well, I might step in with your nephews, because you tend to get immature around them.” She offered Dane a teasing smile.

  Danny laughed. “They get me in trouble!”

  Nicole arched an eyebrow and chuckled. “How? How is it they get you in trouble? I don’t think it’s them shoving chips and cookies down your throat until everybody has a stomachache.”

  Dane smiled and linked their arms together. “One time! Besides, I’m an aunt. I get to be irresponsible. I’d never do that if we had a kid. I’d be really strict.” Whoa. Did I just say that? Be cool, Dane. We’re not even near ready for that. Hell, I’m not ready for that. I can’t even talk to my own mother, so definitely not in the right space to be one.

  Nicole laughed again. “Just like you are with Haydn, huh? Remember when he was rolling around on the sofa? You just encouraged him, scratching his belly like he had done something great.”

  Internally, Dane breathed a sigh of relief. Nicole took it as the joke it was. “Okay, fine, I’d be like having a second kid if we had a kid. But, I’ve got time to straighten out since we’re not having kids anytime soon, right?”

  “No, I don’t think we’re in any state to consider kids, yet.” Nicole played with the ring on her left hand. “After all, we’ve barely discussed marriage, and I won’t have kids unless I’m married.”

  “Well, I don’t need to be married to have kids, but I do think I need to get myself together before I could ever consider it beyond a joke. You’re right, you know?”

  “Right about what?”

  “Christine. I do need to talk to her. I need to hear her out for my own peace of mind and to move forward in some way. Unfortunately, I know if I can run away from her, I will. Don’t know what to do about that. Ideas?”

  “Give me some time to think on it. For now, let’s get back to the car, so we can get this young man to the park to play with his friends.” Nicole glanced down at Haydn. Dane smiled and nodded.


  Dane yawned and sat up from the couch, as she heard the front door open. Leaning over, she tried to see Nicole and Haydn as they came in, but she knew it was impossible. Haydn bounded into the living room seconds later.

  “Hey, there, little guy!” Dane greeted the pup as she leaned down and picked him up. He nuzzled her immediately, and she rubbed him down.

  “I wish you greeted me that enthusiastically.” Nicole smiled as she entered the living room.

  “Well, maybe if you were half as enthused to see me as he is…”

  Nicole chuckled and went in for a kiss. Dane returned the show of affection, while Haydn wiggled out of her arms. She made sure he ended up dropping on the sofa rather than falling the long distance to the floor. With her hands freed, she wrapped her arms around Nicole’s waist.

  “Since we don’t have anything planned and it’s Saturday, what say we just go upstairs and never come back down?” Dane suggested with a lewd grin and a wiggling of her eyebrows.

  A teasing smile lit up Nicole’s face. “And leave your darling Haydn all alone?”

  “We’ll leave some water out for him and just open a whole bag of food. He’ll be fine.” Dane laughed.

  “No, I don’t think that’ll work.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because, you have a play date scheduled in a couple of minutes.”

  Dane’s brow wrinkled. “I do? Didn’t know Luke and Thomas were com
ing over today. I would’ve planned something. Maybe we can play Guitar Hero or something.”

  Nicole chuckled, apparently amused that Dane felt the need to organize activities when her nephews came over. Nicole tried to explain why organizing a house visit wasn’t necessary and, intellectually, Dane understood. When Luke and Thomas were at the house, they almost never did what Dane planned. But, the look in Nicole’s eyes, something like pity, told Dane this wasn’t the play date she thought it would be. Nicole’s eyebrows curled up slightly and green eyes sparkled, wetter than usual. Dane was about to ask about it, but the bell rang.

  “Is that them?” Dane’s smile covered a slight twist in her stomach.

  “Baby, it’s not who you think it is,” Nicole said softly, taking Dane’s hand.

  Dane squinted a bit, studying her lover. “What do you mean? Is it somebody for you?”

  Shaking her head, Nicole glanced down a bit. “No, I’m sure it’s for you. It’s just not your nephews.”


  “Don’t be upset, but you said you wanted to deal with this when you wouldn’t be able to run. You don’t really have any place to go in the house.” Nicole seemed to apologize, and that’s when it hit Dane.

  “Nick, you didn’t,” Dane begged, glancing over at the door.

  “You asked for my help.” Nicole moved to the door to let their company in.

  “If I ask you to shoot me, you gonna do that, too?” Dane huffed, upset by the presence of the person at the door, the idea of speaking to her, the idea of listening to her, and the fear.

  Dane hated the fear inside of her; it was one of the things that kept her from speaking to Christine. She worried her mother’s explanations might make sense, and Dane would then find out that she truly was disposable and unworthy of love. She also feared she might just forgive her mother, which seemed unthinkable. How can anyone forgive abandonment and silent consent to torture? Her guts dropped at the thought she might.


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