by Snow, Jenika
Knocking Her Up
Hot-Bites Novella
Jordan Marie
Jenika Snow
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Where to find the Authors
KNOCKING HER UP (Hot-Bites Novella)
By Jenika Snow and Jordan Marie
Copyright © February 2019 by Jordan Marie and Jenika Snow
First E-book Publication: February 2019
Photographer: Wander Aguiar Photography
Cover model: Dylan Horsch
Photo provided by: Wander Book Club
Editor: Kasi Alexander
Proofreader: Read by Rose
Cover Created by: RBA Designs
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.
This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.
Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.
From the moment I saw her, I knew I had to make Jo mine. She’s smart and sexy, with a body that can make a man fall to his knees. And I’m that man.
She’s far too good for a rough and tough boxer like me, but I’m too selfish to walk away from her.
She tries to fight the attraction we have, but I’m not having it. I need her like I need to breathe. And I’m going to have her at any cost.
But she tries to push me away by telling me her hopes for the future-which include children. What Jo doesn’t know about me is that if a baby is what she wants, then that’s exactly what I’ll give her.
Warning. They’re back! He’s a possessive hero. She’s a sassy bookkeeper. But opposites attract, and when they do it’s hot and sweaty. That cover and title sums up just where Jordan and Jenika go with this one. It’s dirty and sweet and tied up nicely with a sweet HEA.
Chapter One
“Great workout, Coop. You’re almost back to your old form,” Coach says. His name is Matthew, but I’ve known him all of my life and all I’ve ever heard him called is Coach.
I grab the towel he’s holding and rub the sweat off my face. He’s lying through his ass, but I’ll play along. I don’t have a damn thing better to do.
“Yeah, I’m getting there,” I grunt, trading him lie for lie.
I’m nowhere near where I used to be. I’m supposed to be training for what everyone has deemed my comeback match.
Cooper Gaines, kickboxing champion.
That’s who I was. It’s sure as fuck not who I am now. I spent my life surging to the top of my sport and overnight it was history. The next thing I know, I’m talking on my cellphone making a reservation at the Mojito and a drunk driver T-bones me. Everything from there is a blur, except the therapy it took to get my leg to bend after the metal they put in it. And then there’s my shoulder. It might not have gotten metal like my leg, but it sure as hell doesn’t cooperate like it used to.
I didn’t want to come back; I was done with everything. I let Coach talk me into it. He needed my name to make his business viable again. He needed the publicity. He was about to lose his club and he wouldn’t take money from me. He called it charity. I owe Coach everything.
So here I am.
“You’ve got three months left, Coop. You’ll get there,” he says and I don’t know who he’s trying to convince—me or him.
I don’t bother replying to that. Neither one of us wants to hear what I’ve got to say.
“I’ve got some paperwork for you to fill out,” Coach says as I down a bottle of water, letting the cold numb the pain.
“What kind of papers?”
“Just releases for the publicity. My lawyers are making me dot my I’s and cross my damn T’s. I just need your signature. Jo has the papers in the office. Just drop by on your way out, it won’t take a minute.”
“Okay,” I tell him. I wanted to pull out of this shit, but if getting my ass beat in the ring helps Coach, I’ll do it. A man ain’t shit if he doesn’t have loyalty. Coach saved my life, pulled me off the streets and gave me goals. I owe him. “See you tomorrow, old man.”
“Later, Coop.”
I make my way up the stairs that lead to Coach’s office, wanting nothing more than to get the hell out of here and drown myself in a bottle of Jack. I open the door and come to a dead stop.
Standing in front of me is a fucking wet dream. She can’t be more than five-foot-four, a small package for sure, but compared to me she’s tiny as fuck. Despite her petite frame, she’s packing curves a man could run his hands over for years and never get enough. She’s wearing a tight little white shirt and a skirt that fits her like a fucking second skin. Long blonde hair that she has bunched up on top of her head in a fucking bun, and black-rimmed glasses. She’s high class all the way.
She belongs in a fucking library or a preschool surrounded by kids, not in a dirty gym that smells like shit. Christ, those tits of hers are so damn big a man’s dick could live there. I feel my cock stretch against my gym shorts. Fucker’s been all but dead since the accident, but he’s definitely alive and willing right now.
“Can I help you?” she asks, and Christ Almighty… her voice is just as good as the rest of her.
“Looking for Jo,” I tell her, clearing my throat.
“I’m Jo,” she murmurs. Her gaze travels over the length of me, and she blushes a deep red and I know she’s taking in the way my cock is tenting my shorts. My lips spread into a deep grin.
