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Bandages Page 24

by S. L. Kassidy

Without saying a word, Nicole shook up the can and swirled the whipped cream around Danny’s areola, burying the whole area including the nipple. Danny shivered a bit, possibly a mixture of the cold treat and anticipation. Nicole felt a shiver of her own, like lightning going down her spine and spreading throughout her whole body.

  “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll take good care of you,” Nicole promised and wasted no time making good on that.

  “Please, I want you all over me,” the younger woman said.

  “I want that, too.”

  Danny purred as Nicole slurped up the whipped cream, giving the peak extra care. Her tongue played with the gem underneath the whipped cream, sucking on it like a piece of hard candy. The purrs grew louder, as Nicole treated the other globe to the same sweet torment. Soon, there was delicious whipped cream all over Danny’s chest. When that was gone, there were red marks on Danny’s breasts. She arched and wiggled, whimpering for more.

  “Should I go lower?” Nicole pretended to muse.

  “Please, baby. I’ve been so good! I didn’t say anything or giggle or nothing,” Danny whined. Of course, she had been too busy mewing in bliss and panting to say anything, never mind giggle.

  Nicole smiled. “You’re right. You have been good.”

  Moving off of Danny, Nicole put the whipped cream down and went to the foot of the bed. She settled between her lover’s legs. She couldn’t help admiring the view.

  “You are so beautiful, sweetheart. My beautiful, kind, loving, partner. I love you so much,” she whispered.

  “Love you,” Danny replied, lifting her head enough to see.

  Nicole smiled before placing light kisses to the inside of dark thighs. She nibbled at the mouth-watering flesh a couple of times, but she didn’t bite. Her tongue came out before she even got to where they both wanted her. They both moaned and shuddered when Nicole’s mouth came to Danny’s sweet spot. Her lips sucked and her tongue traced nonsense patterns, driving Danny crazy.

  While Danny squirmed, she seemed to be trying to control herself to a degree. Nicole felt Danny’s hands in her hair briefly, but that wasn’t going to do much. She continued on her quest to taste Danny to her heart’s content, even though she’d never get her fill. I’ll never get enough of Danny, ever. I get what she means about being with her forever, even if we never had sex again, but the sex is wonderful, too. I just want her to be happy.

  Danny moved wildly to the point that Nicole had to put a hand on the writhing stomach to keep her anchored to the bed. The fierce movement undoubtedly came from the fact that Danny’s hands were tied, and she couldn’t find purchase on anything. Just the thought of the tension building inside of Danny made Nicole’s blood boil and her mouth thirsted for more of the musician. She moved with more intent, tongue, lips, and all seeking every inch and drop of her lover. She wanted all of Danny.

  “Oh, fuck!” Danny shouted as Nicole’s hand pinned her in place and Nicole had her way with Dane. She practically roared when Nicole scratched her belly slightly while simultaneously pushing a finger into the musician. “Goddamn it, Nick! Fuck!”

  Nicole smirked because of the profanities flowing from her lover. They were almost as pleasurable as the passion flowing from Danny. Her mouth tried to drink all of Danny in, and her fingers caressed Danny to turn her inside out, which happened much too soon, in Nicole’s opinion.

  “Oh, goddamn it, Nick!” Danny hollered for the world to hear as her back bowed. She accidentally dislodged the adoring finger and moved away from loving lips.

  Nicole sat up and watched Danny convulse with pleasure. She continued stroking Danny, drawing out her ecstasy. There was something about watching Danny come undone that touched Nicole in places that she didn’t know existed until Danny became her lover. Those places belonged to Danny and no one else would ever know about them. By the time Danny was coming back to herself, Nicole had her wrists unbound and was holding her close. Danny looked up at her and grinned.

  “Chem, that was so the opposite of boring!” Danny said.

  Nicole mustered a soft smile. “I’m glad you liked it.”

  Grey eyes blinked and Danny shook her head a little to gather herself. “You didn’t like it?”

