Scratch (Devil's Boneyard MC 2)

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Scratch (Devil's Boneyard MC 2) Page 11

by Harley Wylde

  “If he did, I’m sure they deserved it,” I said. “And since I didn’t see any cuts on him, I’m assuming it’s someone else’s so I’m not too worried about him.”

  Bull smiled faintly. “I think you’re just what he needs.”

  Darian elbowed him in the ribs. “Shut it. He’s with a woman even younger than me.”

  Bull cleared his throat and gave her a pointed look. Darian’s cheeks flushed.

  “Right,” she said. “And I’m younger than Ridley.”

  “Who’s Ridley?” I asked.

  “My daughter,” Bull said. “I have two granddaughters who are older than my son, and Darian is a few years younger than my daughter. So if anyone shouldn’t be throwing stones at you and Scratch, it’s Darian. She’s been in your position.”

  “You’re right,” she sighed. “You couldn’t have started off with that before I lost my shit earlier?”

  “Would it have done any good? You didn’t seem to be in a reasonable mood,” he said.

  Darian snorted, then came and sat back down next to me. She held out her hand and I gripped it.

  “Sorry. Truce?” she asked. “I guess I feel a little protective of my dad. I didn’t even get to meet him until a few years ago, but we’ve gotten really close.”

  “I understand.” Well, sort of. I couldn’t care less if someone set my dad on fire, but I would do anything to protect Caleb, or Damon for that matter.

  “So you and my dad,” Darian said. “You aren’t wearing a property cut, but you said he’d claimed you.”

  “Property cut?”

  She turned so I could see the back of the cut she was wearing, and the stitching that said Property of Bull -- Dixie Reapers. Was I supposed to wear something like that? Scratch hadn’t mentioned it to me, but we hadn’t really had a lot of time either. We were still bonding, and there was the shit from my past to consider. Maybe he just hadn’t gotten around to it yet.

  “Have you met Josie?” she asked. “Her brother is a Dixie Reaper, but she’s married to a Devil so she lives here now.”

  “No. Scratch has mentioned her before, but we haven’t had a chance to meet. There are some things that have needed our attention.”

  “I knew it,” she muttered. “A fucking damsel in distress. Figures. It seems to be every biker’s kryptonite.”

  “She’s not a fucking damsel in distress,” Scratch said from the doorway, his wet hair in a ponytail. “That woman has been through hell and she’s still standing, still fighting. Never met anyone stronger.”

  “So she doesn’t need you?” Darian pressed. “Maybe need your money?”

  I felt the blood drain from my face.

  “Nope,” he said. “She’s a fucking heiress so the last thing she needs is the paltry amount in my accounts.”

  “Paltry?” Darian asked. “You have like half a million in the bank, Daddy. That’s not paltry.”

  “Heiress?” I asked.

  “We’ll talk later,” Scratch said. “Found out some things about your dad. Your real dad.”

  My real dad? That meant… Heath wasn’t my father? My mom had lied to me? They both had? My mind was spinning and Scratch came over and picked me up, settling me across his lap as he sat in his recliner.

  “There’s some stuff we need to go over, things Shade found, but right now we’re just going to have a family visit, okay? I’ll answer all your questions later.”

  “We were hoping to stay here,” Darian said.

  “There’s a perfectly fine hotel five minutes from here,” Scratch said.

  Darian’s mouth dropped open. “I can’t stay in my dad’s house?”

  “Not a good time, baby girl. You’d have known that if you bothered to call before you decided to come save me from this nefarious woman. You can tell she’s a killer and I might not get out alive.”

  I bit my lip and choked back my laughter.

  “Told you he was fine,” Bull said. “Your hormones are going to get you into trouble.”

  She narrowed her eyes on her husband. “You mean my out-of-control hormones because you knocked me up? I’m pregnant, not irrational.”

  “Same difference,” Bull muttered.

  I was glad there weren’t any more breakable items in the living room or I had a feeling she’d have launched a few at her husband’s head. It would have been funny as hell to witness, but I didn’t want to be searching for microscopic pieces of glass over the next several months. It made me nervous that the kids were playing on the floor when there could be some stray pieces still down there.

