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by Brad Stucki

  "Maybe . . ." Sauros said. He still hadn't belted his knife. Javin knew it was hard for Sauros to surrender in any way. He was a warrior, a fighter, a leader. Being taken captive without a fight went strongly against his nature.

  Finally, he put away his knife and raised his empty hands out as Javin had done. "You are right I suppose."

  Surprisingly, the leader simply gestured again with his lance. Javin and Sauros started walking down the path in the direction indicated. They continued to be surrounded by the guard, the lances still pointing toward them, as they were being moved.

  There was no move to take their weapons or packs. That surprised Javin, and he looked more closely at the guards. They all seemed forced, peremptory, like they were only going through trained motions and had very little individuality. Automatons, was the word that surfaced in Javin's mind.

  Javin 'felt' out and could feel Sauros joining him. There is was! He could still feel the 'dampening' feeling he'd felt on the surface. Only now it was stronger. Was it having an effect on these Mole People? Javin smiled at the label he'd given them. It fit, though.

  "You still feel it?" Sauros asked.

  "Yes, only stronger."

  "I also."Sauros said. "These do not seem interested in communicating. Do you think they can?"

  "I can't imagine that they don't communicate. Still, as I tried to 'sense' them, they seemed sort of . . . blank to me."

  "I felt the same," Sauros agreed. "That is hard to fathom. They appear to have some sort of civilization, but how can that be without communication?"

  "Maybe they've decided not to talk to us," Javin said. It seemed the simplest solution.

  "You are probably correct." Sauros lapsed into silence then as they marched under guard.

  Maybe this was the way it always was for them, Javin thought, and could tell Sauros was following as his mind worked. Again Javin started mulling over electromagnetic affects, and didn't know where the knowledge came from. Still, it was worth considering. There was nothing else to do while they marched.

  Chapter 4

  They continued to follow the hardened path. It was easy walking with little variation in the slope and contour. The path followed along the cliff face, and then the cavern opened up again to a broad expanse broken only by the massive rocky pillars interspersed at great distances. The cliff they'd emerged from was but another of the rocky pillars holding the ceiling of this massive underground world up. The silo they’d come down must have been carved out of the rock pillar. That would have been an amazing engineering feat which this species didn’t appear capable of, especially seeing that they were holding spears.

  The path continued to be raised and led straight, more or less to wherever their destination lay. Javin and Sauros (Javin could 'feel' his observations) continued to take in their surroundings. The plant life below them along the floor of the cavern was fern-like and lush. The colors were a dull green and grayish, though apparently very healthy. From lack of sunlight, Javin thought. He could 'feel' Sauros following him with their mind-touch.

  Plenty of moisture, though. And Javin peered up at the mist covering overhead. It was very high allowing for a very large ecosystem having its own weather patterns and all.

  "Does it ever rain here?" Javin asked aloud. He glanced around at his guard. None seemed to take notice he's spoken.

  "What is 'rain,'" Sauros asked. On his world, the mist descended at night and then when the sun rose in the morning, water was strained out of the lowered mist as extremely heavy dew and left puddles of water lying about. It never rained on his world.

  "Little droplets of water that fall from the sky," Javin had an image of it in his mind, wondering if Sauros could see the picture as well as 'feel' the explanation.

  "That is odd," Sauros said, tilting his head to one side as they walked.

  "Did you see the image?" Javin said, excitement touching his voice.

  "I saw, though not clearly, but with the 'feeling' I think I understand. I've never seen such a thing on my world."

  "Happened all the time where I'm from," and then Javin caught himself. That image! It had been a real image from his blocked memories! Was that block starting to erode?

  Suddenly their escort stopped. The leader moved to one side of the path and gestured with his lance to follow and then he and two other guards stepped down off the path into a seemingly unmarked trail. The remaining guards behind them gestured and Javin and Sauros stepped down and followed, still surrounded by the guard front and back. This time to the side, they weren't guarded. Javin supposed they could each make a break to either side, but the thickness of the jungle would bar much progress at any speed. They would be taken from behind easily. In unspoken agreement they decided to continue until they reached their destination and saw what they were in for.

  The trail they were on was barely discernible and they could only see it by following the guards immediately ahead. They ducked and sometimes even crawled under the lush foliage. They traveled that way for what seemed a long time. Javin was starting to tire from having to walk all that day on the surface, make the long climb down the silo and then being marched under guard for a long distance.

  He was about to stop and demand a rest when they came out into a large clearing. It was set against one of the massive rock pillars. Javin was surprised. He hadn't noticed they were moving towards one of the great columns. The overhead foliage masked their approach as they had to concentrate on their footing. Sauros looked and 'felt' equally surprised and looked at Javin, who only shrugged.

  The broad clearing was the same smoothed hard-pan of the elevated path they'd traveled, though a bit darker brown in hue matching the loam of the earth in this area, Javin guessed. Once they'd left the path, the foliage had been so thick they hadn't seen the ground.

