Maple Hills Mystery Box Set 3

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Maple Hills Mystery Box Set 3 Page 2

by Wendy Meadows

  “Like I was saying, it started a few weeks ago. I received a weird letter in the mail. It was threatening. I thought it was just a college prank, but I got another one the day I left for Christmas break. I’ve also gotten some strange phone calls. The person doesn’t say anything, just breaths. I was on my way to my aunt’s house in Upper New York. I was driving along and suddenly my brakes went out. Luckily I wasn’t driving too fast, and I was able to steer the car into a snow bank. I got out and called a tow truck. They took me to the nearest town, which was here. I remembered Seth saying that he lives here, and the tow truck driver knew you and him. He brought me up here from town. Seth has told me how you have helped people before. I was hoping you might be able to help me.” She looked at Nikki.

  “Do you have any of the threatening letters?” Nikki asked.

  “Have you called the police?” Hawk interjected.

  “Yes, I have the letters. And no, I haven’t contacted the police. I wasn’t sure what to tell them. Like I said, I thought it was some kind of prank.” Her voice was rising, and Nikki sensed a panic attack coming on.

  “It’s okay, Susan. Hawk is a detective, and I would be happy to take a look at what you have. Seth, why don’t you, Tori, and Brian clear off the kitchen table. Make a plate up for Susan, and we will sit there.”

  Susan started to object.

  “Look, honey, after the day you’ve had, you need some nice warm food. Come into the dining room and bring the letters.”

  Susan seemed to relax a bit more. She got up and carried her purse into the dining room. She sat down and pulled out a couple of notes. The paper was ripped on one side, and there were letters cut out and taped onto the paper. It read:

  Leave college now, or leave in a hearse.

  The other note said:

  If you don’t want to die, drop out.

  Susan’s hands shook as she laid the notes out. Nikki and Hawk looked at the notes. They knew better than to touch them. It looked like someone had cut out letters from magazines and books to form the words. Nikki raised her eyebrows at Hawk. Hawk’s mouth was set in a grimace.

  “Where are your parents?” Nikki asked Susan.

  Susan teared up again. “They died when I was young. My aunt raised me, and I live in her house when I’m not in school.”

  Nikki looked at her. “You need to stay here tonight. It is too cold and snowy for you to drive to your aunt’s place.”

  Susan started to object, but Tori spoke up. “You can stay with me. That way you can have a bed. I have a guest room at my place.”

  “Thank you both, but I really should be on my way,” Susan insisted.

  Hawk cleared his throat. “Actually, I think you should stay. It will be safer. I’d like you to come down to the station and report this officially.”

  Susan hesitated. She looked nervous. Nikki turned to Hawk. “Could you let her get some sleep first? This poor girl has been through enough today.”

  Hawk agreed but said he wanted to take the letters to the precinct. He retrieved some kitchen tongs and put the letters in separate Ziplock bags. He told Nikki he would take the letters to the lab tonight and have them analyzed. He thanked her for the delicious dinner and said he would see her in the morning. She smiled and thanked him for waiting to question Susan.

  “It can wait until morning, but bring her by the station first thing,” he instructed Tori.

  “Will do, boss,” she replied with a mock salute. Everyone laughed. It was good to break up the tension in the room.

  Hawk left with a promise to keep Nikki posted on anything the lab found out about the letters. Susan called her aunt and let her know her car had broken down and she’d be spending the night with her friends. When Nikki asked if she had told her aunt about the letters, Susan shook her head.

  “I don’t want to worry her anymore. She is concerned about me driving tomorrow, but I told her I would lease a rental car and be in New York by dinner.”

  “I understand. You can give the police your statement tomorrow. You should be on the way home by lunch time,” Nikki reassured her.

  Tori grabbed her purse, and Susan grabbed her backpack and purse. Nikki and Seth told them goodnight. Tori and Seth made plans to get together the next day. He also offered to help Nikki in the chocolate shop. She quickly agreed. The more hands this close to Christmas, the better.