  Nicole’s brow wrinkled a bit. She didn’t really have time to process it, but she definitely didn’t dislike it. “It was…weird. I mean, it was great. Fun. But, weird. I’ve never done anything like that before.” She would’ve been scandalized if any other lover suggested it. Beyond this being with Danny, the fact that Danny hadn’t wanted to tie her up helped. She was given control and she liked it.

  “Like what? You tied me up before. You order me around every now and then. You go down on me almost daily. Aside from the whipped cream, you’ve done it all, angel. You may have only done it with me, which is fine with me, but you’ve done it. That’s why you’re my little vixen, too.” Danny smiled and wrapped her arms around her lover.

  “I…I liked it,” Nicole whispered, as if she were confessing the worst crime in the world. It felt somewhat naughty, like the first time she had sex, natural, but naughty. She wasn’t sure how to explain it.

  “Well, then we’ll have to do it more often,” Danny declared as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

  Nicole stared at Danny, trying to determine if she meant it. “Are you sure? It didn’t bother you?”

  “Of course not! I had fun! It’s especially nice to see you let loose. Chem, babe, I’m all for having fun in bed and that’s what we just did. If you like it and I liked it, then we should just do it. It’s not like you tried to hurt me or anything. It was perfectly fine.”

  Nicole opened her mouth to disagree, but found she didn’t have a reason to. It was fun, they both did like it, and of course she’d never try to hurt Danny. So, yes, they should just do it.

  “Oh, and congratulations on your first role-playing,” Danny said.

  Nicole squinted a little. “What?”

  “Chem, this would count as role-playing. You took the role of the dominant partner, even if it was only playfully. So, congratulations. Plus, you found something that we can play with more. Now, let’s get some sleep.”

  Nicole smiled and kissed Danny in agreement. She suddenly felt drained. She knew the role-playing had taken a lot out of her, but she looked forward to doing something similar in the future.

  “I love you so much, Danny. I love being able to explore myself, and us, with you.”

  “It is a fun ride. Now sleep,” Danny insisted, eyes already closed.


  DANE WAS ON HER way out the door with Haydn as the phone rang. She sucked her teeth and the pup barked while tugging on his leash, as if trying to pull his owner toward the door. She chuckled and decided to give in to her dog’s desire. It’s probably nothing, anyway.

  The caller left a message, so Dane played it after she and Haydn returned. “Dammit, Dane, where the hell are you? I wanted to tell you and not the voicemail. They’re having a music festival at that old jazz club you like, to raise money. Apparently, they’re trying to close the place down,” reported the voice of Dane’s best friend, Crow.

  “Closing down an old jazz club I like? She’d better not be talking about Melody.” Dane grabbed the phone to call Crow.

  “Hey, Dane, I was wondering when I was going to hear from you,” Crow said, answering her cell phone.

  “Just got in from walking Haydn. What jazz club were you talking about that they’re trying to close down?”

  “Hmm…I think the name was Melody.”

  “Dammit! They can’t close that place down. It’s one of the oldest music clubs in the city.” Dane threw herself onto the couch. Haydn followed her, jumping up on the sofa and laying his head in her lap. She scratched his ear to distract herself.

  “I’m guessing that’s the problem. Who wants to go to a boring old jazz club, except you and senior citizens?” Crow teased with a laugh.

  Dane laughed. “Shut up! Damn, Melody is a nice place. Great music an
d good drinks with a very friendly atmosphere. They can’t just close it down.”

  “Well, it’s not gone yet, and they might save it. Go down there and check it out. It’s not like you have anything better to do with your life.”

  “This is true. You at work?”

  “Yes, so no, I can’t come get you. Want to do it later?”

  Dane thought it over. “Yeah. Nick has class.”

  “Aw, so Princess won’t have a chance to miss you. How sweet.”

  “Shut up, Crow.” She supposed that might actually happen if she managed to say it without chuckling. Once upon a time, Dane would’ve been able to say it without any humor attached and yet Crow was still her friend.

  “I’ll come get you at seven.”

  “All right.”

  They wouldn’t go to the club until nine, more than likely, but if Crow was going to drive, they had to hang out. That was Crow’s price and Dane didn’t mind, well not anymore anyway.

