Maple Hills Mystery Box Set 3

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Maple Hills Mystery Box Set 3 Page 11

by Wendy Meadows

  “More chocolates?” she exclaimed. “Are you going to be able to handle that?” Lidia was pouring melted chocolate from a large mixing bowl into tiny molds, and there was a smear of pink frosting on her cheek.

  “We will be fine,” Nikki said with a grin, walking over to dab Lidia’s cheek with a kitchen towel. “I have the best crew on the planet.”

  “Okay, I can stay late if you need me to,” said Lidia.

  “I appreciate that,” replied Nikki.

  Seth came in from the front of the store. “Mom, can I talk to you?”

  “Sure, Seth,” Nikki replied. “What do you need?”

  “Nothing…I am just concerned about the amount of work you have taken on for the next couple of days. I know you are strong, but even you have your limits. Tori and I were talking, and we want to help out. I told her about the surprise date I had planned, but she wouldn’t hear of it. It won’t be any fun for us to go out for a night on the town if we know you’re here in the store, working until past midnight. How about we take care of the store orders while you and Lidia work on the wedding and rehearsal chocolates? When we’re done with the store orders, we can pitch in with the wedding order.”

  Nikki was touched at her son’s gesture. “Thank you, Seth. That’s a very noble offer. Do you agree, Lidia?”

  “Yes, I do,” Lidia replied, stirring the chocolate with a fond smile. “You’re such a wonderful son to your mother, Seth. I know she is proud of you.”

  “Well, we better get started,” Nikki exclaimed. “Many hands make light work, after all.” Hawk also offered to help wherever he was needed, explaining that he had the rest of the day off, and she should use him as needed. Nikki smiled as he tied on an apron like a pro.

  “Would you mind working in the store?” she asked.

  “Sure, if I get busy I will give a yell,” Hawk said.

  “I will feel safe with you out front,” Nikki said sincerely.

  “Like I said, I am here to help. Let me run and grab some snacks, first. It looks like it will be another long night.”

  “That would be a big help. Thank you,” Nikki said, putting on her apron. “Okay, where should we begin?” she asked. Seth took one table and Nikki and Lidia took another. Tori watched the shop until Hawk reappeared. He took over and she went back to the kitchen to help the others. Seth prepared the strawberries and Tori dipped and sorted them.

  Nikki asked Lidia if they had any extra candies in the freezer. Lidia went to check and came back with a few trays. There were some truffles, chocolate-covered nuts, and chocolate-covered cookies. Nikki had been selling out of her chocolate-dipped strawberries this week, and the other candies, though freshly made, were not selling as fast.

  “Those will be perfect for the rehearsal dinner,” Nikki said. “I will just make a few more trays of assorted chocolates and we should be set.”

  “When were you planning on decorating the wedding strawberries?” Lidia asked.

  “I will do that tomorrow before the rehearsal dinner,” replied Nikki.

  “That is cutting it close,” said Lidia with concern.

  “I should be fine. If I need you to help me, I will let you know.”

  “Okay,” said Lidia. “What do you want me to do right now?”

  “Would you make some caramels? We can have some plain caramel, some dipped in chocolate with sea salt, and some with nuts. I can whip up some chocolate, vanilla, and butterscotch fudge. That will set overnight and be ready for tomorrow.”

  “That sounds like a plan,” Lidia replied. The two women got to work on the caramels and fudge, and soon the kitchen filled with the rich smell of melting sugar and butter. Hawk was kept busy in the front of the store and occasionally popped in to ask for help. Seth helped his mother with the trays of assorted chocolates while the fudge was being prepared, and then helped her lay out the massive trays where the fudge would be poured out to cool overnight. The kitchen and the shop were bustling with people and with the delectable smells of wonderful chocolates.

  After the store closed, Hawk tidied up front and then came in to help, pitching in with the mountain of dirty pots and baking pans that had accumulated by the sink and the twin dishwashers. Seth, Tori, Lidia, and Hawk stuck at their labors and kept spirits high by singing silly songs and trading jokes, and by ten o’clock, the chocolates were ready for the next day and the kitchen was gleaming. Everyone said goodnight, and Nikki went home to get some much-needed food and sleep.


