Gen X: The Undead Adventures of Chas (A Young Adult Zombie Apocalypse Thriller Book 3)

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Gen X: The Undead Adventures of Chas (A Young Adult Zombie Apocalypse Thriller Book 3) Page 12

by Baileigh Higgins

  “Yes, Mom.” He groaned and let his head fall back while his mother continued to lecture him on the new do’s and don’ts of the zombie apocalypse.

  Grumps joined them not long after, and despite the Major’s escape, they had a fun meal together. A sort of farewell. By the end, Chas couldn’t help but feel optimistic about their future. No matter what happened, they had each other.

  “We’re a tough bunch, aren’t we Grumps?” she asked.

  “That we are, sweetheart,” he answered.

  “And we’ll save Lala and Mom no matter what?”

  “Of course, we will. Don’t doubt that for even a second, Chas.” He eyed her from underneath bushy eyebrows. “Don’t worry about Julia and them either. They’ll be fine, and they’ll catch that Major Brown. For all his silly airs, he’s just another jumped up politician. Alvarez will sort him out if the zombies don’t.”

  Chas smiled at the thought. “Thanks, Grumps. You always know just what to say.”

  He snorted. “That’s a first. I’m not sure Lala would agree with you, and most definitely not Vivienne.”

  After breakfast, Chas waited in line with Vanessa, Emily, and Dean to say goodbye to Julia, Alvarez, and Sanchez.

  “I’m gonna miss you lot,” Julia said with tears in her eyes as she drew them into a group hug.

  “We’re going to miss you too. Be safe,” Chas whispered as she fought against tears.

  Alvarez was more gruff, settling for a salute and a quick, “Bye, kids. Stay out of trouble while I’m gone.”

  And Sanchez remained true to her wild nature by fist-bumping, knocking shoulders, and miming explosions as she dreamt of the trip to come. “It’s going to be epic!”

  The three loaded their bags into their truck, and Alvarez started the engine while Sanchez jumped into the back. Julia hesitated for a brief second, eyeing Grumps with a thoughtful look.

  “You be careful now,” Grumps said. “Remember to keep in touch. I’ll need to coordinate my attacks with yours at the end.”

  She nodded. “Got it, and if you don’t mind a bit of advice, Sir?”

  “Spit it out,” Grumps said.

  “Don’t coddle these kids too much. They’re a tough bunch, well-trained and resourceful. Give them a job to do, or they’ll sneak off and do something crazy behind your back.”

  “You think they can handle it?” Grumps asked.

  “I know they can. Things have changed, Sir. They’ve seen and done stuff most people never will in their entire lives. If you try to treat them like children after all that, you’ll only end up smothering them.”

  Grumps chewed on his lip before nodding. “Noted. I’ll keep them busy, don’t you worry.”

  Julia smiled and waved as she got into the waiting truck. “See ya!”

  Chas was glad Julia had taken a moment to talk to Grumps about them. Maybe now, he wouldn’t try to wrap them in cotton wool and leave them out of all the action. Perhaps, he’d even let them play a role in saving the camp.

  Despite that hope, she still sighed as she watched Julia and her group drive off, feeling like a part of her heart was leaving too. They were her friends and her mentors, leaving for places she’d never seen to face dangers she could only dream about. Watching them leave, she made a silent promise. It won’t always be this way. One day, I’ll be the one going on dangerous missions and epic adventures. One day.

  After a moment of silence, Grumps turned toward them and said, “Well, you heard the lady. I’m not to coddle you, so I won’t. Off to the armory with you. If you’re going to help save the camp, you need to be armed.” He waved a finger at them. “That doesn’t mean that you can do what you want or jump into the danger at the first chance you get. Safety first. Deal?”

  “Deal!” Dean said, jumping into the air while Vanessa, Emily, and Chas likewise cheered.

  “Just one thing, Dean,” Grumps said. “You’ll have to get past your parents first and get their permission.”

  Dean’s face fell. “Really?”

  “Really. I might be willing to face Lala and Vivienne after the fact, and neither Emily nor Vanessa’s parents are here to stop them, so that leaves you.”

