Back To You This Christmas

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Back To You This Christmas Page 7

by Sterling, S. L.

  "What do you mean? Of course, she is. She is only home for a couple of weeks. Why?"

  "Nothing. It’s not my place to say anything, Zach."

  "Oh no, what do you know that the rest of us don't?"

  "That, my love, is for Lexi to share with everyone." Ann Marie smiled at me and nodded toward the window. "Speak of the devil."

  I looked out the window in the direction that Ann Marie had gestured just in time to see Drew and Lexi walk by. Lexi had her camera in her hand taking photos of someone across the street, with Drew walking beside her. "Well, I guess I won't have to wait too long, since they are right over there."

  Ann Marie smiled at me. "How about we finish our donut and coffee, and then we can go meet them. It looks like they will be down here for a while anyways." She placed her hand over mine once again in a comforting gesture.

  "That sounds great!" I said, leaning in for a kiss. As we parted, the waitress dropped our two fresh donuts in front of us.

  Once we finished, we bundled back up and made our way out into the street. "They couldn't have gone very far," I said, looking both ways before stepping into the street with Ann Marie in tow. She grabbed hold of my gloved hand, following me down one of the side streets. As we turned down the third street on our right, I stopped in my tracks, abruptly enough that Ann Marie ran right into my back.

  "Zach, what on earth?"

  I couldn't answer her. I was in shock. There in front of me was my little sister—my sweet little sister—locking lips with my best friend.

  Ann Marie pulled on the arm of my jacket, signaling to me what I already saw. She leaned in, whispering, "Zach we should go. Leave them be." She pulled on my hand to pull me away from the scene in front of me, but my feet were glued to the ground.

  Chapter 14


  It was as if the world had stopped spinning. The only thing I heard was the whooshing of my own pulse in my ears, my heart pounding hard in my chest as I closed my eyes. The feel of Drew's lips on mine, his taste, the way he ran his tongue through my mouth… I didn't want the moment to end. He was an amazing kisser, soft, gentle, yet I could feel the urgency and want behind it. As his tongue swept across mine one more time, I could feel the intensity of the throbbing between my legs and wished we weren't standing in the middle of a street so he could put his hands on me.

  Our lips parted, and I looked up into his blue eyes, the world around us coming back into focus. He was looking down at me, nothing being said between us. We just stood looking at one another for what felt like hours. He leaned in slowly, cupped my cheeks, and kissed me again, his lips gently brushing against mine.

  I felt his hands start to move through my jacket, down my back, stopping just above my ass we heard a man clear his throat behind us. Instantly, Drew jumped away from me as if I had bitten him, causing me to jump as well. I was just about to protest when Zach came into focus.

  He had been the one to clear his throat, the one who had interrupted our very first kiss. Zach. My brother. I could feel my cheeks heating with embarrassment as Zach's eyes burned into mine, and suddenly I felt like a child caught with something I shouldn't have.

  Ann Marie stood there with a small, uncomfortable smile on her face. She said nothing, probably trying to hide her embarrassment for intruding on us. Zach, on the other hand, stood there glaring at me before his eyes turned to Drew.

  "Look, Zach, it's not what you think," Drew instantly said, holding his hands up in an innocent gesture, probably afraid Zach was going to hit him.

  Ann Marie placed her hand on Zach's chest and whispered something to him.

  "Sure, sure. What do you think this looks like?" Zach bit out, the tension between them surrounding us all. The tension was almost too much to take, and suddenly I was afraid that perhaps Drew had been right in trying to defend himself.

  I could see the tension in my brother’s body, and without thinking, I stepped between them, trying to stop a fight before it even started, but knowing full well that I wouldn't have a chance if it did. "Both of you stop right now. I'm an adult, Zach, in case you've forgotten."

  "Never said you weren't."

  "Then what is your problem?"

  Zach didn't take his eyes from Drew for what felt like an eternity, and then started to shake his head, appearing to let the situation go. "Look, honestly, I don't give a shit about what goes on between the two of you, but I highly suggest that you both think twice about it. It's not a good idea."

