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Bandages Page 8

by S. L. Kassidy

  “I don’t know, love,” Nicole whispered.

  “Why can’t I just hate her? Why?”

  “She’s your mother, love.”

  Danny snorted. “My mother. Ignored me for twenty-five years. How can she be a mother? My mother?”

  “Well, in a biological sense.” Nicole wasn’t sure what else she should say.

  “I don’t even want to think about this crap. I feel like I should just think of her as a stranger I just met, but there’s so much crap under the bridge with us.”

  “Well, maybe that’s all the more reason to let it go. How can you move forward if you allow yourself to be chained down by all of these things in the past? I know it might seem like she’s emotionally manipulating you to get back into your life, but maybe she does just want in on your life. Do you want to punish her and deny her? That’s your right. Or do you want to know her? That’s also your right.”

  Danny nodded and then turned her attention back to the meal. Nicole sighed. I want to tell her something to make this all better, but is there anything like that? She doubted there was. So, she ate quietly with Danny.

  “Baby, I need you to know, no matter what’s going on with you and Christine, I’m here,” Nicole said.

  “I know, Chem. Hell, I’m very aware of that, actually. The fact that you’ve stuck around after getting to meet the madness that comes with the Wolfe name…Just know, I don’t doubt you’re here.”

  Nicole smiled a little. “I really wish I could help.”

  Danny shook her head. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll figure it out, maybe. This thing with Christine has been going on for my whole life. I don’t expect this to clear up with one visit. I guess, I just didn’t expect to feel so bananas after one visit either.”

  Nicole nodded. Danny probably didn’t expect her mother to be able to affect her much anymore. This probably just went to a deep desire for Danny to have a mother, or even just a parent figure.

  “Sorry I’m not a better dinner companion.”

  “I’m quite fine with it. I want you to talk to me about these things. I want to know what’s on your mind, like when I tell you what’s on mine. That’s never a bad thing. Ever,” Nicole said.

  Danny nodded. “I’m getting the hang of it.”

  “Take your time. I’m here.”

  Danny nodded again. There was a little of the meal left, but Nicole felt like this was a good time to introduce her gift. Reaching down, she picked up the little box from its secured spot on the floor.

  “Love, I have something for you.”

  “Yeah? More than just this awesome dinner?”

  “Much more. Not too long ago, you made me a promise. I would like to make one of my own.” Nicole held up the box.

  “Nick…” Danny breathed. “You don’t have to.”

  “No, I do. You’re not the only one in this relationship, you’re not the only one who has to improve, and you’re not the only one who wants this to work as best it can. So, this is my promise to you. I, too, want to do better for you. I have to work on myself as well. I want to support you at all times, and I have to know when I’m supporting and when I’m pushing, because I don’t want to push. I want you to know and believe in your heart, I’m always going to be here for you.” Nicole removed the ring and held it up. It was a gold band of an infinity knot.

  Danny swallowed, but didn’t move. Nicole needed to wait. She wanted to see how Danny would wear the ring. Nicole wore hers proudly on her left hand, even though it was just a promise ring. She knew Danny had a love-hate relationship with her left hand and also believed their relationship had a long way to go. Would she be comfortable wearing the ring on her left hand?

  “I knew you’d do this, and I know I said I’d just accept whatever you give me…” Danny took a deep breath. “But, this is still so amazing to me. I sit here and I actually wonder ‘why does she want me?’”

  Nicole smiled. “We fit, baby. I want you for the same reasons you want me. I’ve never met anyone like you. I’ve never had someone support me the way you do. And, everything you do is just so cute.” She giggled a bit, wanting to lighten the situation a little, hoping to relax her love.

  Danny chuckled a little and finally plucked the ring from Nicole’s hand. She eased it onto her left hand and turned it. She smiled at Nicole, who couldn’t help grinning, widely.

  “I think it’s too big.” Danny said.

  Nicole burst out laughing. “We’ll put a catch on it.”

  Danny wore her ring. She wore Danny’s. The idea was heady and beautiful, like the woman across from her. She grabbed Danny’s hand and held firm. She’d be there for Danny because she wanted to be there. She’d support Danny, even when she was quite troubled. She’d love Danny through it all.


