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Bandages Page 22

by S. L. Kassidy

  “Oh, yeah? Like what?” Nicole demanded with a laugh.

  “Oh, like take you to the Museum of Classical Art on Saturday, if you’re interested,” Dane replied with a smile.

  “The Museum of Classical Art?” Nicole echoed as if she didn’t know what that was.

  “Yes, you wanna go?”

  “Yes. Please, yes.” There was that smile in her voice again.

  “Told you I could do things for you that your girlfriend never dreamed of.”

  “Be careful what you say about my girlfriend. She’s very tall and can probably beat you up,” Nicole teased.

  “Bet she’s not that tough. I could probably take her on with one hand and not break a sweat.”

  Nicole laughed. “I doubt that.”

  They ended the conversation on that note. Dane took the time to see what else the Museum of Classical Art offered, beyond classical art, and was surprised to find that it was basically a museum dedicated to the classical period. Some of the things listed on the website seemed interesting.

  “I guess I’ll know how interesting they are when I see them in person.” She looked forward to the visit.


  “Are you sure we have to leave this early?” Dane groused while pulling on her bomber jacket over her other jacket. It wasn’t really early, but earlier than she thought they’d leave.

  “Yes, that museum is huge and we’ll want to see a lot.” Nicole grinned, a sparkle in her eyes.

  “When was the last time you were there?”

  Green eyes glanced up at the ceiling, as Nicole thought about it. “Almost ten years. I’m long overdue for some culture,” she giggled.

  “Guess that makes two of us, since I’ve never been.”

  “No, you have your music to make up for it. You’ve had much more culture than I have. Now, let’s get going. I’m sure you’ll like the museum. It was awe inspiring the last time I went.”

  Dane shrugged and laughed a little, as she followed Nicole out the door. They didn’t have to worry about Haydn since Dane’s nephews had volunteered to take him for the day. Actually, Adam wanted to see what it was like to have a dog and to get an idea if the boys were old enough for the responsibility. Dane was more than ready to put Adam back on her shit list if he messed up with their pup.

  “You act like the museum will close before we get there,” Dane teased. Nicole fumbled her keys, as she unlocked the doors for the car. “Calm down, Chem. Nobody should almost drop a simple button to open the car.”

  “I just want to see as much of the museum as possible, because I know it’ll be a while before we return.”

  Dane smiled. “You said we.”

  “Of course, I said we. We’re going to go together again, right?”

  The musician nodded. “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”


  A stream of people filled the museum, when the couple arrived. Danny paid since it was her date idea, which earned her a sweet kiss on the cheek. Nicole linked arms with Danny and proceeded to grab a map to help them on their journey.

  “So, where would you like to begin? They have art and artifacts from all over the world here, most of it from ancient times.” Nicole grinned.

  “Is it broken up by country?” Danny asked, looking around the place like an over-stimulated kid. She seemed a little amazed by how big the museum was.

  “No, it’s split in many different ways. Some things are grouped by country, but there are also mediums, tools, designs, items, and such.”

  “I guess they’re talking about ‘classical’ in a broad sense,” Danny muttered, running her hand through her hair.

  Nicole laughed a little. “Yes, I’m sure it is in the broad sense. Classical meaning before the medieval period, I suppose. What do you want to see first?”

  “Doesn’t matter to me. I’m following you.”

  “How about we start with ancient weapons and work our way further in? Hopefully, we’ll go all the way around and come out through an exhibit on ancient Egyptian tombs.”

  “So…it’s art in the broad sense as well?”

  Nicole chuckled. “Stop being so picky. Do you want to start with ancient weapons or what?”

  Danny smiled. “Sounds cool.”

  They set off to their left and entered a chamber displaying all types of weapons from ancient times. Each one had complex, complicated designs on some section of the weapon. They both paused at display after display, studying the artifacts and reading any little tidbits of information that were around.

