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Ruin Me: A College Bully Reverse Harem Romance (Weissmore Academy Book 1)

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by Nora Cobb

  People who passed us gave her courteous nods of recognition. I received no such courtesies—only hostile scowls. It all was going to come to a head. I knew it would.

  “Sounds like fun,” I muttered as she turned down another hall, a group of people ahead of us.

  Johanna leaned toward me, her shoulder brushing mine. “We get paraded around like prized mares before the senior orientation leaders. It’s not your usual meet and greet.”

  “Orientation leaders?” I asked her as we walked into the large conference room. The room itself was filled with students, most lounging on the bleachers in clusters. Some were tapping away on their cell phones, but most glared at each other, as if they were looking at their enemy.

  If I had to guess, I’d say there were easily a couple billion dollars in this one room. Every one of these kids was just waiting for the moment that democracy would fail back home so they could take up their rightful place to lord over peasants like myself.

  It was disturbing, to tell you the truth.

  Johanna led me over to an empty bench and I sat next to her, hands in my lap. Even though I was in the next step of my education, I felt like I was back in high school, waiting for some sort of assembly to take place, one that no one would pay attention to.

  How did this academy get these rich kids to participate anyway? While there were probably a few here interested in higher education, I got the distinct impression that most were here because their families were making them—like Johanna. Why even bother coming here?

  Finally, after a few minutes, a group of guys walked in, commanding everyone’s attention.

  “Meet our orientation leaders. The kings of the academy,” Johanna whispered, pointing with her pink-colored nail. “They rule this academy. Their families aren’t just rich, but have ruled the great countries of Europe before the common folk decided to take power for themselves. But among the children of nobility here, their words still demand respect.”

  I followed her finger and my breath hitched as I watched the three guys converse with each other in the middle of the room. One was blond, one had brown locks, and the third had hair so dark it looked like a starless night. Each had chiseled features that belonged on the cover of a magazine, their muscular frames evident under their clothing.

  But it was the blond that drew my attention the most, his relaxed demeanor making him the most approachable at least.

  “Who are they?” I asked.

  “Arthur De Bourbon, Royce Whitehall, and Maximillian Karling,” Johanna said with a hint of disdain in her voice. “As dangerous as they are good looking. Don’t be fooled by their suaveness, Anna of America.”

  Johanna didn’t have to worry about that. I had no interest in getting involved with any of those guys or anyone else in this place for that matter. I wasn’t looking for a romantic relationship. Just an education, thank you very much.

  “Welcome!” The blond called out, clapping loudly, a French lilt to his voice. “To O- week. We are your guides to help you navigate through your first days here. Take a good look at everyone around you today. Know that you are among your peers, rivals, and future allies. The most important thing to remember is that you represent your family’s name in everything you do.” He grinned and my breathing grew lighter. “So if you must cause a scandal, cause one that will leave a lasting impression.”

  Much of the room laughed at his joke and he waved it off. “We will split you into three groups. I’m taking Hall A. Royce has Hall B, and Max here has Hall C.”

  Hall A. Our hall. Johanna muttered something under her breath, but we stood and followed the rest to Arthur’s side. I hung back from the group, choosing to stand in the back as they clustered around him, some greeting him like an old friend. Up close, he was sinfully handsome, with a dimple in his left cheek when he smiled.

  He tucked his arms behind his back as he greeted each person. “It is likely that your parents have been alumni of this school and now you shall follow in their footsteps, to cement your name in these hallowed halls. We are going to start with learning everyone’s name and title in this hall. That way you know who you’ll need to depose, should the day ever come.”

  There was a titter of laughter, but I swallowed hard, hoping that by the time they got to me, no one would remember.

  Not likely.

  When the round reached Johanna, she straightened her shoulders, a smile pasted on her face. “Johanna Hohenzollern, Princess of Prussia.”

  “Jo,” Arthur said, tipping his head toward her. “Good to see you again.”

  I watched my new friend cross her arms over her chest. “You too, Arthur.”

  So, they knew each other. Somehow that didn’t surprise me. I imagined most royalty moved about in the same circles.

  Arthur’s eyes found mine and I realized it was my turn. “Um, Anna Komita,” I said, sticking my hands in my back pockets nervously. “I don’t have a title.”

  “The American,” Arthur said immediately, a rumble of conversation erupting around me. “How about that? We were wondering which hall they would put you in and clearly I was the lucky one.”

  I blushed, looking away from his winning smile once more and instead focusing on my boots. What was with everyone and me being an American?

  “You don’t belong here.” The middle-eastern girl next to me hissed, her expensive perfume nearly choking me as she stepped close. Her rich bronze skin was adorned in jewelry. “Not even close. No title? That’s laughable. You won’t last a week with us.”