  Dane was home alone and Haydn asleep, so she didn’t have any distractions from the boredom she surprisingly felt. Boredom wasn’t something that typically hit Dane, since she enjoyed being sober and domesticated. Sometimes, she just figured she had gotten all of her excitement out of her system when she was a party girl. But most of the time Dane conceded she was always rather boring. Large amounts of cocaine fueled with alcohol, ecstasy, and a raging libido had made her seem more exciting than she was.

  She remembered when she used to get urges to do things. Exciting people didn’t have the urge to do something, because they were typically already doing something, she reasoned. So, maybe it was all of the drugs and sex that had made her seem lively once upon a time.

  “No, that can’t be,” Dane argued with her brain, shaking her head.

  Before the world had lost its luster and then gained a whole new shine, she had been more vivacious than she showed signs of recently. She used to go to clubs every night and not just the clubs she played. She went anywhere there was good music. She saw movies, walked in the city, and played music wherever she could, not just clubs, but anywhere. The rhythm of the world beat through her, poured out of her, carried her, moved her, and she shared it in any way she could with all the people she could.

  “No, I wasn’t getting into gun fights, but I wasn’t boring. Hell, the last few dates me and Nick have been on were with Luke and Thomas. And those were because I had a shitty, nonexistent childhood. I owe my angel more than that. I need to take care of her like she does me,” Dane said, as if saying it aloud would make it happen.

  Nicole appreciated their little routine. Dane did, too. But, sometimes, she was all too aware Nicole wanted more. She was supposed to be rededicating herself to her lover. They had agreed to work on their relationship and they were getting stronger every day, but Dane wanted more. In order for that to happen, she needed to do more.

  She wanted Nicole to never doubt her affections or her intentions, as Nicole had done some months ago. They hadn’t had any real trouble since then, but she knew better than to take that for granted. Being in a relationship, she’d learned there were great times and there were low times.

  She laughed. “Nick’d be tickled if she knew the full extent of my naiveté as far as this relationship stuff goes.”

  Being with Nicole was her first, and only, long-term relationship and she planned to keep it that way. She’d had two girlfriends before Nicole, but the second things went wrong, the relationships were over. She hadn’t been with either of them for longer than a month, while she had been with Nicole for over a year; as friends, they had been together for a year and a half.

  “If I want to be with her another year and more, I need to stop acting like a lump,” Dane muttered, scratching her head.

  Dane started on some romantic plotting. She was rather good at coming up with little romantic evenings, so she had ideas for a date quickly. Nick must be the inspiration for this weird side of me I never thought I could have. She got moving; figuring tonight was as good as any for a date, especially since Nick didn’t have class.


  Dane was dressed in a nice way, not formal, but not casual. She had on black car
go shorts with a sky-blue polo shirt and a midnight-blue vest. She knew Nick would catch on just from seeing her, but it was still a surprise.

  She heard the key in the door at a little after five thirty in the evening, and she ushered Haydn into his crate. He’d be upset to be in the container for the rest of the night, but if she kept the den dark, he’d sleep most of the time. She exited the den, as Nicole entered the house. They came together without words, embracing tightly before kissing on the lips.

  “Baby, why are you almost dressed up?” Nicole asked with a delighted smile. Her emerald eyes shined.

  “Take a guess,” Dane replied with a smile of her own.

  Nicole gave a little giggle. “Do I have time for a shower and to change before date night officially begins?”

  Dane laughed. “It’s not official until you’re ready.”

  Nicole kissed her on the cheek before making her way upstairs. Dane took the time to dim the lights and put on some smooth jazz. She cleared the coffee table to set up dinner there. She felt like the living room was a more intimate setting than the nook in the kitchen. The dining room table would always be too large for them alone.

  She made sure to put the plates close together, so she and Nicole could sit as close as possible. She had a flameless candle, just wanting to test it out to see if it compared to regular candles. Lastly, she went upstairs to the spare bathroom and put a brush through her hair a few times while thinking about Nicole putting her fingers through the inky mane.

