Crystal Shards Online Omnibus 1

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Crystal Shards Online Omnibus 1 Page 60

by Rick Scott

  “Yeah, but it will mean running the whole way.”

  “I’m game if you are,” I say, and can’t help but feel like things are finally getting back on track. I give her a smile. “Come on, Aiko. Let’s go save your sister.”

  * * *

  After a quick breakfast, Aiko and I hit the road, moving at top speed. We alternate between jogging and sprinting, with the goal of reaching the farmhouse just after sundown. It’s a daunting task, but with a clear path in mind thanks to Gilly’s map, I feel more than confident that we can make it.

  We head west, keeping well clear of Stormwall by passing far to its south. I think about what Gilly mentioned in her letter, about how the army rounded up the locals to look for us. I wonder if that was the order Braxus had given to that general guy I saw speaking to Ziegfried. I try not to think about it, though, and focus instead on keeping pace with Aiko. She tears up the ground ahead of me, her long legs pumping like she’s running the 100-meter dash.

  She must have a good amount of VIT to keep up that pace, and I’m thankful she has it. If not, I probably wouldn’t be here right now. Instead, I’d be suffering some eternal agony on Planet Hell. That’s what I’m calling it for now, Planet Hell, but I wonder what that place could actually be.

  It was like another game world, for sure, like my consciousness was transferred there, but it wasn’t like any Shard I’ve ever heard of or experienced. And my HUD, while it still existed, was corrupted and garbled. Did that mean it was a game world not supported by the same kind of architecture as the Shards? That seems a bit hard to believe, but I have no clue how any of it really works. Maybe my brother will know.

  Once I finally tell him.

  I will soon. Right after we save Becky.

  Around midday, we find the blue flamingos Gilly mentioned in her letter, though they look more like ostriches to me. They are indeed blue, however. A deep blue, too, like something you’d see on a car. They’re Level 80, and when we take a short break, I give one of them a try. The first one goes down fairly easy, even with just my single kunai, and I get about 27k XP. I spend some time farming them while Aiko catches a quick snooze in a tree. After a half hour, I get a system message.

  Congratulations! You have gained a Level!

  You are now Level 84!

  You have gained 1 attribute points.

  “Wow,” I say. “I wasn’t expecting that so soon.” I forgot I got a whole bunch of XP from the Witch Spider before.

  Aiko smiles at me from the tree branch she’s sprawled across. “Gratz. One more to go.”

  “I have three points to spend. I’ve been putting them into VIT. What do you think?”

  “What’s it at?”

  I check my character.

  Name: Reece

  Class: Ninja

  Level: 84

  Strength: 6+25

  Dexterity: 80+5

  Agility: 80+5

  Intelligence: 4

  Mind: 6

  Vitality: 26 +20

  HP: 1232/1232

  Stamina: 297/297

  TP: 176/176

  “46 with gear,” I say.

  “What’s your Agility?”


  She ponders for a second. “Yeah, go with VIT. Gilly will need some buffer to keep you alive when the crap hits the fan. There will be some hits you’ll just have to take. Even with the Witch Spider’s Ring. And the ring will drain your life, too.”

  I nod and spend the points, bringing my health to 1292/1292.

  “Let’s get going,” she says, dropping down from the tree. “We’re only halfway there.”

  * * *

  The next few hours go by with only brief conversation in between sprints. Aiko tells me more about herself, about her time growing up in the orphanage, down in the hub. It was a hard life. One I can’t even imagine: sparse meals, deplorable conditions, literally fighting each day for survival.

  “If it wasn’t for us having each other, I don’t think any of us would have made it,” Aiko says as we transition from forest to rolling grassland and hills. “Between the neglect and the abuse, I don’t think any little girl could.”

  My stomach tightens at the thought. “Abuse?”

  Aiko doesn’t say anything for a while as she runs next to me. “Val and Becky had it easier.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Aiko frowns. “They weren’t as pretty as me.”