  “We’re going to get checked in at the hotel,” Bull said. “Then maybe we can all meet up for dinner somewhere. If you’re all right with it, we’ll stick around a day or two so Foster can play with his new friend.”

  “You mean his uncle,” Darian said with her lips twisting. “If my dad is claiming them, that makes Caleb his uncle. That’s fucked-up.”

  “You mean like grandkids having an uncle who’s younger than them? At least Foster and Caleb are about the same age. Stop being bitchy and get your ass out to the truck, Darian.”

  She rolled her eyes but got up and walked over to him.

  “Foster can stay here,” I said. “If you’re all right with that. They’re playing and having a good time. No sense in upsetting either of them.”

  Bull smiled and nodded. “If you’re sure you want to watch him, that’s fine.”

  “I’ll call you after I’ve had a chance to talk to Clarity about a few things,” Scratch told him. “Thanks for giving us some space.”

  I heard the front door close a moment later and focused on Scratch. “What do you mean I’m an heiress and Heath wasn’t my real dad?”

  “I have the papers out in my saddlebags.”

  “Just tell me. I don’t have to see a piece of paper.”

  He rubbed his beard. “Well, your mom wasn’t your mom. The picture you have? It’s your mom’s half-sister. Your parents were Tamara and Scott Parkhurst. Your daddy was a philanthropist who was worth a lot of money, inherited a big company. And it put a target on his back. Your parents were killed so the board members would have control of the company, which they ran into the ground. But your daddy’s accounts are still intact, and with a DNA test, we can prove you’re the rightful heir to his fortune. You’ll have half a billion dollars at your disposal.”

  I blinked. Then blinked again, trying to process what he was saying. His words were ricocheting around my brain and nothing was making any sense.

  “I’m not Clarity Davis?”

  “No, kitten. You’re Clarity Parkhurst. I have a copy of your birth certificate, which brings up another matter. Your age.”

  My breath stalled in my lungs. Oh God. If my age was wrong, did that mean I was even younger than I’d thought? If I wasn’t legal, I couldn’t remain with Scratch, and he could get into serious trouble for being with me.

  “Don’t tell me I’m younger than eighteen.”

  He smiled a little. “No. You’re actually turning twenty-two tomorrow. I have no idea how your aunt convinced you that you were three years younger. Maybe they brainwashed you somehow.”

  I frowned, something pulling at my memories. No, not brainwashed, but… There were flashes of a man with a deep, soothing voice. Having to sit in a chair. But it wasn’t anything I could completely grasp.

  “Hypnotized maybe?” I asked.

  His eyebrows shot up and he seemed to think about it. “That’s possible I guess. Don’t really know much about hypnosis, but I’ve heard it can make people stop smoking or lose weight, so it’s certainly possible they could trick your mind into thinking you’re younger, especially if they did it when you were just a little kid.”

  “What does all of this mean?” I asked.

  He ran a hand through his hair. “It means you don’t have to stay with me. You’re rich beyond your wildest dreams and don’t need anyone to take care of you. Not that you ever really did need that. You’d have gotten yourself off the stree
ts sooner or later. I don’t doubt that for a moment.”

  My heart fell like a lead balloon. “You don’t want me to stay?”

  His gaze locked with mine. “Kitten, I want you here, but I know you were only with me out of necessity.”

  “That’s what you think?” I asked softly. “That I only agreed to be with you because of what you could do for me? For Caleb?”

  “You’d do anything for that boy.”

  “Never once did I give my body away to keep him fed or a roof over his head. Do you really think so little of me? Am I just a whore now?”

  I struggled to stand up, but he banded his arms around me.

  “I have never, and would never, call you a whore,” he said, his voice deep and gruff. “Fuck, kitten! You’re the closest damn thing I’ve ever met to an angel. You really think I would ever believe you’re a whore?”

