My Forbidden Guy (My Guy series, Book 3)

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My Forbidden Guy (My Guy series, Book 3) Page 10

by Liz Lovelock

  “Okay, sounds good. I look forward to it. Anywhere in particular you’d like to go?”

  “You can choose,” I say, then we end the call. I’m met with silence. “What?” I ask, exasperated. It’s not like I’m going on a date with another man.

  “Who was that?” Dane asks as he places his plate on the floor. Does he even chew his food, or simply inhale it?

  “It was William, my dad.” I shrug then put more food in my mouth to avoid their questions.

  “You’re going to dinner with him?” Elsie looks at me with interest.

  “Yes, what’s the problem? Am I not allowed to get to know my father?” I blurt out in frustration.

  Everyone shakes their heads and averts their eyes. My life is like a damn circus at the moment. I’m the tightrope walker. One wrong step and I’ll tumble. I’m waiting until I do stumble. At least, if I do, Dane will be there to catch me. As for Parker, I’m not sure. I have to fix what I messed up.

  Tomorrow is a new day, and I plan to repair it then.

  “Well, I’m going to bed.” I pick up Dane’s plate and take my own.

  “You’re stayin’?” Aiden asks, unable to hide his shock.

  “Yep, it’s all out in the open now. So Parker is just going to have to get over it. Plus, after the little run-in Addison and I had earlier, I’m not sure I want to drive home on my own. I’d rather be here, especially since Mom is working nights again.”

  Everyone soon goes to their rooms, and the house becomes silent. It’s my first night when I’m not having to sneak in the window.

  We’re official.

  No more hiding.

  This feels amazing. Excitement ripples through me. I’ve waited for this moment for what feels like forever. It’s finally here.

  I brush my teeth and go back to Dane’s room. I shut the door behind me before turning around. Dane lies there with his shirt off. A wickedly sexy grin is spread across his face. He taps the empty spot beside him. Slowly, I crawl up him on my hands and knees until we’re face to face.

  “No more hiding,” he says breathlessly.

  “Nope,” I reply. A surge of excitement explodes inside of me. I lean in and push my lips against his. He tastes like minty-fresh toothpaste. I pull away and bring my legs up so I’m straddling him. My arms wrap around his neck.

  Dane’s hands press against my back, and he pulls me tightly against him. Our kiss becomes heated, wet, and intense. With each touch, my body ignites with sparks.

  Dane is mine. I am his. This is how it’s meant to be.

  No more hiding. No more secrets.

  Everything is how it should be.

  “Parker, can we talk?” I step into the kitchen as he maneuvers around, cleaning up his mess. He’s just made dinner for the house.

  “Mmm,” is all he says. It’s clear he’s still angry. Thankfully, he’s simmered down—mostly.

  I take a seat at the counter and follow his movements. “Parker?”

  He stops and looks my way. I’m met with a deadpan stare. “What?” he growls.

  “I’m sorry about keeping Dane and me from you. There’s something else.” My head drops to my fingers, which are strangling each other.

  Parker throws his hands in the air dramatically. “Oh my goodness, you’re pregnant,” he states.

  My head shoots up. “What? Hell no. I’m not that stupid.” The mere thought of having a baby freaks me the hell out.

  “Oh, thank goodness. What do you want, Paislee? Or are you just going to keep apologizing?”

  “Will you stop acting like a little child and act your damn age? You do realize I’m an adult. I don’t need you behaving like a dictator. You really think I’d go to you and tell you I was pregnant? That’s a hard no. I’d let Mom tell you that one. Plus, I’m not a stupid, immature girl.” I smack my hand down on the counter.

  Parker blinks then folds his arms. “What?” At least this one isn’t a growl.

  I release a puff of air. “I’m going out with William tonight. He rang me last night and wanted to catch up with me.” The words hang in the air, lifeless. I can see Parker’s mind ticking over. I’m sure he’s contemplating how not to explode, or I could be totally wrong and he’s about to flip out once again.

  “He rang you?”

  I nod.

  “And you’re going out with him?”

