Sold to the MC Men

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Sold to the MC Men Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “Did you enjoy the ride coming here?”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Not really. I didn’t have time to enjoy it. I was so scared. I didn’t know what to expect. I’d just met my mom, and suddenly I was being escorted away from her. It brought back a feeling of déjà vu. I’m guessing it goes back to when she first gave me up. I don’t know.”

  “Do you wish your mother cared?”

  “I guess so. Isn’t that what every girl wants? To have a mother who thinks they’re a princess?”

  “True. I never really gave a fuck, to be honest.”

  “You’re not a girl.”

  “I didn’t need a dad. I didn’t need anyone but myself.”

  “It’s the way the system works on us. It drags us down, making us believe we can’t trust anyone,” she said. “I know I couldn’t. I’m used to being alone. You have the club though. You broke away from the trap they set you up in and proved that you don’t need anyone or anything. You’re free. While ever you’re here and away from all of that bullshit, you’re free.”

  “You’ve got a bit of a dirty mouth,” he said.

  He also saw the yearning in her gaze. She had fought all of her life, and the truth of it was, she didn’t have anyone.

  “You have us,” he said.

  “Tank, I don’t.”

  “If you looked at every single one of the guys, you’d notice not one of them would be able to give you up. You’ve made yourself part of this club in a matter of days. I know I don’t want you gone. I know I couldn’t bear to see you leave.”

  “You couldn’t?” she asked.

  “No, I couldn’t.”

  He stared into her eyes, wanting to say so much more. There was a time he’d been in her position, being alone, afraid, wanting to be part of something but always feeling like an outsider looking in.

  The club had been his salvation, and he didn’t doubt for a second that they could be hers.


  One week.

  She’d been with the Broken Devils MC for one week.

  She was still a virgin. None of the men had tried to rape her like her mother had said would happen. She wasn’t going back to that woman. Her mother may think she was working this club to get her free drugs, but the moment she had given Leah over as payment was the moment she had lost everything.

  Leah didn’t believe in giving second chances. She had been taken advantage of before, and had nearly gotten arrested for it. One of the girls a few years ago had tried to set her up, and made out that she had drugs on her. One of the investigating cops knew Leah and had made sure to find out the truth.

  The other girl got sentenced, and Leah had been moved to a different foster home as no one liked a rat. The rules had been simple, never rat out a fellow foster, but that girl was trying to get rid of her.

  Lying in bed, Leah looked up at the ceiling. The clubhouse was so clean now. All she could think to make it even better was to paint. The ceiling wasn’t a nice bright white anymore, and she wanted to get onto that as soon as possible. Edge had said she could go to the store tomorrow but only with an escort. She didn’t know how many men that would mean, not that she had a problem with the men being with her.

  Each one was so … sexy.

  Their presence filled every single room. Their heavily inked bodies made it hard for her to concentrate. Each one of them had taken the time to talk to her, to get to know her. Just thinking about the way they would touch her, stroke her hair back, or simply brush past her, it was enough to have her aching for more.

  Her body was on fire. She needed to cool down.

  Climbing out of bed, she went to the bathroom. The door was open, and she pushed it partially closed as she quickly removed her clothes, stepping into the stall. She turned the shower on, and the first blast of cold water made her gasp. She covered her mouth, not wanting to wake the clubhouse.

  She’d heard them all stumbling to bed what felt like hours ago. Were any of them thinking about her? Wanting to join her? Explore her body the way she wanted to theirs?

  It was crazy.

  Sex was just that, sex. She hadn’t been interested before now.

  She hadn’t been surrounded by five heavily built men who made her think of sex and raw, hardcore fucking.

  Tilting her head back, she released a sigh, feeling her body begin to calm down. She could handle being with these men. There was no desire to leave. No reason she could ever want to abandon those men. They would be dead if Junior got into the kitchen. The man didn’t understand the concept of mold. Tank was too cold to even care what they ate. The heat in his gaze, however, made her think entirely differently of the man that was supposed to be without emotion.

  Shaking off her doubts, and feeling more like herself, she turned the water off. Reaching out to the towel holder, she grasped air.

  Opening the curtain, she nibbled her lip. She’d left her towel in her room. On the list of purchases tomorrow, she had put towels so they all had one.

  The one she had brought with her was in her bedroom.

  Climbing out of the shower, she was careful as she padded over the linoleum, picking up her dirty, sweat covered clothes. She couldn’t wear them again. They were dirty. Putting them in the laundry basket, she figured it wouldn’t be a problem for her to quickly walk down the hall to her bedroom. No problem at all.

  They were all sleeping. Every single one of them.

  She’d never run around her apartment naked.

  This was a first for her.

  Opening the door, she stepped out into the hallway, and turned, only to freeze, her hand still on the door, the other in front of her about to tiptoe down the hall.

  Not one, not even two, but all five men were in the hallway, each of them in a pair of boxer briefs. All of their gazes were on her.

  For a split second, maybe even a minute, she couldn’t move. Couldn’t even think. They all stared at her, and she stared right back, noticing their arousal. A glance down at her body, and she gasped. She was completely naked.

