Fusionists. See also banishment campaign
banishment of, 230 –234
black vote encouraged by, 129 , 156
defined, 67
election day (November 9) results, 174 –175
fired white workers, after November 10th, 276
Pritchard and, 132 –134
“Remember the 6” (“Big 6”) campaign, 114 –120 , 206 , 221 , 230 , 296
resignation demanded of aldermen, 197
Wilmington government overthrow and, 220 –227
Galloway, Abraham, 22 –30 , 31 –40
biographical information, 22 –27
death of, 45 –46
as delegate to North Carolina constitutional convention, 39 –40
elected to state senate, 44
oratory skills of, 22 –23 , 32 , 34 –35
overview, xi
on suffrage, 31 , 39
United States Colored Troops raised by, 27 –30
Wilmington election (1868) and, 42 –43
Wilmington KKK and, 32 –34
Galloway, John Wesley, 24
George (black worker), 278
Georgia, grandfather clause in, 317 , 330
Gilbert, Charles H., 252 , 285 –286 , 289
Giles, I. N., 280
Goins, John, 180 –185 , 192
Graham, T. A., 130 –131
grandfather clause, 301 –308 , 312 –316 , 321 –323 , 330 . See also voting and voter suppression
Grand United Order of Love and Charity, 193 , 261
Grant, Ulysses S., 295
Great White Man’s Rally and Basket Picnic, 121 –126
Green, Elijah, 180 –185
Gregory, John L., 218
Gregory, Sam, 203 –204
Gregory Normal School (Wilmington), 85 , 86
Griggs, John W., 134 , 286 –287 , 294 –299 , 321
Grit, Bruce, 283
Group Six, 99 , 103 –104 , 109
Halsey, Josh, 216 , 217 –218 , 259 –260 , 327
Hamburg (South Carolina) Massacre (1876), 123 –124
Hamilton, Robert, 31
Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, 47
Hankins, Hester, 24
Hankins, Marsden Milton, 24 –25
Harris, Briscoe, 264
Harrison, Benjamin, xvii , 56 , 57 , 293
Harriss, William, 168
Hawley, Joseph, 6
Hayden, Harry, 334
Helms, Jesse, 331
Henderson, Sally Bettie (wife), 56 , 236 –237 , 255
Henderson, William E.
banishment of, 235 –238 , 255 –256
characterization of, 55 –57 , 59
as Committee of Colored Citizens member, 180 –185
as deputy tax collector (Statesville, NC), 56
on election threats, 154 –155 , 163
late life of, 320 –321
overview, xi
Russell’s Black Battalion and, 112
Hilton Bridge, 215
Hoge, Peyton, 155 , 262 –263
Holden, William Woods, 13
Hose Reel Co. No. 3 , 276
Huffman, Samuel E., 290
Humphrey, L. W., 73 –74
Indianapolis Freeman
on banishment campaign, 244
on Manly, 279
reaction to November 10th events and, 269
interracial marriage. See also sex and race
Black Codes on, 35
Dancy’s comments and, 58
Wilmington Journal on, 40
Invisible Empire of the Ku Klux Klan, 33
Ireland, Charles H., 102
Irish workers, black workers’ competition with, 149
Italian immigrants, grandfather clause and, 306
Jacobi, J. N., 127 –128
Jacobs, David, 180 –185 , 257 –258
James, Thomas C., xi , 191 , 193 , 208
Jennett, Norman E., 76 , 81 , 135 , 175
Jervay, Robert S., 337
Jim Crow laws, 15 , 311 –318
Jim (enslaved man), 60
Johnson, Andrew, 5 –6 , 13
Jones, Frankye Manly, 337
Jones, Harry, 289 –290
Jonkonnu (African holiday), 310
Justice Department
Griggs and, 134 , 286 –287 , 294 –299 , 321
on voter ID laws, 332
Keith, Benjamin, 163 , 223
Kenan, William Rand, Jr., 346
Kenan, William Rand, Sr., 57 , 105 –106 , 346
Kingsbury, Theodore B., 265
Kinsley, Edward W., xi , 27 –30
Kirk, J. Allen, xi , 163 , 210 , 215 , 229 , 239 –242 , 258
Kitchin, Claude, 137
Kramer, James W., 262 –263
Kruttschnitt, E. B., 305
Ku Klux Klan
Boyd and, 295