  Seth and Brian washed the dishes, and Nikki sat with a glass of wine watching the snow fall.

  “What an exciting first night back,” said Seth.

  Nikki looked out the window at the snowy landscape and thought, I hope we can have a relaxing Christmas. The feeling in her gut said otherwise, but she chose to ignore it and relax with the boys for the night. She pulled an afghan around her and laid her head on the back of the sofa. Seth and Brian sat by the fire, and Seth told her about his semester.


  The next morning was bright, but cold. There was a brisk wind blowing, and it blew through the layers that Nikki wore. I have to get some thermal underwear soon, she thought. She shivered and turned the corner to the police station. Tori and Susan were on the way to meet her there. Nikki did not like leaving Lidia in the shop during this busy time, but Seth had volunteered to help. Brian had said he would help, too, if they wanted him to. Nikki took the boys up on their offer. She set Brian up in the back of the shop dipping pretzels into the chocolate. Seth had helped her before, and Lidia knew her way around the shop and the kitchen in back. Nikki checked her watch and picked up her pace. She entered the front door and saw an older man with graying hair.

  “Hello, Chief Daily. How are you this morning?”

  The man turned around and smiled at Nikki.

  “I am fine. Are you keeping my son in line?”

  “You know Hawk. No one can keep him in line.”

  They laughed, and Chief Daily gave her a hug.

  “Did Hawk fill you in on Seth’s friend?” Nikki asked.

  “Yes. He called me last night and told me about it. Poor girl. Is she on the way?”

  “Yes, she should be here any minute,” Nikki reassured him. “She stayed at Tori’s place last night.”

  “Who is manning the shop?” the chief asked concernedly.

  “I have Lidia there. Seth and his friend from college, Brian, are helping out, too. I think they can hold down the fort until I get back. They wanted to come over and support Susan, but I told them it would be better if they gave her some room.”

  The chief nodded appreciatively. He was always glad when Nikki helped out with cases. She had had some problems in this town, but the chief was grateful that she was there. His son was happy. The chief hadn’t seen him this happy in a long time. He turned to the lieutenant at the desk.

  “Tell my son that Nikki is here, please.”

  The lieutenant called Hawk. He appeared a few minutes later. His eyes were shaded, and he seemed deep in thought. He saw Nikki, and his face cleared up. He walked over and gave her a hug.

  “Good morning,” he said.

  “Good morning. What were you just thinking about?”

  “Well, after I left your place I went to the lab and dropped off the letters. We should have the results in a few hours. After that, I thought I would take a look at Susan’s car. I asked Larry to check out the car at his shop. After he had looked it over, he said it looked like someone had messed with the brake line. Susan’s accident was not an accident.”

  Nikki was stunned. She looked up in time to see Tori and Susan walking in. They were smiling and laughing like old friends. Tori had a way about her, and Nikki was grateful that she had hired her. Susan looked at Hawk and stopped smiling.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked the detective.

  “I’ll tell you after you make your statement. Everything is fine, but I just want you to talk to someone first so what I say does not tarnish the report,” Hawk explained.

  Susan shrugged her shoulders and agreed. Hawk introduced her to his father.

  “He will be t
aking your statement. He was not at the house, so you will be talking to fresh ears.”

  Susan nodded and asked if Nikki could come with them. She really wanted another person she knew in the room. She told Hawk and the chief she was very nervous.

  “That is perfectly understandable,” Nikki told her reassuringly. “I cannot come with you, but I will be here when you get out.”

  “But what about the shop?” Susan asked.

  “The shop is being taken care of. You just get this over with and take care of yourself.”

  The chief led Susan away.

  Nikki looked at Hawk. “I’m worried about her.”

  “I am, too,” he replied.

  There was a worn wooden table and some books on a shelf. There were no mirrors or other things Susan expected to see.

  “Are you looking for the two-way glass?”

