Sold to the MC Men

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Sold to the MC Men Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “Am I hurting you?” he asked.

  “No, it feels different.”

  “Good different? Bad different?”

  “I don’t know. Don’t stop.”

  When it was just the tip of him inside her, he slid right forward, and she gasped again. It didn’t hurt, but it was wonderful.

  She couldn’t help but arch up, wanting him to go deeper, to claim her harder.

  “Please, Edge,” she said. “I need something.” What did she need? What was she hoping for?

  None of it made any sense to her.

  Edge took her hands, pushing them to the bed. He lifted himself and began to thrust in and out of her. He did this repeatedly, and she couldn’t stop herself from looking down at where they were joined.

  His cock was covered in her arousal as well as a smear of blood, but she didn’t care. She wanted to watch him take her. With each thrust, he got deeper than before, and there was no pain.

  He let go of one of her hands, drawing them both above her head.

  “Don’t stop me,” he said.

  She nodded her head, curious.

  He moved a little to her side. He tilted his knee, his cock still deep within her, but now, he stroked her pussy, his fingers teasing over her clit as he thrust inside her.

  She cried out as with each thrust and stroke, she felt like she was going to come apart. Nothing had ever felt this good before in her life, and Edge drew her to the peak. He held her there, pounding inside her but never stopping in his strokes.

  She wanted more, and as he flung her into orgasm, he held her there, shaking, broken, shattered, happy, amazed, joyous. He let her go, held her down to the mattress, and simply took her harder than ever before.

  The pleasure went up a notch. She couldn’t describe how it changed and got more intense, just that it was everything she had always hoped sex would be. She didn’t want to hide from it or be embarrassed by what happened.

  When Edge came, he filled her, going as deep as possible, and she felt every single pulse.

  His orgasm seemed to go on forever before he finally came down from that peak.

  They both collapsed to the bed. His grip on her hands loosened, and she took several deep breaths, trying to get her breath back.

  “Fuck, that was amazing.” He lifted up, and she smiled at him.

  “It really was.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You’re sure?”

  He eased out of her, and she couldn’t help but wince. There was a little soreness now, but nothing he had to worry about.

  “There’s blood,” he said.

  “I was a virgin.”

  “Yeah, I know but I figured that kind of shit was the stuff people wrote in books, not what they actually did. I mean, I just took your virginity.”

  She cupped his cheek. For the first time since she’d known him, Edge looked a little panicked.

  She lifted up kissing his mouth. “Stop panicking. I wanted this. Did you want this?” she asked.

  “You know I did.”

  “Exactly. Stop it. I’m happy.”

  “I need to clean you up.”

  “You don’t have an en-suite bathroom.” It wasn’t a question. She’d cleaned his room and know his door was a closet, not a secret bathroom.

  “I’m carrying you across the hall.”

  “What if the others see me?” she asked.

  “You belong to each one of us. I don’t care if they see you. I’m going to take care of you, and if they want to help me do that, I’ve got no problem doing that either.”

  He didn’t give her a chance to protest as he lifted her up and left his bedroom.

  Of course, that was the time Trick, Tank, Junior, and Dig were each coming to bed.

  “She’s no longer a virgin, but I’m cleaning her up. If you want to join me, follow me. If not, stay here. I’m going to go and take care of our girl.”

  Leah got to watch as not one or two, but all of her men joined them in the bathroom to help clean her up. It was … sweet and lovable.


  Sitting in the clubroom’s church a few days later, Tank tried to avoid looking out of the window. Leah wasn’t too far away as she hung out the washing machine.

  After Edge had taken her virginity, he had suggested they give her a couple of days to heal. He hadn’t broken her, but she was sore.

  Tank had seen her looking a little stiff and not her usual energetic self. He didn’t want to hurt her, and letting her have these few days wasn’t exactly a hardship. For him, he liked her company. She hadn’t avoided any of the men. She came out to bring him drinks and would often sit back and watch him working on the bikes. She’d ask questions, and when he needed tools, she’d hand them to him.

  Her smile was the best part of spending time with her. It never failed to dazzle him.

  “So, here is the payment. Marcel has agreed there won’t be any more deliveries any time soon. Their operations are showing some serious heat, and the only way to lure them off the scent is to lay low,” Edge said.

  He pulled out several piles of money. He pointed at one pile. “Club fund, is everyone in agreement?”

  “Yes.” There were no objections.

  The club fund went into their safe that was in their basement, under lock and key. All of them had the combination, and if there was ever a need to escape, it also held new passports and identities for each of them.

  One of their agreements they’d made was to never end up back on the inside. Jail was not their end game. If shit went south, they had the means of escape, and were all supposed to use it.

  The fund kept growing. They would use it from time to time to help with the clubhouse, but other than that, it was their safety net.

  Once Edge bagged the safety net money, he threw each portion of the deal split to each man.

  He kept his on the table.

  “Fucking ace,” Junior said.

  “You know to be careful with that shit. Don’t draw attention,” Edge said.

