The beliefs you hold about yourself are so fundamental and deep within yo that you can work on them your entire life and still not eliminate all the negative beliefs you have.
Fortunately, however, that’s not the purpose of working on negative beliefs.
The purpose of working on negative beliefs is really to allow you to achieve what you want to achieve in life.
Not all of us want to be a successful businessman like Richard Branson, or President of the United States like Barack Obama, or a respected world Elder like Nelson Mandela. Or a human savior like Mother Theresa. Or a world politician like Hillary Clinton.
All of us have different objectives and desires and wishes, and your fundamental purpose in life will reflect your innate capabilities, talents and potential.
And that’s where you need to focus your efforts, not on trying to achieve something that doesn’t suit who you are at the deepest level of your values and beliefs.
Which is why only you can set your goals and objectives, and why only you can work on the beliefs which stop you manifesting your true potential.
Negative Expectations and Manifestation
It’s really important you understand how negative expectations can impact manifestation.
Some people find they have the ability to visualize their goals and desired outcomes very easily, and they can focus on them and believe they will come to them while they’re in a relaxed state of mind…. But – as soon as they go back into the world, they find themselves flooded with doubts – with negative expectations, in fact.
One way to deal with this is to start by setting objectives which can give you more confidence in what you’re trying to achieve.
If you’re looking to manifest money, why not start with small amounts such as $10 or $100 ?
For, if your expectations are negative rather than positive, then you can reinforce them by having small successes and building on those.
Each time you achieve something bigger and better, your expectancy grows, which reinforces your belief that you’ll be able to manifest something even greater next time.
After all, what you expect to achieve in life is only the product of your past experience; when your past experiences are positive and growing bit by bit, your confidence and faith will grow too – and then you will find that manifesting what you want becomes second nature.
It’s a simple and obvious process, and as we shall see in the practical instructions on manifestation, you don’t actually need to spend a lot of time every day visualizing your objective.
It’s much more important that you have intense desire, complete belief, and positive expectations.
That way you’re really going to be successful.
As you know, the very first and simplest step in manifesting anything is simply to decide what you want.
Many people spend a lot of time puzzling over what it is they want, how they are going to get it, and even what action steps they need to take to make it manifest.
But nothing comes before the decision to achieve something.
And that’s a decision which needs to be made with clear intention. It’s the cause of everything that follows, including the action steps you take to make your goal manifest in the physical world.
So, for example, if you want to start a business, you must simply decide that’s what you’re going to do, with a clear and firm intention.
If you want to get married, then simply decide that’s what’s going to happen – that you’re going to attract a mate.
If you want to change your financial situation for the better, then make the decision clearly and firmly that that’s what you’re going to do.
These decisions, made with clear intention, are the start of all manifestation.
Don’t worry about what action you have to take. Don’t worry about how it’s going to be achieved.
Your clarity about how you’re going to get from where you are now to where you want to be will come after you’ve made your decision and started to use the techniques of manifestation.
It’s obvious, really, that the first thing you have to do whenever you’re manifesting anything is decide what you want and then make the decision that you’re going to get it.
At this stage you don’t need to start figuring out whether or not your goal is possible. You just need to take some action. It doesn’t even have to be the right action, though it’s helpful if it moves you towards your goal rather than in any other direction!
If you’re not following quite the right path, the universe will show you the adjustments needed along the way, to get what it is that you really need and want to achieve.
All of this is just another way of saying that the cause of any manifestation is your intention.
Intention Is Everything (Well, Almost!)
After you’ve set your intention, you have to do certain things: those are set out in the “executive summary” of the manifestation process, which I’ve described at the start of this e-book. For example, you have to visualize your goal for a certain amount of time every day.
Visualization is the key process which will make the universe respond to your intention to change your life in some way.
Yet visualization, with the support of emotional energy generated by your intense desire, belief and expectancy, together with the emotion of gratitude (or any other technique you’re using) will only take you so far.
You also have to take action.
A lot of people find that once they’ve set their intention it’s easy to visualize their desired outcome or goal in their minds, but they get stuck on the question of what action they need to take to make that goal appear in their world.
Here’s an astounding story about action (or the lack of it)!
One man wrote to me to complain that manifestation wasn’t working for him.
When I asked him what had gone wrong, he said “I want to be a concert pianist, but I’m getting nowhere.”
Naturally, I assumed he was a competent pianist who was seeking to raise the standard of his performance and find outlets where he could perform in public.