  I frowned at my brother. I was more than pissed off with him. I was furious. "How dare you say something like that, Zach. Drew, let's go." I turned and grabbed Drew's hand, pulling him with me, but the instant my eyes met Drew's, I knew from the look he gave me that whatever had happened here wouldn't happen again.

  "Drew?" I pleaded as he stood there glancing between my brother and me.

  "Lexi, I'm sorry, but I just remembered I have something I've got to do." He looked down at me and dropped my hand.

  I stood there, not sure what to say, as I watched him back away from us, finally tearing his eyes from mine. As he walked away from me, I fought the tears and the need to run after him. I felt like I was glued to my spot, my feet heavy and my heart hurting.

  "Lexi, I'm sorry," I heard Zach say as I glanced over his shoulder to see if I could still see Drew, but he was already gone. Zach cleared his throat, pulling my attention to him. "Lexi, I'm sorry. I came over because I saw you earlier and wanted to talk about Mom and Dad and the situation with the house."

  I tore my eyes from the direction Drew had gone off in and glared at my brother. "Look, if they want to move, who are we to stop them," I bit out. I was angry and now worried about Drew.

  "I just figured you'd be upset, and that between us, maybe we could figure out a way to help them keep it."

  I kept my focus in the direction that Drew had gone off in. "We'll talk at home. I can't do this right now. I have to go."

  I ran from where Zach and Ann Marie stood and headed in the direction Drew had gone off in, sure that he was probably already long gone. I walked in a panic up and down the streets, stopping to ask a few people if they had seen someone by his description, but no one could help me. I spent the next forty minutes basically walking the same blocks in desperation to find him, but he was nowhere to be found.

  After another forty minutes, I finally stopped. I was cold and exhausted. I was back at the coffee shop and decided to go inside to see if Drew was there.

  I wandered in and took a seat by the fireplace, removing my jacket and letting the heat sink into me. I pulled my phone from my pocket, quickly checking my text messages, praying that he had messaged me, but there was nothing from him, only from my brother. Defeated, I let out a breath, quickly sent a text, and then headed to the counter to order a coffee.

  Chapter 15


  The only sound I heard was the crunching of the snow under my boots as I slowly walked up the hill back to the house. It had gotten colder in the hours that I'd been gone, and snow was falling harder now. I zipped my jacket up and wrapped my scarf up around my ears before placing my hood over my head. I shoved my gloved hands into my pockets, trying to warm them.

  I was glad when the house came into view. The windows were all dark, Lexi probably having gone to bed long ago. The driveway was now empty. Zach must have come and picked up the car and was still with Ann Marie, and Barb and Jim had gone over to a charity banquet and were spending the night there.

  I made my way quietly up the front steps and sat down on the rocking chair that always sat outside the front door, regardless of the season. I glanced at my watch. It was close to midnight; I should have been in bed hours ago, not out wandering the streets. I let out a deep sigh, listening to the silence around me and thinking about how good a hot shower and coffee would be right about now as a shiver ran through me.

  I had walked around town for the last three and a half hours thinking about tonight and the situation that Zach had found Lexi and me
in. I thought long and hard about what I was going to do. I knew I had made the right decision and that was to move on and pretend that nothing had ever happened between us, but that already felt wrong. As soon as I had resigned myself to that decision, the memories came back and I thought back to tonight.

  Watching Lexi had been amazing, and so was spending time with her. There was something so light and refreshing about her presence that it calmed the endless ache in me. Spending time with her also completely ended the thoughts of Laura, something that hadn't happened in the last six months, no matter how hard I had tried to shut it off.

  I thought back to the moment when I had realized I was going to kiss her, how calm and relaxed I had felt. It was our first kiss. Surely there should have been nervousness with it, but there was nothing. Instead, everything just ebbed and flowed in perfect harmony. She had felt perfect in my arms, and as my lips danced across hers, I felt my soul ignite with something I had never ever felt before.