  My heart aches as my stomach sours. Poor Aiko. I leave the subject be, but it gives me a whole new level of respect for her. How strong she must be inside to have endured that. Maybe it explains a little bit about her personality, too. I think back to Braxus, and what he might have done to her, and a jolt of anger surges through my gut.

  I need to ensure that that never happens to her, or anyone, ever again.

  It gives me new appreciation for my mother, too, for what she did to provide for us. It couldn’t have been easy for her. I was only two when my father died. And with the risks my mom took on her job, I suppose my brother and I could have easily ended up in some orphanage, as well.

  She did so much for us. And I need to get back there to her—to save her.

  I need to put things right on so many fronts: my mom, Becky, Citadel, Braxus.

  The thought makes me put my head down and run even faster.

  I have so much to do.

  And while it doesn’t feel like it . . . time is not on my side.

  Chapter 34: Reunion

  The stars are out in full force by the time I spot the farmhouse in the distance. It must have been abandoned a long time ago, because all that seems to be left of it are three walls and a collapsed roof. Just in front of it is a campfire, and I can already see Val Helena’s huge silhouette against the backdrop of dancing flames, dwarfing my other companions gathered around her.

  Elation and excitement fill my chest as I double my speed toward them. “Come on, Aiko! We made it!”

  “Yeah, yeah,” the elf says, rather lackluster.

  She doesn’t match my speed, and I leave her lagging behind me. Maybe she’s apprehensive about meeting up with Val Helena again. I can totally understand that, but I can’t contain myself.

  I need to see Gilly.

  The land is mostly rolling hills with isolated copses of trees. I’m thankful, because it makes things much easier to see in the dark, and it sped up our pace quite considerably these last few hours. As I run down the small slope toward the farmhouse, I yell out toward the campfire.

  “Guys, we’re here!”

  Figures stand against the flames, and then one of them runs toward me.


  Gilly’s tiny figure crashes into me, and I crush her in an embrace.

  “Boy, does it feels great to hug you!” I say, and kiss on her forehead.

  “Ditto,” she says, squeezing me tight. She looks up at me with her big green eyes and plants a sweet kiss on my lips. But she withdraws again just as quickly, wringing her hands in mock disgust. “Ew, you’re all sweaty, though!”

  I laugh. “I know, right?”

  “Did you get my letter?” she says with a grin.

  “Sure did. Helped us find you guys real quick!”

  “You can say that again, mate.” Rembrandt ambles over to me. “Wasn’t expecting to see you for a few days, at least.”

  I clasp Rembrandt’s outstretched hand in a firm shake that ends in a bro hug. “I had great motivation to get here. Trust me.”

  “Yeah, I bet,” Maxis says with a grin. He leans in to give me a bro hug, as well. “I don’t even want to know what she wrote in that letter.”

  “Hey!” Gilly says in protest. “It was nothing like that!”

  That gives everyone a laugh.

  “Oh, stop teasing her, Max,” Val Helena chides my brother as she steps toward me. She gives me a huge smile, and then scoops me up into her big arms for a massive bear hug. “Glad you’re safe, Reece!”

  I laugh and manage to squeeze out a reply as she crush
es my rib cage, “Me . . . too!”

  She lets me go, letting out a goddess laugh, and then peers out into the darkness. “Where’s Aiko?”

  “Right here,” the elf says, stepping out from behind the half-giant. “Never were the observant one, were you, Val?”

  The temperature drops about fifty degrees. Smiles disappear as uncertainty and mistrust arise. Aiko gives a wicked grin as she transforms from the woman I’ve been talking to for the last two days into this caricature of herself again. It’s a false bravado, I realize. A protection mechanism she uses because she probably thinks everyone hates her.

  And she’s probably not wrong.

  “Although I do like that you’ve switched back to Warrior,” Aiko continues her unsolicited critique of Val Helena as she steps around her. “You look more like yourself. With your bulk, that Paladin armor was making you look way too fat.”

  She lets out one of her cackle-laughs, which I think was meant to break the ice, but all it does is cause Val Helena to set her jaw in a scowl.

  “I think me and you need to talk,” Val says, no-nonsense.

