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Between the Cracks She Fell

Page 27

by Lisa de Nikolits


  Epigraph: Salmon Rushdie, in response to the Charlie Hedbo attacks, The Wall Street Journal, January 7th, 2015.

  Excerpts from THE SATANIC VERSES by Salman Rushdie, Published by Vintage, reprinted by permission of The Random House Group Limited. Also, The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie. Copyright © 1988 by Salman Rushdie, used by permission of The Wylie Agency LLC.

  Excerpts from the Qur’an were taken from: Qur’an, Tahrike Tarsile Qur’an, Inc., Publishers and Distributers of Holy Qur’an. 80-08 51st Avenue, Elmhurst, New York, USA, 11373.

  Quote by Abul A’la Maududi in Chapter 14 taken from Chapter 5, “The Maududian Law of Apostasy,” in Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Murder in the Name of Allah (The London Mosque, 1989).

  BURIAL ARRANGEMENTS quotes for Chapter 31 were taken from Understanding Islamic Law: Sharia by Raj Bhala (LexisNexis Publishing, 2011).


  24 Hours With The Prophet: Invocations from the Qur’an and Sunnah and much more. Free book from Distributors of Free Quran, 21 Dundas Square, #910, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

  Adams, Douglas. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. London: Pan Books, 1979.

  Ahmad, Hazrat Mirza Tahir. Murder in the Name of Allah. Trans. Syed Barakat Ahmad. The London Mosque, 1989.

  Bhala, Raj. Understanding Islamic Law: Sharia. LexisNexis Publishing, 2011.

  Hamid, Ayub A. Islam: Does It Make Sense? Copyright ©1995-2004 Second Edition. Ayub Hamid (January 30, 2004)

  Harding, D. E. Religions of the World. London: Heinemann Educational Books Ltd, 1966.

  Ibrahim, I. A. (author), William Peachy, Michael Thomas, Harold S. Kuofi (editors). A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam. 2nd ed. Houston: Darussalam, 1997. Copyright ©1996, 1997, I. A. Abu-Harb.

  Islam Is … An Introduction to Islam and Its Principles. Toronto, Ontario, Central Dawah Department, ICNA, Canada. Revised December 2013.

  Laurence, Margaret. The Fire-Dwellers. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart Limited, 1969.

  Modern Science as Revealed in the Qur’an and Traditions of The Prophet. Prepared and Presented by Dr. Itidal Albanawi. Revised by Dr. Tahani El-Zayat. With the Compliments of International Commission of Scientific Signs in the Qur’an and the Sunnah Women’s Branch – Jeddah.

  Qur’an. New York: Tahrike Tarsile Qur’an, Inc. Publishers and Distributers of Holy Qur’an. ISBN: 1-879402-29-7

  The Qur’an and Modern Science.Walk-In Islamic InfoCenter, 1 Dundas Street West, #2535, Toronto, Ontario. (no date given)

  Shahin, Lamya. The Prophethood of Muhammad in the Bible. Dar Abul-Qasim Publishing House, 2009.

  Photo: Bradford Dunlop

  Originally from South Africa, Lisa de Nikolits has been a Canadian citizen since 2003. She has a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Philosophy, and has lived in the USA, Australia, and Britain. Between the Cracks She Fell is her fifth novel. Previous works of fiction include: The Hungry Mirror (2011 IPPY Awards Gold Medal and long-listed for a ReLit Award); West of Wawa (2012 IPPY Silver Medal Winner and a Chatelaine Editor’s Pick), and A Glittering Chaos (2014 IPPY Silver Medal Winner). Her fourth novel, The Witchdoctor’s Bones launched in spring 2014 to literary acclaim. Her short fiction has been published in Postscripts To Darkness, Volume 6; Maud.Lin House, and in Thirteen O’Clock (Fall 2015), an anthology by the Mesdames of Mayhem. She lives and works and writes in Toronto.




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