  “It’s how you made me feel,” I said, my throat growing tight as I dropped my gaze from his. “I didn’t sell myself to you for a roof over my head or for money or anything else. I gave myself to you because I wanted you. You’re the only man I’ve ever wanted that way. You make me feel special, like I’m important. Or you did until just now.”

  He cupped my cheek and forced me to look up.

  “I’m not good with words, or expressing my feelings to a woman. Never had to do it before. I want you here, both you and Caleb. You’re my family, my woman and son. It’s what I feel here,” he said, pressing his hand to his chest. “I know you can do better than an old man like me, and that money can give you a new life. You could move anywhere in the world, find some young man who wants to marry you and have a ton of children.”

  “I don’t want some young guy, Damon. I want you. Only you. You’re my other half, the man who makes me feel whole. Age is just a number. Are you going to stop wanting me when I get older and get gray in my hair? If I gain weight and no longer look cute and young?”

  “Of course not,” he said.

  “Then why would you think I can’t fall in love with you just because you’re older than me? And yes, I’m falling for you. I know it’s only been a few days, and it seems completely insane, but I know that you’re it for me. Please don’t push me away. It would break my heart.”

  “I’m sorry, kitten,” he said softly, running his fingers down my cheek. “I wasn’t trying to push you away. The second I heard about that money, I got scared. I’m man enough to admit it. The thought of you walking out was the most painful thing I’ve ever faced. Even when I’d thought Darian had died as a baby, I hadn’t hurt like that.”

  “Do you think you could ever love me, Damon? Maybe someday?”

  He smiled faintly. “Clarity, you’re really damn easy to love. You said you’re falling for me, but, kitten, I’m falling for you too. And I already love Caleb like he’s my own. I’d like to adopt him, make it official.”

  “You want to adopt Caleb?” I asked, my eyes stinging with unshed tears.

  “Yeah, baby. I want to adopt him.” He took a deep breath. “And if you’ll have me, I’d like to marry you. Make us an official family. My club already sees us that way, but I want everyone to know you’re mine, and Caleb is too.”

  “You don’t have to marry me,” I said, remembering how he’d reacted before. “I’ll stay even if we don’t get married.”

  “I want to, kitten. And it’s not about the money. I’ll have the club lawyer draw up a prenup so that I won’t have access to your inheritance.”

  “Do you really think I care if you use that money? What if I want to give part of it to the club? You mentioned something about a new compound. I’d imagine a million dollars would go a long way toward making that happen. Maybe it would even allow you to keep the one you have and buy some extra space?”

  “Kitten, my Pres isn’t going to take money from you, not even for the benefit of the club. But it was generous of you to offer. We need to have your DNA tested first. Don’t spend the money before you have it.”

  “I want to make a difference, not just go crazy spending money.”

  “We’ll talk about it later. Right now, I need to know if you’re going to marry me.”

  “Yes,” I said, smiling widely. “I would love to marry you, Damon. And nothing would make me happier than for you to adopt Caleb. I think he’d like that too.”

  “Then I guess we’d better go ring shopping later. We’ll stop on the way to dinner with Bull and Darian.”

  I glanced at the boys who were still playing and ignoring us. “Um, we only have one car seat. Exactly how are we getting both of them to the restaurant?”

  He looked at the boys, then back at me. “I have no idea. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to get a Prospect to pick up another seat. Now that Darian has been here once, I’m sure she’ll show up again.”

  “Yeah, with two kids in tow. Maybe you were right about needing something bigger. You’re not going to fit your grandson, another grandbaby, Caleb, and any other kids we have into the back seat of your truck.”

  His gaze dropped to my stomach and I felt his cock harden under me. My cheeks flushed, and if we hadn’t had both boys to watch, I had no doubt he’d have carried me off somewhere and made me scream his name.

  I kissed him, his beard tickling me.

  “After Caleb goes to bed, I’m going to do my damnedest to knock you up,” he said, kissing me again. His voice dropped low so the boys wouldn’t hear us. “Going to fill up that sweet pussy of yours until it’s overflowing with my cum. Every damn night for the rest of our lives. Or until I can’t get it up anymore.”