  “Hopefully, I do get a little of that. Love Nick’s hands in my hair,” Dane purred as she finished up. She rushed back down to the living room, wanting to be there before her girlfriend. She gave the whole scene a final look as she heard Nicole descending the stairs.

  Dane’s mouth went dry and fell open when Nicole came into view. The redhead was wearing one of her many dresses. It was a deep wine-colored cocktail dress that displayed Nicole’s cleavage in a tasteful manner and made Dane almost drool. It didn’t help that Nicole had on a silver necklace with a simple teardrop charm that dipped into the valley of her breasts. It all but beckoned Dane’s eyes.

  “Danny, are you okay?” Nicole’s impish smirk told Dane that Nicole had dressed in that manner just for her slack-jawed reaction.

  “Huh?” Dane couldn’t function beyond the idea that she could reach out, right now, and feel bare breasts, bare magnificent breasts.

  “Maybe I should change,” Nicole said with a teasing glint in her eyes.

  “Don’t you dare,” Dane hissed. Her hand was already halfway moving of its own accord toward Nicole, and she pulled it back.

  Nicole snickered. “Down, Big Dog. Date first. You’ve got to earn the right to touch,” she teased, wiggling her hips just a bit.

  “What?” Dane whined.

  A smirk curled up one side of Nicole’s face. “You got me to dress up, baby. You have to let me enjoy this for a little while.”

  “Fine. If you insist, but I’m peeling you outta that thing later.”

  Nicole only smiled, but the spark in her eyes promised Dane could do just that. Dane wasn’t sure if she’d be able to make it through the whole date, knowing what would happen at the end of the night. She wanted to get to the end already. Taking a deep breath, she settled her inner passion. Gotta show Chem a good time first. That’s only right.

  She led Nicole over to the coffee table, earning an arched eyebrow from Nicole. Dane flashed a grin that got Nicole to ease herself down to the floor, which was where Dane wanted her. Unfortunately, she didn’t have the good manners to flash Dane. I’m turning into such a little perv. Dane groaned mentally.

  “Oh, lamb chops.” Nicole smiled as she looked down at the meal.

  There were lamb chops, potatoes, broccoli, and carrots. Dane hoped it tasted as good as it looked. Nicole dug right in.

  “Oh, my God, this is so good,” she cooed after swallowing her first bite.

  Dane smiled shyly, just to tease her lover a bit. Nicole giggled at the expression and tugged at Dane’s pant leg to get her to sit down. Dane eased herself down to Nicole’s level and put her hand on Nicole’s bare knee. She savored the soft skin under her calloused fingertips, unable to stop the smile that settled on her face. Nicole reached out and took Dane’s hand into her left hand.

  “This is so sweet of you.”

  “I do my best.” Dane gave a slight shrug before she began eating, a little upset she had to let go of her girlfriend to do so. They ate silently for a little while, exchanging glances and smiles.

  “It tastes very good,” Nicole said, partially through the meal.

  “Thanks. I wanted to try something new. I like lamb when you make it, so figured I’d try. Obviously not the same thing, but pretty good for a first go, eh?” Dane thought Nicole made it better, but it was always good to try new things.

  Nicole nodded. “Very good. You’re really good at cooking.”

  “Well, that’s to be expected since I was somewhat raised by a cook,” Dane shrugged. Well, she spent a few years around a cook, watching him work anyway. “Besides, not hard to follow a recipe. Directions always make it easier.”

  “Stop acting so smug,” Nicole giggled and playfully swatted at Dane.

  Dane grinned. “You like me smug, angel, and you know it.”

  Nicole chuckled, which let Dane know she was right. They went back to eating. Nicole closed her eyes every few minutes and swayed to the music. There were a few low moans that let Dane know her girlfriend appreciated the food, along with the music.

  “How do you like the flameless candle? Doesn’t really touch me the same way regular candles do.” Dane motioned to the candle that somewhat illuminated the table.

  Emerald eyes glanced down. “I agree with you. But, it’s nice to see it in action.”

