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Bandages Page 12

by S. L. Kassidy

  Danny smiled a little. “I know. And I know you do it out of love, and now I feel like I can accept it openly, without any second thoughts or underlying emotions. This vacation helped me realize that, and I think I’m more open and ready to accept this from you.”

  “I’m glad,” Nicole whispered with a small smile.

  Danny smiled back. They were able to ride holding hands for a few more minutes. Nicole definitely felt closer to her lover now. They definitely needed to go out more, be it for trips or just dates.


  The couple returned to their room after enjoying dinner and hitting a couple of clubs. They were more under control, but still quite amorous. Dane’s hands leisurely wandered all over Nicole, her mouth on Nicole’s in a slow kiss, and she slightly ground against Nicole’s backside while the redhead opened the door. They stepped in and let the door shut.

  “Sweetheart,” Nicole breathed out the term of endearment. She broke the kiss, so Dane kissed her neck.

  “Yes?” Dane whispered in her love’s ear.

  “I know it’s your surprise tonight, but can we go slow? I want slow tonight.”

  “I will go as slow as you like, my dear.”

  “And showers first?”

  “Of course. You go first.”

  Nicole went to wash off the grime of the day while Dane checked on her surprise. She felt more comfortable with the idea, now, after admitting to Nicole that she was going to let her in more. She wanted them to be able to share everything with each other.

  “Slow should fit this perfectly,” Dane told herself while securing her surprise.

  Nicole exited the bathroom smelling like lavender; Dane loved it. Nicole wore a robe, so Dane suspected her girlfriend had a minor surprise for her, even though it was supposed to be her night. That idea didn’t bother Dane at all, and she went to take her own shower. When she returned, she wore long, baggy, mesh shorts and a tank top.

  “Uh…Danny, are we just going to sleep?” Nicole asked, her eyebrows drawn in close.

  Dane couldn’t really focus on the words her lover said, because Nicole was posed on the bed in a silk, champagne-colored teddy, with her back bowed so that her breasts were on display. Dane practically leaped on the bed, vigorously attacking Nicole with her hands and mouth. Nicole moaned and clutched Dane’s shoulders tightly, holding her in place.

  “You feel so good, angel. Smell good, taste good,” Dane muttered as she rained wet, butterfly kisses on Nicole’s neck and bare shoulders.

  “I love your mouth on me, baby. I love my fingers in your hair. So soft, so beautiful.” Nicole sighed as she combed through thick, ebony locks.

  Dane didn’t say anything, filling her mouth with her girlfriend’s delicious skin. She also occupied her hands with Nicole’s wonderful cleavage, gently kneading and twisting each lovely globe. Nicole moaned again and pulled Dane closer.

  Nicole jumped.

  “Baby?” Nicole’s hands left the sanctity of Dane’s hair and meandered down her body. She moved to explore the curious item that had nudged her thigh.

  Dane tried her best not to squirm. She wanted to give her lover a chance to discover the new terrain. Nicole’s hands were slow, but steady, as they traversed her body. Dane gasped and arched into the curious hands that lingered on her breasts. Leaning over, she nipped and kissed whatever she could reach of Nicole without moving much.

  “Sweetheart, is that…?” Nicole’s hand drifted to the inside of Dane’s thigh.

  “Uh-huh,” Dane replied with what she hoped was a sexy grin but suspected was a slightly dopey smile. Underneath the haze, she was glad Nicole thought her rare goofiness was adorable.

  “Oh, God!” Nicole sounded quite surprised, as she discovered their new toy. A tiny whimper escaped her.

  “I guess it’s safe to assume you like my surprise,” Dane whispered before nipping Nicole’s earlobe.

  Nicole shivered. “Yeah.” She licked her lips. “Forget slow.”

  A lump formed in Dane’s throat. She could see so much trust in those deep, green orbs. She wanted to give Nicole everything she possibly could: all her worldly possessions; all of her love, devotion, and talent, and pleasure that no one else could.

  Swallowing to drive down the lump, Dane was surprised by how strong and assuring her voice came out. “Okay. I need you to not hold back then.” She wanted to give Nicole everything, but she wanted everything in return. She wanted Nicole to let loose, show her true self, and give in to everything she had inside of her.