  “I’ll try to have you back before your curfew, Cinderella.”

  “You’re in a mood,” Dane said. It wasn’t like Crow to tease her with almost every sentence that left her mouth.

  “Sorry. I’m actually nervous because I thought you’d be upset over the club closing. I figured it’d be on me to cheer you up, but you’re taking it like a champ. Anyway, let me get back to work.”

  “All right. See you at seven.” Dane disconnected the call and phoned Nicole right after.

  “Hello, sweetheart.”

  “Hey, Nick. How you doing so far?”

  “I’m fine. Work gets more bearable once school starts up. I oddly have less to do when I have to work and go to class than when I’m on break from school. How about you? Have you taken our little man out for his walk?”

  “Just got back. He’s sleeping on me now.”

  Nicole chuckled. “You wore him out. One day he’ll learn that going to the park with you is meant to put him to sleep for the night. How are you doing?”

  “I’m fine. Wanted you to know that if I’m not here when you come in, it’s because I’m hanging out with Crow.”

  “Oh. You’ll be out late?” Nicole sounded a little disappointed.

  “Not really. Back by midnight, I’m sure.” Crow had promised to have her back before her “curfew.”

  Nicole made a small noise that conveyed more disappointment. “Oh, all right.”

  “Chem, don’t sound like that. It’s just for the night. You can do homework while I’m out and then we can watch a movie tomorrow. Actually, we can watch a couple of movies since you don’t have class tomorrow.”

  “You’re right. I’m sorry I’m acting this way. I just like coming home to you.”

  Dane smiled. “I like being here when you ome home. I’m your little housewife and I love it.”

  Nicole chuckled. “You’re a lot of things, but little isn’t one of them. And you can’t be housewife if you’re not married to me.”

  “You got me there. So, we’re good?”

  “Yes, we’re good. Enjoy yourself, baby. Tell Crow I say hi.”

  “I will.”

  They ended the call and Dane sighed. Please, don’t let them close Melody. God, that would fucking suck. Melody is fucking cool!


  “I don’t get why this place is such a big deal,” Crow said, as she and Dane pulled into a parking space on the city street.

  “Crow, this is possibly the best jazz club in the city. It’s an icon. A legend. They can’t just close it,” Dane huffed and hopped out of the car while it was still moving.

  “Dude! I’m still parking.” Crow barked the obvious, scowling at Dane.

  “I don’t care. I have to see.” Dane rushed off down the street as best she could. Turning the corner, she saw there was a crowd outside of Melody. It actually made her breathe a sigh of relief. “Can they close this place with such a rocking crowd?”

  Dane was about to go in, but she remembered she had come out with someone. Turning around, she returned to Crow. Dane could see the glaring frown in the dark and smiled sheepishly.

  “First, you jump out of a moving car and then you leave me? Worst date ever!” Crow threw her hands up.

  “Sorry,” Dane apologized as she stood before her friend.

  “Don’t worry about it. I already called your Princess and told on you.” Crow stuck her tongue out at Dane.

  Dane’s jaw dropped open and her eyes went wide. “You didn’t,” she kind of begged. Nick will totally bust my chops for getting out of the car while it was still moving. Never mind the fact that I rudely left Crow at the car by herself at night.

  Crow had a good laugh. “I didn’t, but I was going to if you didn’t come back. How do you invite me out and then leave me behind?”

  Dane put her hand through her hair. “Sorry. Got anxious. I really like Melody. I know you don’t get it, but it’s more than some jazz club, to me and to this city.”

  Sighing, Crow shook her head. “You are so weird when we’re both sober.”

  Dane only smiled and offered her hand to her friend. Crow accepted and they marched off to the club. Finding that she still had some clout, Dane was let in after a trip down memory lane with several workers out front.

  “You know them as well as you know the punks at our clubs,” Crow said, as they walked in.

  Dane smiled. “I’m a musician before a punk. Don’t worry. Not gonna keep you here too long. I know you don’t wanna be here.” Besides, I know who would love this place, and I’d rather be here with her than anybody else, especially if they’re closing the old place.

