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Bandages Page 19

by S. L. Kassidy

  “Oh, this is cool.” Dane took a look around.

  The cabin was small, but had all of the essentials. There was a kitchen area that Nicole had paid extra to have fully stocked for the four days they’d be there. The living room was cozy with a fireplace and cushy carpet as well as a plush sofa.

  “Thank God it doesn’t have one of those moose or deer heads hanging on the wall or a bear skin rug.” Dane sighed in relief.

  Nicole laughed. “I checked about that when I called, all too aware that you wouldn’t have approved having dead animals or representations of dead animals as decor.”

  Dane went to inspect the bedroom and bathroom. “Babe, is this a Jacuzzi?” Dane called from the bathroom, the grin evident in her voice.

  “Yes, it is,” Nicole chirped, but, she burst Dane’s bubble. “Put the bags down and let’s go. We still have a few hours of sunlight to burn, so let’s go skiing.”

  “Skiing?” And now the grin became a pout.

  “Yes, we’ll get in the hot tub when we come back.”

  Dane walked out with an adorable pout on her face that Nicole kissed away. The show of affection worked and Danny was smiling when Nicole pulled away. She dragged Dane out the door, so they could hit the slopes.


  By the time Dane got her skis on, she realized she didn’t like skiing and knew she wouldn’t be able to do it. She was uncomfortable just standing in the damned things, and she wasn’t even sure that was because of her leg. She kept that to herself because Nicole wanted to ski, and she’d be damned if she was going to ruin something that her girlfriend wanted. She couldn’t really move, even with Nicole coaching. Grunting, she decided to go it alone, so that her partner could enjoy the couple of hours of sunlight that was left.

  “Angel, you can go ahead. I can figure this out on my own.” Dane wobbled and lost one of her ski poles. If Nicole would leave, she could just take the skis off and stop troubling her leg and knee.

  Nicole smiled softly while retrieving the pole. “I’m not leaving you, baby. Skiing is the secondary reason for me suggesting a trip up here. The primary reason was to spend time with you. So, I’m not leaving you.”

  “But, you’ll miss your chance to ski.”

  Nicole continued to smile. “Weren’t you listening to me?”

  Dane smiled back. Why try to fight? She turned her energy to trying to figure out how to at least stay on her feet with the skis. It took over thirty minutes for Dane to feel comfortable standing on her skis and by then her knee throbbed. She managed a shuffle to move, and Nicole acted as if it was the greatest thing Dane had done in the history of history. She threw her arms around Dane and kissed her chilled cheek.

  “Now, to get you on the bunny slope.” Nicole patted Dane on the shoulder.

  “I get the feeling this isn’t going to involve the type of bunnies I’m thinking of.”

  “You better be thinking of cute, little baby rabbits because any other bunny will involve you sleeping on the couch for the rest of the trip,” Nicole countered with a mock glare.

  Dane let out a loud laugh. “Of course, cute, little baby rabbits! You know I love animals!” She threw in a monster grin for good measure.

  Nicole smiled, letting Dane know everything was all right. They slowly made their way to the bunny slope, where Dane promptly embarrassed herself by falling on her face every single time she tried to ski. After the fifth fall, she just laid in the snow. Her knee and leg were happy for that.

  “Hopeless,” Dane huffed.

  “You’re not hopeless, baby. This is just your first time. You’re doing fine. How’s your leg feel?” Nicole helped Dane up for the fifth time.

  Dane didn’t want to admit her leg ached from being forced to stand in the unforgiving, unbending ski boot. “I’ll live.”

  Nicole smiled, as if she expected that evasive response. “And your clothes? Are you warm?”

  Nicole had practically dressed Dane before they left, because Dane had never been in so much snow before. The city had snow, but not feet worth of it. She layered Dane’s outfit in ways Dane hadn’t imagined, mostly because Dane layered by style rather than necessity now. She had also forced gloves and a funny—in Dane’s opinion—hat onto her, which Dane had fussed about, but was now happy for.

  “I’m good. You?” Dane asked, just to be sure since Nicole got cold so much easier than she did.

  “I’m fine. Ready to try again?”