“That’s the first good news I’ve had in years,” I tell her honestly. She backs away from me, stumbling against the desk. I’d lay odds that she’s innocent. I’ve never had that. I definitely want her. I’m going to enjoy the fuck out of dirtying her up. I’ll start with undoing that hair, and setting those tits free …. and eventually coming all over them.
Chapter Two
He’s a fighter. I can tell instantly, and not because he’s in Matthew’s gym.
He’s built big and strong, with muscles on top of muscles.
And he looks cocky as hell.
Just like a fighter.
He looks at me like he wants to devour me, and I can’t help the way my body instantly reacts. My face feels hot, and no doubt my cheeks are red from noticing the erection he’s sporting.
And God, what an erection he’s got.
It looks huge behind those nylon shorts of his.
My heart is beating so hard and fast I have no doubt that he can see it under my shirt. I move back another step until the desk stops my retreat. I reach out and grab the edge of the wood, curling my fi
ngers around it, steadying myself. He’s grinning like a damn fool, like he’s a cat that just caught the mouse.
And I’m that mouse.
No way in hell he’s going to think he has any shot with me. Nope, I do not get mixed up with fighters. I know their reputation, know how they fuck anything with legs, anyone who throws themselves at them.
I expect him to be crude and lewd, one of those gym rats who has no filter. But he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he clears his throat and lifts his hand up to rub the back of his head. I watch the way his bicep flexes, the way the material stretches across his chest. I can see the definition of muscle, the strength and power that pours off him in waves.
“I’m Cooper, but my friends call me Coop.”
His voice is so deep, so masculine. I feel parts of my body come alive, intimate parts of me that have never been touched.
I clench my thighs together and try to act like I have my shit in order. But the truth is, my panties are wet right now, and I know my nipples are hard. I can see Cooper dipping his gaze to my breasts continuously.
He takes a step forward and I swallow, trying to control my breathing. I don’t know what it is about this guy, but I instantly feel a reaction. And that just pisses me off. All my life I’ve had everything in control, my school, relationships, or lack thereof, and this guy just walks in and all that control goes out the window?
Hell no.
So, I push myself off the desk and straighten, crossing my arms underneath my breasts and lifting my chin.
I see him checking me out, but I refuse to show that I am reacting to it.
“My eyes are up here, Cooper.” I emphasize his name, and when he looks at me I lift an eyebrow. He has the audacity to smirk wider at me, not even appearing ashamed that he has been caught checking me out.
“So how do you know Coach?” He takes another step toward me and I move around the desk and sit down, putting space between us, simply because being this close to him is having a confusing effect on my body.
“Coach is my uncle.” I don’t delve into personal details about how he pretty much raised me after my father died, and my mother struggled to take care of me.
He doesn’t say anything for long seconds, and we just look at each other. I feel my frustration grow, not because he’s standing there, staring at me, not saying anything, but because my arousal just keeps growing.
He’s a good-looking guy, with his short blond hair and muscular body. He’s tall, far bigger than me, which makes me feel even more petite when standing beside him. He’s got the body of a fighter, big and muscular, with tattoos on his arms and chest. I can see the ink underneath the white fabric of his T-shirt and it makes my pussy wet. It’s a natural reaction, and one he probably gets from every woman he comes in contact with.
I just need to find a way to lock it down.
“Coach said you have some papers for me to fill out?” he says in that deep, gravelly voice that’s oh so sexy.
It takes me a minute to realize what he’s talking about, but then my “oh” face comes on and I start rifling through the papers on Matthew’s desk. I feel flustered, my face still heating because I can feel his gaze on me.
“Here. You have to sign these.” I hold them out but don’t look at him. I can’t, not because I don’t want to, but because I know he’ll be able to see how he affects me. I’m scared he’ll notice my arousal. I’m so wet, I’m worried he might actually smell my hunger for him, because right now all I can think about and smell is the scent of sex in the room. I may not actually know anything about having sex with a real man, but I’ve had fantasies and this guy could easily have starred in every one of them.
After today he probably will.
Still, I’ll be dammed if he’ll know that I’d gladly push all these papers off my desk, pull up my skirt, and beg him to take my virginity.
Yeah, no way Cooper is going to know that.
But as I look at his face, at the smile he’s sporting, I think he might already.
Chapter Three
She wants me. I’d have to be blind not to see it. Unfortunately, I can also tell that she’s intent on keeping me at arm’s length. That’s not going to work for me. I want her and I’m going to have her.