  Susan nodded, and the chief chuckled. “Television has ruined policing for some people. This is our break room. I thought it might be a more comfortable place to talk. Linda, our stenographer, will be in shortly. Would you like a cup of coffee?”

  “Thank you,” Susan replied with a smile. She seemed to be relaxing, and the chief was happy. He got the coffee, and Linda came in with her equipment.

  “Okay, let’s get started.”

  After Susan had stated her name, age, and other pertinent information, the chief started asking her questions.

  “When did you receive the first note?”

  Susan explained that the first note had arrived in her dorm mail. There was no return address on the envelope. When she opened the letter and read it she thought it was a prank. She was going to throw it away, but something told her to hold onto it for a while.

  “Did you tell anyone else about the letter?”

  “No, I thought they would laugh at me. I kept it to myself.”

  “What else happened?”

  “I received a couple of phone calls that were from a private line. No one spoke, they just breathed into the phone. I thought it was another prank.”

  “When did you start to become scared?”

  “When I was getting ready to leave, the next note appeared in my mail. I thought I should tell someone, but everyone was leaving. I walked over to Seth’s dorm, but he had already left. I knew he was going home, so I didn’t want to interrupt him. I didn’t get any more calls, but I just had a bad feeling. I packed up my car and put the notes together in my purse. I started driving home when the brakes gave out.”

  Susan went on to tell the chief about steering herself into the snow drift. The roads around Maple Hills were winding and steep. The chief told her she was lucky to have found a drift to steer into. Susan told him she had called her roadside service and they had sent a tow truck. Larry had taken her back to the shop. When she found out where she was, she asked about Nikki. Larry had been surprised, but he had agreed to take her to Nikki’s house. That was how she ended up here.

  “Is there anyone you can think of that would want to hurt you?”

  Susan looked shocked, but she thought about it.

  “Not that I know of,” she replied.

  The chief asked her a few more questions to clarify some things. Susan sipped her coffee and answered them as thoroughly as possible. When they were through, the chief walked her to Hawk’s office. Nikki and Hawk were waiting there.

  “How did it go?” Nikki asked Susan.

  “It was fine. I was glad to get this off my chest. Detective Daily, what did you want to tell me before?”

  Hawk hesitated, but the chief gave him a look that said tell her. Hawk looked at Susan and said, “I’m afraid someone may have tampered with your car.”

  Susan turned pale. Nikki helped her into a chair.

  “Are you saying someone tried to kill me?” Susan asked, shocked.

  “We’re not absolutely sure, but right now it looks that way,” said Nikki.

  “Because this is now a crime, we need to take your car in as evidence. Do you have anything in it that you need? You’ll need to get those belongings and take them to Tori’s house. She will be happy to let you stay for a few more days, I’m sure,” Hawk said.

  Susan looked a bit green. Then she shook her head and said, “Well, there’s not much I can do about this person who is after me. I’d really like to go to my aunt’s today. I told her I would be home for dinner.”

  Nikki started to object, but Hawk put his hand on her shoulder. “I understand, Susan. Can we take you for some lunch first?”

  Susan agreed. Nikki said she wanted to check in on the shop first. They all walked over, and Nikki opened the door. The shop was steady, but Tori and the others were on top of everything. Nikki smiled watching Seth give a child a penny bag of candy. The little boy thanked him and ran to show his mother. He was such a caring boy. She was very proud of the young man he had become.

  Seth saw them and waved. Susan was given a quick tour. Nikki said she would make a gift box for her aunt. Susan thanked her, and they grabbed Seth and Brian and went to lunch.

  Gus greeted them at the door, and they found a comfy booth to sit in. After ordering, Susan thanked Nikki and Hawk.

  “I appreciate your concern, and I understand. I just want to get back to my aunt’s house.”

  When Seth asked what they were talking about, Susan filled him in. Seth grew concerned. “You can’t drive to your aunt’s house by yourself. What if something else happens to you?”

  “I can’t stay here. It’s too close to Christmas. I need to get back home,” Susan replied.

