Princess Ponies 12

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Princess Ponies 12 Page 1

by Chloe Ryder

  The series

  A Magical Friend

  A Dream Come True

  The Special Secret

  A Unicorn Adventure!

  An Amazing Rescue

  Best Friends Forever!

  A Special Surprise

  A Singing Star

  The Lucky Horseshoe

  The Pumpkin Ghost

  Season’s Galloping

  An Enchanted Heart

  With special thanks to Julie Sykes

  To my valentine, Sidonie


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Far away, in the middle of the sea, there is a magical island called Chevalia, where only ponies live. Chevalia is a special place, full of love and happiness. It is ruled by the wise Queen Moonshine and King Firestar from the Royal Court at Stableside Castle.

  But on the other side of the island, hidden away in the Horseshoe Hills, there was a half-ruined castle. Its ivy-clad walls had crumbled. Mice scuttled through the silent rooms. Spiders hung from dusty webs, and bats hung in the towers.

  Below, in a dark, damp room, Divine, a chestnut pony with a square nose and bulging eyes, was hard at work. Tossing back the hood of her long cloak, she removed a glass container from a bucket of ice. Ice crystals covered the rim and the surface of the sour gray liquid inside. Stirring the liquid carefully, she wrinkled her nose at the bitter smell.

  “It’s ready!” Divine poured the freezing-cold liquid into a bottle and screwed the lid tight. The smell stung her eyes sharply and she blinked back tears.

  “The ponies of Chevalia don’t love me. All I ever wanted was their affection, but since they won’t give me their love, then I will steal it from them!”

  As Divine’s tears dried, a wicked smile lit her face. She tucked the icy bottle of liquid into the folds of her cloak. “With this spell,” she whispered, “the love in Chevalia will all drain away.

  The ponies will start to argue as they forget what love means. Then I will swoop in and unify them behind me so that I can take my rightful place as queen of this island.”

  Divine moved over to a cracked mirror hanging from a nail on the wall. She stared at her reflection for a long while. “Queen Divine,” she murmured, fluffing up her forelock. Divine pulled up her hood, tugging at the material until her face was covered. “Sweet dreams, ponies of Chevalia. When you wake, the island’s love will start to fade away, until it’s lost . . . forever.”

  Chapter 1

  “Hurry up, Pippa!” called Miranda MacDonald, Pippa’s bossy big sister. She put her hands on her hips and glared as Pippa hurried to get out of the house. “At this rate, Valentine’s Day will be over by the time you get to school!”

  “I’m doing my best.” Pippa was struggling to fit all her homemade Valentine’s Day cards into her schoolbag without creasing them. She’d spent ages on the cards, decorating them with her favorite glitter pens and shiny red paper hearts. She’d made one for everyone in her class except for Lucy Langhorn, who’d laughed at Pippa in gym class when she couldn’t hit a volleyball, and Peter North, who was mean to everyone. They don’t deserve a Valentine’s Day card, Pippa told herself.

  “I’m leaving without you,” said Miranda in a huff. “Catch up, if you can.”

  “But I can’t fit all the cards in my bag,” Pippa said with a sigh. She pushed her wavy brown hair out of her eyes. “Will you help me carry them?”

  “Those silly cards are your idea,” said Miranda. “Besides, I don’t have a free hand.” Miranda was carrying her schoolbag, gym bag, and a flute case.

  Holding the cards tightly, Pippa followed Miranda outside. More snow had fallen in the night, covering their neighborhood with a sparkly white blanket. Pippa had a sudden urge to run to the park at the end of the street and build a snowman, or better yet, a snow pony. But she didn’t want to spoil the Valentine’s Day cards by getting them wet in the snow. The cold air stung her lungs and her breath came out in smoky wisps as she carefully stepped in Miranda’s footprints.

  A puff of wind almost blew Miranda’s hat off. She stopped and squinted up at the sky. “It’s getting darker. Hurry up, Pippa. It looks like it’s going to snow again.”

  As if on cue, the darkening clouds released a flurry of beautiful white snowflakes.