  The sward was bare of vegetation for about 200 paces out from the pillar and seemed to continue around its circumference until it was hidden behind the pillar. The odd thing, though, is that this pillar had apparent caves carved into the face. They were hard to pick out because the lichen's glow that illuminated everything around them made it hard to see any contrast and depth. The caves must have quite large openings. There were many caves, many levels high, though there was no visible means of entrance to the upper levels. He caught glimpses of inhabitants, all similar beings to their captors, standing, staring at them from inside their window openings. It reminded Javin of an ancient civilization on his home world. Cliff dwellers built adobe blocks inside crevasses in rock faces for security and community. Javin could picture and actually remember visiting those ruins in an earlier part of his life. The image was so vivid, he remembered the wonder he felt gazing at those old ruins of earlier mankind.

  He shook his head, trying to probe deeper into his memories seeking the key that would unlock them all . . . Nothing came.

  "Are you all right?" Sauros asked. Concern tinged his rumbling voice.

  "I'm fine," Just wrestling with my memories, trying to get them to surface so I can get my 'whole' life back.

  They had been stopped by their guard while the leader, who'd gone on ahead made preparations for their arrival. Toward the largest of the openings, they saw the same man gesturing them to come forward. Still no word was spoken and they moved stolidly forward into the large opening.

  As they walked through, they finally could get a sense of its size. It was about 20 paces wide and high. It was as light inside as out, and Javin realized the lichens covered all the rock walls of the cavern inside the massive pillar. Branching corridors led off the main path they followed, which gradually narrowed the further back in they moved.

  After several minutes, they came to what appeared to be the end of the main tunnel and branched left at a 'T' intersection and continued on until they came to an enlarged room. Surrounding that room were about 10 cells, one of which they were placed in, the bars, swung shut, and their escort departed, leaving them alone. Not a word had been spoken.

  Chapter 5

  "Seems a bit familiar," Javin said.

  Sauros stared at him.

  "The first time we met we were behind bars then, too." Javin answered the unspoken question.

  Sauros nodded. "It's a cycle we need to break," he said. Sauros then took his water bladder out and took a drink. "At least they have not taken our packs and weapons. That is odd, don't you think?"

  "Very odd," Javin agreed. "I can't figure this out." He stood and circled around the cell. The side and front were bars; the back of their cell was the rock face – covered with glowing lichen, as was the ceiling. It cast an eerie light, but enough, with their enhanced vision, to be very comfortable and revealing. Even in this place, there were no shadows because the light emanated from so many different places.

  He looked closely at the bars. They were not metal, but a burnish hardwood. Javin tapped on a bar with his knuckle. It sounded and felt solid. He grasped it and tugged. There was no give, as if it were as strong as metal. Idly he wondered how they'd fashioned it and shaped it if it were so solid.

  "I propose a test," Sauros said from where he'd seated himself against the back wall of their cell. "We should use our 'sense' to see if we can discover something about this place, and also see if the person we are seeking is here."

  Javin was stunned a moment at the thought. It was obvious they should do that. Why hadn't he thought of it?

  "That's a good idea," Javin moved over to sit beside Sauros. "It's a good thing one of us is keeping track of why we're here."

  They both settled back and closed their eyes, reaching out with their crystal enhanced senses . . .


  Nemesis paced the empty room deep within the cavernous pyramid the 'Providers' had brought him to just after he’d been forced away from the previous world.

  Nemesis was garbed in a dark sleeveless tunic that left his breast partially bared with tan leather pants and soft leather boots laced up his calves. A dark shadow swirled over his breast indicating his agitation. This was from the Crystal the Providers had given him and had embedded in his breast above his heart when he was no more than 3 years old. It had been a powerful gift. Nemesis knew the Enemy had given gestalt crystals out to their champions as well. He would have to deal with them in time.

  The room he'd been brought to on this world was small; only 20 paces to a side. It was illuminated in the way some of these rooms in the pyramids of the Builders were . . . by the energy of the air itself vibrating and glowing. In other rooms they'd built for a different purpose, the lighting came out of small pinprick points in the walls or ceiling. Nemesis barely understood the principles, and certainly didn't have time to ponder over the science of it all. He was here to do the bidding of his Masters. If he failed he would be punished -- as he'd already been punished for his failure on the last world.

  In the center of the room sat a stone pedestal. On the pedestal’s flat surface rested the Two Articles of Power Nemesis had 'retrieved' from the last world.

  His Masters had told him what they were. It was intriguing they knew what they were and had been very surprised he’d been able to find them. He’d confessed he hadn’t found them and shared how he’d stolen them from the Chahkzaa, the prophet of the Pontu’ Gi he’d tried to take over on the last world. His Masters had barely listened to him, instead telling him he needed to be very careful with them. It was clear to Nemesis they knew what they were, what they did, and seemed, they even feared them.

  Still, they’d wanted him to learn to use them and had even given him some careful instruction on how to tune his mind by focusing on the articles and ‘feeling’ his way to their operations. It was all very curious and made him wonder. There was much they weren’t telling him.

