The Second Renaissance Series Boxset

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The Second Renaissance Series Boxset Page 38

by Paul Heron

  ‘Bonjour, George. Welcome to Radio Sirani,’ Pierre joked. ‘Am I driving too fast for you?’

  ‘Not fast enough!’ George shouted. ‘Alban’s just called saying there’s a lot of activity around the house. He’s about to leave. Michael, where’s the fragment? We need to get it and get outta here. Now!’

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  ‘IT’S AT THE END OF the flower bed that runs along the wall overlooking the beach. It’s buried a few feet down,’ Michael said.

  ‘Wait, don’t let Alban unearth the fragment,’ Sofia shouted. ‘Knowing our luck to date, the second Alban gets his hands on it, they’ll come swarming in. Where’s the second chopper? The one that brought Charvet back to Paris?’

  ‘Sebastian shouldn’t be far,’ George said. ‘I’ll call you back.’

  As soon as George hung up, everyone in the car – Michael, Sofia, Scarlett, Avril, and Pierre – were all wide awake again and fully alert. There was no joking now. No chatter about Sirani Foundation parties. It was back to reality.

  ‘Looks like we’re not out of the French woods yet,’ Sofia said.

  Within a minute, George called back. ‘Guys, I’ve just spoken to Sebastian. He’s on his way in the chopper. He’s tracking us and said he can get to our destination in twenty minutes.’

  ‘Great,’ Scarlett said. ‘We'll need to get off the road and wait.’

  ‘I know a farm a few kilometres down the road,’ Pierre shouted. ‘Follow me.’ He shouted for the guys in the other car to hear.

  ‘Not there, Pierre,’ Avril hissed. ‘We don’t know if we can trust her.’

  ‘Trust who?’ Michael shouted. ‘Who is she? We don’t need any more complications.’ Pierre ignored Michael's question and continued driving. ‘Pierre?’

  ‘It’ll be fine, trust me,’ Pierre said. ‘Look, here it is.’

  They got to a beekeeping farm. A battered old tractor sat outside the house, accompanied by a rusty 1980’s Land Rover. And, quite randomly, a 1990’s Fiat 500.

  ‘Look at the old cars,’ Sofia said. ‘My dad would love these.’

  ‘So would mine.’ Michael laughed. ‘Who lives here?’

  ‘An old friend of the Sirani family,’ Scarlett said nervously.

  ‘Why the voice?’ Michael asked.

  ‘Because she fell out with us a few years ago,’ Avril said. ‘And now’s not the time to be trusting people outside the foundation.’

  ‘Then why the hell did we come here?’ Sofia shouted as Pierre shut the engine down.

  ‘Because we can’t stay on the roads. Either we take our chances here or we take our chances on the road. You decide.’ Pierre shouted, becoming defensive.

  ‘What did she fall out with you over?’ Michael asked.

  ‘It’s funny you should ask that, Michael,’ Scarlett said. ‘She didn’t believe it possible that seven individuals would be the group that takes down Mancini Corporation.’ She looked across at both Michael and Sofia. ‘She didn’t believe Elisabetta was able to communicate to people-’

  ‘She thought George was crazy for saying he met with, and spoke to Elisabetta,’ Avril continued. ‘You gotta understand, Michael, Sofia – if we had told you all about this without you actually hearing it from Elisabetta herself, then you all would have laughed at such a story.’

  ‘Why is it so hard for our species to believe in things we can’t actually see?’ Scarlett added. ‘Things in this world go far beyond the realms of possibility and understanding. And nobody knows what caused Elisabetta to create the sculpture in Bruce’s Cave, causing her to unlock the powers of the Dark One. I don’t think that was her intention.’

  ‘Yeah, and when she painted the four walls of La Camera Prima in Little Camberly,’ Pierre continued, ‘she didn’t know she was painting a doorway to the Otherworld.’

  ‘Someone’s coming,’ Sofia hissed.

  Scarlett pulled her gun out, as did Avril. Pierre dipped the clutch and held the key in the ignition, ready to go.

  ‘A short round lady of middle-age opened the farmhouse’s front door. She wore old, pink and grey ragged pyjamas, which looked like she spent the entire day in. Stepping onto the porch, she immediately smiled when she saw Pierre in the car.

  ‘Come here, you! it’s been too long,’ she shouted from the porch.

