Between the Bear's Sheets (Wylde Brothers, 2)

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Between the Bear's Sheets (Wylde Brothers, 2) Page 8

by Jenika Snow

  There was a look of determination on his face, and it was directed right at her. Everything inside her grew liquid, and when he stared down at her, everything that made her a female sighed in appreciation of his masculinity.

  Her pussy was soaked, her nipples rock-hard, and all she wanted to do was reach out to him, take hold of his massive biceps, and bring him so close their bodies fused as one. She didn’t care if people stopped to gawk at them or that they were staring at each other as if they were in some kind of trance.

  “Talia?” His voice was harsh like sandpaper or even a serrated blade. It ran along her body, and she forced her eyes not to close as her pulse beat in her clit.

  “Y-Yes?” She dragged her tongue along her bottom lip and nearly gasped at the way Ford dipped his eyes down to watch the act. He growled low in his throat, and she felt the vibrations come out through his chest and spear right into her body. His chest rose and fell in an almost violent motion, and he moved closer, just an inch.

  Her breasts met his muscular abs, and she craned her neck back, realizing once again that this male was the epitome of masculinity. Ford made her seem so… insignificant in a purely feminine way.

  He towered over her, taking up her entire view, and all she could think about was having him push all those thick inches inside her again. Already, he was hard, and his erection felt like a steel rod between them.

  He had yet to answer her, to speak the words she knew were on the tip of his tongue. She inhaled deeply and loved that his wild scent filled her lungs. In the next second, he wrapped his huge hands around her waist, pulled her impossibly closer, and claimed her mouth like it was his and only his.

  Talia reached up, wound her arms around his neck, and moaned into his mouth.

  The spicy flavor that was everything Ford filled her mouth, and she moaned again. He moved his tongue in and out of her mouth like he owned her. And he did. At this moment, she realized it with such clarity it would have brought her to her knees if he hadn’t been holding onto her.

  He pulled away enough that he could speak but kept his lips lightly pressed to hers. “I’m going to take you back to my place and fuck you so hard there is no mistaking you are mine, Talia.” Her heart slammed against her ribs, and all she could do was nod her agreement. He took her mouth again, successfully banishing all thoughts of the woman who clearly still wanted the male Talia knew was her mate.

  It was with startling clarity that she realized she couldn’t leave Sweet Water intact now that her feelings for Ford were right at the surface. How had she even contemplated leaving when her emotions were a turbulent arc inside her?

  Knowing she needed him now and that all her worries and contemplations could be put on hold until the fire inside her was sated, Talia forced herself to take a step back and look into his face.

  His expression was one that had her curling her fingers into her palms or she would rip his clothes off him right then and there.

  “I’m staying at the Linden Hotel. It is so much closer than your place.”

  The low rumble that came from his chest was all the confirmation she needed, but before she could take any kind of initiative, Ford grabbed her hand and started leading the way, presumably to her hotel that was right around the corner.

  He looked over his shoulder, his eyes at half-mast, and that damn half smile that made her panties soaked came out in full force. Her cheeks heated at his unspoken words of lust, and his grin spread. She struggled to keep up with his long, determined strides. The hotel she was staying at came into view only minutes later.

  It certainly wasn’t the biggest or most luxurious one she had stayed in, but it beat the alternative in Sweet Water, which was really a drive-by motel situated right next to the bar she had gone to with Luke.

  No thank you on that. Luke was staying with Mina at her parents’ home, and although she had been offered a room, Talia could only handle so much of the human female and her hoity-toity family.

  Before he could ask her what room she was in, she took the lead, which resulted in a deep growl coming from him. The fact that he was so very dominant might have offended other women, but Talia couldn’t lie and say she didn’t like it.

  It made her feel all girly and wanted. Her hand was sweaty as she fished out her keycard and unlocked the door. Once inside the room she took in the small full-sized bed. It certainly wasn’t the king-sized one at Ford’s, but the fact that they would be even closer sent a fresh wave of desire through her.

  “I—” Her words were cut off when she was spun around and pressed against the wall by Ford. Her shirt rode up, and she could feel the slightly textured wallpaper press against her exposed flesh. He claimed her lips with his, probed his tongue between the seam of her mouth, and took control like the animal he was.

  Fabric rending filled the room, and then the cool breeze of the air conditioner brushed along her body.

  With a flick of his wrist, he had her bra undone and tossed to the side. He cupped both of the overly sensitive mounds in his large hands and massaged them. Never breaking the kiss, he ran his thumbs along her aching nipples until she found herself pressing her chest more firmly against his touch.

  They groaned in unison when he took his thumb and forefinger and pulled at the peaks, drawing them out more until she felt the blood rush to the surface.

  In a move so quick she couldn’t even grasp what was happening, Ford let go of her breasts, grabbed her under the ass, and lifted her. He wedged his jean-clad cock against her now spread thighs and thrust forward three times. Her skirt was bunched along her upper thighs, and her legs were clasped tightly around his waist.

  Despite her panties and his pants in the way, she knew she could get off easily this way if he kept moving his hips forward and pulling them back in the rhythmic way he was doing.