  Again, I nod. My chest vibrates as my heart pounds against my rib cage. Parker is being so difficult.

  “So, you forgive him for what he did to Mom?”

  And there it is. The anger.

  “No, I haven’t forgiven him. I’m giving him a chance to prove himself to me. To show he really wants to get to know me and plans to actually stay a part of my life.” I keep my tone even and try not to rise at his frustration.

  “Why are you telling me? You’re good at keeping things to yourself.” Another sting. It’s as though he’s cracking a whip across my back, trying to hurt me with everything he says.

  “Just stop.” I sigh. “Parker, enough with the tantrum. If you don’t want me around here anymore, fine. I’ll go. It’ll be your fault that I’m walking away. Your fault that you can’t get your head out of the darkness you’ve surrounded it in.” I don’t give him a chance to respond. I hop up and walk out the front. It’s nearly time for William to pick me up.

  I never in a million years thought I would ever meet my father again. I imagined he was long gone and wanted nothing more to do with my family.

  A car horn catches my attention. It’s the same car that was parked at Mom’s when he first showed up.

  I open the passenger door and slide in. It has a new-car smell.

  “Hey,” William greets me with a massive smile.

  “Hey,” I say and face forward, chewing my bottom lip. I wish I had asked Dane to come with me, but he had some studying to catch up on in the library.

  “I thought Chinese for dinner. Are you okay with that?” William glances over at me before pulling out onto the street.

  “Yeah, that’s fine with me,” I reply.

  “How was your day?”

  I twist my bag handle in my hands and keep my eyes focused out the window. “Yeah, it was alright. Just the usual.”

  “Your mother tells me you haven’t decided on anything solid to study yet?”

  Damnit, Mom.

  “Is this the part where you get all fathery on me and tell me what I should be doing?”

  He chuckles. “No, I lost that right a long time ago. I would like to talk about it over dinner, though.”

  Wow, brutal.

  “Yeah, sure, we can discuss it. I can’t promise it’ll help.” I laugh nervously.

  The car becomes silent, apart from the radio. I can’t help but wonder what his life has been like without us.

  I start making a mental checklist of things to ask. There’s a pile building in my head. I’m not so sure he’ll get to discuss my studies with all my questions.

  We get to the small Chinese restaurant and take a seat in a booth. My focus dances around the room, and I avoid my father’s eyes. I wonder if he’s as nervous as me. Mom probably should have come. She might have split the tension.

  “Why did you leave?” I blurt out then pull my lips between my teeth. What the hell did I just say? How stupid am I?

  Before he can answer, a waitress comes over and gives us a menu each and says she’ll be back to take our orders. Then, it’s just us again.

  William settles his hands in front of him. His face is clean-shaven. Dark eyes, dark hair. He’s not in the uppity suit I’ve seen him in the last two times. Tonight, he’s in jeans and a light-blue polo shirt. Very casual.

  “I left because I was stupid. I don’t have a good answer to give you. I was self-centered. Let’s just say that. I was scared about being a dad, and then there was work. I know, all lame excuses.”

  He took the words right out of my mouth.

  “Okay, let’s go with self-centered.” I give a weak smile. “Did you think abou
t us? Think about contacting us?” I fling the questions at him like he’s in.

  His eyes soften. “Yes, you and Parker were on my mind. As for contacting you, I thought it would be better if I didn’t. It might have confused you both, considering I wasn’t there when you were little.”

  “Better for who?” I’m amazed at how calm I’m feeling. I don’t hold anger toward this man in front of me. I only want answers any child would.

  He nods. “I know what you’re getting at—better for me. But also for you and your brother. Look at how you both took it when I showed up now. Imagine if you were younger. Wow, so much more anger.”

  “Parker is still very angry about you leaving us.”

  “I know. I have lots of fixing to do when it comes to both you and Parker.”

  “You got that right.” I know the instant it leaves my mouth, I shouldn’t have said it. “Sorry.”

  “That’s okay. I deserve it. Actually, I deserve everything you both have to throw at me.”

  The waitress comes back over with her notepad in her hand. “Ready to order?” She smiles brightly. William and I both order the same meals, and she strolls off.

