Mac's Destiny (Charon MC Book 8)

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Mac's Destiny (Charon MC Book 8) Page 11

by Khloe Wren

  A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts and I looked up but didn’t move as Mac went to the front door and returned with a man I hadn’t met before.

  “Sparrow, this is Keys. He’s the club secretary, and he’s damn good with a computer. He’s going to get you everything you need to live here with us.” He came over and sat next to me, taking my hands between his palms to stop me twisting them together. “Sweetheart, you can trust him. Everyone who has a Charon MC patch on their back can be trusted with your life. I know that’ll take time for you to believe, especially considering what your mom did. But I wanted to tell you anyway.”

  Keys had come and sat down at the table while Mac had spoken. He was older than Mac and looked rough around the edges, but his eyes were nice. He had gentle eyes and there were wrinkles around them like he smiled a lot. That made me feel better.

  “Hey, Sparrow. Like Mac said, you can trust me, darlin’. I’d never do anything to hurt a child. Ever. But I’ll do anything I can to help one. So, how do you feel about sharing some details with me so I can get you some paperwork done up to keep you here with us?”

  I gave him a quick nod. “Okay.”

  Zara moved to sit down on my other side and when Mac released my hands, she took one to hold. The warmth from her skin flowing into my suddenly cold hand felt good.

  “Thank you, Sparrow. You’re being very brave.” He pulled out a pad and pen. “Right, then let’s get this started. What’s your full name and date of birth?”

  “Sparrow Cole. I don’t think I have a middle name. My birthday is the nineteenth of September, 2002.”

  “Do you know where you were born?”

  I shook my head. “I think it was in L.A. somewhere, but mom never told me where exactly.”

  “Do you know what your parents’ names are?”

  I hesitated. My dad’s name would mean something to these people. They might forget their promises if they heard his name.

  “My mom’s is Sally Cole.”

  He nodded as he wrote it down and I pulled my hands away from Zara and Mac, using one to reach for my glass of water to take a drink.

  “Do you know if you have any siblings?”

  I shook my head again. “It was only ever me and my mom.”

  “Okay, darlin’. You’re doing good. Can you tell me how you came to be in that warehouse?”

  I took another drink before carefully setting the glass down.

  “My mom likes to escape. Drugs, drink... whatever she can get her hands on. Any money we ever had went that way...” I trailed off as I got lost in my mind. Something that happened ever since those assholes started knocking my head around.

  “Honey? Are you okay?”

  I mentally shook myself back to the present to answer Zara. “Um, yeah. Sorry. So, these men came around one day and they knocked mom around a bit, yelling at her about not paying her debts. I was so scared. I was hiding under the bed hoping they’d hurry up and go so I could get mom cleaned up like I normally did. But they didn’t go like normal. They came into the room and flipped the bed over. One grabbed me and I bit his hand and ran. I got out of the room but the other man was in the hallway and he caught me. I tried to fight. I really did, but eventually he hit the butt of his gun down on my head and I was too dizzy to fight them. Before I passed out, I heard them tell my mom her debt was cleared this time.”

  “Do you know how long you were held in that warehouse?”

  I shook my head. “I didn’t try to track the days in that place. Didn’t see the point.”

  “Do you know what the date was when you got taken?”

  “It was past Christmas but before New Year’s Eve.”

  It wasn’t like I kept a calendar to keep watch on the dates. Not like I went to school or anything that required me to know the date. I only knew those two dates because of all the shops and signs around the place.

  Zara gasped and I turned to look at her. She had tears running down her face.

  “Why are you crying?”

  “Sweetheart, it’s nearly the middle of August.”

  I blinked at her, frowning. I still wasn’t sure why she was crying. She hadn’t been held there for nearly eight months. It hadn’t been her who’d had to fight every day, so why was she crying?

  Mac cleared his throat and I noticed he had tears in his eyes too, but he wasn’t letting them fall like Zara.

  “Darlin’, we’re upset on your behalf. You were in that place for close to eight months, assuming you were taken last December and not the one previous. We care about you and it hurts us that you were hurt like that, especially for so long. Does that make sense?”

  “But you don’t even know me.”

  I didn’t understand how they could care about me like that, when they didn’t know me.

  “In that room with the other kids, when they took the others and they were hurt, how did you feel?”

  “Angry. I wanted to hurt them back. I tried to stop them, every time. I never stopped.”

  “But you didn’t know those kids. That’s how we feel about you, Sparrow. You’re ours to protect and it hurts us that you were hurt when we weren’t there for you.”

  I nodded, understanding what he meant now. I’d been protective of all those kids, and I hoped they were all doing better now they were free. I’d thought about sneaking a few of them in the van with me. But I’d known they wouldn’t be able to sit still for long enough and we would get caught too soon and all be handed over to the authorities. Wrapping my hands around the glass again, I got lost staring at the water as I tried to get my mind to focus on the present.


  I couldn’t take my eyes off Sparrow. She was so young but had been through so much. Clearly she was incredibly strong to have kept fighting for so long. But no one could fight forever, and no matter how strong she was, what had been done to her would leave a mark on her soul.

  “Did Mac talk to you about your name?”