  Letting out a squeak, she dived back into the bathroom, only she was still wet. She slipped and tried to get her balance, only falling as she did, hitting her body on the sink, and one of the guys’ mirrors fell to the floor, shattering.

  Her complete embarrassment couldn’t get any worse, especially as all five of the men rushed into the bathroom. She didn’t have any time to cover herself before they were all there, touching her.

  “Are you okay?” Edge asked. He was near her head.

  Her side was hurting really bad.

  “Where does it hurt?” Tank asked.

  “What happened?” Junior asked.

  “Do you need us to lift you up?” Trick asked.

  “Tell us what happened,” Dig said.

  She covered her face. There was no point in trying to hide her body. “Could you guys go back to your bedroom before I turn into a strawberry? I’m so embarrassed.”

  “Of what? Having a body like this?” Junior asked. “Babe, you’re sexy as fuck.”

  She groaned. “I was only taking a cool shower. I was too hot.”

  “Why?” Tank asked.

  She opened her fingers, seeing Mr. Emotionless watching her. “Seriously?”

  “It’s not too hot. What was on your mind that you needed a cold shower?”

  Leah tried to keep her gaze on his face, but it was like her eyes were working against her as they moved toward his crotch that was showing he was having a hard time as well.


  Trick helped the rest of the guys get Leah to her room. There was a bruise across her side, and she looked a little shaken by everything that was going on. It was hard for him to focus. Like the others, he was struggling to keep his focus on her, and not on how big her tits were or the way they hung, or just about everything else that held his attention. She was fucking incredible.

  “I don’t need to go to the hospital,” she said.

  “But it looks painful,” Edge said.
r />   It was painful for him to watch her. Sliding the blanket over her body, he tucked her in, hoping it would get his dick in some kind of order.

  “Really. I don’t need to go anywhere. It was just a fall. No big deal.” She wouldn’t move though. She looked stiff as a board.

  “You’d tell us if it hurt, right?” Trick asked.

  “Of course. I can’t believe I didn’t take my towel. I’m sorry for giving you guys a show.”

  “Don’t apologize,” Junior said. “Seeing your body was the best thing to happen to me all week.”

  “Junior,” she said. “You don’t have to say things like that.”

  “I do if I mean them.”

  “And he does,” Dig said. “You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of.”

  Her cheeks had gone a deeper red.

  “Do you want us to stay to keep you company?” Edge asked.

  “No, no. It’s fine. I can fall asleep from here.”

  Trick stayed where he was. Each of the guys moved forward, taking turns to kiss her head.

  Leah chuckled. “Honestly, I’m fine. I’m never clumsy. This is all a first for me.”

  “We’ll always be here to catch you,” Tank said.

  Trick moved forward and kissed her head. He didn’t want to pull away or let her go, but he did so.

  Leaving the bedroom, he looked back to see her watching all of them.

  “Just call or yell if you need anything,” Trick said.

  “I will do.”

  He closed the door behind her and turned to see the rest of the men leaning against the wall, panting, or aching for something.

  “Did you see her? Did you see how perfect those tits were?” Junior asked. He held his hands up as if to cup and rub his face in them.

  “Enough,” Edge said.

  “Are you going to pretend you’re not affected by what you just saw? She belongs to the whole of the club,” Junior said. “We’ve all watched her. I’m not going to deny that I want her and I’ve got no problem sharing her. I reckon it’s going to be fucking hot to see us all together like that.”

  Trick ran a hand down his face. “I’m going to bed.”

  “We all know what we’re about to go and do, but if you want to pretend that’s up to you,” Junior said.

  Entering his bedroom, Trick stared over at his bed. He’d been reading a mystery novel and one glance down at his cock, and there was no way he was going to be able to focus on that book.

  Shoving his pants to his ankles, he kicked them across the room and went to his bed. Lying back, he closed his eyes, and imagined their little princess in the other room. Those tits had been huge, and he loved her hips were more than a handful. There was something about a woman with a body made for fucking that just got his dick nice and hard. Leah was all curves, and he even loved her thick thighs as well. She was shaped to take a pounding. Her body was made for sex, and damn it, he wanted to show her a thing or two.

  Leah was designed to take cock, a lot of it.

  Those plump lips would look amazing wrapped around his dick, sucking him in deep. He’d make her take the whole of his cum, drink it up, and moan as she did.

  Those tits, not only were they meant for his mouth but also to have his dick sliding through as her tongue licked across the tip of him, waiting for his cum to decorate her pretty face and neck.

  Wrapping his fingers around his length, he worked his dick, getting even more excited as he thought about Leah on her knees in front of him. Her lips sliding up and down, begging him for more. He’d push to the back of her throat, and she’d purr like a fucking kitten as he deep-throated her.

  When he had enough, he’d move her to her back, spread those thighs and feast on that pussy of hers.

  Her virgin cunt.

  He didn’t care if he was the one to pop the cherry or if it was one of his club brothers. They were everything to him, and he didn’t have a problem sharing Leah with them. Watching them touch her, bringing her closer to orgasm, or even helping her as she fucked his cock.