To my astonishment, I discovered he couldn’t even play the piano. All he was doing was sitting in his chair, visualizing himself on stage, playing the piano in front of a large audience!
Is this is an extreme example? I hope so. And I’m sure nobody reading this book is going to limit themselves in that way. But it makes the point, doesn’t it?
You have to DO something…..
That man’s goal to perform on stage in front of an audience needed supporting action.
To start with he might have got some musical tuition – intensive musical tuition, both theory and practical, and tuition on playing the piano.
Right from the start, he might have found ways to perform, starting small no doubt, but working up to more sophisticated performances with larger audiences.
And who knows whether or not his desire would ever have been fulfilled – the world of professional performance is defined by commitment, skill, talent and dedication.
But at least he would have been taking action steps to make his dream come true.
And that is what we all have to do, no matter what we are trying to manifest in the world.
You included.
Like I said, you don’t need to try and figure out whether or not your goal is possible. That’s the kind of action people take when they’re at a low level of consciousness, a low level of belief, or when they lack commitment to themselves.
Knowing if it’s the right goal is very simple: ask yourself if you believe it’s possible. Then ask yourself if it’s what you really want.
If you have doubts in your mind about whether or not you’re going to achieve something, you’ll very likely to manifest evidence to prove those doubts are justified!
Equally, if you have a firm belief in your mind that what you’re
trying to do is possible and that you will achieve it, then you’re likely to manifest evidence to prove that point of view.
As they say, success breeds success.
Indecision, frankly, is simply a lack of commitment. Doubt is simply a lack of belief.
And you can be 100% sure that the universe can actually sense any lack of commitment. If it does, you won’t be successful….
Success with The Wealthy Mind is all about what kind of energy you’re putting out – energy which shows you’re committed to achieving a goal, come what may.
And frankly, when you’re completely committed, the universe will support you more than you could ever dream, and you’ll move towards your goal faster and easier than you could even begin to imagine.
Action & Inaction
One question in everybody’s mind at this point is: “Well, what sort of action do I have to take to help the universe manifest what I’m trying to get?”
Broadly speaking, if you read the literature on manifestation, you’ll find that “experts” recommend either of two courses of action: massive action or small incremental steps.
This seems completely crazy. How can people recommend two completely different types of action as being essential to manifestation?
Massive action makes me think of burning all your bridges, so that you have nowhere to go but forward.
The other approach makes me think of incremental change - something you do in small steps that don’t necessarily even stretch you.
One way of looking at this is to assume that what you believe to be true about the process of manifestation will become your truth.
In other words, if you believe that taking massive action is necessary to convince the universe of your sincerity around getting a particular objective, then that’s what’s true for you – and that’s how your process will work.
On the other hand, if you believe you can take small incremental steps, and they will guide you remorselessly toward your goal, then that will be true for you too, and that’s how your process will work.
But the question deserves a little bit more consideration. After all, it is odd that people should start from such different fundamental positions.
So let’s begin by looking at exactly what people mean when they talk about taking “massive action” or “small steps”.
Massive Action Or Small Steps?
Tony Robbins has used the expression “massive action” more than anyone else. So I went to see what he has to say about it. He gives an example of what he calls his “Rapid Planning Method”. This was an example which involved a guy who was trying to lose 30 pounds in the next 90 days.
Tony’s suggested “massive action plan” was:
Start researching effective diet strategies – today!
Make an appointment with the doctor to consult on safe choices of diet
Pick the best diet and start following it
Shop at whole food shops for healthier options
Shop for a pair of walking, running, or exercise sneakers 6 Hire a trainer for three times a week workouts
Now I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t call these massive action steps, I’d call them simple straightforward things to do that are necessary to lose 30 pounds of fat in the next 90 days!
What I’m saying here is that “massive action” simply means taking some positive, clear, decisive action.
It means doing something – perhaps almost anything – which moves you in the direction of your goal.
Let’s look at some more examples.
Years ago, I was an aspiring writer. At the time I didn’t know anything about the publishing industry, I didn’t know anything about how books were produced, and I didn’t know anything about how books were marketed, but I certainly knew I could write well and I believed I had something important to tell the world.
So what did I do?
I sat down and I started writing.
Now I suppose you could consider that to be massive action, because I didn’t have a publisher or a contract; I just had grit and determination – and I was certain I had something of value to share with the world.