  “Show some respect.” Johanna stared her down, her voice sharp enough to cut. “Have you forgotten your own family’s humble beginnings.”

  The girl cast a poisonous glare at Johanna, opened her mouth as if to challenge her, only to turn and introduce herself as Nadia bint Khalid, Princess of the Royal House of al-Saud.

  Before I could ask, Johanna explained to me—loudly enough for Nadia to hear. “The thousand children of the House of al-Saud like to pretend they are our equals. But they would be wise to remember that their grandfather rode camels out of a tent in the desert, before the Americans found oil buried under their feet.”

  I bit my lip, not wanting to start a war just yet. I needed to pick my battles, especially since I couldn’t win them all.

  Arthur ignored the little spat as he continued. All down the line were more prince and princesses. With each name, I felt myself growing smaller and smaller. By the time they were finished, I was glad that Johanna was by my side.

  “All right,” Arthur said after the introductions were done. “We are going to do something to break the ice. You have to trust your hall, and lean on them. Making enemies will not bode well for your futures. Those that you meet in this academy will be those that can make or break you in your future. Remember that before you go shutting anyone out.”

  I looked up to find Arthur staring at me. A shiver sliding down my spine. “Anna, isn’t it? Come here for a second.”

  Oh, I so didn’t want to! Did he really have to pick me? With a deep breath, I pushed through until I was standing before him, noting the faint brush of stubble on his strong jaw. Up close, his blue eyes were lighter than I thought, standing out against his tanned skin. He extended his hand, a faint grin on his lips. “Your hand, please, Anna.”

  I did as he asked, ignoring the way my nerves sizzled at the skin-on-skin contact. His thumb rubbed over mine and I wanted to pull away, not liking the way my stomach was doing somersaults at just the mere touch. If it was bothering him, Arthur never showed it. “All right, pick a partner and do just like Anna and I are doing right now.”

  There was shuffling behind me, but I kept my gaze on Arthur, studying his handsome face. There was an arrogance about him that hadn’t come through yet in his words, but I could see it all over his expression.

  He really did rule this academy.

  “We are going to play a basic game: the no-smile game. It’s harder when you have direct contact with your partner, which is why you are holding
hands. Pick someone to go first and see if you can get your partner to smile. Tell them something that is ridiculous.”

  He then lowered his voice, meeting my gaze. “Are you ready, Anna? I want you to make me smile.”

  My hand started to sweat in his grip. “All right.”

  “You may begin.” He said, his expression becoming stoic.

  I wracked my brain for something clever to say, something that would make him throw his head back with laughter.

  I bet his laugh was spine-tingling.

  “I’m waiting.” His eyes bore into mine.

  I opened my mouth. “Do you know there’s a company that makes pants for cats? They have a hole for their tail and everything.”

  “Is that so?” Arthur drawled, his thumb caressing mine again, as if he was enjoying holding my hand.

  But he didn’t smile.

  “Do you know that I was told to use cooking spray one time to get a good tan?” I tried again, rubbing my thumb over his. I saw surprise flare in his eyes before his lips curled into a smile. “Aha! I got you.”

  “You did,” he said, releasing my hand abruptly and stepping back. “Well done. Now, I want to see everyone else make an attempt, like Anna did.”

  After we had gotten at least one smile out of each other, Arthur clapped his hands and announced:

  “Party at my place tonight. Make sure you show up appropriately dresed. You’re not among peasants anymore.”

  With that, he turned and strolled away, his hands tucked into his pockets. Lord have mercy, he was just as sexy walking.

  “Eyes inside your head, my American friend.” Johanna stated, sliding her arm in mine and pulling me away from Arthur’s retreating form. “Come on, we have a party to attend.”


  Hours later, I sat cross-legged on my bed watching Johanna try on outfit after outfit, the pile growing on her bed. “What about this one?” she asked, holding up a slinky blue dress with the back missing. “Modest in the front, party in the back?”

  “It will look great, like the last ten you have shown me,” I replied, hugging the pillow to my chest. “Really, just pick one.”

  Johanna set the blue dress on the bed, touching the fabric with her fingers. “You know Arthur clearly wants you.”

  “Yeah, right,” I laughed nervously, thinking about the way he had caressed my hand. “I’m not one of you. He doesn’t want anything to do with me.”

  Johanna looked up and I was surprised by the sadness in her eyes. “Please, just be careful around him. Or any of the kings. None of them are to be trusted. They are cruel, Anna, and you will be easy prey for them.”

  “I’m smarter than I look,” I shot back, wondering if everyone thought of me as the poor little American who couldn’t take care of herself.

  “I know you are. But you’ve never played this game before.” Johanna sighed, pulling a black dress out of the pile before throwing it at me. “Here, you need something to wear too.”