  “I’m not going to do anything. It’s just awesome holding it in our hands.” Junior fanned the notes and breathed it all in. “It’s a thing of beauty.”

  “Shouldn’t Trick and Junior get a cheaper cut?” Dig asked.

  Tank looked toward the brother, who sent him a wink.

  “Why is that?” Edge asked.

  “They didn’t do this run. They stayed at home and got their dick wet. That’s not doing the job.”

  “Aw, are you jealous?” Junior asked.

  “Dig, I need to know if you’re serious,” Edge said.

  Whenever they were in church, Edge didn’t play around. This was serious fucking business. All of them had to rely on each other, and this was how it all worked for them. They worked as a team. If one of the team felt they weren’t being treated right, then they needed to deal with it.

  “Of course I’m fucking joking. Those two losers got to spend time with the real prize,” Dig said.

  “We need to figure that shit out,” Tank said.

  “What shit is to figure out?” Trick asked. “She belongs to all of us.”

  “Do we get her for a day of the week and weekends are her time or we share her all together?” Tank asked.

  “You know, you always sound like a machine when you do the whole logical thing,” Junior said.

  “Someone has to. It’s how it will work smoothly without any troubles,” Tank said, looking toward Edge.

  Their President was looking out of the window.

  “I think any conversation about Leah has to include her. She can decide what she wants to do,” Edge said.

  There was a softness to his voice when he spoke of her.

  Tank detected it. He wondered if any of the other guys had heard it.

  “Maybe some ground rules for us,” Dig said. “We got to all agree to them, otherwise it doesn’t work.”

  “We can’t fight over her,” Trick said. “She wouldn’
t like that.”

  “Agreed,” Edge said. “We can’t force her either. If she doesn’t want to and she wants her space, we give it to her.”

  “What about the doctor you called?” Dig asked. “When he’s due to arrive?”


  “What if we knock her up before then?” Junior asked.

  “We take care of it,” Edge said.

  “Kill her?” Tank asked.

  All four men looked toward him with disgust.

  “No. We take care of her and the baby. Regardless,” Edge said. “I’m not a monster. I like having her around this place.”

  “Yeah, it feels like a real home,” Junior said.

  “Can you guys think of anything more?” Edge asked. “We’ve shared a woman before.”

  “We’ve shared a whore before. We’ve never done anything like this with a woman who lives with us. This is all new,” Tank said. “You guys are my family, and I’m not going to ruin this for a piece of ass.”

  “We can all agree, Leah is more than a piece of ass,” Edge said. “Don’t start trying to pretend you don’t see it. You want her, Tank. There’s no shame in that. We all do. Anything we discuss about her will be with her, agreed?”

  They all nodded, and Edge slammed down the gavel.

  “No fighting. No arguing. No competition. Leah belongs to all of us equally. None of us will risk the chance of hurting her. The club and her best interests are all that matters, agreed?”

  “Yes.” They all spoke in unison.

  “Anything else?” Edge looked around the room, but Tank just wanted to get out there now and hear what Leah wanted.

  He saw the others wanted the same thing.

  “Right, let’s go and see how our girl is getting on.”

  One by one, they rushed toward the door. Trick and Junior managed to get themselves stuck in the doorway as they both fought to get out.

  Chapter Nine

  Leah finished hanging out the washing. Humming to herself, she walked back into the clubhouse. She put the basket near the washing machine, and went straight to the kitchen to see how much longer there was left for the cake to bake.

  Only ten minutes left, so she put out the cooling rack, along with the cake tester. She’d just filled the kettle and placed it on the stove to boil when the door to the kitchen flung open. Not one, but all five of the men entered.

  She smiled.

  Each of them had a huge grin on his face, and it was rather infectious. Whenever she looked at Edge, she couldn’t help but recall the feel of him between her thighs, sliding in deep, taking as much of him as she possibly could.

  “How did your meeting go?” she asked.

  Edge had pulled her to one side and told her how important their church meetings were and how they needed privacy. She respected them for it.

  “It went well,” Junior said.

  He was the first to come toward her, pulling her into his arms and kissing her temple. She closed her eyes for a brief second before she was tugged into another’s arms. One by one the men grabbed at her, kissing her head, spinning her around in a circle until they all stood around her.

  She turned, glancing at every single one of them in turn. Since she arrived, she hadn’t felt an ounce of nerves. That changed now.

  Chancing a glance up at their faces, she paused. There was nothing but hunger in their gazes.

  “We won’t hurt you,” Tank said.

  “We’ll never hurt this with we have, with all of us.”

  She turned to Edge who had also spoken. “You believe me that I’m not here to trick you.”

  “I don’t think you’re capable of tricking anyone,” Edge said.

  “We all want you,” Junior said.

  This brought her attention back to him. “You all want me?”

  “Way to go, Junior.” This came from Dig, who was glaring at Junior.

  “Wait, wait, hold on. I don’t have a clue what is happening here. Does anyone want to enlighten me? Kind of confused.” She held her hand up in the air so they all had no choice but to look toward her.