  ‘She always did have a soft spot for you,’ Scarlett laughed. ‘Or what was the name she had for you, “my handsome little knight in French Armour” oh my God, she would have married you, Pierre.’ Scarlett reached across the back of the car, stroking his face.

  ‘Piss off,’ Pierre sniggered. ‘She’s a nice lady.’ He opened the door to get out.

  ‘Oh my God, my brother’s blushing. Aw, that’s so cute,’ Avril teased as she too got out of the car.

  ‘Lets go, you two,’ Scarlett said to Michael and Sofia. ‘It’ll be good to stretch your legs.’

  Michael got out of the car behind Sofia. She turned to him, ‘I know her,’ she whispered in his ear. ‘I recognise her face.’

  ‘Who’s that? A new girlfriend for Ajit?’ Marcel laughed, approaching them from the other car. ‘Ajit, go and woo her with your device.’

  ‘Yeah, or maybe you could do one of your dumbass wrestling moves for her,’ Ajit griped sarcastically.

  The group of seven, feeling weary, grouped together beside the patrol car where Michael and Sofia stood.

  ‘Where are they going?’ Michael asked Marcel as Ringo and Ahmad drove off.

  ‘Just keeping them at a distance, Michael.’ George said. ‘Don't keep all your eggs in one basket.’

  ‘What are we doing here?’ Carolina asked. ‘We shouldn’t be hanging around like this. We should keep moving.’

  ‘Yeah, I’m tired and she looks weird,’ Mohammad said.

  ‘Sofia’s having one of those thoughtful moments,’ Eduardo said.

  ‘I know her from somewhere. I can’t remember where,’ Sofia repeated.

  As soon as she said this, the lady shouted over to the group. ‘Bonjour, Sofia.’ She waved for Sofia to come over to the house. ‘You’ve grown into a beautiful lady.’

  ‘Yes, madam. Sofia is very striking,’ Eduardo joked. ‘But our amigo, here,’ he punched Michael on the arm, ‘we think may already have his blue Irish eyes on her.’

  ‘Piss off,’ Michael laughed.

  They all approached the porch. Michael had an uneasy feeling in his stomach. Being out in the open made him feel nervous, like a target. Carolina was right.

  ‘So, this is Michael then,’ she said sarcastically. ‘And this is-’

  ‘Archangel Michael, yes, that’s correct,’ Mohammad shouted in an equally sarcastic tone. ‘And he doesn’t do autographs or selfies, I’m afraid.’ He slapped Michael on the back, as if to say “nobody will take the piss”.

  ‘I’m guessing you must be Mohammad, the guy who commands animals?’ She laughed.

  George cleared his throat.

  Mohammad whistled so loud it almost shattered the glass of the house, causing four pigeons to come down from the roof of the house circling above the lady’s head. ‘Have you ever had four birds crap on you at the same time before?’

  ‘No,’ she said, looking up, watching the birds every move.

  ‘Do you want to?

  ‘Mohammad!’ George shouted, grinning, but at the same time telling him to stop playing around. The birds flew off again.

  ‘Very impressive circus trick,’ she said, still adopting her sarcastic tone. ‘To what do I owe this pleasure?’ She looked at Pierre, grinning, and then George.

  ‘We’re waiting for someone to fly us to Marseille,’ George said. ‘We’d be grateful if we could simply use your land to stay off the road. I’m sure you’ve seen the recent news headlines. It’s started.’

  ‘Yes, of course. I may not be a part of the Sirani Foundation anymore, but I’m always happy to help those trying to do something good.’ She looked at Sofia. ‘You don’t remember me, do you, Sofia?’

  ‘Should I?�

  ‘I’m Adrianna Pompet. I helped raise you in Tuscany. Well, the first three years of your life. Your lovely mother and father were under immense pressure with what was going on in the foundation. She needed help - a babysitter, in a way. I taught you to speak French, which was the second language you’d acquire. We spent a lot of time in Germany. German was then of course your third language.’

  Sofia looked at her in disbelief. ‘Domenico Cipolla helped raise me. I don't remember you.’

  ‘Domenico was nothing more than a glorified bodyguard.’ Adrianna laughed. ‘What’s he doing now?’

  ‘He's the Director of Global Operations,’ George said. ‘He reports directly to Sofia's parents.’

  Adrianna’s smile dropped. ‘Either way, I played a pivotal role in your early years.’

