Crystal Shards Online Omnibus 1

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Crystal Shards Online Omnibus 1 Page 16

by Rick Scott

I take point with Sneak on and get the drop on a few more ambushes. I take a few hits every now and then, but Gilly waits until after the battle to heal me up, and then we move on. I eventually gain another level, and so does she. After a while, I wonder if she’s getting bored. She’s not really taking part in the combat at all, but she still looks chipper.

  I remember my promise to ask her about her family and the lulls between fights seem the perfect time to do so. When we take a break to sit on a low stone wall that borders an overgrown garden in the center of another clearing, I work up the courage to ask her.

  “Hey, Gilly?” I say. I tread carefully. Maybe there’s a reason she’s never elaborated on her family life. “I’ve never really asked about your family before. You mentioned you went shopping with them earlier today?”

  “Oh, yeah,” she says, and by her tone, it seems she has nothing to hide about her family. Maybe she never did. Maybe I was just too self-centered to ask. “We had to upgrade our nano-processor, so we went to the hub to pick one out. The maintenance team will come in a few days to upgrade our habitat for it.”

  “Wow. I’ve never heard of anyone doing that before.”

  “My dad works in infrastructure, so maybe it’s a bit of a perk or something.”


  “Yeah. He makes sure all the systems and stuff are working.”

  I pause at that. I wonder if her dad and my mom worked together at some point. “Does he work on the air scrubbers?”

  Gilly shrugs. “Maybe. I dunno. He never really talks too much about the details of what he does. Just says that stuff is always breaking down and needs repair. And he’s always complaining about nano-shards.”

  “What are those?”

  “I’m not too sure.”

  “Are they like the load sheds?” I remember what happened to my brother and me in the elevator. “It’s when the power goes off suddenly.”

  “I dunno. But yeah, he’s always talking about those, too.”

  I nod, but still don’t have a good idea of what her dad does. It was kind of like that with my mom, too. Just a vague idea that she did “something” to keep the place running.

  “What’s your mom do?” I ask.

  “She works with my dad. They both have the same job. That’s how they met.”

  “Oh, cool. You have any brothers or sisters?”

  “Nope. Just me.”

  I chuckle. “Some days, I wish I were an only child.”

  “Don’t wish that. It can be lonely. That’s probably why I spend so much time on here. Mom and Dad are out of the hab most of the day, so I’m left here all alone.”

  She looks sad when she says that, and I feel bad for her. “Hey, you always got me.”

  That makes her smile. “Aw . . . you coming over to keep me company, then?”

  My heart starts pounding. Is she actually inviting me over? In real life?

  She must see the anxiety in my face, because she starts to laugh. “I’m just playing. I know we’re just friends online.” The sadness returns to her eyes again. “I’m not sure how my mom and dad would even react to someone visiting me. They say I’m still kind of young for that.”

  “Young?” I say. I begin to worry that I’ve been kissing a little kid or something, and my stomach goes all queasy. “How old are you?”

  “I’m 16.”

  Whew! “Well, I just turned 17. So we’re practically the same age.”

  She grins. “Maybe there’s hope for us yet.”

  I smile back and feel my heart beat faster at the possibility. “Maybe . . .”

  The pause leaves a sort of electricity flowing between us, and I stare into her deep green eyes. I lean in and place a gentle kiss on her soft lips. This time, she’s the one who blushes, and when I pull away, she takes my hand into hers and gives it a little squeeze.

  “Come on,” I say, squeezing her hand back. “Let’s go kill that boss.”

  * * *

  We arrive at the end of the garden to see another Kappa, but this one is different. It’s standing in the center of a large circular area that looks like an arena. The Kappa is twice as big as the others, and in its hands are two blades held in a reverse grip.

  “Are those katanas?” I focus on it.

  Kappa Shadow Master

  Level: 20

  The Kappa are rumored to have learned the Shadow Arts long before the races of men. Though not all Kappa are gifted enough to use Shadow skills, some have prowess that can rival even the greatest of Shinobi.