  “I actually think that’s a really good idea,” I say, jumping in. “There’s some really big misunderstandings between you two. Believe me.”

  Aiko gives me a sly grin and a wink. “Guess we’ll find out, huh, pretty boy?” She steps away a few paces before looking back over her shoulder. “You coming, Val?”

  The big woman fumes again, her irritation palpable.

  I send her a PM.

  Me: Val, please don’t go all crazy on her. She’s here to help.

  Val Helena shoots me an icy glare.

  Val Helena: What do you mean, go crazy? What did she tell you? Are you on her side now?

  Yikes! Not the response I was hoping for.

  Me: No, no, I didn’t mean it like that. Just talk to her, okay? She loves you a lot. She’s just scared to show her true emotions, I think. She was only trying to stop you from coming here to protect you. She didn’t want to see you die.

  Val Helena frowns, but I see a small break in her armor, too.

  Val Helena: I still find that a little hard to believe, but for your sake, okay. I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt.

  The two women venture off a ways, and then stop at the shore of the moonlit lake at the edge of the farm. The moonlight shimmers on the choppy waves, giving form to their silhouettes as they stand off against one another, muted words going back and forth between them. I can’t understand what they’re saying, but by the aggressive body language, it looks like an argument has already started.

  “You think they’ll be all right?” Gilly asks as she stands next to me.

  “Yeah, I think so,” I say. “They have a lot to talk about, but once Val understands the truth, they should be fine.”

  “Seems like you’ve really taken to her,” Gilly says, folding her arms. “Aiko, I mean.”

  By her tone, I’m not sure if there’s a hint of jealousy there or not, but I’m definitely not going to mention that kiss now. “Aiko’s pretty solid, you guys. She has a tough exterior, but she means well. Plus, I owe her a lot.”

  I’m tempted to say that she saved my life, but I’m still not sure if I want to go into telling that story just yet. Especially since I haven’t even revealed what I saw down in the mines to everyone. I guess it will all have to wait until we get through with saving Becky.

  Maxis sucks his teeth. “Seems like the same Aiko to me—pretentious and cocky.”

  Gilly rolls her eyes up at my big brother. “Whoa . . . that is like soooo the pot calling the kettle black, Max.”

  He does a double-take at her. “What? You think I’m like her?”

  “It’s true, mate,” Rembrandt says. “You can be a bit cocky, yeah?”

  “What the heck, man?” Maxis grumbles, which gives us all a laugh. “I know I’m not pretentious, though. You can’t hold that one on me.”

  That gets even more laughs, until a resounding SMACK! echoes through the air, and we all fall silent. Our eyes dart toward Aiko and Val Helena. who are now face-to-face, fuming at one another.

  I’m pretty sure that was a slap, but I’m not sure who slapped who.

  Oh crap . . .

  It becomes a bit more obvious when Val Helena touches her cheek, as if in disbelief. She then straightens and inhales a deep breath before releasing an enraged cry: “I HATE YOU!!”

  She lunges at Aiko with a closed fist. I expect Aiko to dodge, but she flies right back at her with a punch of her own. The two collide in a tangle of flailing limbs, yelling and screaming until they both fall to the ground.

  “Val!” Maxis shouts, and starts to run toward them.

  “Wait!” Rembrandt throws an arm across his chest, holding him back. “Leave them be!”

  Maxis looks back at him, hostility in his eyes. “What?”

  “Val said they’re like sisters, yeah?”

  “What the heck’s that got to do with it?” He glares at Rembrandt.

  “You got a brother, don’t you? They just need to work some stuff out. They’ll be okay.”

  I look back to where Aiko and Val are rolling around on the ground, elbows and fists flying. They’re both screaming and cursing at one another, punching each other in the face. It’s painful to watch, but their HP bars don’t seem to be going down too much. Maybe Rembrandt’s right.

  “Trust me, mate,” Rembrandt says, folding his arms. “I’m sure it’s not the first time they’ve done this.”

