So first, we’re going to look at how you can decide what you want.
Next comes an examination of your desire for change: why do you want something? And just how badly do you want it?
Do you want it badly enough to make it manifest in your life?
In case your desire is a bit, shall we say, lukewarm, we’re going to look at how to increase the level of your desire so that you really can get what you want easily, quickly, and effectively.
Then we’re going to look at the beliefs which might be stopping you getting it.
And then, most importantly, we’ll examine how to change them so you really can get what you want.
And then we look at expectancy. You have to expect these things will appear in your life.
And expectancy is different to belief, as we’ll see in due course.
As you may already know, the way you connect with the universe to tell it what you want is through visualization. This is the foundation of all manifestation.
What it means is this: you visualize your goal – that is, you form a clear image of it in your mind – every day for a few minutes. And you focus exclusively on that goal, imagining it in every detail as though it was already present in your life.
And as you do that, you want to generate a lot of feeling, of emotional energy, which will propel your desires out towards the universal intelligence.
Get the process right and you’ll be amazed at what happens.
Get the process wrong and, well, you’ll join all the other people who read The Secret and never manifested anything!
Fortunately, all the questions you never even knew you needed answering are answered in our chapter on visualization…. Making sure you stand the maximum chance of getting exactly what you want, easily, quickly and effectively.
I already said manifestation requires energy from you. Indeed, the energy you put out into the universe is what drives manifestation.
And you can supply energy in several ways – you’ve heard, quite probably, of the importance of joy and gratitude, of anticipation and excitement, in manifesting a different reality.
All of that is true, but there are other ways to energize the process, and we’ll look at those as well.
In fact there are some incredible shortcuts which make manifestation almost inevitable and almost instant – in fact, some of the techniques I’m going to show you seem almost miraculous in their ability to create a different reality.
Let’s not overlook the need for action, though.
Somehow, the universe seems to respond more readily to manifestation if you take action. I don’t think the universe is really looking for proof that you’re serious about what you want to have in your life (although, for all I know, it might be!)
Rather, I think taking action is more of an affirmation for you (not the universe) about the seriousness with which you hold your intention to change your life for the better.
But regardless of exactly what’s going on, action is necessary.
You’ve probably heard some people say “massive action” is what will get you your desires. Other people say “No, you only have to take baby steps toward your objective.”
How on earth can things be so confusing? If manifestation is a simple process, how can people hold such different views?
The answer may be that what you believe to be true about the process of manifestation will control how it works for you.
Believe you need to take massive action? Then it’s true. Believe you need to take baby steps? Then it’s true.
Anyway, we’ll look at this in much more detail later on.
And, if you’re ready to begin, let’s start right here, right now.
What is it you want to have happen in your life right now – and in the future?
What do you want to manifest so much you can almost taste your desire for it?
Shall we find out? Read on.
Your first step is to decide you want to change in your life – in other words, to decide what you want to manifest.
This is the time to set a goal (which some people call an objective or a desired outcome).
First, though, think about cause and effect.
The cause of any change in your life is the decision that you take to manifest something.
In other words, you must first have an intention to manifest a goal or outcome.
Your clear and definite intention to achieve a goal - to change something in your life - is the primary cause of all manifestation.
To emphasize what I just said: when you want to achieve a goal, the most crucial step is your decision that you are going to manifest it.
You could sum this up very simply by saying: intention is everything.
That’s because what you intend to make happen will control and direct everything that follows.
To manifest successfully, you must fully embrace your decision to take action right now. You also need to honor your intention to change things in your life – which means committing to do whatever it takes to make those changes manifest.
It doesn’t matter at this stage if you don’t know how it’s going to happen.
In other words, if you want a relationship, then you must make a clear decision right now that you’re going to get one.
If you decide that you want to get married and have a family, then you must make a firm intention to do just that.
And if you decide that you want more money, then you must decide right now that that’s what you’re going to get.
A lot of people set a goal and immediately get caught up in endless rumination and reflection about whether or not it’s possible. In fact you can waste months – or a lifetime – doing this. But the only thing that you’re really doing is creating delay, and when you create delay, you miss opportunities which can give you what you want.
So you don’t have to spend any time just now trying to figure out whether or not you can do this. When you start looking at the section of this e-book on belief, you’ll very quickly find ways to overcome any doubts.