  Nicole nodded her vow and the mood in the room shifted. Things were suddenly more intense, and Dane felt like she engulfed Nicole, as if they merged into one. Nicole seemed to feel the same and had to hold onto Dane after Dane practically tore their clothes off.

  Dane gave Nicole a hard, fervent kiss. It was different from their usual kisses, but the emotions underneath were more than familiar. Clutching on to Dane tighter, Nicole massaged the musician’s back, as Dane led Nicole to the head of the bed. By then, Dane was fully on top of Nicole, propping herself on one elbow while her hand rubbed up and down Nicole, getting lower with every pass.

  “Danny, please,” Nicole hissed, breaking their kiss. She arched, causing the toy to press against her. Dane hissed as the toy pushed back against her.

  “You want me?” Dane asked, as if she didn’t know. Her right hand eased down between Nicole’s legs, and she hissed again when she felt just how much her lover wanted her. “Dear lord, Nick.” Her fingers couldn’t stop caressing Nicole.

  “Baby, please. I need you so badly. I want you so badly.” Nicole sat up slightly to pepper Dane’s body with wet kisses. Each touch of her lips was like a touch of heaven.

  “You sure?” Dane wanted to melt into Nicole, be one with Nicole, and never separate again.

  “Come on, Big Dog. You know you want to. You have me begging.” Nicole ran her tongue along Dane’s collarbone, causing the musician to quiver.

  “Oh, God, Nick. I need you, too. I need to make you feel good. I need to have you,” Dane growled.

  “I’m all yours. Every single inch, every part, anything that makes me who I am is yours. Do with me what you will.” Nicole tried to pull Dane close to her. Any closer and they would’ve been one being, which would’ve been totally fine by Dane.

  Dane gazed into emerald eyes, seeing deep into Nicole’s soul. Taking a breath, she pushed, linking them together. Nicole moaned, and her nails bit into Dane’s copper-toned, tattooed back. Dane hissed and pushed more, touching deeper, making her lover moan more. Emerald eyes closed in surrender, giving herself to the loving pleasure of Dane.

  “Nick, angel, look at me, please. Look at me and keep us connected.”

  Nicole nodded. “Just don’t stop.”

  “Can’t. Won’t. Love you.”

  Green eyes locked on Dane again. She smiled and placed a gentle kiss to Nicole’s lips, as she started with a tender motion. With each moan from Nicole, Dane dug a little deeper. She wanted to touch all of Nicole, to return all that Nicole had offered to her.

  Soon, looking at each other was impossible, but it didn’t matter. Dane could hear Nicole’s spirit in the sounds that grew more licentious with each stroke. She could feel Nicole’s love and desire in the bite of her nails, as they clutched her back and tried desperately to pull her closer.

  Nicole began kissing Dane’s shoulders, neck, ears, and anywhere else that her mouth could reach. Dane roared in response and drove her hips just a little harder.

  “God, Danny, yes,” Nicole screamed, arching off the bed to meet each thrust that was a little more powerful than the last.

  “You going to heaven, angel?” Dane panted. She knew. The toy pressed against her enough, but the thing really getting to Dane was Nicole’s reaction to the experience.

  “Take me there, baby. Take me there,” Nicole panted.

  Dane had no choice but to obey. Her mind was enthralled by the smell of Nicole’s arousal, her soul delighted by the feel of her lover’s
hands, and her own body possessed by the sounds Nicole made. Even though Nicole had been the one to offer herself to Dane, it was Nicole who was in complete control.

  Dane adjusted their bodies to allow Nicole to experience more. She pushed herself up on both arms, and Nicole locked her legs around Dane’s waist. Using her legs, Nicole pulled Dane closer, and the musician growled as she fulfilled Nicole’s silent demand. Faster and deeper called forth more moans and scratches.

  “Oh, God, Danny,” Nicole screamed so loud Dane was certain the entire hotel heard. They certainly heard when Nicole bit down on Dane’s shoulder.

  “Fuck!” Dane shuddered and collapsed on her girlfriend.