  Dane couldn’t resist the twinkle in those emerald orbs. So, she tried again until she didn’t fall. But, by then Nicole had lost any chance she had to actually ski. Yet, Nicole was grinning, as they made their way back to the cabin. Dane wasn’t sure how the hell she had managed that one time of not falling. She didn’t consider moving a very short distance of a few feet “skiing” as Nicole seemed to. Still, she wouldn’t say anything to ruin Nicole’s good time.

  “I see you limping,” Nicole pointed out.

  “I’m fine,” Dane grunted.

  “Fine?” Nicole arched an eyebrow.

  “Not totally fine considering I’m soaked,” Dane complained, pulling at her clothing, which now clung to various parts of her body.

  “Is that because of me?” Nicole teased, wiggling her hips while opening the cabin door.

  Dane groaned. “Don’t point that thing at me unless you want naughty things done to it, you little minx.”

  “Maybe if you’re good, I’ll let you touch it.” Nicole turned around to wink at her lover.

  Well, now Dane definitely was soaked. She didn’t understand the how or why, but one well-placed look or move from Nicole turned her on more than the dozens of women she had been with that would’ve done anything—no matter now degrading or crazy—to please Dane. Does being emotionally attached make such a huge difference? She wasn’t sure for other people, but for her, all signs pointed to a giant, flashing yes!

  “You go get out of those wet clothes, and I’ll make us a snack and get some ice for your leg.” Nicole smiled as the heat greeted them from inside the little cabin.

  Dane was going to argue; after all, she was the housewife. She was supposed to prepare the meals. But, a stern look from her girlfriend stopped her words. Not to mention, she really did want to get out of her wet clothes as soon as possible.

  Peeling herself out of all of her ski clothes, Dane took a hot, ten-minute shower. She put on her pajamas, since she doubted Nicole would want to drive anywhere in the dark and in the snow. She rejoined her lover just in time to not be able to help with the snack.

  “Grilled cheese? Yum!” Dane grinned.

  “I made tea with it if that’s all right,” Nicole said.

  “Of course, it’s all right. Wanna watch a movie?”

  Nicole nodded. “After I take a shower and you ice that knee.”

  Dane did as ordered. Nicole disappeared into the bathroom for about fifteen minutes. Dane’s leg felt better by the time her lover sat next to her, smelling lovely and wearing her pajamas. They cuddled on the sofa while enjoying their sandwiches and tea. Dane picked a movie they had already seen, but that they had enjoyed. When they were done with their snacks, Dane threw away their paper plates. Two hours later, the movie was over and it was close to dinnertime.

  “Want me to make something?” Dane offered.

  “No, baby, I got it,” Nicole said, as she stood up.

  “You sure?”

  “Positive. It’s your vacation, too. Take a break from the things you usually do. Listen to some music. Hell, write some music. Enjoy yourself.”

  Dane smiled and nodded. She went to retrieve her guitar—she rarely left home without it—along with her notepad. Parking herself back on the couch, she strummed a few chords before Nicole was back in the living room.

  “Want me to light a fire?” Nicole nodded to the fireplace.

  “Yes, please. Are we going to drink wine, too?”

  Nicole chuckled. “Only if you want to, baby. Is that something you saw on TV or is that a real life thin

  “I saw it once between Henry and Lynn—the Briarmoors. They kept me one time, and I guess they’d planned a date or something, but they kept me anyway. Anyway, Lynn put me to bed in my room.”

  Emerald eyes were so wide Dane was scared her girlfriend would lose them to gravity. “You had a room? You were there so much that you had a room? God, baby.” A muffled gasp escaped Nicole as she covered her mouth with her hand.

  Dane waved it off. “It’s okay. They were cool about it. Anyway, I got put to bed. She even read me a story, probably to keep my little butt in bed. Didn’t work. I heard ‘em talking and wanted to know what they were doing, so I crept my little body downstairs and saw them sitting by a fire with wine.”

  A teasing grin spread across Nicole’s face. “Do I even want to know how this story ends?”

  “This is probably my only cute little kid story, so yes, you want to hear how it ends.” Dane playfully puffed out her cheeks.

  Nicole giggled. “Oh, a happy ending then?”