  She snapped her head over to face Keys from where she’d been staring at her glass of water. That concerned me, she kept doing that. Just zoning out for a few minutes. I needed to talk to Donna, or maybe take her to get checked over. Actually, that would be better. She needed a complete health check to make sure she was healthy. I’d noticed she favored her left arm over her right, too.

  She nodded. “I want to be called Sparrow. It’s the only thing from my past I’m keeping. But I understand the safety side of it, and I’m happy for Sparrow to be my nickname, not my legal name.”

  I smiled when she glanced at me, as though searching for approval.

  “That’s real good, honey. Okay, so here’s what I think will work best. Those in the club already know the truth of how you came to be living here, and the club is real good at keeping secrets. As far as the rest of the world goes, you are the daughter of Mac’s cousin. Your folks were killed in the fires in California so you got sent here to live with Mac and Zara. That means I can make your last name Miller, just like Mac, Zara and Cleo. We just need to work out a new first name for you. Any ideas?”

  Keys was good. That story was believable enough to pass. Mac had been born and raised in southern California, and so many had already died in those fires this year, with so many more still missing that number was sure to rise by the time all the flames were put out.

  “Would Jane work?”

  “That’ll work just fine.”

  I so badly wanted to ask her why she picked that name, but I kept my lips sealed. I did wonder if Keys hadn’t already suggested a last name if she wouldn’t have said Doe. If she did just name herself after all the unidentified female bodies that were found, it spoke volumes about how she saw herself. It also strengthened my resolve to help Sparrow become so much more than she ever dreamed. She was so young, she had her whole life ahead of her to do anything she wanted.

  “Sparrow? Did you ever get to go to school?”

  She shrugged at my question before speaking. “I went a lot when I was younger. B
ut in the last few years I haven’t been. Mom got worse as I got older and the more she used, the less she’d let me out of her sight.”

  Hopefully that meant she could read and write. I’d need to talk with Marie about what she did to get Ariel all caught up for school. Ariel was a lot younger, but I was sure Marie would be able to point me in the right direction to find programs I could use to help Sparrow.

  The sliding door off the living room opened and Silk, Raven, Flick and Lolly came in. I guessed Eagle and Taz were still at the clubhouse. Which got me thinking...

  “Mac, how come you’re not still at the clubhouse?”

  He grinned my way. “Scout gave me the week off to spend with my girls. Then on Saturday we’re having a family barbecue at the clubhouse to welcome Sparrow to the family.”

  “Well, I’m going to get moving and start getting all this sorted out. Thank you for being so honest with me, Sparrow. I promise I won’t let you down.”

  Keys said his goodbyes and headed for the door as I turned my attention back to Sparrow.

  “Sparrow, these are two of my friends. Their husbands are close with Mac. They’re not only brothers in the club, but the three of them were also in the Marines together. All three of us live right next door to each other.”

  “I’m Silk, I’m married to Eagle, who went with Mac on the run. He’s the one with long black hair. And this is little Raven, who just got up from his nap so is still kinda out of it. He’ll be climbing all over you soon enough, though.”

  Sparrow smiled as she said a quiet hi.

  “I’m Flick and I’m married to Taz. He stayed behind to guard us womenfolk so you haven’t met him yet, but he’s easy to pick out. He grew up in Australia and his accent is still pretty thick. And this sleeping beauty is Lolly.”

  After she said hi, Sparrow turned to me. “Does everyone have nicknames?”

  That got a chuckle out of everyone.

  “Pretty much. MCs love their road names and a lot of the women end up with them too.”

  “I lost my parents when I was about your age and moved here to live with my uncle and aunt. Scout told me I was smooth as silk with the way I talked my uncle into anything, so I got labeled with Silky. As I got older it got shortened to Silk.”

  “Mine’s really boring. My name is Felicity and it got shortened to Flick.”

  “Sparrow’s my real name. Well, it was. Now it’s my road name.”

  Just like that, she’d gone from calling it a nickname to a road name. Damn, but this kid was born to be part of an MC family. I just knew she was going to fit right in around the club.

  “I asked the girls over for two reasons. One was so you could meet them and their kiddos, but the main reason was so they could give us a hand with your hair. Is that okay?”

  She gave me a nod. “I’ll go get the stuff Bank got me.”

  She trotted up the stairs.

  “That Bank got her?”

  Mac answered Flick’s question. “We found her naked in that warehouse. I gave her my shirt, so that’s all she was wearing when we found her in the back of the van. Bank offered to go to Walmart and grab her some stuff. Guess with him having a kid sister about Sparrow’s age, he knew what to get. Man nailed it. She loved everything he grabbed, including some leave-in conditioner stuff for her hair. Every time we stopped for a meal or rest she had it out and was trying to detangle her hair. I suggested we could cut it short and she looked at me like I’d suggested we hack off her arm, so I’m guessing that’s not a solution.”

  “She has beautiful hair, or rather, it will be once we get it all combed out.”

  Mac moved over to take Lolly. “How about I add this sleeping beauty to the one upstairs and grab the monitor? Then I’ll come play with Raven while you ladies do your thing.”