  “I’m walking as fast as I can,” said Pippa. Each time she took a step, the wind pushed her back. Pippa teetered behind Miranda, trying not to fall on the icy sidewalk. The wind shoved and jostled her until a sudden gust snatched the cards from her hands and tossed them in the air.

  “Oh no!” shrieked Pippa. She jumped up but the cards twirled high above her head. Pippa slipped, but luckily she landed on the soft snow covering the sidewalk. Above her, the cards fell like confetti. The wind caught them, and Pippa’s homemade cards scattered onto the road. A stream of cars rode over them, staining the pretty red hearts with black tire marks.

  “My cards!” Pippa wailed as she got up, cold and wet. She stood at the side of the road, waiting for it to clear so that she could rescue them, but Miranda reached out and stopped her.

  “It’s too dangerous,” she said. “Anyway, your cards are ruined, so let’s just get to school.”

  “But I won’t have any Valentine’s cards to hand out.”

  “Honestly, Pippa, Valentine’s Day is just a silly made-up holiday. No one’s going to care if they get a card from you or not.”

  “Everyone gives cards in my class.” Pippa felt heavy with disappointment. She’d been looking forward to showing her friends how she felt about them. “Valentine’s Day isn’t silly,” she muttered.

  Pippa didn’t know why Miranda was so against Valentine’s Day this year. Last year she’d joined in, giving out cards and going to a special Valentine’s dance just for the older kids.

  At school, Pippa’s disappointment grew as her friends all exchanged cards in class.

  “Cody, it’s beautiful,” said Pippa, opening a huge heart-shaped card from her best friend.

  “Do you have one for me?” asked Cody.

  Pippa shook her head as Cody’s smile started to slip.

  “I lost the card I made for you,” Pippa explained. “I lost them all.”

  “Oh,” said Cody. “I was worried that you didn’t like me.”

  Cody was one of Pippa’s best friends; she didn’t like to think that Cody would be worried about that.

  “What’s up, Pippa?” asked Ms. Tilley, her teacher.

  Pippa explained what had happened to her cards.

  “I’m just glad it wasn’t you that was blown into the street,” said her teacher.

  “I suppose,” Pippa said, sighing. She stared out the window so that her teacher couldn’t see the tears filling her eyes. It was awkward receiving so many lovely cards but not being able to give any back.

  “Look at Pippa,” Lucy said to Peter. She giggled. “She’s going to cry like a baby.”

  Peter smirked. “Valentine’s Day is for babies.”

  Snow whirled against the glass and the howling wind rattled the windows. Pippa watched the dancing snowflakes. They seemed to be arranging themselves into a shape. Pippa’s breath had steamed up the window. She rubbed it with the sleeve of her sweater and pressed her nose to the glass. She could see the shape of a winged pony made out of snowflakes.

  “A snow pony!” she breathed. The flying horse reminded Pippa of her special friend Stardust. She smiled at the memory and the snow pony smiled back. Pippa blinked. Was she imagining it, or was the pony beckoning her with a hoof?

  She peered into the whirling snow and a flash of red caught her eye. There it was aga
in. A wide grin spread across her face. It wasn’t a snowflake pony. It was her best pony friend, Princess Stardust, after all. What was she doing hovering outside her classroom window? Why wasn’t she in Chevalia?

  Stardust had a pair of feathery white wings and wore a tiara studded with pink diamonds and a heart-shaped red ruby necklace on a gold chain.

  Pippa waved, but Stardust was getting impatient. “Hurry up,” she mouthed through the glass.

  Pippa’s hand shot into the air. “Ms. Tilley, may I be excused?”

  The teacher tsked. “You may, but next time remember to use the bathroom before class starts.”

  Peter and Lucy snickered.

  “I don’t need to use the bathroom,” Pippa told them. “I want to go to Chevalia, a magical island where all my pony friends live.”

  “Pippa MacDonald, you have such a vivid imagination. I hope to see you use it when we start writing this morning. Now be quick, please,” said Ms. Tilley.

  “I will.” Pippa sent her teacher a secretive smile. Ms. Tilley didn’t know it, but there was no need to rush back. Whenever Pippa visited Chevalia, no time passed in the real world.