  “How long do you think it takes to do something like this?” Danny asked after a long stretch of silence between them. They stared at a collection of swords with designs, along with precious metals and gems, on the scabbards, hilts, and blades.

  “I have no idea. I’ve never had to create something like that,” Nicole laughed.

  “Smart ass.” Danny smiled and clutched Nicole’s hand just a little tighter.

  They continued on, eventually coming to a section with silk kimonos. Again, they paused at every display, which also had combs and hair accessories in cases with the robes. By the time they made it to the next exhibit, Danny held Nicole just a little bit closer.

  “You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?” Nicole asked her.

  “Oh, yeah, this is cool. I mean, I’m actually into history and stuff. Usually, it’s just the history of some kinda music, but coming here is making me see things a little differently. This is an art museum, so I expected paintings and stuff, but we haven’t seen a painting yet. Art is more than I thought and I realize I should look at art the way I look at music. Maybe even look at the world as art, like I look at music,” Danny tried to explain, but she ran a hand though her hair before she was even done. “Or something…I dunno.”

  Nicole gave her a teasing smile. “You do know music is art, right.”

  Danny laughed. “I know. I just never bothered to look at art really beyond music. Maybe because I play music. I dunno. Music always touched me, but something about seeing how vast art is…it’s touching.” She tugged Nicole closer to her, wrapping both arms around her waist.

  “I’m glad you’re looking at it that way. I can’t really appreciate the art that way, but it’s interesting to hear the way your mind works,” Nicole replied as they moved on.

  Danny’s face scrunched up. “How do you appreciate art?”

  It was Nicole’s turn to look bewildered and stumble through what she hoped would sound like an explanation. “Well, first, there’s the respect for anyone who can create art in all forms since I can’t do anything that could feign being art. But, then, there are just things that are pleasing to the eye or capture the imagination, like everything we wondered on how they did that. The dedication, love, and just all around work that goes into pieces leaves me in awe.”

  “You’re quite elegant when you put your mind to it.” Danny grinned as they moved on.

  Nicole smiled. “Well, how about you use your words and tell me what you like about art?”

  “It depends on the art. This stuff has opened my eyes, but it doesn’t speak to me beyond being beautiful. I’m not sure why, but that’s just the way it is right now.”

  Nicole accepted that and they continued on. They made a game out of trying to explain why a certain item appealed to them. They held hands and giggled, getting weird looks, which they ignored.

  “That explanation was worth at least ten points,” Danny said, as they finished looking at a fresco from ancient Rome.

  Nicole scoffed. “Don’t try to add rules of points. The most you can get is two points and saying, ‘it’s great because they’re doing it hard’ isn’t close to being worth ten points.”

  “But, they were and that’s why I liked it. In fact, gonna do that to you later,” the musician said in a sing-song voice.

  Nicole scoffed. “Keep cheating and you won’t be doing anything to me for a good, long time.”

  The pout that instantly appeared on Danny’s face
put a smile on Nicole’s face. She kissed Danny’s cheek and they moved onto the next fresco. Grey eyes went wide.

  “What is up with porn in ancient Rome? They didn’t have kids back then or something?” Danny wondered aloud.

  Nicole laughed. “It wasn’t considered porn back then. Ancient Rome had different morals and values compared to today.”

  “Yeah? Think I’d like ancient Rome.”

  Auburn hair swayed, as Nicole shook her head. “You’d never survive. No guitar.”

  Danny couldn’t help chuckling. “I’d invent the guitar. That’s in my soul. Besides, they had to have something guitar like.”

  Nicole laughed. “You’d invent the guitar? I’d love to have seen that.”

  “Well, you’d have to be there or I couldn’t exist there.” Danny squeezed her hand and earned a smile from Nicole.

  “You’re such a charmer.”

  They moved on, eventually going into a pottery hall. Some of the cases only had shards, but for the most part, there were full pieces. They admired the images on the pottery as well as the pottery itself.

  “It’s like two pieces of art in one,” Nicole said.