  When William says nothing, the sounds of other people chatting and laughing around us seems to become louder. Noise from the kitchen stoves sizzling away, drinks being poured. My eyes follow the waitress around. Here I am, sitting with my father—something I never thought would happen.

  “Did you meet someone else? Like, do you have a girlfriend or new family now?” I hold my breath as I wait for his response.

  He puts his cup down. “No, I don’t have a girlfriend or another family. Yes, there have been ladies over the years, but sadly, I’m married to my work.”

  I nod and start breathing again. “That’s a little sad.”

  “It’s what I chose.” He shrugs, a slight frown on his face.

  Our meals show up minutes later. Now that’s quick service. I take a bite of my honey chicken.

  “So, your mom tells me that you haven’t actually gotten a job yet?”

  I stop chewing and shake my head from side to side.

  “How would you feel about coming to work for me a couple of afternoons a week, doing admin stuff?” He raises his eyebrows, hopeful.

  I swallow the lump of mushed up food in my mouth. “Are you serious?” I almost yell, shocked at his offer. “Wait, does Mom know you’re offering this to me?”

  “Yes. She’s okay with it. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have offered it to you.”

  I sit up a little straighter in my seat. I want this. I need this job. “Yes. I’ll do it.”

  “You will?” he asks, clearly a little surprised by my quick answer.

  “Yes, thank you.” I grin. He smiles back.

  The night goes off without a hitch. Before I know it, dinner is over, and we’re pulling into Parker’s at nine.

  “Thanks for tonight.” Without hesitation, I lean over and pull my dad into a hug.

  We still have a lot of mending to do, but I’m so glad he’s come back into my life. Perhaps his guidance is what I need to push me in the right direction.

  “Oh, that’s okay.” His warmth spreads through me. I’ve never experienced the father-daughter-type hug—or relationship. I’ve watched friends throughout my life talk about their family without even registering I was lacking a parent. It has always been Mom, Parker, and me. Now, William is here, and I want him to stay.

  Leaning back, I say, “You’re not allowed to go and leave again. You got that? There won’t be another chance if you blow this one.” I look him dead in the eyes. The interior light in the car is reflected in them.

  He takes my hand and squeezes. “I promise you that I’m not going anywhere. And if I have to, you’ll be my first call. You have my word.” He gives my hand another squeeze.

  Truthfulness shines in his eyes. “Okay. Thanks… Dad.” I stumble over the last word. It’s a new word that I’ll have to exercise to get used to. Dad’s face scrunches up with a smile, but I catch the glistening in his eyes until he quickly blinks it away. He’s such a man—not wanting people to see him all emotional. The only expression men show outwardly is anger.

  “I’ll be in touch to discuss work.”

  “Thanks again.” I climb out of the car and stand on the curb and wait for him to drive off, then I cross the road to go into the house.

  “Well, well, well. You seem to get around, don’t you?”

  I pause mid-step and turn to the bush lining the fence of Parker’s house. “I’m sorry, who are you?”

  A figure steps out into the streetlight. It’s a skinny guy with dark hair. He wears a singlet which appears torn in spots and a torn-off pair of green cargo pants. “So you move on and forget everyone else. Is this who you are, Paislee?”

  My muscles tense at the mention of my name. There’s something familiar about this guy. “Callan?”

  My voice shakes as I say his name. Is it really him or am I in a dream? My legs turn to jelly. We’re about four feet away from each other. I could run inside, but it probably wouldn’t take much for him to lunge at me.

  Please, someone look outside and see me. Please.

  “We have a winner here, ladies and gentlemen.” He steps toward me.

  I freeze when I should be backing the hell away from this creep. My chest tightens.

  “You think it’s fair to send me that message and delete your account?”

  “I’m… I’m sorry. I got back with my boyfriend.”

  “Who? The old guy in the car?”

  “That was my father. Not that it’s any of your business.” His eyes are dead and lifeless. I see danger there. I have to get out of here. A pulsing begins pumping in my ears. This entire situation is bad. “I think you should leave.” As I’m turning to walk away, his hand leaps out and latches to mine like a vise. “Let me go,” I growl, trying to pull free. His hold tightens against my struggle.