  “Ah, man. They’ll never say yes,” Dean said.

  Chas laughed and slapped him on the back. “Come on, you big lump. We’ll help you win them over, won’t we, ladies?”

  “Of course,” Vanessa said. “There is nothing we can’t do. Nothing.”

  “For once, I fully agree with you, Vanessa,” Emily said.

  “I just can’t believe you’re agreeing on something,” Chas said as they trooped inside to face their new futures. Hopefully, ones filled with adventure.

  The End.

  This is the end of Gen X but not the end of the adventure. Stay tuned for the final book in the series, Genesis. Plus, turn the page for a sneak peek at my other works plus lots more apocalyptic fun!

  Do you want more?

  So we’ve reached the end of Gen X, and I really hope you enjoyed reading the book as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you did, please consider leaving a review as that makes it so much easier for an author like me to reach more readers like yourself and to keep writing. You can review the book here.

  And, there’s plenty more where this came from. The final installment in the series, Genesis, will be coming soon, I promise. It will conclude Chas and her friend’s adventures leading up to the rescue of the camp and their loved ones.

  In the meantime, why not try out some of my other books? There’s plenty more, both zombie and non-zombie, series and standalone. You can check them all out on my Amazon author page here:

  Plus, read further for a sneak peek of The Black Tide - Remnants, the first book in an apocalyptic series with a difference!

  The Black Tide - Remnants: Available here


  The Black Tide. That’s what they called it. Incurable. Unstoppable. Terrifying.

  It began in China then spread throughout Asia and Eastern Europe, rolling across the continent like a tidal wave, killing everyone in its path. The death toll climbed, reaching hundreds of millions within weeks.

  The rest of the world mobilized, but despite all efforts to stop it the Black Tide kept coming.

  When the disease finally reached my home, the borders of South Africa, we thought we were prepared.

  How wrong we were.

  Chapter 1

  I took the loaf out of the bread bin. It was moldy. Fuzzy patches of white had sprung up around the edges, intensifying to blue-green in places. I picked it off with my nails and popped three slices into the toaster. With any luck, it would taste all right, and nobody would notice. I wrapped up the rest and put it away. Only two slices left.

  “Lexi, are you ready for school yet?” I called. Silence met my ears. “Lexi, we’re gonna be late!”

  “I’m coming; I’m coming.” She flounced into the kitchen, dragging her school bag behind her like it was filled with cement.

  Flopping down on a chair she stared at me, her expression baleful. My little sister was not a morning person. I made her a cup of tea with heaps of sugar, hoping to perk her up. At least, we still had a lot of that.

  I gave her a quick once over and sighed. Her dark brown hair curled out in all directions, the ponytail sagging beneath the weight of the thick strands. “What the hell happened to your hair? Did rats try to eat it? What will your teachers think?”

  “What does it matter? I’m like the only one there.” She crossed her arms and pouted, bottom lip stuck out as far as it could go.

  “That’s not true. There are still lots of kids in school.”

  “Is not. Even Jenny’s mom is letting her stay at home now.”

  “Who’s Jenny?”

  She looked at me with disdain. “Jenny’s my BFF.”

  I snorted. BFF, indeed. Kids. “Well, you he
ard what Dad said, Lexi. You’re going to school.”

  She stuck her tongue out before slumping forward onto her arms. I knew how she felt. I also hated school as a kid. Now I hated work. Same thing, different day.

  The bread popped out of the toaster, and I grabbed the margarine tub. Crap. It’s empty. I scraped the last bit out and stretched it over a slice. Putting it on a plate, I handed it to Lexi. “Eat up. We’re leaving in five minutes.”

  She eyed the single slice of toast but didn’t complain. “Where’s yours?”

  “I’ve got my own, don’t worry.” I picked up the second slice and waved it at her then crammed it into my mouth, swallowing the dry mush with a sip of tea.

  “Do I get lunch today?” Her face was hopeful, and my heart clenched as I studied her pale face and dull eyes, the ordinarily creamy skin like curdled milk.