clandestine code of conduct of, 33 –34 , 130
election intimidation by (1868), 41 –44
Holden and, 13
names for, 32 –33
riot of November 10, 1898 and, xviii –xxii
Saunders and, 10
textbooks about, 335 –336
voting suppression by, 40
Waddell and, 140 –141
Lamb, Albert, 168
Lee, Guy Carleton, 169 , 264
Lee, John Wesley, 103
Lee, John William, 102 –106
Lee, Robert E., 295
Lee, W. H., 182
Lincoln, Abraham
Emancipation Proclamation, 5 , 31 , 52 –53 , 73 , 310
Galloway and, 31 –32
Kinsley and, 27
Lindsay, Charles, 201
Lindsay, Norman, xx
literacy. See also education
Galloway on, 22 –23
grandfather clause and, 301 –308
North Carolina law and black schools, 29
rates of, prior to November 10th events, xviii
Wilmington education (1897) and, 54
Lockamy, Aaron, xx –xxii , 201 , 259
Lockey, Caleb B., 114
Louisiana, grandfather clause in, 302 –308
Love, Owen F., xvi
Love and Charity Hall, 193 , 261
Lydia (enslaved woman, Manly’s grandmother), 46
“lying out,” 18
banishment campaign and threats of, 243 –245 , 246 –249
Dowling’s plans for, 164 –165
Felton’s letter on, 83 –89 , 280 , 281 –282
National Anti Mob-and-Lynch Law Association, 269 –270
rape accusations and, 50 –51
White on anti-lynching law, 321 –323
Macfarlane, Sam, 218 , 264
MacRae, Donald, xi , 164 –165 , 176 , 198 –199 , 207 –208 , 224
MacRae, Hugh
as alderman, 261
banishment campaign and, 230 –234 , 243 –245 , 249 –250 , 251
election of August 1900, 309
Hugh MacRae Park, 312
overview, xii
Secret Nine planning and, 98 , 99 , 209 , 210
Wilmington government overthrow and, 222
MacRae, Hugh, II (grandson), 337
MacRae, Walter, 247
Manly, Alexander Lightfoot. See also Record/Daily Record (Wilmington)
accounts of November 10th events, 326 –327
biographical information, 46 –48
black vote encouraged by, 153 –154 , 157
Dancy and, 57
death threats to, 125 , 136 , 153 , 164 –166
as deputy registrar of deeds, 85 , 119 –120 , 175 , 183
descendants of, 337
editorial about Felton’s letter, 83 –89 , 90 –95 , 129
engagement to Sadgwar by, 85 –86
escape from Wilmington by, 178 , 182 , 235
Great White Man’s Rally and Basket Picnic and, 125 –126
Henderson’s friendship with, 57
late life and legacy of, 323 –327 , 347 –348
, 349 –352
middle class status of, 85
in New Jersey, 278 –283 , 299 –300
overview, xii
Record inception and, 48 –51
search for, 285
on voting intimidation of blacks, 128
“Wilmington Declaration of Independence” and, 177 –180 , 182 –185
Manly, Carrie Sadgwar (wife), xii , 85 –86 , 279 , 324 , 350 –351
Manly, Charles (North Carolina governor, 1849–1851), 46 –47
Manly, Corrine/Corina (mother), 47
Manly, Frank (brother)
brother’s editorial and, 89 , 95
death threats to, 153
escape of, 192 , 235
November 10th events and, 192
Record inception and, 47 –48
in Washington, DC, 324
“Wilmington Declaration of Independence” threats, 182 –185
Manly, Henry (brother), 48
Manly, Lewin, Jr. (grandson), 350 , 351 –352
Manly, Lewin, Sr. (son), 350 , 351
Manly, Lewin (brother), 48
Manly, Milo (son), 48 , 299
Manly, Samuel Trimetitus Grimes “Trim” (father), 47
Manning, Pierre, 225
Mason, Robert, 128 –129
Masons, 45 , 232 –233
Maunder, J. F., 211 , 216
Mayo, William, 202 , 209
McAllister, M. H., 102 –106
McClatchy newspaper chain, 343
McFallon, Samuel, 202
McGill, Neill, 18 –21
McKinley, William. See also federal investigation
biography and characterization of, 292
blacks in administration of, 293
Carr and, 346