  I held the dress in my hands, the price tag making me do a double take. “I can’t wear this. I don’t think I’ve ever held something this expensive.”

  Johanna laughed, though the shadows remained in her eyes. “You haven’t anything appropriate to wear. I’ve seen your closet. If you show up wearing the things that you owned, Anna, your life will be hell before classes even begin. Show them that you have just as much power as the rest of us, or else they are going to put you in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.”

  I jumped off the bed and held the dress up to my form, noting that it barely came to mid-thigh. One shoulder was exposed and the thin material would cling to my body in ways that I hadn’t shown before. “No,” I said, blushing as I handed the dress out to her. “I can’t wear this. It’s too much.”

  “You must,” she said, the sharpness returning to her voice. “That is non-negotiable. I’ve been in this world for my entire life. You’ve been in it for what, a day?”

  She had a point. “Fine,” I said, pulling the dress back to my body. “I will wear it, but you have to promise not to leave me tonight.”

  “I promise.” She smiled, shooing me toward the bathroom. “Go! Get ready. I have the perfect pair of shoes to go with that dress. You’ll already be the talk of the night. You might as well look the part, even if you don’t feel it.”

  I gave her a faint smile in return, heading to our shared bathroom. Once the door was shut, I leaned against it, hanging my head. This day kept getting weirder and I was expecting it to be even worse after this party tonight.

  Arthur’s handsome face flitted through my mind and I allowed myself to trace his features, Johanna’s warning penetrating my thoughts. If I didn’t know any better, I would think she knew the kings more than she was letting on.

  But one thing did ring true that she had said: I would be easy bait for them. I couldn’t let them get to me, I couldn’t let them see any weakness or I would never survive my first year.

  With a sigh, I pushed away from the door, hanging the dress on the back and giving it one final critical look. I was about to put on a piece of clothing more revealing and more costly than any I had ever seen in my entire life.

  And then I was going into the lion’s den.

  Chapter 4

  I peered up at the mansion. “You must be kidding me. Are you sure we’re at the right place?”

  Johanna laughed, pulling me along the sidewalk. “No, I am not. We are exactly where we need to be.”

  I walked alongside her, knowing that my mouth was hanging open. When Johanna had said we were going to Arthur’s place, I was picturing a luxury apartment or maybe a townhouse.

  Not a damn mansion.

  The place looked larger than the castle itself, nestled in a neighborhood minutes from the academy, with its own gated driveway far from the main street below. The place was ablaze with light, people spilling out the front door and onto the lawn. Many I didn’t recognize, but there were a few I had passed in the freshman hall that were already here, though no one bothered to greet us as we walked up to the door.

  Squeezing inside, I took Johanna’s hand and allowed her to lead me inside, thumping music coming from somewhere in the house. Inside, the living room was full of people, some lounging on the white furniture while others visited the bar set up in the corner, everyone dressed in evening wear that rivaled the Academy Awards. Most girls had chosen dresses similar to Johanna’s and mine, but there were a few who were missing a good bit of fabric, leaving nothing to the imagination.

  The guys were dressed in various types of evening attire as well, most choosing not to have the suit coat to match the dress shirts. There were even a few that had forgone the shirts completely, opting to only wear the suit coat and the trousers, showing off their chiseled chests.

  There wasn’t an ugly person in sight and my palms started to sweat. This was not where I belonged.

  “Ladies and gentlemen! Our guest of honor has arrived!”

  I followed the voice until I saw Arthur standing in the doorway, his crystal-cut glass raised in the air.

  At me.

  “Fuck.” Johanna swore, tightening her hand on mine. “I’m sorry, Anna.”

  “The American,” Arthur started, his eyes on me. “Welcome to our den of thieves, Anna Komita.”

  Others half-heartedly raised their glasses, everyone glaring at me with no warmth in their expression. I attempted not to fidget under the intense staring, straightening my shoulders and staring at them dead-on. I couldn’t let them see that I was screaming on the inside, that I wanted to run and hide far away from here.

  Finally, the party turned back to normal and I released the breath I had been holding, desperate for a drink.

  “Well done,” Johanna whispered, releasing my hand. “Come on, let’s put some liquid courage in you.”


  An hour later, I was starting to feel the effects of the wine that Johanna had pressed into my hands. I wasn’t much of a drinker, but after the entrance I hadn
’t been expecting to go through, I wanted to forget that I even existed.

  That this place even existed.

  Taking another sip, I wrapped an arm around my waist and watched the party go on around me. No one, not one person, had come up to talk to me. Johanna had stayed by my side for a while, but I could tell she was anxious to be let loose so I finally sent her into the fray.

  With her people. As I watched her laughing and flirting with a tall guy, I was reminded that although she’d been nice to me, she was still one of them.

  I had no friends here.


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