  “So, to make pottery, you need to know how to draw, too? Seems too much.” Danny shook her head.

  Nicole gave her girlfriend a teasing smile. “Says the woman who plays six instruments, composes her own music, and writes her own lyrics.”

  Danny stuck her tongue out. “Well, we can’t all do simple stuff like practicing law and being master chemists.”

  Nicole smiled and they continued on. They practically cooed when they saw the porcelain artifacts. Danny quickly straightened up when she realized the noise she made. Of course, that made Nicole laugh.


  The couple made their way to a food court inside the museum. Nicole grabbed a table, while Danny went to get their lunch. Nicole managed a space by the museum’s glass wall, which offered a view of a closed exhibit—a garden of statues. She smiled as she looked into the assortment of figures.

  “That would’ve been nice to walk through. Maybe in the summer we’ll come back.” Nicole sighed.

  “Missed me so much you had to start talking to yourself?” Danny eased their meals down onto the table. She pushed a basket of chicken fingers and fries in front of Nicole and sat down in front of her slices of pizza with toppings.

  “No, I was delirious with hunger because it took you so long,” Nicole countered with a grin.

  Danny laughed. “Not my fault everybody in the place decided to eat lunch right now.”

  Nicole only smiled before they turned their attention to their meals. The redhead had to put a dash of salt on her fries. Her chicken needed hot sauce, and both items were covered in ketchup. Danny used the hot sauce, sprinkling a few drops on both slices of pizza.

  “What’s all that on your pizza?” Nicole asked, as she broke one chicken finger in half and began eating.

  “This one?” The tip of the slice was already in Danny’s mouth. Nicole nodded and her girlfriend finished her bite before answering. “Hamburger, sausage, and extra cheese.”

  A grimace tore through Nicole’s face. “You’re just trying to develop heart disease, aren’t you?”

  Danny smiled. “It’s a throwback to when I never knew when I’d eat again. A slice with a bunch of toppings was filling, but it was also like having something different when I ate, unlike if I kept eating burgers or tacos.”

  Nicole’s heart clenched. “Every time I forget that you were homeless, not once, but twice in your life, it sneaks back up, and I feel so bad for you.”

  “Don’t, angel. It’s the past and it wasn’t all bad. Now, what the heck is this thing out here?” Danny nodded out the window and took a huge bite of her pizza.

  “They call it the Sculpture Garden. It’s a park of statues on display with flower arrangements.”

  While chewing and swallowing, Danny nodded. “Is it open?”

  “No, it’s closed for renovations. According to the map, they’re changing the design and they’re adding new artifacts. I’ve never been through it, but it’s supposedly a very popular exhibit.” Nicole finished off one of her chicken fingers.

  Danny twisted her mouth up. “When does it reopen?”

  “This summer.”

  Danny tilted her head, like she was thinking, and then ate more of her pizza. “Want to come back?”

  Nicole smiled. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  “So, it’s a date?”

  Still smiling, Nicole nodded. “Of course.”

  Grey eyes shined, and Nicole felt her heart swell. She was happy Danny was enjoying the museum as much as she was. In fact, Danny pulled Nicole on after she practically inhaled her pizza. She shared a bit with Nicole, who was curious about the peppers, spinach, and olives all over Danny’s second slice. Thankfully, Nicole was done with her meal.

  “Where are we headed now?” Danny asked, as they started walking.

  “Asks the person tugging me,” Nicole remarked with a teasing smile.

  A blush rushed to bronze cheeks. “Sorry. Um…so, where to now?”

  Nicole studied the map. “We’re headed toward the Chinese terracotta figures. We’ve watched a few shows about those. It’ll be nice to see them in real life.”

  “Oh, yeah. They were cool on TV.”

  The couple was awestruck by the terracotta figures. They went back to their little game, explaining why they liked certain items. It was easier to do with statues than anything else.

  “I love this expression. He looks so fierce.” Nicole pointed to a terracotta soldier to their left.