election violence warnings and, 159 –160
federal investigation appeals to, 286 –294 , 299 –300
grandfather clause and, 312
petitioning of, 284
Pritchard’s letter to, 132 –134
McLaurin, Kenneth, 330
McMillan, John, 19 , 20 –21
McQueen, Joseph, Jr., 330
Meares, Iredell, 103
Melton, Augusta, 115
Melton, John
banishment of, 250 –252 , 285 –286
November 10th events and, 193 , 198
Record office protected by black men, 91 –92
“Remember the 6” campaign against, 114 , 115 –116
on voting intimidation of blacks, 128
Waddell and, 142 –143
in Washington, DC, 286 , 289 , 295
“Wilmington Declaration of Independence” and resignation demanded of, 178 –185
Wilmington government overthrow and, 220 –227
Memorial Day, early celebrations of, 52 –53
Messenger (Wilmington). See also Clawson, Thomas
on banishment campaign, 239 , 243 , 244 –245 , 255
on black exodus from Wilmington, 275
black voter suppression and, 129
Clawson and Record inception, 48 , 50
on election (1898), 171 , 172 , 173 , 174
on election (1898), violence fears, 160
on election (August 1900), 314 –315 , 316
fear about black men stoked by, 81
gun purchase attempt by black men and, 103 , 104
on Manly’s editorial, 93
on November 10th events, 209 , 214 , 261 –262
reaction to November 10th events, 265 , 266
on Vigilance Committee plans, 99
on Waddell’s speech, 145 , 148
“White Men of Wilmington” meeting, 175 –176
on white-only labor policy, 278
“Wilmington Declaration of Independence” and, 177 , 182
Metropolitan Trust Company, 180
militias. See also weapons
Clinton and Maxton militias, 205
federal status of, 198 –199 , 207 –208
formation of county militia companies, 7
MacRae (Donald) and, 198 –199
Naval Reserves, xxii
Red Shirts, 72
Vigilance Committee and, 98 –101
whites’ fear of black rebellion and, 61 –62 , 98 –101
in Williamston, 152
Wilmington Light Infantry, xxi –xxii
Miller, Lula, 349
Miller, Thomas C.
banishment of, 238 –239 , 245 , 248 –259
as Committee of Colored Citizens member, 180 –185
late life and legacy of, 318 –319 , 348 –349
overview, xii
wealth of, 55
Ministerial Union, 93 –94
Black Codes and, 35 –36
literacy test and poll tax of, 302
Moore, Alfred, 12
Moore, Bernice C., 201 –202 , 206 , 259
Moore, James, 33
Moore, Louis T., 336
Moore, Roger (“King Roger”), 33
Moore, Roger (KKK leader)
election intimidation by (1868), 41 –44
election to Board of Commissioners, 175
November 10th events and, 190 –192 , 197 –199 , 210
overview, xii , 33
Red Shirt rally and, 149
Spanish-American War and, 108 –109
Vigilance Committee and, 100
“Wilmington Declaration of Independence” and, 185
Moore, William A., 240 –241
Morehouse, Henry Lyman, 48
Morning Post (Raleigh), 286 , 297
Morning Star (Wilmington)
on banishment campaign, 251
Felton’s speech in, 84 , 87 –88
on inquest, 260
on Manly, 280
reaction to November 10th events, 265
on voting intimidation of blacks, 129
on “Wilmington Declaration of Independence,” 183
Morrison, Cameron, 172
Morro Castle (whorehouse), 211
Morton, George L., 206 –207
Mouzon, William, 201
Mt. Zion Afro-American AME, 264
Murchison, J. W., xvi
N. Jacobi Hardware Co., 127 –128
Nash, Francis, 12
National Afro-American Council, 283
National Anti Mob-and-Lynch Law Association, 269 –270
Native Americans, classified as “colored,” 56
Naval Reserves
banishment campaign and, 248 –249 , 253 , 254
demobilization of, 260 –261
Spanish-American War and, 110 , 113