  “Yeah.” Dane smiled a bit. “I was six when this happened, but l remember it so clearly.” She took a breath and it was almost like she was back there. “I was a quiet kid. I’m talking ninjas could’ve taken lessons from me. So, I managed to get real close to them. Could’ve touched Henry with my fat little finger, and then Lynn saw me as she was leaning in for a kiss. Damn near jumped out of her skin.”

  Nicole chuckled, her hair bouncing as her shoulders shook. “I can imagine, since you should’ve been in bed.”

  “Yeah. I got scared for a second because Lynn looked mad when she looked at me. I damn near pissed myself.”

  “Hey, I thought you said this was happy.”

  Dane laughed. “It is. Lemme finish. So, I was scared out of my mind and then out of nowhere, they both laughed and hugged me. I got a cookie, another bedtime story, and a great memory.”

  “Wow that is a cute story. I wish you had more of them.” There was a moment of silence as Nicole seemed to struggle with her thoughts. Her eyes searched the floor, and she started working on the fire.

  “Chem, you okay?”

  “Yeah, you enjoy your time. I’m going to go check on dinner.”

  The redhead rushed off, leaving Dane confused. She ran her hand through her hair. Did I say something wrong?


  Nicole finished up in the kitchen, avoiding Danny for almost twenty minutes. She actually stayed with the Briarmoors enough for her to have a room in their home? Nicole couldn’t wrap her mind around it. But, if they kept her so much, why did she miss out on so many things from childhood? Were they just babysitting? If they were, she didn’t understand why they had made a room for Danny. But, she didn’t have the answers and she wouldn’t get any hiding in the kitchen. She didn’t want to bombard Danny with these questions, though.

  She went back to the living room with a plate of lasagna for Danny, one for herself, and some toasted bread. She went back in the kitchen for beverages. She placed those down and sat quietly to eat.

  “Hey, angel, did I do something?” Danny asked in a low voice, eyes on her plate.

  Nicole blinked. “Did you do something? Why would you ask that?”

  “Because you stopped talking, and you walked out. Was there something sad in the story that I didn’t realize? You know, sometimes I don’t realize something’s sad because I don’t know any different.”

  “Oh, baby, no!” Nicole shook her head. “It was a cute story, like you promised. But, it just made me curious. You don’t talk much about your time with the Briarmoors. Why? I didn’t even know they existed before your mother brought over those pictures.”

  Dane nodded, but there was sorrow in her slate eyes. “Guess I’d just rather forget it all, the bad and the good, from when I was younger. I mean most of the good I missed out on, anyway. My memories start at four, and I think I smoked most of those away. Besides, what good does it do to remember them? They’re still gone. So, you…you got quiet because you wanna know more about Henry and Lynn?”

  The nod was so slight that Nicole was barely aware she’d moved. Danny had to have seen it, though, because she smiled. She caressed Nicole’s leg. “Anything in particular you wanna know?”

  Nicole let out a sigh before she realized it. There was so much she wanted to know, but she didn’t want to trouble Danny. Besides, she doubted Danny could answer some of her questions. “No, just tell me some things about them,” Nicole requested with a small smile.

  Danny nodded and began eating. Nicole did the same, knowing her girlfriend would get started at her own pace. Before that, though, Danny had to let her know how “freaking delicious” dinner was. Nicole laughed, but took the compliment.

  “I don’t really know what to say about Henry and Lynn. They were just the neighbors, but I found myself often at their house. Henry sometimes watched cartoons with me, while Lynn would read to me. They fed me snacks and dinner. They helped me with homework and stuff. One of the last things that they did for me, before sending me back to the folks, was go to a parent-teacher conference for me.”

  “They went?” Wait, they cared enough to go to parent-teacher conferences, but never threw her a birthday party? I don’t understand. Who are these people? Maybe they did and Danny doesn’t remember. She doubted that, though.