For me, this was neither massive action nor incremental action.
It was just what I had to do.
Having since interviewed many authors and experts on manifestation, I’ve come to the conclusion that what I think of as the normal things one has to do to manifest a goal are what the majority of manifestation gurus think of as “massive action”.
Sure, if you think that sitting down and writing for six hours a day every day is massive action, then call it that.
That’s what I did to get my first book published. And when I’d written it, typed it up (this was in the days before word processors), and proofed it, I got 10 copies made and sent them off to 10 publishers.
And sure enough, I got a contract.
Was that massive action? I don’t know. To me it seems like the normal steps in moving towards a goal of getting a book published.
Let’s look at another example.
A friend of mine spent many years unable to form a long-term relationship – just having short-term meetings and assignations, and no doubt enjoying them very much, but ultimately feeling dissatisfied because he wasn’t in an intimate long-term union with his chosen life partner.
No matter what he did, he didn’t seem able to find the woman for him – and indeed began to believe his fate was to spend his life outside a relationship, without a long-term partner.
And then, one day, after seeing his friends getting married and starting to raise families, he simply decided – as he later told me – that he’d had enough of being alone.
He simply decided to get into a relationship. The pain of being alone was greater than the fear and limiting beliefs which held him back from meeting women.
So he spent an hour or more every afternoon visualizing what it would be like to be in a wonderful heart-warming relationship with a dearly loved partner.
He envisaged them making love in great detail.
He visualized where they would go together, and how their lives would be.
Was this massive action? I don’t know whether you could call it massive action or not. I’d call it “dedication to a goal” and “demonstration of commitment” by taking positive action to move in the direction of that goal.
Next, he went to see a counselor or therapist to explore why he was having difficulty getting into a relationship and to work through the issues that were preventing him establishing a long-term bond with a woman.
Needless to say, of course, as you’ll know if you’ve read the chapter on limiting beliefs, the inhibitions and difficulties he had in his mind were all the result of what he’d been taught or learned during childhood about how lovable and desirable he was – or, more accurately, wasn’t.
When he eliminated these limiting beliefs, corrected those impressions and replaced them with non-limiting beliefs, he knew he was certain to find a partner.
In short, he stood a much better chance of finding a woman when he made the decision to do so! And he knew he would cement his chances when he took action….
And so he went on holiday to a Greek island where there was a holistic retreat centre which attracted considerably more women than men. Now, there’s an action-step-and-a-half!
And sure enough, during this vacation he met a woman who was deeply attractive, in every way the vision of his lifelong partner, and they had a relationship going within four days of meeting – a relationship which, at the last time of talking to him, 14 years on, was still going strong.
But what did he do? Was that massive action, or was it just the normal kind of action which demonstrates your commitment to a goal you’ve set yourself?
Would you call it small incremental steps? Or massive action?
I think of all of these examples as involving small incremental steps of action which build one on top of another. After all, they are the kind of things you have to do
to manifest your goals.
You have to write a book if you want to be a published author.
You have to do something to prepare yourself for being in a relationship.
You have to write a business plan and network if you want to start a company.
Bottom line, the truth is this: you always have to do something to get what you want.
Whether you call it massive action or small incremental steps, you have to do something.
There’s no point sitting around debating the meaning of action, or the size of the steps you have to take.
So I’m going to reveal to you now a fundamental and compelling truth about action and manifestation: are you ready for it?
You’d better be, because this might be the most significant key to success you ever learn.
Just do something.
Yes, it really is that simple. What you do doesn’t have to be easy or difficult. It doesn’t have to be large or small. It doesn’t have to be world changing or insignificant.
It just has to demonstrate your commitment to your goal, to your stated intention, to your decision to change your life.
Which brings us on to another logical question, which is: when this seems such an obvious thing, why do so many people in the field of manifestation lay such emphasis on the need to take action?
Sadly I think you might already know the answer to that question.
Very few people ever actually DO anything to manifest their goals.
Just think about that for a moment.
I don’t know how many millions of copies The Secret have been sold, but I think we can assume it was tens of millions. So why aren’t there more reports of people manifesting what they want and changing their lives because of it?
The problem lies in the fact that many of the people who were disappointed with the results they achieved did not take any action.
Either they didn’t know what to do, or they didn’t do it with enough commitment, or they did something that took them in a different direction, or they did something which really expressed their doubts about the goals they’d set for themselves.
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