The fact that Coach is her uncle might be a slight hiccup, but it’s not enough to deter me. He wants my cooperation to save his gym? Then, even if I can’t fight, I’ll save his gym … I just may demand his sex kitten niece as payment.
I sign the papers she gave me and then slide them over the desk toward her. When she reaches out to get them, I capture one of her hands in mine. It’s smaller, so fucking tiny and soft that it brings to life the very male part of me like nothing ever has before. The man that says he is holding on to his property. Property he needs to protect, to care for… to keep.
It was a crazy thought, but it was there just the same.
I turn her hand over and brush my thumb against the inside of her palm. The differences between us are plain to see. Her skin is milky white, mine darker and bronzed by the sun. It is the texture that grabs me, though, and sinks deep inside. She is so soft, softer than anything I’ve ever felt in my life. My hands are scarred from years of training and beating the hell out of my opponents. She is definitely high class, just like I first thought. And here I am, as rough as my skin and in every single way you could think. I don’t deserve to touch her, but I am going to. I am going to do a fuck of a lot more than that. I’m going to dirty this little sex kitten up and it doesn’t matter that she is going to fight me—because I know she will. I can tell that in the way she jerks and tries to yank her hand away from me. I don’t let her, though. And when her hand curls against mine, I straighten it back out with the pressure of my thumb.
“What are you doing tonight, Jo?”
“Will you let go of my hand?” she huffs, her gaze shooting fire at me.
“If you’ll agree to meet me for dinner tonight,” I respond.
Those thick, plump lips of hers compress into a firm line as she glares at me.
“I don’t date boxers,” she mutters.
“Then I’ll retire.”
She rolls her eyes, clearly not believing I’m one hundred percent fucking serious. “Right. If you think I’m going to believe that, then you’re a bigger fool than I think you are,” she announces, looking annoyed as hell, which only turns me on even more.
“I’m serious, darlin’. You don’t date boxers, so as of today my comeback is officially canceled.”
Her eyes go wide with shock and I’m pretty sure she can read how deadly serious I am.
“You’re lying,” she denies, but I think I can hear the edge of panic in her voice. She must know Coach needs me to do this.
I’ve never had a reason to come into the office since I agreed to walk back into the ring, which now—seeing as Jo is in here—seems like a damn shame. Still, working in the office, she’d know how dire Coach’s financial situation is. She’d know he is on the verge of losing this club. Hell, it might even be why she’s working here instead of a library or a bookstore. Whatever the reason, she would know how important my comeback is to this gym … and how much it’ll ruin shit if I back out now.
“But you can’t do that! My uncle has everything riding on you,” she gasps, proving I was right.
“I might rethink my decision,” I murmur, staring at her. “If I had dinner with a pretty little blonde tonight.” Maybe I should feel like shit for all but making her go out with me, but I am desperate for her and willing to do anything for a little alone time.
I watch as understanding dawns over her face and her eyes narrow.
“That’s blackmail,” she accuses.
“That’s an awful dirty word out of your pretty little lips. I wonder what other dirty words I can make you say, Jo.”
“You are not going to blackmail me into sleeping with you, Cooper.”
“I won’t have to. That you will do on your own—but, just to
say it out loud, we won’t be sleeping.”
Her cheeks turn a gorgeous shade of red and I feel my cock jerk behind my gym shorts.
“I won’t sleep with you,” she growls, looking sexy as fuck all puffed up and mad. When I start to interrupt her, she holds her hand up. “Or anything else,” she adds.
“Put your money where your mouth is,” I dare her.
“What do you mean?”
“Go to dinner with me. It’s just a simple dinner. Nothing more, nothing less, and during it I will prove to you that you want to know what it’s like to feel me between those sexy as fuck legs of yours.”
“There’s no way in hell that will happen.”
“Prove me wrong.”
“So, just dinner and once I show you that you’re not going to get into my bed, you’ll leave me alone?”
“Of course,” I lie. I’m not letting her go at all.
“And you will still help my uncle keep his gym?”
“Scout’s honor.”
“Were you ever a scout?” she asks, and I grin. “I figured,” she huffs, reading my grin correctly. “Fine. Where do I meet you?”
Those might be the sweetest words I’ve ever heard come out of a mouth before. She has no idea what she’s set herself up for.
Chapter Four
I am an idiot for agreeing to go to dinner with Cooper, to be blackmailed by this fighter. I should’ve said no, told my uncle what Cooper said and put the cocky fighter on blast. But I can’t lie and say there isn’t a part of me that doesn’t like this, like the fact he’ll go to any length to get what he wants.