  I snickered. “They make little blue pills for that.”


  “I thought you liked my ass.”

  He placed his lips against my ear. “I love your ass so much, one of these nights I’m going to fuck it. Can’t wait to see that tight little hole stretched wide around my dick, and hearing you beg me for more.”

  My breath caught and my eyes widened. I swallowed hard as my panties flooded and my clit pulsed. He subtly slid his hand under my ass and squeezed. If we didn’t have the boys, I’d have unbuckled his belt here and now, and ridden him until we both came. I didn’t think it would take much for me. His words alone were enough to turn me on.

  “Later, kitten. If you’re really good, we’ll see if this old man can get it up twice tonight. Maybe I’ll fill up that pussy and your ass.”

  I clenched my thighs and knew I couldn’t wait. Later wasn’t going to get here fast enough. I frantically grabbed at his phone, but the damn thing was locked.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, his voice laced with humor.

  “Call a Prospect. Any of them.”


  “So he can take the boys out back to play.”

  Damon chuckled, but he unlocked his phone and made a call.

  “Get your ass to my house. You’re on babysitting duty while I make sure my woman is taken care of.”

  I didn’t hear the Prospect’s reply, but whatever it was made Scratch laugh.

  “Just get here. And do it fast.”

  He hung up the phone and teased me with light strokes along my thighs and lower back. When the boys weren’t looking, he ran his fingers across my breasts, making my nipples harden. By the time Seamus arrived, I was a quivering mess. I barely heard the instructions Scratch gave him before I was bolting up the stairs. He shut the door behind us, and I quickly removed my clothes.

  “Eager, kitten?”

  “You know damn well I want you. All that teasing and playing downstairs when I couldn’t do anything but sit there.”

  He removed his clothes, then prowled closer. When he reached me, he slipped his hand between my thighs and stroked my pussy. I groaned as he flicked my clit, then thrust a finger inside me. My nipples tightened even more, and I was ready to spread my legs and take whatever he wanted to give me.

  Scratch placed his other hand at my waist while he finger-fucked me. His thumb stroked over my clit, back and forth
, in a slow lazy motion. When he took my nipple between his teeth and lightly bit down, I saw stars and my knees nearly buckled. He kept teasing until I wanted to cry in frustration.

  “Damon, please.”

  “Please what, kitten?”

  “Please fuck me,” I said.

  “You want me to fuck you here?” he asked, his fingers playing with my pussy. Then he slid them out and pressed against the tight hole between my ass cheeks. “Or here?”

  It felt like the world was spinning and I could barely breathe. My gaze latched onto his and he smiled, then slowly turned me to face the bed.

  “Ass in the air, baby.”

  I pressed my breasts to the bed and watched as he took a tube of something from the bedside table drawer. He lightly stroked my back before reaching for my hands. He placed them on my ass cheeks.

  “Hold yourself open for me, kitten. Show me how much you want this.”

  I trembled at his words, but did as he said. The lube was cold, and I gasped as he started working it into me. It burned as he stretched me with his fingers, but it felt strangely good too. While he worked on loosening me up, his other hand played with my pussy, pinching and rubbing my clit.

  “Come for me.”

  I whimpered and pushed back against him as he fucked my ass with his fingers. He put more pressure on my clit and it was enough to send me soaring. I screamed out his name and it felt like the world exploded around me. I was still disoriented from coming so damn hard when I felt his cock pressing into me. Biting my lip, I tried to keep still and quiet. It took a few thrusts before he’d worked his way inside.

  “Fuck, kitten. You look so damn beautiful taking my cock like this,” he said, fucking me with slow, long strokes.

  I already felt another orgasm building. His hands spread my ass cheeks even wider.

  “Please play with your pussy, kitten. Let me feel you squeeze my dick when you come.”

  I worked my clit hard and fast and soon I was begging him for more.

  “Faster, Damon! Harder!”

  He growled and slammed into me, again and again, until I was screaming out his name again.


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