Crash: Ruthless Bastards (RBMC Book 9)

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Crash: Ruthless Bastards (RBMC Book 9) Page 8

by Chelsea Handcock

  Braya laughed that time, she couldn’t help it. The men she met at the RBMC were hot, no question, but she would never call them pretty. These ladies obviously had more balls than she ever would.

  “Come on, sweets, you need to get back out there before your man comes looking and blows all this covert shit we are trying to do here.” Callie handed Braya a piece of paper, “Not that I think you can’t remember what we said but precautions. Give that to your man.”

  Callie and Rave left the bathroom, leaving her with Jewell who was still standing there, somewhat sizing Braya up, and a part of her realized that she wasn’t adding up to snuff for the other woman.

  “Tell Crash when this is over, we have unfinished business, and it’s time to get that shit sorted.” That was all she said before she followed the other two, leaving Braya once again in the bathroom by herself.

  Braya let out a deep breath and walked out, not seeing any of the women. That was when she realized she still had the keychain in her hand. Fuck, she sucked at this shit. From what she could tell, none of those women had a weapon on them, but she was holding a two by four, and somehow, she had totally let that slip her mind. Maybe she was better off in her dull, everyday life than this one because she sure as shit wasn’t making good decisions.

  Taking the key back, she saw Crash leaning against the bike, talking on the phone. She kept walking, thinking about what the women had said; three hostile’s were following them. Three! All this time, she had been so determined to find Kayla, she hadn’t really thought about herself or the situation she’d gotten herself into, or Crash into for that matter. Seeing him, really looking at him for the first time, she realized what the women had said wasn’t too far off base. The man was drop dead gorgeous even with the scar that bisected his cheek up to his eyebrow—dark hair, dark eyes, tight bulging muscles, an ass any woman would drool over, and that bad boy vibe she was pretty sure got him laid often. Too bad his personality basically sucked. Then again, like the women said, what was forty-eight hours in the big scheme of life—nothing.

  Braya walked past him, trying not to be obvious, pushing her body against his. The look on his face would have been comical—a mix between shock, bewilderment, and terror—but when she pushed the paper into the pocket of his tight jeans, it changed fast, and he said to whoever he was talking to, “Got to go” and hung up.

  “Something you want, princess?” he gruffly asked, wrapping his arms around her,

  When he cupped her ass in one of his large hands, pulling her even closer trapping her hand, she almost whimpered and not because her ass was already sore. She definitely squirmed when his fingers traced the seam of her pants. And judging by the growing bulge she felt in his pocket, she wasn’t the only one affected by the contact.

  She had to remember this man was an ass. It didn’t matter that they had- at least on her part- crazy chemistry. He was still an ass and someone who, after this little trip, she would never see again. Braya had never, not even in college, been the type of woman to participate in a one-night stand. To her, that had always been more vulnerable than screwing someone she had dated and known for a long time. There were too many unknown variables and way too much trust involved to get naked with a stranger for just a bit of fun.

  But the way he was looking at her and the heat from his body while he pulled her closer was starting to make her reconsider her stance on that matter. His eyes and touch promised her things she was sure she had never felt or done before. She could feel her body heating, and that flutter of arousal dampening her panties.

  The slap on her ass shocked her back to reality. His almost cruel smile when he looked down at her like he knew exactly where her mind had wandered cemented it. This man was way out of her league.

  “Hop on, princess, time to go. We can save play time for later.”

  When the fucker winked at her, Braya quickly disentangled herself from him, only wincing a couple of times when she settled on the seat. Not wanting to touch him again but knowing she didn’t have much of a choice, Braya put her new gloves on and took hold of the belt loops on his jeans, instead of wrapping them around his waist as she had before. She also tried her damnedest to keep her back straight and scooted as far back on the tiny seat as she could to put at least a little distance between them.

  That lasted all of two seconds when he once again revved the engine and hit the throttle, catapulting them out of the gas station fast. When she lunged forward and wrapped her hands around his waist, afraid he was going to shoot her right off the back of the bike- the asshole had the nerve to laugh.

