by James Rosone
We have really valued connecting with our readers via social media, especially on our Facebook page Sometimes we ask for help from our readers as we write future books—we love to draw upon all your different areas of expertise. We also have a group of beta readers who get to look at the books before they are officially published and help us fine-tune last-minute adjustments. If you would like to be a part of this team, please go to our author website,, and send us a message through the “Contact” tab. You can also follow us on Twitter: @jamesrosone and @AuthorMirandaW. We look forward to hearing from you.
You may also enjoy some of our other works. A full list can be found below:
Iraq Memoir 2006–2007 Troop Surge
Interview with a Terrorist (link to audiobook here)
The Monroe Doctrine Series
Volume One (available for preorder, estimated release November 30, 2020)
Volume Two (available for preorder, estimated release date March 20, 2021)
Volume Three (release date TBD)
Rise of the Republic Series
Into the Stars
Into the Battle (available for preorder, estimated release date October 13, 2020)
Into the War (available for preorder, estimated release date December 15, 2020)
Falling Empires Series
Rigged (link to audiobook here)
Peacekeepers (link to audiobook here)
Invasion (link to audiobook here)
Vengeance (link to audiobook here)
Retribution (audiobook currently in production)
Red Storm Series
Battlefield Ukraine (link to audiobook here)
Battlefield Korea (link to audiobook here)
Battlefield Taiwan (link to audiobook here)
Battlefield Pacific (link to audiobook here)
Battlefield Russia (link to audiobook here)
Battlefield China (link to audiobook here)
Michael Stone Series
Traitors Within (link to audiobook here)
World War III Series
Prelude to World War III: The Rise of the Islamic Republic and the Rebirth of America (link to audiobook here)
Operation Red Dragon and the Unthinkable (link to audiobook here)
Operation Red Dawn and the Siege of Europe (link to audiobook here)
Cyber Warfare and the New World Order (link to audiobook here)
Children’s Books:
My Daddy has PTSD
My Mommy has PTSD
Causes We Believe In
I have been very upfront about the fact that PTSD has impacted my own life on a very deep level. It has been a long journey to get to where I am today. I have been very blessed to find that writing therapy has helped me immensely. However, I also know that there are so many veterans out there who are still in the midst of dark times and need some help in their own personal battle. Miranda and I have decided that a portion of our proceeds will go to the following organizations: Southeastern Guide Dogs and Tunnels to Towers Foundation.
Southeastern Guide Dogs helps train service dogs at no cost for veterans with PTSD. It takes about $2,500 to train up a single service dog, but we know that each service dog will have a tremendous impact in a veteran’s life. To learn more about Southeastern Guide Dogs or to donate to them yourself, please visit the following website:
Tunnels to Towers Foundation is well-known for providing homes to Gold Star families, but they also install adaptive equipment for service members who have been injured. Their additional equipment and support can go a long way in helping a veteran who suddenly finds themselves without legs, for example. To find out more about the Tunnels to Towers Foundation, or to donate to them, please visit the following website:
We know that there are many other deserving organizations out there who are making a difference for veterans, and we will continue to be involved in other veteran charity events. If a particular organization has made an impact in your life, drop us a line on Facebook: We may consider donating to that organization in the future or promoting them on our social media platforms. PTSD is a complex issue, but together, we can make a difference.
Abbreviation Key
ACAlpha Centauri
AGSArtificial Gravity System
AIArtificial Intelligence
CICCombat Information Center
CMSCommercial Mining Ship
DARPADefense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DZDrop Zone
ELINTElectronic Intelligence
EMPElectromagnetic Pulse
EVAExtravehicular Activity (suits made for being outside a spaceship)
EWOElectronics Warfare Officer
FRAGOFragmentation Order (change in orders)
GEUGreater European Union
GQGeneral Quarters
HUDHeads-Up Display
JSOCJoint Special Operations Command
KIAKilled in Action
LOACLaws of Armed Conflict
MASINTMeasurement and Signature Intelligence (often includes radar, acoustic, nuclear and chemical and biological intelligence)
MOSMars Orbital Station
MREMeals Ready to Eat
NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration
NOSZodark admiral or senior military commander
NRONational Reconnaissance Office
PAPersonal Assistant
PTPhysical Training
QRFQuick Reaction Force
R & DResearch and Development
RARepublic Army
RASRepublic Army Soldier
RNSRepublic Navy Ship
SAWSquad Automatic Weapon
SCIFSecured Comparted Information Facility
SETSpace Exploration Treaty
SFSpecial Forces
SWSand and Water (missiles)
TPATri-Parte Alliance
UKUnited Kingdom
VRVirtual Reality
XOCommanding Officer
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[1] A megameter is one thousand kilometers, so four hundred megameters is 400,000 kilometers
[2] Thirty megameters per hour is 30,000 kilometers per hour