  Affinity: Dark/Water

  “Cool!” Gilly exclaims behind me. “A teenage mutant ninja frog!”

  “A what?”

  “You’ve never seen that old cartoon? It’s pre-war vintage. Oh, wait . . . maybe they were turtles.”

  I’ve got no clue what she’s talking about, so instead, I ask, “What’s the deal with this guy?”

  “He uses a whole bunch of magical debuffs. But don’t worry. I got a spell that can remove them. Just watch out when he starts casting. Try to interrupt him with your attacks.”

  “Okay. Let’s do it.”

  We quickly buff and wait for Gilly’s TP to top back up before we enter the arena.

  When we do, the Kappa immediately starts casting, kanji runes encircling its body.

  And then it disappears.

  “What the heck?” I glance about me. “Where did it—?”

  A sharp thud hits me in the back and my hit points all but disappear.

  Your Awareness increases by 0.7!

  Kappa Shadow Master uses Backstab.

  You take 87 damage.

  “What?” I turn about to see the creepy frog dude behind me and duck just in time to avoid a double swipe from its katanas. This thing is way faster than its lowly brethren we just cleared in the gardens. I stab back with a double thrust from my knives and take it down 5%.

  This won’t be an easy fight.

  “Don’t heal me yet!” I shout, sidestepping another stab. “You’ll get hate.”

  “But you’ll die!” Gilly shouts.

  I remember Aiko’s words. 100% or 1%, it’s all the same.

  Just don’t get hit!

  “Wait till I get it down some more,” I say. “The regen will top me up.”

  My nerves are on edge as my mind strains with focus. Don’t get hit. Don’t get hit. I keep whittling down its health, but half my attacks are missing as well. It becomes like a game of high-speed chess, both of us prompting reactions that will hopefully force the other into a mistake.

  The Kappa hops backward and starts to cast again.

  Oh crap!

  “Top me up now, Gilly!”

  Two heals wash over me, filling up my HP bar, but the Kappa doesn’t disappear. Instead, a vile purple mist shoots from its hand and sprays all over me.

  Kappa Shadow Master casts Shadow Mist.

  You are poisoned.

  You are slowed.

  You are paralyzed.

  “Oh geez!” Gilly says, panicked. “I’m on it! I’m on it!”

  My HP starts to tick away two points at a time, while the Kappa closes in on me. I can’t move. I can’t Dodge! It slashes at my chest. I drop to 75% HP! Gilly casts her spell and a blue aura surrounds me.

  Gilly casts Cure Ailment.

  You are no longer paralyzed.

  Whew! I can move again, but I’m still losing HP, and when I try to evade, I’m so sluggish I get hit by one of the attacks. I’m down to 60% HP now.

  Gilly casts Cure Ailment.

  You are no longer slowed.

  I can Dodge freely again, but it’s a moot point. The Kappa is no longer attacking me. It’s hopping toward Gilly instead!

  “No!” I toss my knife at it, but it bounces ineffectively off of its shell. “Ah, crap!”

  “Reece!” Gilly shouts and casts a heal spell to top me up. “Don’t die!”

  Those are her last words as the Kappa cuts her down in two quick strikes.


  I grab my tossed knife and charge into him with a surge of attacks, fueled by revenge. “Die, you stupid frog-guy!”

  I get him down to below 40%, but take a hit myself in the process. Our HP bars are suddenly equal, except mine’s still slowly being drained by the poison.

  “I’ll respawn and come back,” Gilly says and her corpse disappears.

  I have no idea if she’ll make it back in time. The poison is draining me faster than I’d like, and it’s a long run from the entrance. I focus on my opponent instead, studying its attacks to carefully dodge each one. I get another two-hit combo on the Kappa, taking it down to 30%.

  But then it flips backward and casts something.

  Oh no . . .