  I tried hard to stretch our meager supplies and when possible gave her extra, but she was always hungry. We all were. It made me feel helpless. Reaching into the cupboard above me, I popped out three multivitamins and handed her one. It was one of the few perks my job provided.

  “Sorry, sweet pea. Not today. But I’ll see if I can buy more food after work, okay?” She nodded and ate the last of her toast, swallowing the pill with a grimace. I copied her, worry consuming my mind.

  The shops were running dry. Food deliveries had slowed, and prices had soared to astronomical heights. Never rich to begin with, we now struggled to put food on the table.

  My dad walked into the kitchen, “Morning, kids.”

  “I’m not a kid anymore,” Lexi complained. “I’m ten years old.” She held up both hands for emphasis.

  He rolled his eyes and laughed, ruffling her messy hair.

  I handed him the last slice of toast and a cup of tea with his vitamin. “Here’s breakfast.”

  My dad took it with reluctance. “Have you and Lexi eaten yet?”

  Oh, Dad. Always worried about us.

  “Yes, we have. We’re running low on supplies, though. I’ll see if I can get more after work.”

  He nodded, fishing in his pockets. “Here. I got paid yesterday. Buy as much food as you can. It’s the last.”

  He handed me the notes. It was a pitiful amount, the few hundred rands now meaningless in the face of the growing economic crisis.

  “What do you mean last?” I took in his rumpled appearance for the first time. “Aren’t you going to work today?”

  “The mine’s closed, Ava.” He ran a trembling hand through his hair. The news had hit him hard. “They ran us off yesterday. Told us to get off the property. They even had the police there. People were screaming, fighting…”

  “God, why didn’t you say something earlier?”

  He shrugged and looked away. “I’ll look for another job.”

  My father would never find another one. We both knew that. Unemployment had skyrocketed. This was a massive blow for us, but I didn’t want to rub it in any further. “It’s okay, Dad. We’ll be fine, you’ll see. I’ve still got my job.”

  “Yes, but I worry about you, Ava. Working in the pharmacy is dangerous. What if someone who’s got the sickness goes there? What if you get infected?” His eyes fixed on mine, concern showing in every tired line of his face.

  Lexi followed the conversation without saying a word, her honey-brown eyes flicking back and forth between Dad and me like it was a tennis match.

  “I won’t, Dad. I’m careful. We all are.” I pulled a set of gloves and a face mask out of my handbag and waved them at him. “Besides, I can’t quit. We need the money. Now more than ever.” To tell the truth, I was terrified I’d get infected. But we had to eat.

  He nodded. “I know, but I still worry.”

  This I knew all too well. Ever since my mom died in a car accident two years ago, he clung to us with desperate intensity. My dreams of going to University quickly faded in the face of his need, and Lexi was so young; she needed me to look after her.

  “It’ll be okay, Dad. You’ll see,” Lexi piped in with the optimism of youth.

  I looked at her and remembered what we had talked about earlier. “I’d be more worried about Lexi if I were you. She shouldn’t still be going to school. It’s too dangerous.”

  “I don’t want her to stop going unless there’s no choice, Ava. She needs the routine, a sense of normalcy. We all do. Besides, the Principal assured me they’re taking precautions.”

  I wasn’t so sure of that. What would a principal know? Hundreds of millions of people across the world were dead, with more dying each day as the disease progressed. Asia and most of Europe were in flames, America had closed its borders, while Africa was a bloodbath. The only thing that had saved our asses thus far was an airport strike over wages. It had prevented the Black Tide from spreading here before the WHO could issue a global alert.

  Still, it had spread to our central cities, sneaking a ride in on the backs of refugees entering the country illegally. Hospitals and clinics had distributed antiretrovirals from stores initially meant for HIV positives. While it couldn’t cure the disease, it did slow it down at first. Until the virus became resistant. Now it was speeding up. How much longer did we have before it showed up in our town? A week? Two weeks?

  “But Dad,” Lexi whined.

  “I don’t think…” I began.