  The next morning, Nikki got up before her alarm went off and made some coffee in the pre-dawn chill. She wrote a list of things that needed to get done before the rehearsal dinner that night. She had a sudden realization and ran to check that her outfit was ready. She knew that once she left the house, she would not be back until it was time to get dressed. Everything seemed ready. She opened her closet and picked out a pretty dress in a shade of pale blue that fell just to her knees, with soft brown leather boots. Nikki sorted through her earrings and was looking for the perfect scarf to wear with her dress when she heard Seth in the kitchen making eggs and toast for the two of them.

  She walked out of her bedroom with a smile on her face. Her son always remembered to make her a hearty breakfast on days when he knew she would be working like crazy. Nikki sat at the kitchen island and sipped her coffee and ate breakfast with Seth.

  “Are you feeling okay?” Seth asked Nikki.

  “I’m fine, why?” she asked.

  “I just want to make sure you are not overtaxing yourself. You have a habit of taking on more than the average person. You worry so much about others that you forget to worry about yourself. I want you to know that I am here for you.” He came around the counter and hugged his mom, and she hugged him back.

  “Thank you for having my back,” Nikki said and smiled at Seth. “I’m the mom here, I’m supposed to be worrying about you. It’s sweet that you worry about me and support me. Are you ready to go?” she asked.

  “I will be ready in a minute. Let me clean up in here...” he stood up and she noticed he was still in his flannel pajama pants.

  “I will wash the dishes, Seth. You go ahead and get changed.”

  “Thank you, Mom.”

  “You’re welcome, Seth.” Nikki smiled as Seth bounded up the stairs. Even though he was in college, he still bounded around like a Labrador puppy. Nikki smiled fondly as she washed the sinkful of dishes and thought about the day’s work ahead. She had most of the chocolates ready for the rehearsal dinner, but she would have to drop them off at the reception hall that afternoon. I still have to decorate the strawberries, she remembered. I can start that this morning. Worst case scenario, I can finish them tomorrow right before the wedding. Nikki heard a noise and looked up. Seth was coming into the kitchen, humming to himself. Nikki smiled.

  “Are you ready to go open the shop?” she asked him.

  “Yes. Can I drive?” Seth asked.

  “Sure, why not,” Nikki replied. She tossed him the keys, and they walked out to the car. Nikki locked the house and then climbed into the car beside Seth. Even though they were from the South, they had grown accustomed to driving in the snow. Seth started down the winding road into town. The trees were dusted with snow, and the fields around Nikki’s house looked as smooth as whipped cream. The red feathers of a cardinal caught Nikki’s eye, and she watched it hop along the snowy field.

  That morning, the shop was just as busy as ever. In the kitchen, Nikki laid out her tools and ingredients to decorate the chocolate-dipped fruit for the wedding. She carefully swirled a flourish of pink chocolate onto each piece that ended in a heart. It was back-breaking work, leaning over the counter and focusing on the berries, and she had to constantly monitor the temperature of the chocolate. After a few hours, Nikki stood up to stretch and was satisfied to see the rows and rows of identical, delicious chocolate-dipped strawberries. She cleaned up the table and turned her mind toward the rehearsal dinner treats. She checked her fudge and the caramels. The tra
ys of fudge had set overnight into a smooth expanse of perfect, solid chocolatey brown, and Lidia’s caramels were a tempting shade of golden amber. When she tested the flavor of a caramel, it was the perfect balance of sweetness and buttery flavor. Lidia had cut the caramels into neat, perfect little squares. They looked wonderful. Nikki carefully removed the fudge from its cooling tray and cut it into long pieces, and then into delicate little wedges. She put a few finishing touches on the chocolates, and they were ready to go. Nikki checked the clock. She had become so immersed in the delicious labor of making the chocolates perfect, the day had flown past. It was now almost time to take the candy over to the hall. She quickly arranged the fudge on some trays.

  “Hey, Seth,” she called.


  “Can you help me load the candies?” Nikki asked.