  The wind threw icy snowflakes at Pippa as she hurried across the playground. Suddenly shivering, she wished she’d remembered her coat.

  “Pippa!” The princess pony was hovering an inch above the ground. “It’s so good to see you again.”

  “You too.” Pippa wrapped her arms around Stardust in a tight hug. The pony felt warm and familiar. “I’ve missed you, Stardust.”

  “I’ve missed you too, and so has Chevalia. It needs you again, Pippa. Cloud gave me these wings so that I could fetch you. Hop on my back and I’ll take you there.”

  Princess Cloud, a magical flying pony, was Stardust’s sister. By rubbing noses with any pony, Cloud could give the gift of flight. The wings lasted until the pony touched the ground, and then they disappeared. Cloud used her magic to rescue unloved or poorly treated horses from the real world and take them to Chevalia, where they could live happily ever after.

  “Are you ready to fly?” asked Stardust as Pippa climbed on her back.

  Pippa stroked Stardust’s snow-covered neck. “Let’s go.”

  “To Chevalia,” they said together as they rose into the snowy sky.

  Chapter 2

  Pippa clutched at Stardust’s long mane as they soared skyward. Snowflakes blew in her face and settled on her hair. The freezing air nipped at her face, but the heat from Stardust’s body kept her toasty warm.

  “What’s happening in Chevalia?” she called, swallowing a mouthful of chilly snow. “Is Divine causing trouble again?”

  “She’s up to her evil tricks,” Stardust confirmed. Her beating wings pulsed like a heartbeat. “Cloud saw Divine casting a spell on the island that’s draining all the love away. Cloud rescued me just in time and brought me here to get you. It won’t be long before all the ponies on Chevalia have forgotten what love means.”

  “That’s horrible!” said Pippa. Chevalia was a special, magical place built on caring and kindness. The island would be a very different place if its love was stolen.

  Stardust flew higher until the houses became tiny dots that finally gave way to the deep blue sea. Pippa held on tightly as Stardust soared higher still, flying over puffy white clouds as she raced to Chevalia. After a while, the snow stopped and the sun came out, warming the air and making the glassy sea glitter. Pippa smiled as playful dolphins and flying fish leaped from the water, their fins and wings flashing brightly like shooting stars.

  Imagine forgetting love. The world would seem so dull and gray without it! A long while later, Pippa saw a hump of green rising from the sea.

  “Chevalia!” she breathed. Excitement jittered in her stomach as Stardust flew down, across the golden beach, skimming the treetops of the Wild Forest, crossing the wide Fields and bustling Mane Street, gliding on to Stableside Castle. The drawbridge was down and the two sentries, who were supposed to be guarding it, were arguing fiercely. Pippa’s heart sank as she took in their grumpy faces. This wasn’t the Chevalia she remembered.

  Stardust flew lower and slower, soaring over the thick castle walls and landing gracefully in the Royal Courtyard. It was packed with ponies dressed in colorful sashes with ribbons braided into their manes and tails.

  Two ponies were having a heated argument.

  “You can’t wear green. It’s my color,” said the chestnut, stamping a green painted hoof.

  “I was wearing a green sash long before you,” the black pony shouted back. “You’re the one who’s copying me!”

  Princess Honey, a pretty pony wearing red ribbons and sparkly red hoof polish, shoved against Prince Comet, a studious-looking pony with a glossy black mane and tail, as she tried to get closer to a stone wall adorned with golden horseshoes. The other pony shoved her back.

  Pippa was shocked. “What’s wrong with Honey and Comet? They never fight!”

  “Out of my way,” Honey neighed. “I was here first.”

  Prince Comet waved his book in Honey’s face. “No, you weren’t,” he argued.

  “Now, now!” Mrs. Steeplechase, the royal nanny, pushed her way between Honey and Comet. “This unkind behavior is very unroyal. You must both say sorry at once.”

  Princess Honey stuck out her bottom lip. “But I’m not sorry.”

  “I’m not sorry either,” Prince Comet agreed.

  “But . . .” Mrs. Steeplechase stopped as if she’d forgotten what she wanted to say. “Right, carry on then.”