  “We’ll see how it goes, for now, okay?” He held up a hand to forestall any further objections, and we reluctantly subsided. He could be very stubborn when he felt like it, a trait he had passed on to both of us in spades.

  “Fine. If you say so,” I replied, not bothering to hide my irritation. “Let’s go, Lexi. Have you got your jacket? It’s freezing outside.”

  “Got it,” she replied.

  She kissed Dad goodbye, but I walked out after giving him a nod, annoyance fueling my actions. Why did he have to be so stubborn? I ignored the twinge of guilt I felt at the defeated look on his face and stepped outside.

  Our feet crunched over the grass, frost glittering in the early morning sun. I hurried to my car, a rust bucket as old as the hills. The doors creaked as we got in, and I suppressed a grin at the look on Lexi’s face.

  “Why does your car have to be so old? The other kids at school laugh at me.”

  “You can always walk. A second class drive is better than a first class walk.”

  Lexi rolled her eyes at that but refrained from saying anything. I loved these moments. Moments when we could act normally. Like the Black Tide had never happened and we were just two sisters, bickering and teasing each other.

  I turned the key in the ignition. The old girl groaned loudly but refused to start. It took several more tries before she caught, and a cloud of white smoke billowed from the exhaust, much to Lexi’s disgust.

  The petrol tank was low, and I smothered a sigh of despair. Fuel cost a fortune, but I needed it to get to work. It was too dangerous to walk nowadays.

  The cold cut like a knife, so I cranked up the heat. Our breath puffed out in little clouds of mist, and my fingers felt like ice, the knuckles raw and chapped. Winter was never my favorite time of year.

  A look in the mirror confirmed that I looked as bad as I felt. The recent rationing had whittled down my heart-shaped face to a sharp point; the cheekbones were prominent and my skin as white as snow. Dark green eyes gazed back without their usual vigor, and I resolved to get more sleep that night. Maybe even a decent meal.

  I glanced at my handbag with longing. Nestled inside was my last box of cigarettes which I rationed with ferocious intensity. It was unlikely I’d be able to afford more. A terrible habit, one that both Lexi and my dad hated, but I couldn’t help myself. For now, I ignored the craving, turning my attention to the wheel.

  On the way to school, I turned on the radio, flipping between stations hoping for good news. No such luck. The situation was getting worse, not better. “Fuel and food prices continue to rise in the face of this ongoing crisis. All South Africans are advised to stock up on essential items an
d stay indoors.”

  “Stock up on what? The shops are empty,” I shouted at the radio then closed my mouth when I noticed Lexi’s stricken face. “I didn’t mean it like that, sweetie. I’ll get something after work. Don’t you worry about it.”

  She nodded but whether she believed me was a different matter.

  “The virus spreads through physical contact. Wear a mask and gloves in public at all times. If you or a loved one exhibit symptoms, report to the nearest hospital or clinic for treatment.”

  I snorted. Treatment? What treatment? There was no treatment. Once you got it, you died.

  “The disease first presents itself with typical flu-like symptoms. Fever, fatigue, coughing, sneezing, and headaches which progress to vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding from the gums, ears, nose…” The litany of horror continued, and I switched off the radio. It was depressing, and we’d heard it all a thousand times by now.

  The scenery flashed by in a monotonous blur. Gray skies, gray streets, gray buildings. There were precious few signs of life. None of the usual hustle and bustle. People were too scared to leave their homes and barricaded themselves inside. Uncollected trash bags littered the sidewalks, testament to the municipality’s inability to deal with the situation. And it hasn’t even hit us full force yet.

  Lexi fiddled with her phone, a frown marring her forehead. Ordinarily, my dad would never allow her to take her phone to school, but I had insisted. If something happened, I wanted her to be able to call me. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know. It doesn’t work.” She shook it and tapped the screen a few times. “There’s no signal.”

  “No signal? That’s strange.” I fished my phone out of my pocket and checked the screen. I swung it around in the air as if a few bars would magically appear. “Mm, maybe the network’s down. It’ll probably come back on again later.”


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