  Nothing seems to happen. The Kappa charges at me again, and I sidestep its blades to land two more slashes. The body of the Kappa collapses in upon itself with the force of my hits, and then vanishes suddenly with a puff of smoke.

  What the heck? Did I kill it?

  I’m still engaged with the Kappa and it’s at 27% HP, according to my HUD. But I can’t see it! I check the log to see what spell it cast.

  Kappa Shadow Master casts Decoy Shadow.

  Decoy Shadow

  Create a decoy of yourself that absorbs 50% damage from your next hit and grants you invisibility.

  Oh crap . . .

  My heart slams against my ribcage in panic. It’s going to Backstab me again. And a Backstab right now will kill me instantly! I have no idea what to do. I close my eyes and try to sense where it is. Where’s it going to attack me from? I hear a quick shuffle behind me to my left and I spin about with my knives.

  Your Awareness increases by 0.7.

  Skill up! Your Awareness is now 4.

  You parry the Kappa Shadow Master’s attack.

  Congratulations! You have unlocked a new ability: Parry.


  Attack at the right moment to deflect an enemy’s attack, stunning them.

  Kappa Shadow Master is stunned!


  The Kappa is slumped groggily in front of me. I see the permissive for my Backstab to go active, and I thrust both my knives into its chest for a massive critical hit.

  You Backstab the Kappa Shadow Master.

  -157 HP

  The Kappa lets out a final gurgle before dropping to the arena floor, dead.

  You defeated the Kappa Shadow Master.

  You gain 1500 experience points.

  You detect a strange aura from the Kappa Shadow Master’s Corpse.

  [Offer one of the Shadow Master’s talismans to complete the quest.]

  My heart is still thundering in my chest from all the adrenaline. Then I notice that my HP is still dropping, in beat with my pounding heart.

  11/87 HP

  9/87 HP

  7/87 HP

  Crap! I’m still going to die and fail the quest!

  5/87 HP

  3/87 HP

  A heal spell pours over me, bumping me to full health, followed by a cure that removes the poison for good. I look over my shoulder to see Gilly, my sexy savior in silky lingerie.

  She jumps up and down excitedly. “You did it, Reece!”

  “We did it!” I say, unable to take my eyes off her. “You saved me in the nick of time.”

  She runs over and gives me a celebratory hug and kiss. “Way to go, you! You made it! You’re a Ninja now.”

  “Not yet. Still need to do one more thing to complete the quest. Says something about offering a talisman?”

  “Oh, yeah! Check the corpse. It should give you four options.”

  I do so, and a menu screen pops up.

  Which of the Shadow Master’s Talismans will you offer as a tribute?

  Battle-Worn Tekko

  Knotted Scarf

  Rusted Shuriken

  Moth-Eaten Scroll

  I tell Gilly the options I see. “Which one should I choose?”

  Her eyes go unfocused for a second as she checks on something. “Okay, got it. This is a really important part of the quest. Depending on which item you choose, it gives you a permanent twenty-point skill bonus.”

  “That sounds like a lot.”

  “It is!” Gilly says. “The Tekko gives Katana skill, Scarf is Evasion, Shuriken is Throwing, and Scroll is Shadow Magic.”

  I almost wish I could ask Aiko which one I should pick.

  I blow out a breath. “Well, if I’m going to be a Dodge Tank, I might as well go min-max.”

  I pick number two from the list.

  You have chosen the path of the Untouchable Shadow.

  You receive +20 to Evasion.

  Congratulations! You have earned the title: Untouchable.

  Congratulations! You have completed the quest: Trial of Shadows.

  You receive 1000 experience points.

  You receive 1000 credits.

  When the final prompt appears, I grin from ear to ear.

  Congratulations! You can now become a Ninja.

  Chapter 19: Shadow Copy

  After a few minutes of celebration, Gilly and I fork up the 1k credits to fast-travel back to Swifttide. For a second, I consider staying in Bangōr to level up, but I have a surefire way to fast level now, thanks to Aiko, back in Adderrun. And I have great impetus to do it.