  “God, I am going to fuck you so hard there won’t be a place on you that I haven’t claimed.”

  A gasp left her, and she speared her hands in his hair, tugging at the dark strands until he grunted and tightened his hold on her. He thrust against her even more frantically until she knew her panties were soaked all the way through.

  “Quit talking and do it already.”

  His chuckle was deep and filled with more than just humor. Never in her life had she been so fierce, but here she was, acting completely out of character ever since she met Ford. She loved how she was with him, loved that she couldn’t control herself, that he made her feel like she would explode if he didn’t touch her, and she never wanted it to end.

  He dug his fingers into her ass, turned so she was no longer supported partially on the wall, and walked over to the bed. The springs creaked when he rested his weight on the mattress, but her blood was roaring so powerfully in her ears that all she could hear was Ford’s rapid, fierce breathing and feel his rigid erection digging into her panty-covered pussy.

  Her breasts bounced from the force of her own inhalations, and as if he read her mind, he moved his head low enough that he could take her right nipple into his mouth.

  He alternated between the two, sucking and licking, biting and tugging. It was torture and ecstasy all in the same breath, and although she wanted to beg him to stop, she also wanted to scream for him to continue.

  A popping noise filled the room when he let go of the nipple he had been giving attention to. He took her jaw in one hand and tilted her head back to take her mouth. His bear was out in full-force and controlling the situation. Tongues sliding together and hips moving in sync, Talia felt her climax nearing the surface.

  He slowed his thrusts against her, and she knew he could sense her impending orgasm. The sweet scent of their combined arousal and of her ecstasy reaching the peak where she would soon go over filled the small room, and she became intoxicated.

  Claws tipped his fingers instead of nails, and he dragged them down the side of her body until he reached the top of her panties. She thought he would just tear them from her, but instead he gripped her hips and flipped her onto
her belly.

  A sigh left her as soon as he thrust a pillow under her hips, causing her ass to be lifted. Memories of the night at his cabin came back instantly, and she didn’t stop the moan that spilled from her lips.

  The tip of one claw ran down the crack of her ass, and in the next second, he tore her underwear from her body and tossed the tattered remains aside. He palmed her cheeks, as if memorizing the mounds, and then spread her ass wide. She couldn’t see his face but knew his gaze was trained on her pussy and ass.

  “Fucking hell, baby, your cunt is so damn wet and pink for me.” He slipped his finger down her slit, and the slippery sounds of the digit moving along her sensitive labia had her biting her lip so she didn’t plead for more. “You on the pill, Talia?” His question was phrased quickly and grainy, like sand along her skin.


  “Thank fuck, because I don’t want anything between us when I take you this time, baby.” She had been on birth control since she was a teenager for her irregular periods, and right now, she was damn glad she was. Knowing Ford wanted nothing between them was exactly what she wanted. She sighed into the mattress when he slipped a thick finger into her body.

  He pumped in and out of her and then pushed another one inside her. He worked her so good she found herself lifting and swiveling her hips until she was fucking herself on his hand.

  “That’s it, baby. Fuck yourself on me. Use me until you come all over my hand, until your pussy juices cover me.” A gasp left her at his filthy words, and she felt herself oh so close to getting off. “I’m clean, baby, was tested right before we fucked. I need to have you without anything between us.” His chest pressed to her back, and his breath teased the tendrils of hair by her ear. “And do you know why I need to do that, Talia?” His low words were heated and filled with possessiveness and need.

  She couldn’t speak, couldn’t form the words, so instead she shook her head and fisted her hands in the sheets. He still fucked her with his fingers, but his motions were slower, more deliberate, and she knew he was drawing this out, torturing her with pleasure.

  “I don’t want any barriers between us, because I need to claim my mate, Talia. I need to have my cum inside you so you smell like me and there is no denying you’re mine.” He used his other hand to grip her shoulder, and his claws dug into her flesh.

  As he trailed his lips down the side of her throat, Talia closed her eyes and let the feel of him dominating every part of her wash through her. First, he swiped his tongue along her rapidly beating pulse, and then she felt his canines lengthen.

  “And you are mine, Talia. I won’t let you go.” His voice was deep and distorted, and a shiver worked through her. All of a sudden, he started fucking her hard and fast with his digits, and she came right then. Crying out into the pillow, she felt her pussy contract around his penetration, absorbed the pleasure he gave her, and didn’t want to let it go.

  “Tell me who you belong to.” His canines scraped along her tender flesh. He dragged those sharp teeth down her body, over the curve of her too big ass, and then he was removing his fingers from her still quivering pussy and pierced her with his tongue.

  In and out, he pushed that thick muscle into her, driving her closer to yet another earth-shattering orgasm. It was almost too much, but here she was, climbing that ecstasy ladder and praying she survived it once more.

  “Ford…” His name came out as a moan. He moved his tongue from her opening to her clit then back to her pussy hole. “You. I belong to you.” Over and over again, he licked her clit, and she widened her thighs, needing to have him as close as possible.

  He took her silent command and gripped her legs, pushed them so far that her muscles protested, and wedged his shoulders between them. He ate her pussy like he was starving, like there was nothing better in the world.