  “I’d run in terror if I ever saw any of these guys,” Danny replied with a light laugh.

  “No, you’d do that weird thing where you sort of reason with them, if they were going to attack you,” Nicole countered with a smile of her own.

  An ebony eyebrow arched. “What? What weird thing?”

  “You don’t fight, baby. I’ve seen you talk your way out of several conflicts by pointing out why fighting wouldn’t solve anything, or pointing out why the person is an asshole and then walking away. Have you ever even been in a fight?”

  Danny laughed. “And if I haven’t? You’ll leave me because I’m not a fighter?”

  “No, but I would judge you,” Nicole joked.

  “Well, I’ll just judge you right back!” Danny stuck her nose in the air.

  Nicole rolled her eyes. “You can’t judge me. I’ve had my fair share of scraps.”

  Danny’s jaw dropped. “What? You in fights? No way! Your mom would’ve tanned your hide good the second you looked like you were going to fight somebody. I know she wouldn’t let it happen twice.”

  Nicole laughed. “My fights happened during sporting events. My mom could only watch in horror. What about you?”

  “What makes you think I have ever had a fight or that my mom cared?”

  “I know the answer to the latter, but not the former. Have you ever had a fight?”

  Danny shrugged. “More than my fair share. Never saw much of a point in fighting, but get me high or drunk enough and I forget any of the few rules I had in life.”

  “Of course.” Nicole shook her head.

  Danny smiled a bit and they went back to focusing on the art. As they moved onto another exhibit, the younger woman glanced at the map. Nicole did the same, if only for an idea of what to look forward to. They went through a hall of coins from around the world and studied the details that even went into currency.

  “This place fucking rocks,” Danny whispered to Nicole, who giggled.

  “Agreed,” Nicole concurred through her titters. They moved on.


  It took a while, but they eventually made it to the part of the museum that Dane had expected—paintings. Of course, they weren’t exactly the type of paintings she was familiar with.

  “No Da Vinci?” Dane asked, looking for something familiar.

  “No, sweetheart, this is before
his time. Think of it like us being in a museum about the Baroque era of music, and someone asking where’s Beethoven or where’s a piano.” Nicole softly patted her lover’s hand.

  Dane smiled and nodded; that made perfect sense to her. “Somehow, that helps me appreciate things a little more.”

  Nicole gave her an impish smile. “Glad I could help.”

  They studied the paintings. The color had faded on some or there were blank spaces, but the museum had done something amazing with the damaged paintings. Next to any of the damaged work, there was a smaller, redone version of the piece done by young artists. Those artists weren’t famous by far, but their styles and talent spoke loudly through their work.

  “This is so cool.” Dane wanted to see everything at once, but also desired to study each piece—old and new, ancient and contemporary—individually.

  “What is it, Danny? You look so…enraptured,” Nicole whispered, as if afraid that she’d disturb Dane.

  “This is incredible. All of this is so incredible, and I never knew. Never bothered with it, but it’s all so…beautiful,” Danny replied in pure awe.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “I can visualize the painting being done. I could play painting. The different colors and the strokes are like notes, pitches, tones, and even melody. The picture itself is a song, a mood, a statement from the mind, body, and soul.”

  Nicole was silent for a moment. “Danny, you win.”

  Butterfly Closure

  DANE WHISTLED AS SHE hustled around the hotel room, setting things up. She hooked her iPod to the dock connected to the radio and clock. She blasted her favorite metal songs and jammed along on her own guitar. Standing on the bed, she rocked out until there was a loud, demanding knock at the door.

  “Yo!” Dane called while marching to the door. “What’s up?” she added before looking through the door’s peephole. “Whoa, she’s hot,” she muttered, then opened the door.

  Standing before her was a gorgeous, but clearly upset redhead. Her eyebrows were drawn together and a vein in her forehead popped up slightly, but the fury seemed almost hot to Dane. There’s something magical about an angry redhead. There was something more about an angry redhead wearing wealthy clothing.


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