  As Mrs. Steeplechase trotted away, Princess Stardust touched down on the stone floor. There was a soft poof and her wings disappeared. Pippa slid from her back and hurried over to Honey and Comet.

  “Of course you’re both sorry,” she said. “You’re brother and sister. You know you love each other, really.”

  Honey’s eyes widened in surprise as she turned to face Pippa.

  “Oh, it’s you, the human girl,” she said crossly. “What do you want this time?”

  “I’ve come to restore the love on Chevalia,” Pippa said.

  “What’s love?” asked Comet.

  “What’s love?” spluttered Pippa. Was she too late?

  Comet and Honey stared at Pippa as if she were an alien.

  “Have you really forgotten?” Pippa asked.

  “They have,” said Stardust. She nuzzled Pippa’s neck with her nose. “I only remember what love is because Cloud helped me to escape from Divine’s spell. Help us, Pippa, before I forget too. We must find Divine’s spell book so that we can undo this terrible magic.”

  “Of course I will.” Pippa wrapped her arms around Stardust’s neck and nuzzled her back.

  Comet might have been sucking on a lemon from the face he made. “Gross!” he said in a loud whisper. “Pippa just hugged Stardust. I’m going to gallop in case she starts on me.”

  “And me,” said Honey. “Move it, Comet. You’re in the way, again.”

  Stardust’s eyes looked troubled. “I’m so sorry, Pippa. They don’t mean to be unkind. They don’t know what they’re saying.”

  “It’s okay.” Pippa gave a shaky laugh but inside she felt like crying. What if Honey’s and Comet’s bad attitude had nothing to do with Divine’s spell? What if they really had stopped liking her?

  But that was silly! The bad magic must be getting to her, too. Soon, she’d forget what love was, just like the ponies on Chevalia. She and Stardust had to find Divine’s spell book and reverse the spell before that happened!

  “Stardust, do you know where Divine keeps her book?”

  Stardust shook her head. “I know she still lurks around that haunted castle, but she’s very secretive. Her spell book could be anywhere.”

  Then we’ll just have to find it.”

  “But how?”

  Pippa forced a smile. “Let’s imagine that we’re going on a treasure hunt, with the book being the treasure. It’ll be such an adventure.”

  “I don’t know,” sa
id Stardust doubtfully.

  “I do,” said Pippa. “Come on. Let’s get started. We have to bring the love back to Chevalia.”

  Chapter 3

  “Where shall we go first?” asked Stardust as they left Stableside Castle.

  “I think we should try the haunted castle. Divine has a new laboratory there. Remember how she shrank the riding school ponies in it?”

  “No way!” Stardust stopped with her hooves firmly planted in the ground. “I’m not going anywhere near that creepy old place.”

  Pippa opened her mouth to argue, but seeing Stardust’s angry face, she stopped. Divine’s bad spell was affecting Stardust already. The sooner they sorted out this mess the better, she thought grimly.

  Pippa didn’t want to argue with her best pony friend. “Let’s try the Wild Forest, then.” The Wild Forest was a secretive place full of tall trees, thick bramble bushes, and gloopy quick-stick mud. Dark and dangerous, it was the perfect place for hiding a spell book.

  “Are you going to ride me?” asked Stardust as Pippa set out through the hills, heading for the grassy field. She paused and added in a more friendly tone, “I’d like it if you did.”

  “Thanks.” Pippa jumped onto Stardust’s back and Stardust set off at a gallop. They crossed the grassy field and entered into the Wild Forest. Stardust barely slowed as the trees thickened. Pippa clutched at her mane, ducking to avoid low-hanging branches. Once she had to lie across Stardust’s neck to prevent getting knocked from Stardust’s back by a gnarled branch.

  “Achoo!” Pippa sneezed and ended with a giggle. “Your mane’s tickly,” she said.

  “And that’s funny because . . .” Stardust stopped, midsentence. “Of course that’s funny,” she said in a wobbly voice. “Oh, Pippa! I’m feeling grumpier by the minute. It must be Divine’s awful spell. What if it makes me stop loving you?”


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