  “Sorry, but this just isn’t my scene.” Crow eyed the crowd and her fingers fidgeted together. She undoubtedly felt out of place wearing her usual Goth gear. She looked lost in more ways than one.

  “I know. Be cool while I go try to find some folks,” Dane replied, and her friend nodded.

  Dane found Crow a seat at the bar before going off to find a familiar face. She frowned as she drifted through the crowd of people she didn’t know, people that didn’t know her. She had been away from the scene for so long and away from Melody even longer. And now it might be gone. I should’ve come here more when I had the chance.

  She shook her head free of those thoughts when she noticed someone waving in her direction. Weaving through people, she realized the person was the familiar face that she wanted to see. As she got closer, she saw more than one familiar face, which caused her to smile slightly.

  “Bless my soul, Dane. We thought you died a long time ago,” Jewel said with a laughing grin. She looked just as Dane remembered, except a little more mature.

  Luck was tucked in close to Jewel, in a chair by the wall. He scoffed, dramatically throwing his head back. He looked bigger than she remembered, maybe a little buffer. His skin looked browner, richer, like he was healthier than she recalled. Do I look as good as these guys?

  Luck looked up at her and smiled. “They thought you died. I figured you’ve done enough drugs to live forever since those didn’t kill you.”

  “You’d know, Luck, since you did most of your drugs with me and with the way your hair looks I’d assume you’re still doing ‘em,” Dane smiled. He actually looked like he stopped messing around with the drugs.

  “Hell, I supplied you.” Luck rose from his chair just enough to shake Dane’s hand. “And don’t try to crack on my hair. This shit is fly.” He patted the side of his afro, which was really just his hair blown out and going in all directions. She assumed he had just taken out his braids and combed his hair all the way out.

  Dane let loose a playful snort. “Yeah, just don’t spread rumors of my untimely demise until I’m actually dead.”

  “You ain’t got but two more years to live anyway, so we might as well start early,” Fingers said from his spot in the corner. His dark face was hidden behind sunglasses and a fedora that was pulled down over his face.

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m not the one that sold my soul, Fingers.”

  “Then explain yourself, demon,” he demanded with a laugh. Fingers and others liked to say she was going to be one of those in the “twenty-seven club.” They were convinced she sold her soul to the Devil for her musical talent and the Devil was due to collect when she turned twenty-seven. Maybe if she’d continued living how she had, they’d be right.

  “Anyway, what’re you doing here, Dane? You haven’t graced these hallowed halls in years, and you disappeared from music for just as long,” Jewel said.

  “I hear you guys are getting shut down. I came to hear it straight up. Don’t wanna worry about rumors, just the truth.” The looks on the trio’s faces were not encouraging. “Jewel, you can’t be serious. This is history here.” She gestured around them with one finger. “This is a part of the city’s soul.”

  Jewel gave Dane a sympathetic look. “Calm it down, druggie. We’re fighting it. The rumor actually made business pick up, so we won’t need to sell, more than likely.”

  “Sell? You’re being pressured to sell?”

  “Considered it for a while,” Luck admitted, glancing at the floor and then playing with the buttons on his bowling shirt. “But, we should be good now. This place is history, like you said, Dane. We’ve got to fight for it.”

  “That’s good. Who’s trying to buy it?” Dane couldn’t imagine anyone who respected music, history, or historical landmarks would do such a thing.

  Scoffing, Fingers pointed out ahead of them for a second. “Some office building people opening across the street. They want to turn the place into a parking garage. Can you believe that insulting shit? We’re in a fucking building damn near a hundred years old, that’s seen some of the greatest talent that jazz, the blues, and R&B has to offer, and they want to make it a fucking parking garage,” he growled, disgust tugging the right corner of his upper lip. “Fucking disrespectful bastards.”

  Dane nodded. “That’s a goddamn crime against history and culture. So, you’re sure you’re good?”

  Jewel made a face, which again wasn’t very encouraging. “We’re getting there.”

  Dane frowned and put her hand through her hair. “Look, I gotta go. Gonna think on some things. Be back on Friday, okay?”


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