  “As soon as I’m done with this customer,” Seth replied.

  Nikki started loading the trays into her car. The cold weather would help to keep them fresh and solid. Seth came out with a couple of trays and put them in the trunk.

  “Is that all?” he asked.

  Nikki counted the trays nervously. “Yes. I have to get my purse, and I’ll be ready to go. I will need you to hold down the fort while I’m gone.”

  “Aye-aye, captain,” Seth said with a mock salute. Nikki grinned, ran and got her purse, and took off for the rehearsal dinner hall.

  When Nikki arrived at the rehearsal venue at the appointed drop-off time, she was not sure where to unload her chocolates. She parked in the main lot and went in the front door. There were people running around with last-minute decorations. Nikki stopped one of the decorators and asked where the wedding planner was. The young girl pointed at the bar. Nikki thanked her and walked over. The wedding planner was giving instructions to two waiters in between carrying on a conversation with someone else on the phone. Impressive multitasking, Nikki thought. Nikki waited until there was a break in the conversation and then introduced herself.

  “Hi, I’m Nikki. Susan asked me to bring some of my chocolates for tonight’s dinner.”

  “Yes, of course,” the wedding planner said. “My name is Madeline. You can go ahead and put them in the refrigerators in the back kitchen. If you drive your car around to the back of the building, you can go through the double doors. You will be in a hallway, and the kitchen is the second door on the left.”

  Nikki thanked her and went back to her car. She drove around and unloaded the chocolates. A couple of waiters were hanging around, and they offered to help her. Nikki thanked them and together they unloaded everything and got it into the refrigerator in a few minutes. Nikki found the wedding planner again.

  “The chocolates are in the refrigerator. When will they be served tonight?”

  “I plan on serving them after dinner but before our main dessert. Our guests will not have a sit-down meal; instead, the waiters will mingle with trays. Everything is bite-sized, but the quantity will fill everyone up. Your chocolates will make a nice intermission between dinner and dessert.”

  “That sounds great,” Nikki said. “Do you need me to be here early to set up the trays?”

  “No, I have an expediter who will be handling that in the kitchen. If you want to check the trays you are welcome to, but he has been doing this for years. He has worked in many five-star restaurants. Only the best for Susan, you know.”

  “Absolutely,” Nikki said. She was impressed with the organization of the evening and felt reassured. Nikki looked at her watch and realized she needed to go home to get ready for the dinner. She thanked Madeline and went to her car. Maybe I should call Seth and see if the store is busy, she thought. She called, and there was no answer. That is odd. Nikki decided to point the car in the direction of the store.

  When Nikki got to the store, she realized why no one had answered the phone. The store was packed. Nikki jumped out of the car and went inside to help. Lidia and Tori were waiting on customers, and Seth was cashiering. Nikki walked behind the counter and started wrapping the chocolates for Lidia and Tori. Both women thanked her. With Nikki’s help, the customers were all taken care of quickly. Nikki turned to scold Seth.

  “You should have called me,” she said.

  “It got too busy too quickly,” he replied. “Besides, you were delivering the chocolates for the dinner. It all worked out, though.”

  “Yes, it did. Next time try to call me. I would have gotten here sooner.”

  “Speaking of time, don’t you have to get ready?” Seth asked Nikki.

  Nikki looked at her watch. She sighed and smiled at Seth. “Thank you for keeping track of my comings and goings. I do have to run. Please be sure to lock up when you leave for the night.”

  “I will. Have a great evening,” Seth said and hugged his mom around her neck.

  “Thank you, I will,” she replied. Nikki put on her coat and went out to the car and started driving home. The road was mostly clear, but there were patches of ice. Nikki had to be cautious going up the hill to her house. She was getting better at driving in the snow, but she still erred on the side of caution.

  When Nikki got back to her house, she had just enough time to jump in the shower. She blow-dried her hair and put on the clothes she had laid out that morning. Just as she was picking out a pair of earrings to match her blue dress, she heard the front door open.

  “Hey Nikki, you in here?” Hawk called.

  “I’m upstairs. I will be down in a minute,” she said. She finished putting her earrings on and walked down the steps.