  The meal finished and Dane moved as quickly as she could to clear the table. Nicole enjoyed the music until Dane returned with dessert—one chocolate ice cream sundae with rainbow sprinkles, fudge, and whipped cream. As Dane grabbed the spoon, Nicole knew what was coming and leaned forward. Green eyes fluttered shut as the cool, rich chocolate touched her tongue, and she practically hummed.

  “I’m gonna make you make that sound later tonight,” Dane whispered and her lover moaned louder.

  “Promises, promises,” Nicole teased.

  “Nick, trust me, the neighbors are gonna complain about the noise.”

  A blush rose to Nicole’s olive-toned cheeks. Dane smirked and made her eyes promise that her words were the truth. They spilt the sundae, giggling and moaning throughout. Dane again cleaned up the mess. When she returned, Nicole patted the empty space on the couch next to her, and Dane wasted no time accepting the silent invitation. She pulled Nicole into her lap. Nicole laid gentle, passionate kisses to her lips. Dane returned each wonderful show of affection, but she didn’t let things go beyond that.

  Glancing at the clock, Dane checked on the time while Nicole began caressing her sides. Dane moved the hands just as sweet lips laced her neck with precious kisses, but Nicole wasn’t to be denied. Dane’s stomach fluttered with each touch of those adoring lips. She purred from the attention, and she forgot about stopping the exploring hands. Just as she was about to surrender to the burning affection, she remembered why she was resisting. She pulled away.

  “Baby, you’re going to give me a complex if you don’t kiss me back,” Nicole said as if she was joking, but there was some truth to it.

  Dane smiled and caressed her lover’s thigh. “Chem, you know if I start kissing and touching you, I’m not stopping. There’s more to this night, before we get to fall into bed and wear each other out.”

  Emerald eyes blinked. “More?”

  “Yup, more. Up to driving us to the movies?”

  “Movies?” Nicole echoed with a scrunched up face.

  “Yeah, movies. Standard date night, angel. Dinner and a movie.”

  “You’re serious? You want to go out for a movie? Not watch one on TV, but to an actual t
heater?” Nicole asked in sheer disbelief. Their usual movie date consisted of sitting on the couch and finding something to watch, because Dane didn’t usually want to go out.

  “Yes, and you need to drive.”

  Nicole seemed incredulous to the idea, but climbed to her feet. Dane put on her sneakers, while Nicole put on her shoes and grabbed a jacket. She also grabbed a hoodie for Dane, which let Dane know her girlfriend was concerned about her wearing shorts to the air-conditioned movies.

  “I’ll be fine, Chem. You know it takes a lot for me to get cold.” Dane wasn’t sure why, but it was always like that. She could take a lot of punishment as far as the outside environment went.

  “Just humor me, baby.”

  Dane could only smile. Arguing was never worth it; she wouldn’t win.


  The couple arrived at the multiplex just in time. Danny already had the tickets, so Nicole didn’t know what movie they were going to see until they got to the exact theater. She gasped when she saw.

  “Danny, I thought you said you’d hang yourself with the shoelaces you don’t have, before you’d see this.”

  “Honestly, my wish upon a star is that they’d used the money that went into this and made something worthwhile, but you wanna see it. I’m okay with that.”

  Nicole laughed. The movie was called Wish Upon a Star. It was a romantic drama. Pretty much a standard chick flick, but it had gotten good reviews.

  “The things you do for me.” Nicole wrapped her arm around her girlfriend’s waist.

  Danny shrugged as she led Nicole to seats in the corner, by the wall. Danny undoubtedly wanted a surface on every possible side of her for when she inevitably fell asleep. Plus in the seat by the wall, Danny didn’t have to worry about people hitting her damaged leg and knee.

  “You want snacks?” Danny asked.

  “No, I’m good from dinner and dessert. Let’s sit.”

  Danny's face scrunched up for a moment, but she did as suggested. They eased into their seats, just as the coming attractions started. A few minutes into the movie, Danny was already curled into the corner. Nicole smiled to herself and took Danny’s hand, holding it tightly. Grey eyes glanced over at Nicole. Danny tried her best to be engaged by the movie, but thirty minutes in, she was nodding off.


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