  Five men.

  Five sexy, hungry, men.

  They didn’t want food either.

  No. The way they were looking at her, they wanted nothing but her.

  She kept her hands at her sides, giving them time to talk. Finally, she looked toward Edge.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “The men and I have talked. We all want you.”

  “Want me?”

  “Yes. We want to share you indefinitely.”

  “I don’t mean to be rude or anything, but I thought we already discussed this,” she said. “You know, I brought it up about all of us being together, not picking a guy?” She figured they had already resolved this matter before. She couldn’t resist looking toward Junior and Trick. “Like what we’ve done before, but all of us together,” she said.

  “Yes, exactly like that,” Trick said.

  “We all want you,” Edge said, drawing her attention back to him.

  It was nice to be distracted by so many men, but again, she had to wonder if they’d paid attention last time.

  “Forgive me, but I figured we’d already covered this with all of us. I know what my mother did brought us together, but I thought we were past that. I’m no longer club property.” It had taken her some time to get used to being club property, but now, she wanted to belong to them because they wanted her, not because her mother had used her.

  “This isn’t about what your mother did, Leah. This is about what we want. We know you’re nothing like your mother, or the other women we’ve been with. This is about you. About us, and we want to share you. For you to belong to each of us equally. This is us, showing you and telling you that we’re committed to this.”

  “For just sex?”

  “No, for everything,” Tank said.

  She looked toward him. The passion in his eyes startled her.

  “We want you to be our woman,” he said. “All of us, getting a piece of you, and you get a piece of us.”

  “This will be like a full-on, completely committed relationship?” she asked.

  “Yes.” All five men answered at the same time, shocking her with how fiercely they were talking.

  “This is us finally taking a chance. Before, it was about sex. Now, it’s more,” Edge said.

  She took a deep breath, looking at each one in turn.

  “This is what you want. To share me. All five of you, just like I want to share all of you.”

  “We want to have a day of the week,” Dig said.

  “The weekends will be your own. You can decide if you want to be alone, or share us all together on those days.”

  She laughed. “Is that even possible?”

  All five men stepped toward her. She didn’t think she had a lot of space to begin with, and now, she had less of it, but instead of being alarmed, she felt protected.

  Her nipples peaked as one of them placed a hand against her stomach, another on her ass. Each man touched her body.

  Edge leaned in close, sucking on her neck before biting her ear. “You can take all of us, Leah. One of us could be in your pussy.” She gasped as someone cupped her between her thighs. Arousal hit hard and fast, and she didn’t want them to stop. “Then another could be right here.” A hand to her ass and she didn’t even try to contain her groan. She closed her eyes, giving herself to each of them. “Then of course, there is this really pretty mouth. It’s designed to take a cock as well.” She kept her eyes closed even as some fingers pressed against her lips. She opened them, sucking them inside. Both of her hands were held. “And these work just as well. Not to mention these.” Her tits were pressed together.

  All of a sudden, no one was touching her.

  “We will give you some time to decide what it is you want,” Edge said. “You now know what we want, and it’s up to you to make that decision.”

  One by one, the men kissed her lips on the way out o
f the kitchen.

  They left her alone, speechless and horny. Her body was on fire.

  The oven timer pinged, and she had to shake the sexy fog from her brain to start functioning again.

  What the hell had just happened? She couldn’t believe how this had all changed and so fast as well. The offer of sex seemed completely out of this world, even to her, and she’d suggested it. Now they were talking long-term commitment. Was this even real? She had no problem with being shared by these men, but were they ready?


  She wasn’t going to allow any doubts to ruin this moment for her. She wanted her men, and nothing was going to come between them or tear them apart.


  Dig kept looking toward the stairs, waiting for her to appear. He kept willing Leah to appear. She hadn’t been at dinner, but their meal had been left for all of them. He wanted to see her, but Edge had told them all to give her space to make her decision.

  He didn’t want to manipulate her. Far from it. If anything, he just wanted to hold her and to let her know that no matter what she decided, she would always have a place with them. It didn’t have to include sex, and they were not completely horny, sex-crazed guys. They were, but it wasn’t every single part of them.

  “Will you focus?” Tank said.

  Looking at the pool table, Dig shook his head, trying to clear it from the worry. “What if she leaves?”

  “She won’t leave,” Edge said.

  “Why not? I mean, five guys told her today they each want to share her. Wouldn’t that make any woman run away?” He didn’t want Leah to run away. It wasn’t safe out there, and if she did try to escape, they would all have no choice but to drag her ass back. They were a small club, and they couldn’t risk someone believing they were weak if they couldn’t even control a woman.

  “She won’t,” Junior said. “We didn’t scare her. It’s not like we told her to fuck us or get out. We gave her a choice. It is more than a lot of guys would do, and let’s not forget what she offered us. We can’t turn our backs on that.”

  “This doesn’t help,” Dig said.

  “Maybe you should have a little faith,” Trick said.

  “We all want this, Dig,” Tank said. “We’re not going to fuck it up.”


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