  “Christ, baby. Your cunt is the sweetest fucking thing I’ve ever tasted.” She could feel him flatten his tongue and drag it up and down her cleft and stop at the swollen nub of her clitoris. He sucked the engorged bud into his mouth, and all it took was that minimal suction to send her over the edge once again. This time, she didn’t bother muffling her cry of pleasure. “Tell me you want my bare cock in your sweet little pussy.”

  “Yes, Ford. God, yes, that’s what I want.” The fact that he declared and claimed her as his mate was all the confirmation she needed. This was what she wanted, and Ford was the only male who could give it to her. His growl went right through her, and she bit her lip.

  The metallic flavor of blood filled her mouth, but before the pain could register, he pulled his mouth away from her and positioned the tip of his cock at her pussy.

  She stopped breathing as she felt the bulbous head start to stretch her wide. Talia vividly remembered having sex with him. Ford was so thick and long that the discomfort took over, but it didn’t mask the intense pleasure.

  He took hold of her waist and started easing himself inside her. His scorching hot flesh filled her, made her burn from the inside out, and had her aching for so much more.

  The fact that nothing separated them, that this was just her and him coming together, had her arousal heightening. This was what it meant to be consumed.


  Ford lifted his upper body up slightly and looked down at where his body connected with Talia’s. The sun came through the partially closed blinds, washing their bodies in dark and light stripes.

  Despite the shadows that caressed her lusciously curved body, Ford could see perfectly as his cock parted the folds of her pussy.

  She was stretched wide around his girth, taking him in completely and letting off the most drugging and glorious scent imaginable. Never in all his years had he been with a female who made him feel like this, made him want to lose control and protect her with his last breath yet cherish her like a precious gem.

  “That’s it, sweetness. You’re taking my cock like you were made for me, like you know you are mine.” And that was exactly what she was... his.

  There was no other for him, and by her body language and her confirmation that she knew what was happening to them was something overly special, she knew he was the only one for her as well. There was no more darkness, no more pain that had a hold of his body.

  Talia released him from his misery, and he no longer felt that clawing agony of his self-hatred taking him under. And all he had to do was surrender himself to her, just like she was surrendering herself to him.

  “Ford,” she said on a whisper, and he tunneled another inch into her wet, hot body. “There isn’t a part of me that you’re not touching.”

  And that was exactly how he wanted it. She was made for him, and he was made for her, and there wasn’t anything or anyone who would stand in the way of that.

  He pushed the last few inches into her, and they both groaned out in unison. He was balls-deep in his female, and the bear in him broke free, finally able to claim what was his. In a move his human side could hardly keep up with, his bear tried to take over, but Ford kept it under control.

  He couldn’t take her in his animal form, not when his human side wanted her too damn bad.

  Roaring out, he started pumping in and out of her, giving her everything he was and taking everything she had. She moaned and begged for more, and he was all too happy to give it to her. There wasn’t anything on the planet that would stop him from fulfilling every single one of her needs, and right now, his mate needed to be fucked just as much as he needed to fuck her.

  Slamming his hips forward and retreating back just as powerfully, Ford took her like there was no tomorrow.

  The fact that he could feel every part of her, that there was no barrier separating him from his mate, had him roaring out again. Over and over again, he thrust his cock into her pussy, and he felt her become wetter, felt her swell around him, and knew she was close to coming for a third time.

  He wanted her cunt convulsing around his cock, milking him until there wasn’t any cum left inside him.

sp; Sweat beaded along his brow, and as he looked down at the gorgeous slope of her spine, he saw droplets of perspiration along the slender line. Dipping his head low, he ran his tongue from her back all the way up to her neck.

  His canines were out in full force, and his claws pricked her flesh. He smelled her blood from the tiny wounds he inflicted, and that had him going insane for more.

  There was no pain coming from her, just her need for more. The arch of her neck called to him, and he opened his mouth and let his teeth move along her very tender, peach-colored flesh. She had tiny, kissable freckles along her shoulder blades, and he paid attention to each one with his mouth.

  When he got to the side of her neck, her pulse jumped right below his tongue. Ford never stopped thrusting into her, and when he felt his balls draw up and his orgasm rush to the surface, he let his canines sink into her neck.

  A guttural groan left him as he came deep inside her, and even though she was on birth control, he couldn’t help but want her to become pregnant with his young. The primal need to watch her grow big with his child had his hips pressing harder into her as if he had no control of his own body.

  It was a ludicrous notion to want that with a female he had just met, but this was not an ordinary relationship.

  This was his mate, and they were now connected in every sense of the word.

  Her fox brushed along the surface, and he could see her creamy flesh ripple from the animal’s effect. She came again, and the feeling of her inner muscles clenching his dick had another gush of cum spilling from him.

  When she’d wrung him dry and he could no longer hold himself up, Ford fell to the side and breathed out roughly. Talia was on her belly beside him, her respirations just as frantic as his.

  Rolling over so he was close enough to run his tongue along her arm, Ford lavished affection to any part of her he could reach. The salty flavor that coated her body was a testament to the ferocity of their lovemaking. He wanted to lick her until she smelled like him not only on the inside but the outside as well.


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