  He’d been experimenting with the heart shaped article, realizing it dealt with emotions and created a field he was learning to control. With it, he had a sense he could ‘influence’ those around him to a certain degree. And he sensed the more control he had over the article as it built up power in the field he could literally control the ‘hearts’ -- emotions -- of those under its sway. He had slowly been reaching out to this subterranean world’s inhabitants and carefully seeing how he could ‘influence’ them. He was having some success when he sensed those seeking him!

  “They are here!" Nemesis shouted to the empty room. "How can they have found me?" Then he knew. Just as he knew the touches of their reaching senses, no matter how crude they were it had the feeling, the flavor of the Guardians. It seemed with his experience on the last world, they had started to abandon their precious principles of non-interference. Since they were losing, they needed to change the game. Well this was a game Nemesis could play, and play well! Now was a good time to test the power of the article he’d been using.

  He shut his eyes and stood stock still, concentrating. The swirling of dark light hovering over his breast grew as he focused the energy, the articles’ power, building it up to send a psionic burst that should fry the minds of those feeble fools who were trying to find him.

  It would serve them right for thinking they could match wits and power with him. He was the Chosen One, after all. The champion of all the races in the corporeal realm, destined to be the one to save them, even if he had to save them all from themselves first.

  His focusing energy continued to build, and build, and build as he grasped the mental energy from the Article, still careful to draw only a small portion of its energy -- he’d realized earlier its power was immense. If he tried to draw on the full power of that Article before he understood it more, it could destroy him as well as his enemies. He couldn't risk that.

  The surge continued to build as did the dark swirling mass at his breast, showing the strength of what he'd gathered. Then, when he could hold no more, he cast it! Sent it surging through the tremulous bond those fools seeking him had forged in trying to reach him. It would surely kill them this time.


  "There," Javin said aloud from his seated position in the cell. His senses had found that familiar malevolent 'touch.'

  "Yes," I 'feel' him," Sauros said in a low rumble. " . . . And he 'feels' us too." There was a note of suspicion and worry.

  Javin felt the worry too. Then a thought flashed in his mind, a memory from the previous world, Sauros' world, where the Protector's leader, the Chahkzaa had sent a mind pulse through his people to knock them out in order to keep them from killing the very people they'd been raised to protect.

  Javin felt a surge building through the 'touch.'

  "Quick! Break away. Let go!" and Javin tried to severe the link.

  He was too late, and it hit him like he'd been hit by a semi truck. Before he blacked out, he flash-cursed inwardly that he had the picture in his head without the faintest memory of what a semi-truck was.

  Chapter 6

  Javin felt a slight tapping on his face. He came back from the darkness and fought to regain his senses. The tapping continued until he mumbled. "I'm awake."

  Javin shook his head to clear his senses bringing a surge of pain that lanced through his skull. He slowly opened bleary eyes. Staring back at him was a snouted face, a bristly shock of whiskers and a pair of eyes that held reason, compassion and wisdom. Javin stared directly back and could faintly 'feel' concern, curiosity, and wonder.

  Javin took stock of his surroundings. He was lying against the back wall of the cell. The newcomer was kneeling in front of him and was of the same species of those who'd taken him and Sauros prisoner. This . . . being in front of him (there was something inherently female Javin 'felt' through that gaze), didn't seem like a jailor.

  "Are you well?" the newcomer asked. The voice was low and modulated, almost melodic.

  Javin was somewhat astonished he could understand the language. He'd half expected it because he'd been able to understand the language on Sauros' world though he knew it wasn't his native tongue, whatever that was. The portal had again given him the ability to understand the local language, along with adjusting him and Sauros' eyes
. What other abilities had been given them in passing through?

  "I think I'm fine," Javin answered in the language he'd heard and understood. How do I do that? Javin wondered. Then he remembered Sauros as his mind continued to clear. His head ached horribly. He knew he was lucky to have survived that mental assault. Obviously he'd withdrawn from contact just in time. Hopefully Sauros had too.

  "My friend?" Javin asked looking to his side where Sauros had been sitting on the floor. He tried to move over to reach him. To see if he still lived.

  The being in front of him held him up. "You are still weak and should not move for a time. Food is coming. I hope you can eat our food. You are a peculiar creature, as is your friend. Stay calm. He is breathing and looks to have no physical harm.

  "It's not physical harm I'm worried about," Javin said and again tried to move to his friend's side but found he was too weak to overcome the gentle restraint of his captor's hand on his shoulder.

  "Let me," the woman suggested, and she moved to Sauros. She eased the large bulk of Sauros sideways onto his back and moved up to where she could look directly down into his face and started gently tapping Sauros on the face, trying to rouse him as she'd roused Javin.

  There was a muffled growl and their captor sat back, alarmed and cautious as Sauros' eyes blinked open. Sauros tried to sit up and fell back with a groan / growl combination that made Javin smile. He could relate.

  "Easy, fella," Javin said. "Your head feel like it's splitting?" Javin had wanted to say, you're among friends but held that back. Were they among friends? He certainly didn't feel any threat from the newcomer. It was only then Javin noticed two other beings standing just inside the open cell doorway. One was ornamented with a tiny headdress of sorts with a small shock of brightly colored feathers. Javin guessed it symbolized leadership.


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