  Hawk was standing in the foyer. He saw her and whistled. “You look gorgeous,” he exclaimed.

  “Thank you,” Nikki said. “You look quite handsome yourself.” She walked over to him, kissed him, and handed him her clutch.

  “Hold this, please, while I grab my coat.”

  “Certainly, but it does not match my shoes,” Hawk said. Nikki laughed.

  Hawk walked with Nikki to his truck. She slipped on a patch of ice right before she got to the truck and somehow Hawk managed to catch her in his arms.

  “Careful now,” Hawk chided gently.

  Nikki smirked and climbed into the truck. Hawk got in, and they drove to the rehearsal hall together through the early dark of a February evening.

  When they walked in, they saw that the hall was decorated beautifully. Nikki realized that what she had seen earlier in the day was barely the beginning of the decorations, and it now looked truly elegant. The waiters were in black and white tuxes, and they were carrying appetizers and drinks around to the guests. There was a band in the corner playing some quiet jazz. The tables had candles and some white and pink flowers arranged in vases. It was simple but elegant. Just like Susan, Nikki thought. Hawk saw someone they knew, and they went over to say hello. The rehearsal dinner guests were mingling around, enjoying the food and music.

  “Nikki, this is a pleasant surprise,” Nikki heard. She turned around and saw the mayor. He was walking toward them with an older gentleman.

  “Hello Mr. Mayor and Chief Daily,” Nikki said. The chief walked over and gave her a hug. Hawk turned around.

  “Hey, Dad,” he said to the chief.

  “Hey, Hawk,” the chief replied. He shook Hawk’s hand. “Good to see you here, son.”

  “I’m looking forward to your chocolates,” the mayor said to Nikki with a wink.

  “Thank you. I hope you enjoy them,” she replied.

  “I’m sure they will be delicious,” he said. “Knowing you, probably better than that main dessert course the wedding planner picked out.”

  “If Nikki made them, they will taste like heaven,” the chief reassured him.

  Nikki blushed and thanked them both for their votes of confidence. She really liked Hawk’s father. He was a hard-working man who cared for his son. She had won him over by helping Hawk with some of his cases. When the chief found out her father was a former FBI agent, he had welcomed her with open arms.

  A waiter came by with a tray of appetizers. T
here was a crab claw with deviled crabmeat inside. Nikki thought it was a cute idea and tried one. It was delicious, and the trays looked incredible. Nikki decided she would put her trust in the expediter working in the kitchen to make her chocolates look just as incredible, and just enjoy the night. She and Hawk chatted for some time with the mayor and the chief. The next course came out. It was skewered filet mignon. The steak was cooked a perfect medium rare. Hawk helped himself to two skewers and Nikki laughed.

  “Madeline said there would be plenty of food. You don’t have to grab it all at once,” she joked.

  “Who is Madeline?” Hawk asked, devouring a bite from his skewer with a look of bliss on his face.

  “She is the wedding planner,” Nikki said. “I don’t see her on the floor. She is probably in the back driving the waiters crazy,” she said. Hawk laughed. Nikki looked around. Everyone was having a good time. She saw Susan and Tim walking around to the different groups. They came over to Nikki’s group.

  “Thank you for coming, Nikki,” Susan said. “And thank you for bringing your chocolates.”

  “You are welcome.” Nikki turned to introduce Hawk.

  “Why Hawk, you do dress up well,” said Susan. Nikki looked at Hawk.

  “Thank you, Susie Q,” Hawk said. Susan laughed.

  “I haven’t heard that nickname in years,” she said.

  Hawk looked at Nikki. “I have known Susie for many years now. Our fathers have been friends for a long time.”

  “That makes sense,” said Nikki, smiling.

  “I see you still haven’t lost your appetite,” Susan chided Hawk, looking at his two skewers. “Save enough for everyone.”

  Hawk laughed. “I will, I promise.”

  Susan introduced Tim to Hawk, and they shook hands.

  “So, you have known Susan for a while?” Tim asked. “You probably have some good stories to share.” Susan blushed, and Hawk laughed.


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