  Chapter Ten

  Damn this chick did shit to him Crash didn’t like. He knew, without a shadow of a doubt, at some point, the two of them were going to fuck—it was a given. His body was strung tight after that little show at the gas station. They still needed to get a few hundred miles under their belts before he could even think about stopping. His balls ached, and his dick was hard as a rock, but he had to stick to the plan. He wanted to leave enough time at the end of this journey for Braya to at least get several hours of sleep, and if he didn’t push it now, that wouldn’t happen. But a part of him wanted to just pull the fuck over, bend her over his bike, and sink his dick into her hot pussy. He didn’t think it would take either of them long to find the release he craved, and she needed to loosen up a bit.

  A few miles down the road, he pulled out the piece of paper Braya had put in his pocket and read it quickly. Not the safest thing to do while going eighty, but the road was pretty deserted, and he was quick. Most of the information he already had from talking to Axel the VP of the Blacktop Renegades. It pissed him off Callie had the balls to approach Braya while she was alone, but he knew Jewell was behind that. She had been trying to push his buttons for a long time now, and Crash didn’t like it.

  It was one thing to piss him off, but scaring Braya was a different thing altogether. He didn’t like it. Unfortunately, at the moment, he couldn’t do shit about it, and until this mission was over, he was going to have to suck it up and deal. His mind went to all the possibilities of what was going on. He had known Braya was followed, the guys had confirmed that before they even left the clubhouse. But what confused the fuck out of him was the fact he hadn’t even known about Braya, so how did the cartel? Hell, in all his research, the RBMC had never come across the connection between the two women. And the other unknown hostile, that was new altogether. Axel thought they weren’t exactly following him and Braya but the cartel boys. They stayed back in their pursuit and didn’t engage, more like they were just watching and waiting. That almost concerned him more than the blatant cartel but not so much because that in itself was telling too. He knew the cartel boys were trained, so for them to be singled out so quickly was unsettling. It was almost like they were waving a red flag, Yeah, we’re here and we want you to know it. It was erratic and worst of all, unpredictable. He knew the BRMC and Valkyrie could handle it, keep them far enough back so they weren’t breathing down his and Braya’s necks, but it was still unsettling.

  They had only gone about an hour, and he felt Braya sagging against him. He had at least another hour, possibly two before he had to fill up again, but he didn’t think she would make it that long. This was already a hard trip; he was pushing them hard. His body was used to it, but Braya’s wasn’t. Thirty minutes later, when her hands dropped from around his waist and landed in his lap, his dick once again going to full mast, he knew they needed to stop.

  Finding a motel was easy. He took the next exit and picked a single level, twenty plus unit that had some bikes already parked in front of some of the doors. He knew he made the right choice when Braya hadn’t straightened or moved. She had to have fallen asleep, which wasn’t safe for either one of them. For just a minute, he let himself feel the weight of her on his back. Her falling asleep hadn’t been smart, but it showed, on at least some level, she trusted him, and Crash liked that maybe a little too much. When rubbing her thigh didn’t rouse her, he slapped it
, not hard enough to hurt, just enough to startle her. It worked like a charm, Braya stiffening almost instantaneously. Crash got off the bike and looked at her. Damn she was a sweet piece, especially right now all windblown and fuzzy eyes blinking, trying to get her bearings. He imagined her like this after a night of hard fucking, and he wanted to see that soon.

  "Come on, princess. Let’s get a room and get you a couple hours of sleep." Braya nodded and got off the bike, but her knees quickly buckled. Crash caught her, steadied her and asked, “You good?” She nodded and followed him into the office. It was quick work to pay for the room in cash, handing over his false identification to register the room. Once that was done, they both got back on the bike, Braya somewhat reluctantly and pulled around to the room they’d been assigned. This time, Braya made it off the bike with little to no problems. He opened the saddlebags and took their bags out, taking the few steps to the room before opening the door, stopping Braya before she entered so he could check it out. It wasn’t much—two beds, tacky carpet, and drapes with cheap furnishings. Two doors were at the opposite side of the room, one he knew would be a bathroom, the other he assumed connected the next room to him. He didn’t like that, but had a few tricks up his sleeve to prevent any unwelcome visitors from deciding to come in that way.