  The next few seconds were a complete blur. Dane lost herself in her lover, totally unaware of anything beyond the pleasure of taking Nicole to the edge and then falling off herself. The sensation of fingers gently rubbing her back and tender kisses to her sweat-covered neck brought Dane back to herself.

  Dane sighed. “Chem, love, that’s never happened to me before. You’re a-fucking-mazing.”

  Nicole giggled. “Does that mean I’m amazing to fuck?”

  A tired grin conquered Dane’s face. “Damn right. Even though, this definitely didn’t feel like fucking.”

  Smiling, Nicole gave her another soft kiss to the neck. “No, we made love here. I think we always make love, baby, no matter how we do it.”

  Dane couldn’t disagree with that. “Yeah, that was one of the reasons why I wanted to try it like this, just to see if using a toy with you would be different and special like always, which it was. Speaking of like this, I can’t possibly go again after you literally knocked me out.”

  “Don’t worry. You’re not the only one that can’t go again. I’m probably going to be a little sore since I haven’t…well, your fingers are great and all, but they’re not this big.”

  Dane laughed when she noticed her girlfriend was blushing. “No, they’re not.”

  Dane moved enough to lift off of Nicole and slid out of her lover, earning moans from the redhead. Dane rolled over onto her back, and Nicole wasted no time cuddling into her side. Dane made as few movements as possible to get rid of her toy. She tossed it on the floor.

  “So, what other reasons went into you picking this surprise?”

  “Well, I figured since you’ve dated both men and women, you’d appreciate the change. I know you like penetration, too. Won’t lie. I also wanted to show you my skills with a strap-on.” She liked to think she was damn good.

  Nicole chuckled. “You’re very skilled. I’m guessing you’ve used it before.”

  “Not gonna be stupid and tell you how many possible times, but I’ve had chicks that only wanted me with the dildo. I’ve had chicks that wanted some crazy things from me, which is why I always try to tell you that you can do whatever you want with me. First off, everything about you turns me on, and it’d be a pleasure to do just about anything with you.”

  Nicole nodded. “I think I bit you pretty good.” She massaged the area she’d sunk her teeth into.

  “Good. Bite me all you want. The bite was what did it for me, that and knowing I made you let go. Shit, that was probably what knocked me out. It was mind blowing to know I could make you feel so good that you let loose and bit me.”

  “It felt so good.” Nicole shuddered in remembrance. “So, nothing in bed squeaks you?”

  “Now, I didn’t say that. I’m willing to do anything with you, but there have been things that squeaked me. Every now and then, I’d run into a woman who’d want to call me Daddy in bed.” Dane groaned at the thought.

  “Daddy?” Nicole echoed in disbelief. “I can’t even imagine that. Did you let them?”

  “Yeah. Worse than that were the women who wanted me to call them Daddy. With my father issues, they really didn’t know what they were asking of me,” Dane sighed, shaking her head.

  Nicole had to sit up a little to look her lover in the face. “You called them Daddy?”

  Dane shrugged. “They had the beds and the food. After I left home, I’d do anything for food and shelter. Calling some woman Daddy was better, by far, than being beaten by my actual father. Being numb had helped.”

  “That’s true,” the lawyer conceded and settled back down.

  “Does anything in bed squeak you?” Dane had noticed that, during sex, whenever her hands drifted toward Nicole’s ass, her girlfriend tensed. She hoped to learn why.

  “Several things,” Nicole admitted in a small voice.

  Dane put her arm around her lover’s shoulders and pressed her closer. “You don’t have to tell me all of them. I only gave one, so that’s all you need to do. It’s something we can take time to discover about each other.”

  Nicole nodded. “Is there something you want to know about?”

  “Uh…why do you get scared if I touch your butt when we make love?”

  Nicole’s brow furrowed, and her eyes looked downward for a moment, focused on the crumpled linen. “Oh. I didn’t realize. But, that is a valid question. Back in college I had a jerk boyfriend, which shouldn’t be a surprise.”

  “What did he do?” Dane caressed her lover to help keep them both calm. She doubted this would be a pleasant story for either of them.

  “He always wanted to…well, let’s just say he was fascinated with my ass and wanted to do things to it. I didn’t want that and told him so, but still, it was a frequent conversation with him. One night, while were in bed and I was on top, he grabbed my ass, which was fine, but then, the next thing I know, he’s trying to stick his big, fat finger some place it wasn’t wanted. I practically flew off of him.”