  It goes on for a couple of minutes. The two women even resort to pulling each other’s hair. Finally, Val Helena rolls onto her back and gets Aiko into a scissor lock, crushing Aiko’s waist between her thighs while her massive arms wrap around Aiko’s torso. They grunt and strain, face-to-face, Aiko vainly trying to break free from the wrestling hold with pelvic thrusts.

  My mouth literally hangs open as I watch them.

  “Tell me something, Max,” Rembrandt says, removing his shades. “Is it wrong that I’m enjoying this?”

  Maxis releases a guffaw. “Dude, I wish I had a freaking camera.”

  Whew. Glad I’m not the only one!

  “Ew! Gross!” Gilly says with a roll of her eyes. “Get your minds out of the gutter, you guys!”

  I wish I could agree with her, but seeing two of the hottest women I know in such a compromising position has me thinking all the wrong things. I play it off, though, and give Gilly a hopefully convincing frown of disapproval. Val Helena then grabs the wrist of her other hand, tightening her grip until Aiko gasps, straining to breathe.

  “I’m going to kill you!” Val Helena hisses between her clenched teeth as Aiko’s Health bar begins to rapidly deplete.

  Uh oh . . .

  “This doesn’t look good!” I say, already dashing toward them. “Val!”

  We rush to them as a group, yelling and screaming.

  “Val! Stop!”


  We reach them in time to see the giantess half-giant finally let go, and for Aiko to choke in a gulp of air with a sputtering cough. They lay on top of one another, breathing heavily for a while. Again, my mind goes to places it shouldn’t.

  “You nearly killed me, stupid,” Aiko says between pants.

  “I know,” Val Helena says, still panting. “I’m sorry . . .”

  The pants slowly turn to chuckles, and then to outright laughs. Val Helena wraps her arms around Aiko again, but in a hug this time, squeezing her lovingly as they rock back and forth on the ground.

  “I’ve missed you, Aiko,” Val Helena says in a sob. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  Aiko leans her head into Val Helena’s chest. “I missed you, too, you big idiot.”

  The laughs become sobs as both women weep and laugh in each other’s arms. The sight warms my stomach. I’m happy to see them reconciled, but at the same time, it’s a bit difficult to watch. Especially after what I was just thinking.

  “Okay, this is just getting embarrassing now,” Gilly say
s, putting my emotions into words. “Can you say ‘cringe’?”

  “Tell me about it,” Maxis says, sounding disappointed. “I think I just lost my boner.”

  * * *

  The next couple of hours go by in a blur. I break out a portion of the Lakota meat, and Val Helena roasts it over the open fire. Under the stars, we have a mini banquet to celebrate our reunion, but even more so to celebrate that of Aiko and Val. There’s not much in the way of sides, but the meat itself is tasty, and when Aiko materializes a couple of bottles of elven wine she must have snagged in Elnor, the party really kicks off.

  I’ve never seen Val Helena happier, and it warms my heart to see her talking and laughing with Aiko like a real sister again. It seems to break the ice for everyone else, as well. As the night goes on, I even see Aiko let down her guard and become the more open version of herself that I’ve come to know over the past few days.

  “Sorry you all had to witness that, by the way,” Aiko says after taking a swig straight from the bottle. “If you hadn’t noticed, we’re kind of dysfunctional.”

  “No problem at all,” Rembrandt says, peering over the top of his shades. “Was one heck of a good show, mind you.”

  We all laugh at that, and Val Helena lets out a groan. “Gah, don’t remind me . . . geez, I feel so embarrassed now.”

  “Totally should be!” Gilly says, tossing a pebble at her. “How are you supposed to be a role model for me now?”

  That one gets a goddess laugh.

  “So, are you two good?” Maxis says, looking between them.

  Val Helena looks at Aiko, and the two share a little smile. “We’ve still got a lot to catch up on, but, yeah, we’re good. Until the rematch.”

  Everyone laughs at that.

  The night goes on, and I finally get a few moments alone with Gilly. I take her for a seat by the edge of the lake and tell her all about the Witch Spider and what happened to me when I died. I also tell her how Aiko ran a marathon with me on her back to save me, and Gilly’s face goes stark white.


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