  He takes my other arm and shoves me. I fall. A sharp pain stabs me in the back of the head. A scream rips through the night. It’s me. Callan’s face hovers over mine.

  Someone, please come out.

  His hands press against the flesh of my stomach. They sear my skin. I scream. He grabs my upper arms again, then lifts me, and shoves me against the concrete curb harder. Another throbbing pain shoots in my head, and this time, it moves right along my spine.

  Opening my eyes, white and colored spots dance in my vision. “Stop. Please,” I cry.

  “You’ll pay for what you did,” he threatens in my ear. “You didn’t even give me a chance.” His breath is hot and dangerous.

  I try to wriggle my way out. I jerk my body up and down, trying to dislodge his weight from me. With each move, my head pounds as if it’s getting smacked against the ground again. Blackness threatens.

  NO! Don’t pass out. He can’t win.

  Tears fill my eyes. Callan’s claw-like hands paw my skin as he reaches under my shirt. With each touch, I feel more and more filthy—as though my skin turns dirty in the spots where his fingers press on my flesh.

  “Hey!” a familiar voice roars.

  The weight that was pressed against me is gone, and I’m light as a feather, floating away, welcoming the darkness that throws itself upon me.

  Where am I?

  A groan pushes through my dry, cracked lips.

  “She’s awake.” I hear my mother’s cracked voice, and then there’s a light touch on my hand.

  Why won’t my eyes open?

  “It’s okay, honey. You’re safe.” Mom’s reassuring voice sends me off into a fitful sleep.

  “You need to leave.” There’s Parker’s angry voice again. It’s not changed since I last heard him speak.

  “She’s my girlfriend,” Dane says in a tone that means, I’m not going anywhere.

  Stay, Dane. I want you here. I want to yell it. I want to tell Parker to shut up. Again, blackness takes over.

  “Parker, you need to stop acting like this. You’re pushing Addi
son away, your friends…”

  “And your sister,” I manage to croak out. Finally, my eyes open. Parker and Mom rush to my side.

  “How are you feeling, honey?” Mom’s warm hand runs up and down my cool arm.

  “Like I have a splitting headache. How long have I been here?” I take in the sterilized room. It smells clean. The machine still beeps, but there’s one person I want here who’s missing. “Where’s Dane?”

  Parker and Mom exchange a glance. She raises her eyebrows at him. “Parker will answer that question.” Mom purses her lips.

  “You told him to leave. I heard you. Parker…” I sigh, shaking my head gently. “How about you go, and let him come, because I don’t want you here. Your anger is too much for me to handle.” I turn away from him and face Mom. Tears brim in her eyes. “I’m okay, Mom.”

  Parker says nothing and walks out of the room.

  “Dane was the one who found that guy hurting you.” Her voice cracks, and the tears fall now. A lump forms in my throat when I recall what happened.

  “I thought it was him but was too out of it. I’m just glad someone came.” My body trembles, and I’m not sure how to stop it.

  A hulking figure comes to the door. Mom moves and William steps into the room. “I’m sorry, Paislee. I should have waited for you to go inside.” He hangs his head.

  “No, Dad, it’s not your fault. I did this by getting on one of those dating apps. Never again,” I try to joke.

  “Paislee, now is not the time for jokes,” Mom snaps. Being the doctor that she is, she sets about making herself busy by checking my vitals out as I’m sure she’s already done a ton of times since I was admitted.

  “How long have I been in here?” I ask again.

  Mom sighs and stops what she’s filling out on my chart. “Just over twenty-four hours.”

  “Really? It’s only been a day; it feels like forever.” I groan.

  “I found out about the person who attacked you.” Both Mom and I turn to Dad. He continues, “He’s a known felon. Has done what he did to you to other women. Now, he’ll be charged for his past offenses and the assault on you. I’ll make sure he gets buried.” His arms are tense as he speaks. He’s being the protective father I’ve always wanted to have. It’s nice to have someone other than Mom gushing over me.


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