  Sofia looked at George.

  ‘It’s true.’ He confirmed.

  ‘Well, come around the back. I’ll make some lunch. How long do you need?’

  ‘Our guy should be here anytime,’ George said.

  They all walked around the back of the farmhouse, Mohammad went straight for an outside fish pond. The rest sat down at a long picnic table, able to seat fourteen.

  ‘This doesn’t feel right,’ Marcel said. ‘Looking around at the rest, I feel like we’re sitting out in the open and we’re easy targets.’

  ‘Same,’ Eduardo agreed. ‘And there’s something about this lady that makes me uncomfortable.’

  ‘That was a cool trick, though, with the birds.’ Carolina fist punched Mohammad as he joined them from the pond. ‘I could see in her eyes that she was terrified of being crapped on.’

  Ajit smirked. ‘Yes, he’s not completely useless.’

  ‘Stop, you’re making me blush,’ Mohammad said sarcastically.

  ‘I don’t trust her,’ Avril said.

  ‘Leave her alone,’ Pierre griped. ‘Just because she got fed up with waiting for the foundation to make moves on Mancini Corporation-’

  ‘Shut up, Pierre,’ Avril shouted across the table. ‘You’re only defending her because she’s always had a soft spot for you.’

  ‘She’s right, Pierre,’ Scarlett said. ‘There’s something not quite authentic about her. I’ve always felt it. Ever since the first time I met her. Anytime I watched her with your family, Sofia, I always thought she was too nice, she was trying too hard, a little fake.’

  ‘Don’t eat or drink anything she brings,’ Avril whispered as the lady in question came out of the house carrying a tray full of plates filled with sandwiches and fruit.

  ‘Good thinking, Avril,’ George said. ‘It’s best not to take any risks. We’ll have snacks in the chopper.’

  ‘Here you go. Some food to keep you all going. I’m sure you’re all starving.’ She sat down with them, looking at Sofia with longing eyes as if she’d missed her growing up. ‘I wish I was there more for your upbringing, Sofia. You’ve turned into such a beautiful lady.’

  ‘Thanks,’ Sofia said bluntly.

  ‘So, how do you all feel?’ Adrianna asked. ‘I mean, how do you feel inside, having been charmed.’

  ‘Let’s get something straight,’ George said. ‘These seven individuals are not like me, or you, or Scarlett. Or any other human being on this planet. Each of them has within them, an element of the Irish gods who’d passed through the gates of the Dark One. They may feel normal, act normal...’

  ‘Don’t get carried away with the acting normal,’ Ajit gestured at Mohammad.

  George laughed and shook his head. ‘They’re different. That’s all you need to know.’

  ‘So how does your plan work?’ She sounded more of an interrogator, sipping on her coffee.

  ‘Perhaps a story for another day,’ Scarlett interrupted.

  Michael felt the pressure building up again. He wanted to speak with Elisabetta. He wanted more guidance, more strength from her.

  It was as if the lady was reading Michael’s mind as she looked at him. ‘You feel the burden of all this, Michael. Don’t you?’ She said, as if probing him to give something away. ‘You wish Elisabetta would have chosen someone else, or at least given you more guidance?’

  There was an awkward silence for a moment. Michael watched and listened as a fly hovered around the fruit bowl in the middle of the table. Marcel’s superfast hands caught the fly by it’s wings. Everyone was astounded at the speed of his reflexes.

  ‘No, I think Elisabetta gave us everything we need,’ Michael answered, blowing on his cup of coffee. Hoping for a change in subject. Just as he went to sip the coffee, Scarlett cleared her throat, reminding Michael not to drink anything.

  ‘And our boy wonder here chats to her from time to time,’ Mohammad said proudly. ‘He’s going to tell her how impeccable old Mohammad has been.’

  ‘Is this guy for real?’ Pierre said.

  ‘Unfortunately, sir, he is,’ Ajit said.

  ‘Are you still in contact with any of the foundation?’ George asked Adrianna.

  ‘Not for some time,’ she was quick to respond.

  Michael’s phone sounded, a text message. He pulled it out of his pocket, hoping it was the chopper on its way. It was Carolina. Which was strange as she was sitting at the table with him, but he knew not to draw any attention to it. He looked at it.