In fact, you’ll discover ways to adjust your goals and objectives so that they are easily achievable.
The crucial thing at this stage is to have a firm commitment to your desired outcome, to your goal. That is your intention.
You’ll know how committed you are to achieving your outcome from the way you feel about it. Truth is, when you think about your goal for even a few minutes, you’ll know if it’s realistic.
For example, if it’s not realistic for you, at this point in your life, you’ll probably find yourself thinking or talking about your goal in a way which makes clear your lack of intention and commitment.
This kind of thing: “Well, I’m going to just try this and see what happens. Hopefully it will be OK and I’ll get what I want.”
Do you think that’s the language of somebody who’s made a clear decision and is committed to achieving their goal? No, of course it’s not.
You see, if your consciousness is divided against itself, with a part of you wanting something and another part of you feeling you can’t get it, that goal or outcome will probably not appear in your life. At least part of the energy that you could be directing to a particular outcome is being wasted on doubt and uncertainty.
Or rather, it’s going straight out into the universe. And the universe will know that you’re doubtful about achieving success. That’s unhelpful, to say the least.
For the universe to respond to what you want, to manifest your desired outcome, you need to make a clear committed decision with all your energy directed towards a specific outcome.
So let me ask you now: are you prepared to spend 10 or 15 minutes twice a day visualizing your desired outcome?
You a
re? Good. That’s the basis of manifestation.
Asking vs Expecting
One of the things it’s really important to understand here is that you’re not asking the universe for what you want.
You’re telling the universe what you want – declaring your intentions clearly and firmly: “Here is my desire. Make it happen.”
When the Bible speaks of prayer, there’s a famous passage which states “ask and you shall receive”.
People think this means “Can I have something, please?”
And that’s the basis of many people’s prayer – but what they don’t understand is that this kind of asking is asking in the hope that you will receive.
Instead, you should be asking with certainty that you will receive. That is what we mean by faith.
In short, there’s no need to beg or plead. In fact, begging or pleading won’t work.
Making Manifestation More Certain
There are some things that you can do to make the achievement of your goal more likely. You can, for example, have an intention that your goal will manifest in the way that is best for all concerned.
The universe responds well to this injunction.
Goals that are set with a desired intention of manifesting “for the good of all concerned” tend to manifest in a positive way.
Goals that are created and sent out into the universe without that injunction can sometimes manifest in a way that appears to give you what you want but ultimately doesn’t help you.
This is an aspect of manifestation which people sometimes interpret as the universe “teaching you what you need to know” before you get what you really want.
I don’t see it that way. My belief is that unless you specify that your outcome is for the highest good of all concerned you can become part of somebody else’s plan…. And that may require a different outcome to your plan. An outcome that doesn’t help you.
So, when I set out to achieve a goal I first set an intention to achieve whatever I want, and then I add, “and may whatever happens be for the greatest good of all concerned.”
What You Have To Do To Manifest Anything
When you’re setting a goal, you have to send it out into the universe with enough energy behind it to make the universe respond to your intention.
That energy comes from your intense desire to achieve your intention, the firm and unshakeable belief you hold about acquiring your goal, and the total expectation that you will get what you ask for.
I’ll show you how each of those factors plays into achieving your outcome in the next sections of this e-book.
But now, you’re probably wondering exactly what you have to do on a day-to-day basis to communicate your intention to the universe so that you can get your desired outcome in your life.
The answer is that you visualize your desired outcome. We’ll look at what this really means in the next chapter.
You probably already know what it means to visualize something. It’s basically a way of seeing a picture in your mind, a picture of what you want to manifest.
To be more exact, visualization is any technique which creates mental imagery, either with your eyes open or closed. As you create that visual imagery, you can change, modify or develop those images, and you can explore and expand the feelings or emotions associated with them.
Some people call this creative visualization – and that’s a great term, because when you visualize something in the right way, you are in fact starting to create it – or manifest it - in your world.
You see, the universe responds to your visualization when it’s supported by the energy of desire, belief, and expectancy. (We’ll get onto those qualities in a little while.)
Creative visualization is a power that can alter your world in any way you can imagine. It causes events to happen, and it causes money, relationships, people, objects and events to manifest in your life.