  Once he nodded at her it was safe to come in, Braya made a beeline for the bathroom, not stopping to look around or say a word. Crash threw their bags on one of the beds and checked his phone. He had three messages, two from Axel and one from Tuck, the one he needed to return first. Shooting off a quick text to Ax, he told him they were hunkering down for a while. Braya came out of the bathroom shortly after, looking a little more awake.

  “Take a shower and get some sleep. I need to make some phone calls,” he said, pointing to the bags on the bed. He didn’t wait for her to acknowledge him, just went out and made his phone calls.

  His call to Tuck didn’t yield anything he didn’t already know, so the phone call was quick. He knew Axe would be somewhere to pick up the phone now after the text he sent a little while ago.

  “Yo, you got anything new for me?”

  “The second tail on your ass is filled with feds.”

  “Yeah, what did they do? Pull over and show you their badges?”

  “Not exactly, asshole. Mickey Perez made a little pitstop long enough to tell Callie all about it and his plans.”

  “No shit?” That didn’t make sense not even a little.

  “Yeah, apparently Daddy wants Kayla. Mickey said it was easy enough to get her, but someone else was watching and took her back. Focus changed to Braya because Daddy Stewart talked.”

  That was interesting, but not surprising. Crash had never liked the man who had been more interested in public opinion than about his daughter. When the RBMC rescued her, he came to her hospital room exactly once. The rest of the time, he talked to whatever news organization he could, saying how he was standing by her side and how horrible it was, but they would get through it together or some shit. Kayla didn’t talk about the man, but she stayed as far away from him as possible, moving across the country just to make it happen.

  “Are they any good?”

  “Nah, man, they're amateurs, and our cartel boys are about to take them out of the equation for a while. Mickey let the girls know he had another more important obligations to attend to. Apparently, he was only doing this to keep his own daddy happy. Said he would take the feds with him for a while but couldn’t promise they wouldn’t be back. They know where you’re headed, so...”

  “Why the fuck is Mickey fucking Perez even talking to us and giving this information. It has to be a trap to get us to let our guard down or some shit.” Crash would never let his guard down it wasn’t in his nature to do so, but this shit was blowing his mind.

  “Yeah, I was thinking the same thing myself, but the last part of the message Jewell relayed, Mickey said Cinny says hi and to consider her debt to you paid in full.”

  Son of Bitch! He was still leery, but if Cin was involved, he had to hope the information they were receiving was good. He and Cin had been friends—she knew things about him, and he knew things about her they didn’t want the brothers or the general public know. He never once thought she owed him though. All he did was give her a place to sleep and a way to keep her “puppet” status intact. The club would be surprised to know they had never once had sex. They kissed and groped enough to make a good show of it, but that was it. Cin thought she owed him for that, but Crash never did.

  “Roger, we are down for a couple of hours, I’ll call back before we head out again.”

  “Good to hear. Your package was looking a little worse for wear on your last leg of the trip. Might want to push that to more than a couple of hours. You made good time, so you have some to waste.”

  “Not going to happen, man. All this shit’s putting me on edge even more so with your new revelations.”

  “I get it, but you don’t want to break her before you get a chance to take a taste if you know what I mean.” The asshole had the nerve to laugh. Crash wasn’t laughing. It was normal banter, shit he would do and laugh about with any other woman, just not Braya. Instead of saying goodbye, he just hung up and went back into the room.

  Braya was sitting on the bed once again, this time all pink from her shower, her wet hair dripping on what he recognized as one of his t-shirts, making it transparent, giving him a good look at her gorgeous tits and hard nipples. Fucking A! His dick shot up and took notice before his brain had a chance to catch up. He wasn’t a young kid anymore and hadn’t had so many spontaneous hard-ons since he was in his fucking teens. The fact she looked so damn sweet and innocent, like she had no fucking clue what she was doing to him, turned him on even more. He wanted to take that wide-eyed innocence and turn it into something dirty, but now was not the time. Nope, now was the time to take himself in hand to get some relief, then get some fucking sleep.