weapons of and election violence expectations of, xxii , 161
naval store trades, 36 –37
Navy (US), Fort Fisher capture by, 3 –4 . See also Naval Reserves
“Needs of Farmers’ Wives, The” (Felton), 84 –85
“Negro and Fusion Politics, 1894–1901, The” (Edmonds), 336
“Negro Rule/Domination”
“The Negro and Fusion Politics, 1894–1901” (Edmonds) on, 336
overview, xvi
White Supremacy Campaign inception, 65 –76
New Bern, North Carolina
black exiles turned away from, 274
black resistance before election, 152 –153
Bunting, Gilbert, and Melton in, 285
as Daniels’ and Simmons’ power base, 65 –66
freed slaves in, 22 –30
Simmons in, 285 –286
New Hanover County, North Carolina
election (1868), 44
election day (1898) results, 175
Historical Commission, 336
Moore as commissioner of, 100
“Remember the 6” campaign and, 119 –120
New National Era (Washington, D.C.), 22 , 46
News and Observer (Wilmington)
apology issued by, 343
on Bunting, 249
Chronicle as competition to, 71
continued/modern-day publishing of, 343 –3
on election results, 174
fear stoked about rape by black men, 66 –72
financing of, 291
on grandfather clause, 304 –308
on gun purchase attempt by black men, 102 –103
Jennett hired by, 76
motto of, 344
on November 10th events, 258
reaction to November 10th events, 266 , 270 –271
Red Shirts and, 134 , 135
on Russell’s Black Battalion, 111 , 112
on Spanish-American War, 107 –108
on White, 322
newspapers (white). See also individual names of newspapers
“nigger,” newspaper debate about term, 39
November 10, 1898 events and reaction of, 265 –271
“White Declaration of Independence,” 165
“Wilmington Declaration of Independence” and, 177
New York Age, 270 , 327
New York Herald , 268
New York Journal , 268
New York Times
on banishment campaign, 249
on black exodus from Wilmington, 273
on Dancy, 282
on election day events, 171 –172
on government overthrow, 224
White’s interview, 323
New York World , 281
North Carolina. See also Cape Fear; militias; New Bern; Wilmington, North Carolina
attorney general of (See Bernard, Claude M.)
Aycock as governor of, 72 , 294 , 301 , 304 , 313 –314 , 316 –317 , 335
“Black Belt” region, defined, 66
Black Codes and, 35
black population of, post-Civil War, 37
“Black Second” (Second District) of, 68 , 133 , 330
constitutional convention (1868), 38 –40 , 43 –44
Fayetteville, Great White Man’s Rally and
Basket Picnic in, 121 –126
grandfather clauses and, 301 –308 , 312 –316 , 321 –323 , 330
legally mandated segregation in, 311 –318
Manly, Charles (governor, 1849–1851), 46 –47
North Hanover County, black population statistics, 66
North Hanover County, rape statistics (1896–1898), 80
“The Old North State” (state song), 122
Russell as governor of (See Russell, Daniel)
state historical markers, 347 –348
State Office of Archives and History, 341
North Carolina Central University, 336
North Carolina Cotton Oil Company, 128 –129
North Carolina Naval Militia. See Naval Reserves
North Carolina State Militia (N.C.S.M.), 42
North Carolinian , 79
Norwood, Charles, 120
Norwood, John, 223 , 330
November 10, 1898, events, 189 –199 . See also banishment campaign; November 10, 1898, legacy; Record/Daily Record (Wilmington); Red Shirts; Russell, Daniel; Waddell, Colonel Alfred Moore
black exodus from Wilmington following, 228 –229
blacks’ return to Wilmington following, 261 –264
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