Think of the magic of this: simply by visualizing certain events, situations, objects, circumstances, or people, you can manifest them in your life.
This looks like magic – but there’s no magic involved. The connection between your mind and the universe is a natural one, and it’s a connection that taps into the universal Law of Attraction.
In other words, creative visualization is the key to manifestation.
Part of the key here is that creative visualization - your imagination - feeds images into your subconscious mind.
And we believe the subconscious mind cannot distinguish between imagination and reality. So if you present images to your subconscious with clarity and intention, something mysterious begins to happen.
First, what the subconscious believes to be true about your life changes: next, those images travel out into the universe, and if they are backed up with strong enough energy and intention, they are picked up by the universal energy field, the omnipotent power, the supreme being, the universal intelligence (you can fill in your own words for this power here!), where all things are possible, and all people are part of one greater whole.
The essence of manifestation through visualization is this simple truth: you are an essential part of the universal energy field. And that is the key to how your thoughts can create reality.
But, as we’ve already seen, the thoughts which come true, which manifest as your reality, are those which are well focused, clearly defined, and supported by high levels of energy.
Visualization Has No Limits Except Those You Impose On Yourself
Every single thing on this planet started life as a thought in someone’s mind. Those things which have manifested in physical form had enough energy supporting them to appear in that way.
We don’t know whether Bill Gates imagined Microsoft as the supreme leader of computing systems when he started the company, but we can be pretty sure that at every stage of its development he had a vision of it growing into something larger.
In a way that’s the method of visualization which you need to use for yourself: being open-minded about the possibilities open to you, without paying heed to the limitations which might get in the way.
Your Route To Successful Visualization
I’m going to give you a formula for successful visualization which you can start to use immediately.
As you gain more experience in manifesting successfully, you might find you can change this method to suit yourself better.
But the method outlined below has been proven successful over and over again for hundreds of thousands of people, and it’s a great starting point for anyone trying to manifest anything.
Even so, visualization alone may not work for you, simply because you’re not putting enough energy into the mental imagery of what you want to acquire or achieve in life.
That’s why it’s really important you also read the sections on desire, belief, expectancy and action which you can find elsewhere in this e- book.
When you incorporate those qualities into your visualization, you’ll find manifestation happens faster and more amazingly than you ever imagined possible.
A lot of people think they’re committed to changing their lives, but somehow it never quite happens. They find themselves “too busy”, or they have something “more important” to do than sitting down and visualizing their objectives.
Perhaps at some level they don’t really believe they can change their lives or manifest better circumstances. Perhaps they’re frightened of change. Perhaps at some level they don’t want to change.
That’s why you have to have a very good reason – an intense desire – to manifest anything.
That’s also why you have to have clear and firm belief in the possibility of what you want manifesting for you.
And it’s why you need to be able to summon up total expectation that your desired outcomes will manifest in your life.
So while you can start visualizing what you want right now, make sure t
hat you also read all the other sections of this e-book.
A Little Bit Of Brain/Mind Theory
You may know that the brain works at different electrical frequencies according to your state of consciousness. To put it another way, electrical rhythms sweep through the brain at different frequencies according to how alert or asleep you are.
Communication between neurons within our brains is at the root of all our thoughts, emotions and behaviors.
And billions of neurons communicating with each other produces brainwaves in the form of synchronized electrical pulses.
And the deeper states of consciousness in which you can access your subconscious mind – and therefore manifest or create your reality – seem to involve different brain frequencies to everyday states of consciousness such as talking, moving, and interacting with other people in the everyday world.
In fact, it turns out that people have five bands of brain frequencies – Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta and Gamma.
Each of these brain frequency bands is associated with a particular type of consciousness.
Beta waves
These are cycles of brain electrical activity between 14 and 40 cycles per second (cps) and they are associated with waking consciousness and reasoning.
And they are also associated with stress, anxiety and restlessness.
Alpha waves
These are cycles of brain activity between 7 and 14 cps, and they are associated with daydreaming, meditation, visualization with your eyes closed, relaxation, and other similar states of mind.
This is the ideal brain frequency at which to program your mind for success, because this is the frequency at which imagination, visualization and mental focus are easiest to maintain.
The alpha frequency range also seems to be the place where your intuition works best, becoming more powerful and clearer the nearer you go to 7 cps.
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