  Scooping his bag off the bed, he stomped to the bathroom, kicked off his boots, and got rid of the rest of his clothes. Turning on the shower, he wasn't surprised to find the water only lukewarm. Taking one of the little bottles Braya had left in there, he washed quickly. Trying to ignore the massive spike that kept slapping against his gut, Crash braced his bent arm against the shower wall, leaning his head against it.

  There was no denying it, he had never once claimed to be a gentleman, and he wasn’t going to try to be one now. With his other hand, still soapy, he started to stroke his dick. It felt good but not nearly as good as he knew Braya’s warm wet cunt would feel. That didn’t seem to matter to his balls. They were tight to his body, and he could already feel them tingling for release. Crash knew this wasn’t going to take long, but a part of him didn’t want this pleasure to come from his own hand. He wanted Braya to saunter her tight round ass into the bathroom, jerk off that wet t-shirt, and join him. He could almost imagine her boldly stepping into the shower stall with him, her tiny hand trying to circle his cock, licking her lips. Shutting his eyes, he let his mind wander, picturing the scene in his head, stroking himself harder. He was just getting to the good part, Braya on her knees in front of him ready to take his cock in her mouth, when he heard it—the click of the door and a tiny little gasp. He turned his head, opened his eyes just enough to see Braya standing in the doorway through the mirror, her mouth open, her cheeks pink. He didn’t say a word or stop his actions. He wanted to see if what he imagined had the possibility of coming true. Was she brave enough, bold enough?

  Tilting his body more to the side, she didn’t seem to be aware he could see her in the mirror, and she sure as shit wasn’t looking at his face, her eyes riveted to what his hand was doing to his cock. He pumped his fist harder when she put her hand on her chest right over that glorious tit and squeezed crossed her leg over the other to either add friction or relieve an ache. What really got him was when she took her bottom lip in her mouth and bit down. He blew with a long and drawn-out groan, unable to keep his eyes open
any longer. It felt fucking fantastic, but apparently, the show was over, his little peeping tom wasn’t at the door anymore. Crash laughed. Fuck, this trip and that woman were both enough to drive him insane.

  Washing himself off again, he got out, and got dressed. Time to see what happened next. He hoped he already knew the answer.. Jacking off had taken some of the tension out of his body, but he was still wound tight, and only a certain princess could give him what he wanted.

  Chapter Eleven

  Braya was hot and bothered after watching Crash cum in the shower. She was also a little mortified she just stood there, captivated by the sight of his corded arm flexing with each pump of his hand. Well, that and other things. She needed to get her body under control and her head straight before he came out of the bathroom. For a brief second, Braya thought about turning off the light and hiding under the covers, acting like nothing had happened, but she knew Crash wouldn’t let that happen. Right before he came, she saw him watching her through the bathroom mirror. Sitting down on the bed she realized there was no getting out of this awkward situation she had put them both into.

  Crash came out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist, stopping just in front of her, arms crossed over his chest.

  “Did you enjoy the show, Princess?”

  She deserved the tone which ensured she knew she had done something completely out of her character, and a very small part of her felt bad about it, but instead of apologizing or looking down to avoid his gaze she blurted out, “Why would you do that with me right here?”

  “Is that an invitation, babe?”

  Hell, she didn’t even really know what she was saying or offering, but instead of talking or whatever a rational person would do, Braya moved her legs a little further apart and kept on looking at him. She guessed it was an invitation. Crash didn’t hesitate. He got on his knees in front of her, placing his body between her spread legs. There was so much promise in his eyes, and the feel of his naked body against her bare legs was heaven and hell. She wanted to reach down and pull the t-shirt she was wearing over her head, baring herself to him completely and rub her heavy breasts over his hairy chest. That wasn’t the only thing she wanted to do. She also wanted to inch herself closer so she could rub her hot, aching pussy against his massive, hard cock. But she didn’t do either, she was frozen in stunned silence and awe of this man. She wanted to be bold and brazen, but that wasn’t her. For a moment, to protect herself, she considered putting a stop to what his eyes and actions promised was going to happen, what they both knew was going to happen.


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