  Trick moved his hand up and down on his length faster, thinking of Dig, Edge, Tank, and Junior touching her. One of the men shoving his dick into her mouth, the other in her ass. She could work the others with her hand, and he would ride her pussy, and watch her come apart.

  They could bring her to orgasm again and again.

  He worked faster, feeling the first stirrings of his arousal. He grabbed some tissue, ready to catch his cum. As he came, he did so with a growl, and panting. His only thoughts were of Leah and what he wanted to happen.

  She may belong to all of them, sold to them for a debt, but that didn’t for a second mean they couldn’t enjoy her.

  Each of them could give Leah what she needed.

  Lying back on his bed, he closed his eyes. His heart was slowing down after his orgasm, and he felt sleepy.

  He needed to rest, and then, he wasn’t going to back away, not from Leah. He had a feeling all of the men were going to make a play for her, and he wasn’t a gentleman, never had been, and never would be.

  Chapter Six

  Edge got up early and was surprised to see Leah already in the kitchen. She didn’t appear to be limping or look in any kind of pain. She wore a pair of shorts and a tank top. Her hair was down, and it looked like it hadn’t seen a brush that morning.

  She turned toward him. Her hand was on her side.

  “Morning,” she said. “Do you want some coffee?”

  “Your side.”

  “It’s fine. Just a little pain every now and then.”

  “Let me see.”

  “It’s fine.”

  “Did I look like I was asking permission? Let me see, or do you want me to chain you up again just to look?”

  “You don’t have to be so bossy.”

  “And you don’t have to be a royal pain in my ass, but guess what, I have to put up with that as well.” He gave her a wink, and approached her.

  “I made coffee.”

  “Let me see your side.”

  “It’s just a little bruised. Honestly, I’m fine.”

  He put his hands on his hips and stared at her. He didn’t say a single word, waiting for her to realize there was no way out of this conversation.

  “Fine. Fine.” She lifted up her shirt, and he noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra. The hard points of her nipples pressed against the fabric. They were so tight he wanted to suck them right into his mouth.

  Pushing those thoughts aside, he watched her side as she lifted up the top. Never had a piece of fabric gotten in his way so much.

  It wasn’t as bad as he imagined. It was just bruised. He reached out, touching her.

  “It’s tender, but there’s no pain. Believe me, I wouldn’t be foolish enough to think I could handle something like that.”

  He touched her ribs, and he couldn’t feel any breakages and she wasn’t screaming in pain. “We’ll keep an eye on you, okay? I don’t want you hurt or anything.”

  “For a guy who is supposed to keep me prisoner, you’re treating me rather special,” she said.

  His fingers stroked her ribcage, and he stood up, looking down at her, seeing the deep brown of her eyes. She really was a beautiful woman. A strong, passionate, sexy as fuck woman.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  His gaze fell to her lips, and he wanted to taste them. Sliding his thumb across her mouth, he pressed, and she licked the tip of his finger. The air changed around them, and he moved her back until she was between the counter and his body.

  Last night, after working his dick to orgasm, he’d been able to finally pass out in sleep. It hadn’t been an easy sleep. He thought about her throughout it all, craving her touch unlike anything else, and even now, he wanted her.

  Lifting her up, he put her on the side, keeping her to the edge so that he was close. The shorts she wore were in the way, and as he sank his fingers into her hair, he kissed her hard, consuming her lips.

  She gripped his shoulders, and any
kind of pain she must have been feeling seemed to vanish.

  Her fingers sank into his hair, gripping the length as he ravished her mouth. She tasted incredible, and feeling her shake against him, he couldn’t get enough of her.

  Sliding his hands down to her tits, he felt how heavy they were in his hands, and heard her moan.

  Breaking from the kiss, he pulled the shirt up, exposing those tits and finally getting a taste. He licked across one peak, then the next.

  He was already moving down to her pussy, sliding his fingers inside the band of her panties.

  When he touched her wet slit, she cried out.

  “You’ve never had a dick inside this pussy, have you?”


  “Do you want my cock?”

  “Yes. Please, yes.”

  “Yeah, that’s it, you want my dick. You want me to fuck your tight little cunt.” He stroked her clit as he teased her nipples.

  He was about ready to explode. She was so responsive, and she held her legs open. The only way this could be more perfect right now was if she was naked and then he’d lick her pussy. He couldn’t believe how wet she was already. A few strokes of her clit and she was so close to coming.

  When he finally took her cherry, it would be with his dick. He wasn’t going to do that in the kitchen. She needed a bed to lose her virginity.

  “Please, Edge!”

  “You need to come?”


  “Then come for me. Do it and scream my name.”

  “Edge!” Her scream filled the air, and he watched her come, her pussy growing wetter as he worked her clit. He couldn’t resist another suck on her tits, and did so, knowing he was going to have them bouncing in front of his face before long. Once he did, there was no way he wasn’t going to take every single part of her.

  He wanted Leah so much. In the past week, she’d gotten under his skin, and now there was simply no control inside him.

  He had to have her.

  Edge removed his fingers from her greedy pussy and licked them. He saw the shock of surprise in her eyes as he licked her up.

  He heard the guys moving around and knew he’d have to finish this another time. His dick strained against his jeans.


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