  I moved to stand in front of my man, leaning up as I cupped his face to bring it down for a kiss. He bent down and took my mouth gently with his. I pulled back and smiled up at him.

  “Best old man ever.”

  He chuckled at me. “Stealing my lines, woman?”

  Before I could respond, Sparrow came back down the stairs with a brush, comb and the spray.

  “Right. How about we put a movie on before we start playing hairdresser?”


  3 weeks later


  Thanks to a burst water pipe in the kitchen at the clubhouse, the barbecue to welcome Sparrow was postponed. Then shit blew up with Bash and his mother, so it got put off even further, but I didn’t mind the wait. It gave Sparrow more time to meet more of the club in smaller groups. To get used to being free. To settle in here to her new life, which she had. I couldn’t be more proud of her if she were my own blood.

  Marie had helped Zara find the right people to see about getting Sparrow tutors who have her on track to be able to attend high school next year when it started after Christmas break. It was a pity she couldn’t start at the beginning of the new school year, but she was just too far behind to do that. Six months wasn’t going to be the end of the world, and if she still wasn’t ready, we’d keep her with the tutors till next year. Neither Zara nor I gave a fuck if she was home schooled with tutors till the new year or next August. Either way, our girl would get where she needed to be. That girl had no quit in her.

  When Sparrow wasn’t studying, she was either looking after the babies or helping Cindy in her store, Retro Funk. Which was, conveniently, next door to Marie’s Cafe where Zara worked and just up the road from the gym where I worked most of the time.

  I pulled up to the clubhouse on my bike and headed to the door. We were having church before we had the barbecue. I’d come in early so I could be with Sparrow when she arrived later. This would be her first time at the clubhouse. Nodding to the prospects on guard duty, I raced inside and into the meeting room. I was cutting it close, getting in right on time but I hadn’t wanted to leave my girls. I tossed my phone into a locker and strode into the room to find everyone looking fucking miserable. It was a tough time. While Bash had technically still been a prospect, he’d been here for two fucking years and was a part of us. It was always a sad day when we lost a brother.

  Scout gave me a nod then hit the table with the gavel.

  “Keeping it short and sweet today, brothers. Most of you were here night before last for the impromptu farewell for Bash. I took him to the airport yesterday morning for his break up north. We’ll see how it goes. He knows he’s always welcome here, but I suspect he’ll stay up there. Too many memories down here for him to live with. I know we all understand how that goes.”

  There were murmurs of agreement around the room. “There’s still nothing on Sabella in the news. Hell, there hasn’t even been a mention of the bodies being found in that fire so that stinks of a fucking cover-up, but I don’t give a fuck. You clearly got in, got shit done, and got back out without anyone realizing it was us, so job well done, brothers. One less fucker to come after what’s ours. Now that’s dealt with, we got other long overdue business to vote on.

  “I’m gonna include Bash in this vote, just in case he does decide to come back to us after his little vacay up north. This vote is for offering a couple of the prospects their full patch. I’ll say the name, you either agree or not. Bash, if he comes back to us. Who agrees?” I called out with every single other brother with a loud yes. That boy took a fucking bullet for Zara, he should have been patched in a fucking year ago. “Jazz. Yes?” Another chorus of yesses greeted him. “Good thing I already ordered their new patches then, huh?”

  Everyone chuckled.

  “We ain’t done. Need to deal with Mac’s buddy, Blade, who came back with them from L.A. He’s done this club several solids in the past couple years, giving us information. It was thanks to him we knew what was coming for Silk. And now he’s stepped up to help us take Sabella down permanently. He suffered a great personal loss on top of his injuries, and he’s got a long road ahead of him. I’d like for us to vote on offering him a place here, as a pr
ospect. What’s the vote?”

  I grinned at the round of yesses. I couldn’t wait to see Blade’s face. He hadn’t been sure about his place with the club, about whether the brothers wanted him around or if they were just tolerating him due to his injuries.

  “Prez? Can I request I be there when you ask him?”

  Scout gave me a nod. “Sure, brother. And we’ve got one final thing to vote on. Bulldog, you want to start this one off?”

  The older man, the club’s VP, straightened in his seat, before slowly running his palms down the front of his cut, over each of his patches, before he spoke.

  “I ain’t getting any younger, brothers, and my arthritis is getting worse each day. Not sure how much longer I’ll be able to ride.” He stopped to clear his throat a couple of times. “It’s been an absolute honor to sit here at Scout’s side and watch this club achieve so much. And I intend to continue to sit in this room for as long as I’m able, to watch what we achieve in the future, but I’ve decided it’s time to step down as club VP and hand over the role to someone younger, who’ll be able to handle the workload better than I can. That, and I want to have more time with little Raven before I can’t move enough to play with him.”

  I could tell he was doing everything he could not to choke up. Fuck, I was too. This was a huge decision and a big change for the club. As far as I knew, Scout and Bulldog had run this show for close to two decades, if not longer.

  When it became clear Bulldog wasn’t going to say anything else, Scout took back over.

  “Mac, brother, you did real good up in New York, and again in L.A. You’ve more than proven yourself to be a solid brother and you’ve always had the club’s interests at heart. I’m nominating you for VP.”


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