  “I have an idea,” said Brian. Everyone looked at him. “Why don’t you use my car? You can take it to your aunt’s house and then pick us up on the way back to school.”

  Susan started to say no, but Seth cut her off. “I think it’s a great idea,” he said. Brian’s car is good in the snow, and you won’t have to chance things with a rental car.”

  Nikki thought it was a good idea. It was obvious that Susan was not going to stay in Maple Hills, and this way she had a reliable vehicle. Hawk was still hesitant.

  “But what about the person who threatened you?” he asked.

  “Well, I haven’t gotten any more phone calls. I’m safe here with you, and I’ll be safe at my aunt’s house.”

  Hawk agreed, but asked her to stay one more day until the lab work got back. He reassured her that he had put a rush on the results and that they would have some answers first thing in the morning. Susan agreed, and Brian and Seth took her to the chocolate shop to check in with Tori. Tori was fine with Susan staying one more night. Susan said she wanted to get an early start and had some errands to run. She needed to pick up her luggage and wanted to give her aunt a call. She decided to just tell her she wanted to stay one more night. She promised Hawk she would fill her aunt in on all the details when she got to New York. Brian gave her his keys, and they all said goodbye as Susan hurried off to take care of her small list of errands. Nikki was still a little anxious, but she realized as young as they looked, these young adults were just that: adults. They were capable of looking out for themselves.

  After Susan left, Nikki said, “Hey, do you guys want to look at the town lights? They should be lighting them up soon.”

  Seth and Brian agreed, and they walked around the downtown with Hawk and Nikki. All of the business owners had decorated their shops with Christmas lights. Gus had a Rudolf display outside of his shop. The white fake reindeer seemed to be nodding, appreciating the snow and attention. Nikki’s shop looked beautiful all lit up. She was glad Hawk had helped her with the decorating. She could feel herself starting to relax. Hawk took Nikki’s hand and held it as they walked. She loved walking around her small town. It started snowing lightly and gave the impression of walking through a snow globe. Nikki relaxed and enjoyed the time with Hawk and the boys.


  Nikki was making the boys some breakfast before going to the shop. Christmas was fast approaching, and she wanted to be sure her inventory was enough for the last-m
inute shopping rush. She thought about tripling the white chocolate peppermint sticks and doubling all of her other candies. With Seth there to help, it would not be a problem. She hummed to herself while she made up the pancake batter. The boys wandered in. Nikki offered them coffee. They thanked her and sat down by the kitchen counter.

  “So, what do you have planned today?” Nikki asked Seth.

  “I thought I would help you in the shop. I know it’s a busy time of year. I’m sure you could use the extra hands.”

  “It is a busy time. Any other reason you might want to help out in the shop?”

  Seth turned red and sipped his coffee. Nikki laughed and tousled his hair. He is growing up too fast. The boys sipped their coffee and relaxed in their pajamas.

  “Pancakes are ready. How many do you want?”

  Nikki started piling them on the boys’ plates. Brian stopped her at three, but Seth told her to keep them coming. They all laughed. There was a knock on the door. Seth got up, but Nikki told him to sit and eat. She took off her apron and put it on the back of her chair.

  As soon as she opened the door, her smile faded. Hawk was there. He looked grim. She had seen this look on his face before, so she braced herself.

  “Can I come in?” he asked. Nikki stepped back from the door.

  “What is it?” she asked. Hawk hesitated and then asked where the boys were.

  “They’re in the kitchen eating. Do you want me to get them?”

  Hawk thought for a moment and then said yes. Nikki called the boys in. They came in carrying their coffee mugs.

  “Good morning, Hawk,” Seth said and then stopped. “What’s the matter?”

  “I need everyone to sit down, please. I have some news.”

  They all sat down, and Hawk went on.

  “I got a call this morning from Gus. He gets to his diner early every morning. This morning he saw a car in his lot. Usually it’s abandoned, so he went to check it out. Brian, it was your car.” Brian looked at Hawk quizzically.


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