  Danny nodded. “Yeah, they were the ones that cared. My grades had dropped really bad. It sucked at home. By then, Michael and Rachel were beating on me, too, and saying horrible stuff. Rachel was convinced I didn’t belong in the house. Russell had moved onto doing some bad stuff, too. Hitting me with his hands wasn’t enough, cursing at me for just existing, and making me feel like I was the worst thing to ever happen to anyone. I was getting into liquor cabinets and drinking already. It was just really bad. My teacher at the time wasn’t really sympathetic to my plight. She was really disrespectful to the Briarmoors. She had the nerve to ask who they were when they came up. And when they told her they weren’t my parents, she was a real bitch.” Danny’s face twisted into a sneer.

  “So, what happened?”

  Danny shrugged. “She told them she couldn’t discuss me with them, because they weren’t my legal guardians. They were pissed because that was total bullshit. I’m sure it was one of the many reasons they returned me.”

  “Baby, don’t say it like that. You weren’t some broken instrument returned to neglectful owners. You were a child with large, adult-sized problems. I’m sure they had good reasons for…” Nicole wasn’t sure how to say it without sounding callous. But, these people didn’t sound like the type to “return” a child. Something more must’ve happened.

  Danny smiled a bit. “Thanks for trying, Nick, but it’s cool. It hurt for a long time, feeling abandoned again, but when I got older, I was able to let go by reminding myself that I wasn’t their kid, and they did more for me than any other people on Earth—until you. They didn’t owe me anything.”

  “That’s true.” Sometimes, Danny surprised Nicole with how mature her thinking could be, even when her actions were very immature.

  “But, anyway, I had good times with them for the short time they had me. Got my love of dogs from them, definitely. They came to a couple of my concerts. Played a few games with me. Henry was the first to find out I suck at sports. Couldn’t catch a ball to save my life.”

  Nicole smiled. “They sound like good people.”

  “They were.” And that was the end of the subject.

  Nicole was fine with Danny not talking about the Briarmoors anymore. While they were a bright spot for her lover, they didn’t seem to have been a constant source of good, only being in her life for a short period. If that was enough for Danny, then it would be enough for her.

  “This was good.” Danny sopped up her last bits of lasagna sauce with a piece of bread.

  “You want seconds?”

  “Nah. That’ll just put me to sleep and I have miles to go before I sleep.” Danny smirked.

  “Quoting Robert Frost now, are we?”<
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  “You know you like it.”

  Nicole giggled flirtatiously and batted her eyes at Danny, just to tease her a little. The heated look that ignited in those smoky orbs caused a fire in Nicole’s belly. She didn’t even taste her food as she finished. She took care of the trash, returning to the kitchen to get them a treat. She could hear Danny strumming her guitar.

  When she went back to the living room, she discovered Danny was singing softly to herself. She paused to listen, even though she couldn’t make out the lyrics. Danny glanced up just as Nicole was about to lose herself in the music.

  “Babe, what is that in your hand?”

  Nicole smiled. “This is a little treat for both of us. I think it works after your little story.” In her hands, she held a half glass of wine for each of them.

  “You trust me enough to have wine?” The question was a tease. While Danny didn’t usually drink, she indulged in small amounts on very special occasions. Nicole had only recently learned to live with that and not feel like her lover was going to transform into a raging drunk.

  Nicole gave her lover a sexy smile. “Just a sip.”

  “Oh, gonna want way more than a sip.” The look in her eyes went from burning to supernova, and Nicole almost lost control of her legs.

  “Come sit by the fire.” Nicole sat on the rug. She put Danny’s glass down where she wanted her partner to sit.

  Danny didn’t need to be told twice. She was up in a flash and in the spot just as fast. Nicole smiled and tipped her glass to Danny who mimicked her actions. They reached out to touch their free hands, and Nicole’s pinky caressed the top of Danny’s hand. They quietly sipped the wine for a few moments.

  “This is sweet,” Danny said, possibly referring to both the wine and the moment.

  “It is,” Nicole agreed.

  “But, I’ve had my sip and I don’t like the glass. I need something more substantial.”

  Nicole wasn’t sure what her partner meant, but the way Danny rolled the word substantial on her tongue made her heart beat a little harder. Danny turned to take Nicole’s wine glass from her, setting it down an arm’s length away. She then made short work of Nicole’s clothes. It all happened so quickly that Nicole could only make squeaks of protest.


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