  Dane bit back a frown and nodded. She supposed that made sense. She could understand why Nicole tended to want the bottom whenever they were in the missionary position. Yes, Nicole might like the feel of Dane on top of her, but she was literally protecting her ass, too.

  “What an asshole! No pun intended,” Dane said.

  “He was. We broke up that moment,” Nicole replied.

  “You should’ve broken his goddamn dick and fingers! Stupid prick.”

  Nicole smiled. “Thanks for the righteous indignation. I appreciate it. I’ve actually never told anyone that before. It felt good to tell you.”

  Dane’s fingers danced across Nicole’s skin. “Glad you shared and you felt safe enough to share. I want us to be able to share stuff like that.”

  “I want that, too. I want us to be confidants and to trust each other not just to tell each other stories of the past, but also to share thoughts, dreams, and everything.”

  Dane smiled. “Definitely want that. So, first things first, trust that I will never, ever, ever stick my fingers anywhere without your permission, especially somewhere like your ass. I mean, who the hell does that?” She rolled her eyes and snorted.

  Nicole chuckled and kissed her lover’s shoulder. “Thank you for that. And, just for the record, you have permission to touch me all you want, everywhere, because I know you’d never do anything to make me uncomfortable like that. If I ever told you no, I know you’d stop.”

  “Damn right.” Dane pulled Nicole closer. “And just so you know, you can touch me anywhere you want, ass included. I thankfully have never had anybody try to go there by surprise.”

  “They were too busy calling you Daddy,” Nicole said, earning a laugh. “And just so you know, I’m never going to call you Daddy.”

  “Thank you, sweetheart!” Dane kissed the top of her head. “I’ll never call you Daddy either.”

  Nicole laughed and then yawned. They were both fading, so they kissed each other goodnight and fell asleep. Hopefully, tomorrow would be just as great.


  The next morning, Nicole blushed and Dane laughed when they left their room at the same time as the couple next door to them, who inquired which one of them was Danny. Dane admitted it and earned a high five from the guy. Nicole almost passed out from embarrassment. Somehow, she recovered enough to carry on with their day.
br />   ***

  “This is an art festival? Guess I now understand the saying ‘I don’t know art, but I know what I like.’ I don’t like this,” Danny remarked, as she and Nicole walked around the park. They held hands, ignoring occasional looks from others attending the flea-market disguised as an art fair.

  Nicole smiled. “You’re so judgmental about art. You’re the same with movies and music, too. Are you like this with books?”

  “I’m not judgmental. I know about music, like you know law or chemistry. So, I know when music is a piece of someone or some bullshit produced to make a quick buck. That’s how I feel about movies sometimes, and other times I can enjoy commercial junk just like anybody else. This is amateur art, probably full of heart and soul, but still not that great.”

  Nicole laughed, but nodded. The art was subpar, but she didn’t expect much from a small-town art festival. There might be a couple of diamonds in the rough, but they were buried deep in a vast desert of mediocrity. Still, they walked around for a couple of hours.

  “That was damn near painful,” Danny said, as they finally left the art festival.

  Nicole laughed. “It was pretty bad. I honestly thought it would be better since it’s an annual event.”

  “Maybe some years are better than others.” Danny offered a supportive smile.

  “Thanks for that. Let’s go get some food.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  They had an early dinner and retreated to their hotel room. They didn’t bother pretending they wanted to spend their last night hanging around outside. They wanted to be together, alone.

  “What should we do?” Danny whispered before placing several caring pecks to Nicole’s wanting lips.

  “Combine our surprises?” The very idea made Nicole quiver. I really like exploring things with Danny.

  “You have the best ideas,” Danny purred.

  Nicole attacked Danny’s tongue with her own. Dane moaned, and their hands groped wildly, almost as if they were trying to tear each other apart. They frantically removed each other’s clothes, moving around the room with no direction in mind. Danny ended up against the wall, hissing against Nicole’s lips. She grabbed Nicole by the back of the head, and kept her close until their lungs demanded otherwise.


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