  Michael – I don’t like this. I have a bad feeling. Something is not right. We shouldn’t be here x

  He looked up at Carolina, who was sitting across the table with a concerned look on her face, looking back at him. Michael looked at Adrianna and wondered was she stalling them. Holding them there perhaps. He looked into her eyes. They were evil eyes, ice-cold.

  ‘I can read your mind, Michael. You’re thinking this is a trap and the bad guys are on their way, aren’t you?’ She smirked as Michael’s expression answered her question. ‘And the text message you just received was from another person at this table saying the same.’

  There was another awkward silence. Eduardo cleared his throat, and then the sound of cars skidding into the drive caused them all to jump up from their seats.

  ‘Pierre! I knew we shouldn’t have trusted her,’ Avril shouted.

  Adrianna pulled a gun from her handbag, pointing it at Michael. With six feet from the barrel of a gun, Michael wasn’t about to test his speed and reflexes.

  ‘Nobody move or the golden boy here gets hot metal between his baby blues, and the rest of you-’

  Carolina spat a mouthful of water into the lady’s eyes, snatched her pistol from her left side, while Avril whacked her on the back of the head with a plate.

  ‘Go, run,’ Avril shouted, ‘across that field there. Move!’ She pointed across the back garden towards a steep hill will an orchard at the top.

  Michael led the way, running and leaping over the land’s three-foot-high perimeter fence.

  ‘Who is it?’ Ajit shouted.

  ‘We’re not waiting around to find out,’ Sofia shouted.

  ‘Ajit, activate L’amico, shut down their communication systems,’ Carolina shouted. ‘We don’t want them calling for back up. I heard two cars, and we may be able to hold them off until the chopper arrives.’

  ‘Speaking of which,’ Mohammad shouted, ‘we need to call and find out where the hell-’

  ‘I’m calling him now,’ George shouted. ‘Where are you? We need you here. Now!’

  ‘Look,’ Scarlett pointed back at the farm house. ‘It’s that bitch Couture. I have a good mind to take this pistol and put a bullet in her head.’

  ‘That’s not going to help us, Scarlett,’ George shouted.

  ‘There’s our chopper,’ Sofia shouted. ‘Let’s just get back to Marseille and get out of here.’

  They all looked grateful to see their chopper arrive. Michael looked at the aircraft, listening to it’s thumping propellers cutting through the air. He was above all glad to see he had all his team back again.

  The chopper landed in the field. Michael pulled the door open and they all jumped in.

closed the door and took off.

  ‘I’m glad to be sitting down again,’ Ajit said.

  Strangely, they headed straight back to the farmhouse they had just left. The chopper landed in the back garden.

  ‘What the hell are you doing, Sebastian?’ Scarlett pressed her pistol against the pilot's head. Whoever it was, it wasn’t the person they thought. ‘Who the hell are you? Where's Sebastian?’

  It was a Mancini agent. They were caught. Michael almost broke down in tears, as did the rest.

  ‘You’ve gotta be joking,’ Scarlett screamed. ‘Where the hell are the doctor and Sebastian?’

  The pilot continued to ignore Scarlett’s screams and the pistol she had pointed at his head. He was cold and robotic, very emotionless. He removed his headset and sunglasses, fixed his jacket and tie, then stepped out of the chopper.

  The chopper was surrounded by Mancini agents, all armed with automatic weapons. Couture laughed as she opened the sliding door; the light flooded in.

  ‘You’re not so smart now, are you?’ Couture laughed, looking first at Scarlett, and then at Michael. ‘Scarlett, it’s lovely to see you again. Michael, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.’ She turned and looked at her armed guards. ‘Get them all out; the boss is going to be very happy.’

  They were all speechless. Michael looked at George for an answer. But not even George had an answer for them. He did remain calm, as usual. His reaction to everything was non-existent.

  ‘What the hell are we going to do now?’ Mohammad asked.

  ‘Just keep calm,’ George said. ‘Everyone, keep calm.’

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  THEY ALL GOT OUT OF the chopper, surrounded by a circle of automatic weapons, with Adrianna and Couture both grinning victoriously. Pierre, Avril, and Scarlett handed their weapons over.

  Michael looked at Couture. She was an attractive lady, about five feet five inches tall with the body of a supermodel. Her shiny black hair ran down past her narrow shoulders. In any other capacity, Michael would think this was a beautiful lady and quite a catch. In another capacity, he reminded himself. She was the enemy.


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