  The Scroll of Shadow Copy, the thing that started this whole journey, is burning a hole in my virtual pocket. A few seagulls and a dockworker, and I can be a Level 12 Ninja and finally use it.

  I can barely contain my excitement as we materialize on the pier, and I switch my class.

  You change your class to Ninja.

  [As an advanced class, you innately have access to the following subclass abilities:

  War Cry, Double Attack, Dual Wield, Backstab, Hide, Sneak, Awareness.]

  Holy cow! I have access to all this at Level 1? I can’t wait to test this out! I check my stats next.

  Name: Reece

  Class: Ninja

  Level: 1

  Strength: 6

  Dexterity: 20

  Agility: 47

  Intelligence: 4

  Mind: 6

  Vitality: 8

  HP: 21/21

  Stamina: 27/27

  TP: 25/25

  “Level 1 again,” I say, but I feel a great sense of accomplishment. “For the last time, at least.”

  “And only two days in,” Gilly says with a nod. “Not bad. That’s not a bad outfit you’ve got going on there, either.”

  I grin at her. I’m buck naked again save for the two Level 1 katanas I picked up in Kuze. My Level 1 leather armor is up for auction, and I can’t wear the Level 15 set I bought earlier. “Wearing it just for you, babe.”

  “Let’s see what you can do, then.” Gilly un-parties with me. “Go, go!”

  I wield the two katanas in a reverse grip; it feels more natural for some reason. Perhaps they’re designed that way. They look similar to the ones Aiko uses, but that’s in form only, I’m sure. These have very little damage, only about the same as my starting daggers, but as I test with a quick swipe to the air, their speed seems faster.

  I stalk behind a seagull sitting atop one of the bollards and hit it with a double katana Backstab.

  You defeated the Seagull!

  You gain 300 experience points.

  Congratulations! You have gained a Level!

  You are now Level 2.

  You have gained 1 attribute point.

  Gilly giggles and claps. “You’re totally overpowered now!”

  I take on another gull using my regular attacks. I get two strikes in to take it down to half health, and easily avoid its hooked beak with my Evasion. Two more slashes, and it’s dead.

  You defeated the Seagull!

  You gain 300 experience points.

  Kill chain x 1. You gain 150 experience points.

  Congratulations! You have gained a Level!

  You are now Level 3.

  You have gained 2 attribute points.

  I dump my new attribute p
oints into Agility to raise it to 50. I’m eager to see what attacking at double speed will look like. I take on one more gull and slash twice with each blade, performing four attacks in quick succession.

  You hit the Seagull for 13 damage.

  You hit the Seagull for 14 damage.

  You hit the Seagull for 12 damage.

  You hit the Seagull for 13 damage.

  You defeated the Seagull!

  You gain 300 experience points.

  Kill chain x 2. You gain 250 experience points.

  Congratulations! You have gained a Level!

  Congratulations! You have gained a Level!

  You are now Level 5.

  You have gained 3 attribute points.

  Gilly claps again. “Wow! It never even got a chance to attack you!”

  I can’t wipe the grin off my face. I feel so powerful, even in my underwear. It’s hard to believe I’ve come all this way in only a few days’ time. With how fast I’m leveling, hitting 85 doesn’t seem like such an impossible task anymore.

  Nothing does.

  We head to the back of the warehouse, and Gilly watches me as I perform my stalker routine on one of the dockworkers. It still takes me a little while, but I manage to get a couple of regular attacks in after each Backstab due to my 50 Agility. In about ten minutes, the moment that had seemed impossible only a few days ago finally happens.

  You defeated the Strong Dockworker!

  You gain 8700 experience points.

  Congratulations! You have gained a Level!

  Congratulations! You have gained a Level!

  Congratulations! You have gained a Level!

  Congratulations! You have gained a Level!

  Congratulations! You have gained a Level!

  Congratulations! You have gained a Level!

  Congratulations! You have gained a Level!

  You are now Level 12.


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