  That all ended when I had heard Zach clear his throat. That fire had died and was replaced with a feeling that I had been caught doing something that I shouldn't. Even though I knew we were both adults, I could tell by the look in his eyes that it bothered him to see me with his sister. Zach had been my best friend for years. The whole family had welcomed me with loving arms, and the last thing I wanted was not to be wanted. They were all the family I had.

  I leaned back in the rocking chair, rubbing my legs with my gloved hands, trying to get some feeling back into them. This was going to be the hardest two weeks of my life. Staying in this house with Lexi right across the hall from my bedroom, practically within arm’s reach. There was no way I could do it, I decided.

  I pulled my phone from my pocket and looked up local hotels. There had to be somewhere that I could stay. The longer I thought about it, I knew there was absolutely no way I would be able to stay here and not kiss her again. I wouldn't be able to look at her every morning and evening across the dinner table and hide what I was thinking every single second. Plus, if I ran into her in the kitchen again or crossed paths as she left the bathroom like I had done the other day, I would be in big trouble.

  I pulled my hood tighter around my head and scrolled through the first website I came to and punched in the respective dates I was looking for and hit search. No vacancy flashed on the screen. By the time I got to the tenth hotel's website, they already had the words “no vacancy” clearly printed right on the front page, saving me the time. It was as if the universe was trying to tell me something. I decided to stop looking within town and began looking up hotels on the outskirts, but again there was nothing.

  I pocketed my almost-dead phone and stood to unlock the door and go inside when something caught my eye. A light from the upstairs front window illuminated the snow on the front yard. Lexi was still awake, no doubt waiting to hear from me. She had texted me earlier, and like the scum I was, I’d just ignored her message. There was no way I could go inside now; I didn't want to be confronted by her.

  I let out a breath and pulled my glove from my pocket, sliding my hand back into it. Then I tucked my hands into my pockets and sat back down, trying to ignore the fact that I was freezing. Watching the flakes dance down to the ground, I redirected my thoughts away from everything, and that was when I felt my cell phone vibrate in my pocket.

  I let out a breath, grabbing it front my pocket, and looked down at the screen. Lexi had sent me another message. I was going to ignore it and open it later, but my phone vibrated again.

  Lexi: I hope you are okay.

  Lexi: I'm going to bed, but please when you get home just knock on my door.

  I closed my eyes and clenched my teeth. She was killing me inside. Finally, the light went off in the upstairs window, leaving the front yard in darkness again. I gave it another ten minutes, until I could no longer stand the fact that my feet were now thoroughly freezing.

  I got up and quietly put my key into the lock of the front door. A blast of warm air hit me as soon as I stepped inside, my skin hurting from the abrupt change in temperature. I quietly slid my coat off and hung it up in the closet and removed my wet boots. I ignored the want for a hot coffee and tiptoed upstairs, careful not to make too much noise that would alert her that I was home. I slipped into my room and gathered my sleep pants and one of the towels Lexi had left for me last night and quickly and quietly made my way to the shower.

  Chapter 16


  I stared up at my bedroom ceiling, my one hand flung behind my head and the other resting on my tummy, trying hard to relax. I had sent Drew a text over half an hour ago and he still hadn't responded. I was worried. There was no reason why he shouldn't be talking to me. I thought back to tonight and how wonderful it had been, until Zach happened and drove Drew away. I had dreamed of kissing Drew and so much more since the night he had told me I was beautiful, which was so silly. I mean, that had been ages ago. He probably didn't even remember that night. However, to me, it had made such a difference.

  It was the night of my junior prom, and even though he was probably only being nice, his words had meant the world. I let out a breath and thought back to that night. I could remember it like it was yesterday.

  I walked down the stairs dressed in the white and pink prom dress that I had so loved up until Rickie Hansen had canceled on me and left me in a fit of tears for three straight days right before my junior prom. I hadn't wanted to go anymore. In fact, I had begged my mother to take the dress she had bought back and to leave me to wallow in my room. She wouldn't hear of it and had instead she taken me to get my hair and nails done in preparation for tonight.

  As I left the safety of my room, looking like a large bath puff, I made my way downstairs to wait for my ride. I could hear Zach and Drew in the living room playing video games and couldn't wait for the jokes to start.

  As my bare foot hit the landing, both Drew and Zach turned their eyes from the TV and onto me. I awkwardly smiled. I hated everything about this dress now and felt completely stupid going to junior prom all alone.

  "You look nice, sis," Zach said, getting up to get more snacks and drinks from the kitchen.

  "Sure, Mom probably made you say that," I called after him.

  As soon as he was out of sight, Drew stood up from where he had been sitting and came over to me.

  "You ready for tonight?" he asked, shoving his hands deep into his jeans pockets and shrugging his shoulders.

  "I guess. I don't really even know why I'm bothering to go, to be honest. All my friends have dates. I'm just going to be the annoying third wheel."

  Drew looked down at me and smiled. "I know how you feel. I went to my junior prom alone. Don't tell your brother; he thinks I went with a date," he whispered, and I let out a tiny laugh.

  "No worries, your secret is safe with me," I said, placing my hand over my heart.

  "So, did your brother give you his lecture yet? He's been practicing it on me for the last month." He grinned.

  "What lecture?" I asked, rolling my eyes and giving him a questioning look.

  "To stay away from the bad ones?"

  "The bad ones?"

  "Yeah, you know, the bad guys, the ones who are only after one thing." He waggled his eyebrows, gesturing to what he meant.

  I felt my cheeks redden at his suggestion. "He hasn't said anything."

  "All right, well, I feel it then my duty as your brother’s best friend to do it on his behalf. Don't let them near you, Lexi. I'm sure they will be buzzing around you like bees to honey." His eyes dropped down my body, causing me to blush again.

  When he noticed that I had become a little uncomfortable, he smiled. Zach came in the room carrying a bowl of popcorn and two small bottles of coke. Drew instantly grabbed my hand and twirled me around, letting out a low whistle as I spun around for him. "You look amazing, Lexi, really. Have a great time, eh?" he said in an attempt to change the subject.

  "Stop hitting on my sister, dude. It’s bloody disgusting."

  "I'm not," Drew protested.

  Zach flopped back down on the couch, grabbing the gaming controller, un-pausing the game, and killing off Drew's character. Drew looked at me, winked, and turned around and went and joined Zach. Both became engrossed in their game and ignored me.

  I'd remembered not knowing what to say to his pep talk of sorts, but I still remembered how he had looked at me as I stood in front of him that night. The way his eyes had washed over my body was the same way his eyes followed me out the front door, and the exact same way he had looked at me the other night in the kitchen.

  I rolled over in bed and looked at the clock. I was getting worried. It was cold out and the snow had been falling hard for the last hour. I let out a breath, and then I heard the hallway floor creak and the sound of a door opening and closing. It had to be Drew. Mom and Dad were staying overnight at the hotel the banquet was being held at, and Zach had long ago messaged me, first to apologize, and then to let me know he was spending the night at Ann Marie's.

  I got up off my bed and opened my bedroom door, glancing out through the crack. Drew's bedroom door was open, a soft light spilling out into the hallway. I watched for a minute through the crack of my door, then I saw Drew. He came walking out of his bedroom, shirtless, his jeans undone and hanging sexily on his waist. His towel was flung over his shoulder, and he carried his toiletry bag in his other hand. He ran his hand through his hair, turning it into a rather disheveled, sexy-looking mess, which was hot as hell. I was about to call out to him but thought twice, mainly because I didn't really know what to say. He went into the bathroom, shutting the door, but still left it open a crack.

  I quickly shut my door and rested my back against the cool panel. I wanted more of what I had tonight, and it wasn't fair to me that Zach had interrupted us. I wanted to be held in Drew's arms. I wanted the smell of his skin invading every part of me. I wanted to feel his large, strong hands gripping parts of my body that they shouldn't.


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